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SIEMENS EU-Konformitätserklärung I EU-Declaration of Conformity Nr. / No. 850 / S7-1200-F / J3l 06.2017 Gerätetyp/Produkt Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung SIMATIC S7-1200-F A p p a r a t u s m o d e t /P ro d u ct if,flr?n1¡:,?:".:ßríîlî, s t M Ar t c s 7 - I 2 o 0 - F Zentralbaugruppe/ Central Processing Units cPU 1214FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 214-14F40-0X80 .cPU 1214FC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1HF40-0X80 cPU 1212FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 2'12-14F40-0X80 cPU 121sFC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 215-14F40-0X80 -cPU 121sFC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1HF40-0X80 -cPU 1212FC DC/DCiRLY 6ES7 212-1HF40-0X80 Hersteller Manufacturer Anschrift Address Digitaleingabebaugruppe & Digitalausgabebaugruppe/ Digital lnput & Output Modules SM 1226 F-Dl 8/16 x 24 VDC 6ES7 226-68432-0X80 SM 1226 F-DQ 4 x 24 VDC 6ES7 226-6D432-0X80 .SM 1226 F-DQ 2 x Relay 6ES7 226-6R432-0X80 Modules marked with * (asterisk) don't apply to the ATEX directive. Siemens AG DF FAAS Gleiwitzer Strasse 555 DE-90475 Nuremberg Germany Die alleinige Verantwortung für die Ausstellung dieser Konformitätserklärung trägt der Hersteller. Th¡s declaration of conforn¡ty is issued under the sole responsibil¡ty of the manufacturer. Der oben beschriebene Gegenstand der Erklärung erfüllt d¡e einschlägigen Harmon¡sierungsrechtsvorschriften der Union, je nach eingesetzten Komponenten: The object of the declaration descr¡bed above is ¡n conform¡ty w¡th the relevant Union harmon¡sation leg¡slation, depending on the components used: 2006t421F.G Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 17. Mai 2006 über Maschinen und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 95/16/EG (Neufassung); Amtsblatt der EU L1 57, 9/06/2006, S. 24-87 2006/4ZEC Dircct¡ve of the European Parliament and of the Counc¡l of 17. May 2006 on machinery, and amend¡ng D¡rect¡ve 95/168C (recast); Off¡c¡al Journal of lhÞtrlll4q7 O/n^Þnnà ^ tÁ-R7 201413418U Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Februar 20'14 zur Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten für Geråte und Schutzsysteme zur bestimmungsgemäßen VeMendung in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen; Amtsblatt der EU L96,29103120'14, S. 309-356 2U1ß1/EU Direct¡ve of the European Parliament and of the Counc¡l of 26 February 2014 on the harmon¡sat¡on of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres; Off¡cial Journal of the EU L96, 29/03/201 4, p. 309-356 20141301FU Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Februar 2014 zut Harmon¡sierung der Rechtsvorschr¡fien der Mitgliedstaaten r.¡ber die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit; Amtsblatt der EU 196, 29103/2014, S. 79-106 2014/30/EU D¡rect¡ve of the European Parl¡ament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the hamonisation electromaqnetic compatibilitv: Official Journal of the EU L96. 29n3/2014, p. 79-106 of (the laws of the Member States relating to 2o'l'llÊílÊU Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 8. Juni 2011 und Elektronikgeräten; Amtsblatt der EU L17 4, 1 107 l2O1 1, S. 88-1 I 0 2011/65/EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of I June 201 1 electron¡c equipment: Off¡c¡al Journal of the EU L174. 1n7/2011 , p. 88-110 zur Beschränkung der Verwendung bestimmter gefährl¡cher Stotfe in Elektro- on the restriction of the use of certa¡n hazardous suósfances in electr¡cal and Bevollmächt¡gt für die Zusammenstellung der technischen Unterlagen: Authorised to comDile the technical contenL Siemens AG, DF FA AS SYS Werner-von-Siemens Str.50. 92224 Ambela body Íüt Maschinentiehtlinie I for Machinerv D¡rect¡ve: TÜV SÜD Produkt Service GmbH Zertifizierstelle R¡dlerstraße 65, 80339 München; Germany Kennnummer der benannten Stelle I ident¡fication number of the notif¡ed body: 0123 Nummer EU-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung I number EU type-exam¡nation certif¡cate: M6A 13 11 67803 008 Referenznummer Ausgabedatum Reference number Date of issue ll 3GExnAllCT3Gc Name, Anschr¡ft der anerkannten Prüfstelle / narne, address of the Test Laboratory: iür ATEK-Richtlinie I for ATEX Directive: DEKRA Certification B.V. Meander 1051, 6825 MJ Arnhem; Netherlands Nummer Baumusterprüfbescheinigung I nu m ber type-exam¡nat¡on ceñ¡ficate: KEMA 04 ATEX 1 1 30 X Die Übereinstimmung des bezeichneten Produkts mit den Vorschr¡ften der angewandten Richtl¡nie(n) wird nachgewiesen durch die vollständ¡ge Einhaltung folgender Normen / Vorschr¡ften: The confomity of the des¡gnated product with the provisions of the appl¡ed Directive(s) is proved by full compliance with the follow¡ng standards / regulations: Harmonisierte Normen I Harmonized standards: EN 61000-6-4 EN 62061 2007+A'l:2011 2005+42i2015 Referenznummer Ausgabedatum Referenznummer Ausgabedatum Reference number Date of issue Reference number Date of ¡ssue EN 61000-6-2 2005 EN rSO 13849-1 2015 EN 60079-0 2012+A'11:2013 EN 60079-15 2010 EN 50581 2012 EN 61131-2 2007 Untezeichnet für und im Namen von:/ S¡gned fot and on behalf of: Siemens Aktien gesellschaft Amberg, Alo¡s Gresser ¿l_@æ11 Oi.I place of issue Datum / DaÍe ofrssue Florian Göldner Director Quality Assurance, DF FA MF QM Name / name Funktion I function i. /. Diese Erklärung bescheinigt die Übereinstimmung mitden genannten R¡chtlinien, ist jedoch keine Beschaffenheits- oder Haltbarkeitsgarant¡e. This declaration certifies the compliance w¡th the ¡nd¡cated dircct¡ves but does not imply any warranty fot propeñies. Die S¡cherheitshinweise der mitgelieferten Produktdokumentation sind zu beachten. The safety instructions of the accompany¡ng product documentation shall be obseNed. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Cha¡rman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme; Managing Board: Joe Kaeser, Chairman, Pres¡dent and Ch¡ef Executive Offìcer; Roland Busch, Lisa Dav¡s, Klaus Helmrich, Janina Kugel, Cedrik Neike, Michael Sen, Ralf P. Thomas; Registered otf¡ces: Berlin and Munich, Germany; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684ì WEEE-Reg.-No. D823691322 DF FA AS SYS 850 CE 57 1200 F J3 06 2017 d e Seite I von 1

SIEMENSEU-Konformitätserklärung I EU-Declaration of Conformity

Nr. / No. 850 / S7-1200-F / J3l 06.2017

Gerätetyp/Produkt Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung SIMATIC S7-1200-FA p p a r a t u s m o d e t /P ro d u ct

if,flr?n1¡:,?:".:ßríîlî, s t M Ar t c s 7 - I 2 o 0 - F

Zentralbaugruppe/ Central Processing UnitscPU 1214FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 214-14F40-0X80.cPU 1214FC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1HF40-0X80cPU 1212FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 2'12-14F40-0X80

cPU 121sFC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 215-14F40-0X80-cPU 121sFC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1HF40-0X80-cPU 1212FC DC/DCiRLY 6ES7 212-1HF40-0X80


Digitaleingabebaugruppe & Digitalausgabebaugruppe/ Digital lnput & Output ModulesSM 1226 F-Dl 8/16 x 24 VDC 6ES7 226-68432-0X80SM 1226 F-DQ 4 x 24 VDC 6ES7 226-6D432-0X80

.SM 1226 F-DQ 2 x Relay 6ES7 226-6R432-0X80

Modules marked with * (asterisk) don't apply to the ATEX directive.

Siemens AG DF FAAS

Gleiwitzer Strasse 555DE-90475 NurembergGermany

Die alleinige Verantwortung für die Ausstellung dieser Konformitätserklärung trägt der Hersteller.Th¡s declaration of conforn¡ty is issued under the sole responsibil¡ty of the manufacturer.Der oben beschriebene Gegenstand der Erklärung erfüllt d¡e einschlägigen Harmon¡sierungsrechtsvorschriften der Union, je nach eingesetztenKomponenten:The object of the declaration descr¡bed above is ¡n conform¡ty w¡th the relevant Union harmon¡sation leg¡slation, depending on the components used:

2006t421F.G Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 17. Mai 2006 über Maschinen und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 95/16/EG (Neufassung);Amtsblatt der EU L1 57, 9/06/2006, S. 24-872006/4ZEC Dircct¡ve of the European Parliament and of the Counc¡l of 17. May 2006 on machinery, and amend¡ng D¡rect¡ve 95/168C (recast); Off¡c¡al Journal oflhÞtrlll4q7 O/n^Þnnà ^ tÁ-R7201413418U Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Februar 20'14 zur Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten fürGeråte und Schutzsysteme zur bestimmungsgemäßen VeMendung in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen; Amtsblatt der EU L96,29103120'14, S. 309-3562U1ß1/EU Direct¡ve of the European Parliament and of the Counc¡l of 26 February 2014 on the harmon¡sat¡on of the laws of the Member States relating toequipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres; Off¡cial Journal of the EU L96, 29/03/201 4, p. 309-35620141301FU Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Februar 2014 zut Harmon¡sierung der Rechtsvorschr¡fien der Mitgliedstaaten r.¡ber dieelektromagnetische Verträglichkeit; Amtsblatt der EU 196, 29103/2014, S. 79-1062014/30/EU D¡rect¡ve of the European Parl¡ament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the hamonisationelectromaqnetic compatibilitv: Official Journal of the EU L96. 29n3/2014, p. 79-106

of (the laws of the Member States relating to

2o'l'llÊílÊU Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 8. Juni 2011und Elektronikgeräten; Amtsblatt der EU L17 4, 1 107 l2O1 1, S. 88-1 I 02011/65/EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of I June 201 1

electron¡c equipment: Off¡c¡al Journal of the EU L174. 1n7/2011 , p. 88-110

zur Beschränkung der Verwendung bestimmter gefährl¡cher Stotfe in Elektro-

on the restriction of the use of certa¡n hazardous suósfances in electr¡cal and

Bevollmächt¡gt für die Zusammenstellung der technischen Unterlagen:Authorised to comDile the technical contenL

Siemens AG, DF FA AS SYSWerner-von-Siemens Str.50. 92224 Ambela


Íüt Maschinentiehtlinie I for Machinerv D¡rect¡ve:TÜV SÜD Produkt Service GmbH ZertifizierstelleR¡dlerstraße 65, 80339 München; GermanyKennnummer der benannten Stelle I ident¡fication number of the notif¡ed body:0123Nummer EU-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung I number EU type-exam¡nationcertif¡cate:M6A 13 11 67803 008

Referenznummer AusgabedatumReference number Date of issue

ll 3GExnAllCT3GcName, Anschr¡ft der anerkannten Prüfstelle / narne, address of the TestLaboratory:iür ATEK-Richtlinie I for ATEX Directive:DEKRA Certification B.V.Meander 1051, 6825 MJ Arnhem; Netherlands

Nummer Baumusterprüfbescheinigung I nu m ber type-exam¡nat¡onceñ¡ficate:KEMA 04 ATEX 1 1 30 X

Die Übereinstimmung des bezeichneten Produkts mit den Vorschr¡ften der angewandten Richtl¡nie(n) wird nachgewiesen durch die vollständ¡ge Einhaltung folgenderNormen / Vorschr¡ften:The confomity of the des¡gnated product with the provisions of the appl¡ed Directive(s) is proved by full compliance with the follow¡ng standards / regulations:

Harmonisierte Normen I Harmonized standards:

EN 61000-6-4EN 62061


Referenznummer Ausgabedatum Referenznummer AusgabedatumReference number Date of issue Reference number Date of ¡ssueEN 61000-6-2 2005 EN rSO 13849-1 2015EN 60079-0 2012+A'11:2013 EN 60079-15 2010EN 50581 2012EN 61131-2 2007

Untezeichnet für und im Namen von:/ S¡gned fot and on behalf of:

Siemens Aktien gesellschaft

Amberg, Alo¡s Gresser

¿l_@æ11Oi.I place of issueDatum / DaÍe ofrssue

Florian GöldnerDirector Quality Assurance,DF FA MF QM

Name / nameFunktion I function

i. /.

Diese Erklärung bescheinigt die Übereinstimmung mitden genannten R¡chtlinien, ist jedoch keine Beschaffenheits- oder Haltbarkeitsgarant¡e.This declaration certifies the compliance w¡th the ¡nd¡cated dircct¡ves but does not imply any warranty fot propeñies.Die S¡cherheitshinweise der mitgelieferten Produktdokumentation sind zu beachten.The safety instructions of the accompany¡ng product documentation shall be obseNed.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Cha¡rman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme; Managing Board: Joe Kaeser, Chairman, Pres¡dent and Ch¡ef ExecutiveOffìcer; Roland Busch, Lisa Dav¡s, Klaus Helmrich, Janina Kugel, Cedrik Neike, Michael Sen, Ralf P. Thomas; Registered otf¡ces: Berlin and Munich, Germany;Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684ì WEEE-Reg.-No. D823691322


850 CE 57 1200 F J3 06 2017 d e Seite I von 1

Unrestricted ACMA form – C02 Page 1 of 5 April 2010

Supplier’s declaration of conformityFor compliance levels 1, 2 and 3 in Australia

As required by the following Notices:

· Radiocommunications Devices (Compliance Labelling) Notice 2003 made under section 182 of the Australian RadiocommunicationsAct 1992;

· Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Notice 2008 made under section 182 of the AustralianRadiocommunications Act 1992;

· Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling – Electromagnetic Radiation) Notice 2003 made under section 182 of the AustralianRadiocommunications Act 1992; and

· Telecommunications Labelling (Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) Notice 2001 made under section 407 of the AustralianTelecommunications Act 1997

Instructions for completion

· Do not return this form to the ACMA. This completed form must be retained by the supplier as part of the documentation required for thecompliance records and must be made available for inspection by the ACMA when requested.

Supplier’s details (manufacturer, importer or authorised agent)

Company Name (OR INDIVIDUAL)

Siemens Ltd

Industry Sector

Industry Automation Division

Street Address

885 Mountain Highway

Bayswater VIC 3153

ACMA supplier code number



Siemens Ltd., ABN 98 004 347 880

Product details

Product description – brand name, type, model, lot, batch or serial number (if available)

SIMATIC S7-1200 (V17 / 07.16)Central Processing Units (CPU) Siemens Model Number

CPU 1212FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 212-1AF40-0XB0CPU 1212FC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1HF40-0XB0CPU 1214FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 214-1AF40-0XB0CPU 1214FC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1HF40-0XB0CPU 1215FC DC/DC/DC 6ES7 215-1AF40-0XB0CPU 1215FC DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1HF40-0XB0Siemcore918 DCDCDC 6ES7 212-1AE40-0XB0-ZCPU 1217C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 217-1AG40-0XB0CPU 1215C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1BG40-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 215-1AG40-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC 200K WM 6ES7 215-1AL40-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC 500K WM 6ES7 215-1AM40-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1HG40-0XB0CPU 1214C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1BG40-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 214-1AG40-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1HG40-0XB0CPU 1212C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1BE40-0XB0

Unrestricted ACMA form – C02 Page 2 of 5 April 2010

CPU 1212C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 212-1AE40-0XB0CPU 1212C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1HE40-0XB0CPU 1211C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 211-1BE40-0XB0CPU 1211C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 211-1AE40-0XB0CPU 1211C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 211-1HE40-0XB0

CPU 1215C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1BG31-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 215-1AG31-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC 200K 6ES7 215-1AL31-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/DC 500K 6ES7 215-1AM31-0XB0CPU 1215C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 215-1HG31-0XB0CPU 1214C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1BG31-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 214-1AG31-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1HG31-0XB0CPU 1212C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1BE31-0XB0CPU 1212C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 212-1AE31-0XB0CPU 1212C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1HE31-0XB0CPU 1211C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 211-1BE31-0XB0CPU 1211C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 211-1AE31-0XB0CPU 1211C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 211-1HE31-0XB0

CPU 1214C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1BE30-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 214-1AE30-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 214-1HE30-0XB0CPU 1214C DC/DC/RLY with 100K Memory 6AV6 675-5XF00-0AX0CPU 1212C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1BD30-0XB0CPU 1212C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 212-1AD30-0XB0CPU 1212C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 212-1HD30-0XB0CPU 1211C AC/DC/RLY 6ES7 211-1BD30-0XB0CPU 1211C DC/DC/DC 6ES7 211-1AD30-0XB0CPU 1211C DC/DC/RLY 6ES7 211-1HD30-0XB0

Signal Modules (SM) Siemens Model NumberSM 1238 Energy Meter 480VAC 6ES7 238-5XA32-0XB0SM 1226 F-DI 16 x 24VDC 6ES7 226-6BA32-0XB0SM 1226 F-DQ 4 x 24VDC 6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0SM 1226 F-DQ 2 x Relay 6ES7 226-6RA32-0XB0SM 1278 4xIO-Link Master 6ES7 278-4BD32-0XB0SM 1221 DI 8xDC 6ES7 221-1BF32-0XB0SM 1221 DI 16xDC 6ES7 221-1BH32-0XB0SM 1222 DO 8xDC 6ES7 222-1BF32-0XB0SM 1222 DO 8xRLY 6ES7 222-1HF32-0XB0SM 1222 DO 16xDC 6ES7 222-1BH32-0XB0SM 1222 DO 16xRLY 6ES7 222-1HH32-0XB0SM 1223 DI 8xDC / DO 8xDC 6ES7 223-1BH32-0XB0SM 1223 DI 8xDC / DO 8xRLY 6ES7 223-1PH32-0XB0SM 1223 DI 16xDC / DO 16xDC 6ES7 223-1BL32-0XB0SM 1223 DI 16xDC / DO 16xRLY 6ES7 223-1PL32-0XB0SM 1232 AQ 2x14 bit 6ES7 232-4HB32-0XB0SM 1231 AI 4x13 bit 6ES7 231-4HD32-0XB0SM 1234 AI 4x13 bit / AQ 2x14 bit 6ES7 234-4HE32-0XB0

Unrestricted ACMA form – C02 Page 3 of 5 April 2010

SM 1232 AQ 4x14 bit 6ES7 232-4HD32-0XB0SM 1231 AI 8x13 bit 6ES7 231-4HF32-0XB0SM 1223 DI 8xAC / DO 8xRLY 6ES7 223-1QH32-0XB0SM 1222 DQ8xRLY (CO) 6ES7 222-1XF32-0XB0SM 1231 RTD 4x16 bit 6ES7 231-5PD32-0XB0SM 1231 TC 4 x 16 bit 6ES7 231-5QD32-0XB0SM 1231 RTD 8 x 16 bit 6ES7 231-5PF32-0XB0SM 1231 TC 8 x 16 bit 6ES7 231-5QF32-0XB0SM 1231 4 x Analog Input x 16 bit (high feature) 6ES7 231-5ND32-0XB0

SM 1221 DI 8xDC 6ES7 221-1BF30-0XB0SM 1221 DI 16xDC 6ES7 221-1BH30-0XB0SM 1222 DO 8xDC 6ES7 222-1BF30-0XB0SM 1222 DO 8xRLY 6ES7 222-1HF30-0XB0SM 1222 DO 16xDC 6ES7 222-1BH30-0XB0SM 1222 DO 16xRLY 6ES7 222-1HH30-0XB0SM 1223 DI 8xDC / DO 8xDC 6ES7 223-1BH30-0XB0SM 1223 DI 8xDC / DO 8xRLY 6ES7 223-1PH30-0XB0SM 1223 DI 16xDC / DO 16xDC 6ES7 223-1BL30-0XB0SM 1223 DI 16xDC / DO 16xRLY 6ES7 223-1PL30-0XB0SM 1232 AQ 2x14 bit 6ES7 232-4HB30-0XB0SM 1231 AI 4x13 bit 6ES7 231-4HD30-0XB0SM 1234 AI 4x13 bit / AQ 2x14 bit 6ES7 234-4HE30-0XB0SM 1232 AQ 4x14 bit 6ES7 232-4HD30-0XB0SM 1231 AI 8x13 bit 6ES7 231-4HF30-0XB0SM 1231 RTD 4x16 bit 6ES7 231-5PD30-0XB0SM 1231 TC 4 x 16 bit 6ES7 231-5QD30-0XB0SM 1223 DI 8xAC / DO 8xRLY 6ES7 223-1QH30-0XB0SM 1231 RTD 8 x 16 bit 6ES7 231-5PF30-0XB0SM 1231 TC 8 x 16 bit 6ES7 231-5QF30-0XB0SM 1222 DQ8xRLY (CO) 6ES7 222-1XF30-0XB0SM 1231 4 x Analog Input x 16 bit (high feature) 6ES7 231-5ND30-0XB0

Communication Modules (CM) Siemens Model NumberCM 1241 RS232 6ES7 241-1AH32-0XB0CM 1241 RS-422/485 6ES7 241-1CH32-0XB0CM 1241 RS485 6ES7 241-1CH30-0XB0CM 1241 RS232 6ES7 241-1AH30-0XB0CM 1241 RS-422/485 6ES7 241-1CH31-0XB0

Signal Boards (SB) Siemens Model NumberSB 1223 DI 2xDC / DO 2xDC 6ES7 223-0BD30-0XB0SB 1232 AQ 1x12 bit 6ES7 232-4HA30-0XB0SB 1221 DI 4x24V, HS 6ES7 221-3BD30-0XB0SB 1222 DQ 4x24V, HS 6ES7 222-1BD30-0XB0SB 1223 DI 2x24V / DQ 2x24V, HS 6ES7 223-3BD30-0XB0SB 1221 DI 4x5V, HS 6ES7 221-3AD30-0XB0SB 1222 DQ 4x5V, HS 6ES7 222-1AD30-0XB0SB 1223 DI 2x5V / DQ 2x5V, HS 6ES7 223-3AD30-0XB0SB 1231 AI 1x12 bit 6ES7 231-4HA30-0XB0SB 1231 TC 1x16 bit 6ES7 231-5QA30-0XB0

Unrestricted ACMA form – C02 Page 4 of 5 April 2010

SB 1231 RTD 1x16 bit 6ES7 231- 5PA30-0XB0

Communication Boards (CB) Siemens Model NumberCB 1241 RS-485 6ES7 241-1CH30-1XB0

Battery Boards (BB) Siemens Model NumberBB 1297 Battery 6ES7 297-0AX30-0XA0

Accessories Siemens Model NumberPotentiometer Module 6ES7 274-1XA30-0XA08 Position Input Simulator 6ES7 274-1XF30-0XA014 Position Input Simulator 6ES7 274-1XH30-0XA0Input Simulator, CPU 1217C 6ES7 274-1XK30-0XA0I/O Expansion Cable, 2 meters 6ES7 290-6AA30-0XA0

Unrestricted ACMA form – C02 Page 5 of 5 April 2010


The above mentioned product complies with the requirements of the relevant ACMA Standards made under the Radiocommunications Act 1992and the Telecommunications Act 1997. These Standards are referenced in notices made under section 182 of the Radiocommunications Actand 407 of the Telecommunications Act.

Evidence of compliance is demonstrated by test reports to the following applicable standards.

Applicable standards

Standard title, number and, if applicable, number of the test report

AS/NZA 61000.6.4

IEC 61000-6-4 (Class A)

DeclarationI hereby declare that the contents of this form are true and correct, that the product mentioned above complies with the relevant above mentioned standards and all

products supplied under this declaration will be identical to the product identified above.

Note: Under section 137.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995, it is an offence to knowingly provide false or misleading information to a Commonwealth entity.

Penalty: 12 months imprisonment

Distribution, copying or any other use of information in this report in part is strictly prohibited

Annex 1 of the Report

to the


Z10 16 02 67803 010

Safety-Related Programmable System

SIMATIC Safety System


Siemens AG Gleiwitzer Str. 555

D-90475 Nürnberg

Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Revision 2.4.1 dated 2017-06-13

Testing Body:

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Rail Automation Barthstrasse 16

D-80339 München

Certification Body:

TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH Ridlerstraße 65

D-80339 München

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 16

Revision Log

Version Name Date Changes/History

0.1 P. Weiß 2011-10-18 Initial

0.9 P. Weiß 2011-10-20 Review comments from Siemens included

1.0 P. Weiß 2011-10-25 Released (SN83930T)

1.1 P. Weiß 2011-11-09 HSP0030 added (SN84660T)

1.2 W. Henke 2013-08-23 STEP 7 Safety V12.0, additional revision V1.1 for RCVS7, SENDS7 und MUT_P (Signature unchanged!) (SN83930T)

Modules added (SA85222T):




1.3 W. Henke,

P. Weiß

2013-11-07 STEP 7 Safety V12.0.1

F-CPU added


1.4 P. Weiß 2014-03-14 STEP7 Safety Version V13 added

F-CPU added


1.5 J. Blum

P. Weiß

2014-03-31 HSP0082 added

Module added (SA85747T):

F-RQ 1x24VDC/24..230VAC/5A

1.6 P. Weiß 2014-06-30 STEP7 Safety Version V13.0 Update1 added


1.7 P. Weiß

J. Blum

2014-07-16 F-CPUs added (SN85993T):

CPU 1517F-3 PN/DP (6ES7 517-3FP00-0AB0)

CPU 1515F-2 PN (6ES7 515-2FM00-0AB0)

Release Number / Firmware Version added (SN85994T):

F-DI 8x24VDC HF (6ES7 136-6BA00-0CA0)

1.8 J. Blum 2014-10-27 Release Number / Firmware Version added (SN86220T):

F-DQ 4x24VDC/2A HF (6ES7 136-6DB00-0CA0)

1.9 P. Weiß 2015-01-14 STEP7 Safety Version V13.0 SP1 added


F-CPUs added (SN86372T):

F-CPU 1510SPF (6ES7 510-1SJ00-0AB0)

F-CPU 1511F (6ES7 511-1FK00-0AB0)

F-CPU 1512SPF (6ES7 512-1SK00-0AB0)

F-CPU 1513F (6ES7 513-1FL00-0AB0)

F-CPU 1214FC (6ES7 214-1AF40-0XB0)

F-CPU 1214FC (6ES7 214-1HF40-0XB0)

F-CPU 1215FC (6ES7 215-1AF40-0XB0)

F-CPU 1215FC (6ES7 215-1HF40-0XB0)

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 16

Version Name Date Changes/History

1.10 P. Weiß 2015-07-15 STEP7 Safety Version V13.0 SP1 Update4 added (SN87018T)

F-CPUs added (SN87018T):

F-CPU 1510SPF (6ES7 510-1SJ01-0AB0)

F-CPU 1511F (6ES7 511-1FK01-0AB0)

F-CPU 1512SPF (6ES7 512-1SK01-0AB0)

F-CPU 1513F (6ES7 513-1FL01-0AB0)

F-CPU 1515F (6ES7 515-2FM01-0AB0)

F-CPU 1516F (6ES7 516-3FN01-0AB0)

HSP0145 added (SN87018T)

Modules added (SF86498T):

SM 1226 F-DI 16 x 24 VDC (6ES7 226-6BA32-0XB0)

SM 1226 F-DQ 4 x 24 VDC (6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0)

SM 1226 F-DQ 2 x Relay 24VDC/24..230VAC/5A (6ES7 226-6RA32-0XB0)

1.11 J. Blum 2015-10-13 FW-Version V1.0.5 added (SN87648T):

F-DI 8x24VDC HF (6ES7 136-6BA00-0CA0); and

FW-Version V1.0.5, Release Number 03 added (SN87648T):

F-PM-E 24VDC/8A PPM ST (6ES7 136-6PA00-0BC0)

1.12 P. Weiß 2015-10-27 STEP 7 Safety Version V13.0 SP1 Update 5 added


1.13 J. Blum 2016-01-19 Release Number 04 added (SN88143T):

F-DI 8x24VDC HF (6ES7 136-6BA00-0CA0)

F-DQ 4x24VDC/2A PM HF (6ES7 136-6DB00-0CA0)

F-PM-E 24VDC/8A PPM ST (6ES7 136-6PA00-0BC0)

Firmware V1.0.1 and V1.0.3 removed:

F-DI 8x24VDC HF (6ES7 136-6BA00-0CA0)

F-PM-E 24VDC/8A PPM ST (6ES7 136-6PA00-0BC0)

1.14 G. Effenberger

2016-03-04 Update standard’s date of issue and new certificate numbers (Z10 13 09 67803 007 to Z10 16 02 67803 010) (SN88286T)

Update address manufacturer (deleted Industry Sector IA AS) on certificate

ET200SP F-RQ, Release Number 02 added (Reviewreport to 717511912)

1.15 C. Dirmeier 2016-06-30 HSP 0086 added

Modules added (SN88221T):


F-DI 16 x 24 VDC (6ES7 526-1BH00-0AB0)

F-DQ 8 x 24 VDC/2A PPM (6ES7 526-2BF00-0AB0)

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 4 of 16

Version Name Date Changes/History

2.0 P. Weiß 2016-09-27 STEP7 Safety Version V14.0 (SN83930T)

F-CPUs added (SN90006T):

F-CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP ODK (6ES7 518-4FP00-3AB0)

F-CPU 1517TF-3 PN/DP (6ES7 517-3UP00-0AB0)

F-CPU 1516proF-2 PN (6ES7 516-2GN00-0AB00)

F-CPU 1212FC DC/DC/DC (6ES7 212-1AF40-0XB0)

F-CPU 1212FC DC/DC/RLY (6ES7 212-1HF40-0XB0)

S7-1500 F SW Controller (6ES7 672-5SC01-0YA0, 6ES7 672-7FC01-0YA0)

2.1 C. Dirmeier 2016-10-27 Release Number 05 added (SN90106T):

F-PM-E 24VDC/8A PPM ST (6ES7 136-6PA00-0BC0)

Firmware Version V1.0.1 added (SN90101T):

F-DI 16x24VDC HF (6ES7 526-1BH00-0AB0)

Adjustment of Version of Productinfo in footer 1

2.2 C. Dirmeier 2017-03-21 FW-Version V1.0.1 added (SN90774T):

F-DQ 8x24VDC/2A PPM (6ES7 526-2BF00-0AB0)

2.3 P. Weiß 2017-03-31 STEP7 Safety Version V14.0 SP1 added (SF90549T)

STEP7 Safety Version V13.0 SP2 added (SF90549T)

F-CPUs added (SF90549T):

F-CPU 1511TF-1 PN (6ES7 511-1UK01-0AB0)

F-CPU 1515TF-2 PN (6ES7 515-2UM01-0AB0)

Chapter 2 restructured

2.4 G. Effenberger, C. Dirmeier

2017-05-31 STEP 7 Safety V14.0 SP1+HSP0202 added

Module added (SN 90962T):

· F-DQ 8x24VDC/0.5A PP HF (6ES7 136-6DC00-0CA0)

2.4.1 C. Dirmieer 2017-06-12 Editorial adjustments (according SN90006T, SN90335T and SN90549T)

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 5 of 16

1 Safety-Relevant Hardware/Firmware Components

The following system components with their configuration by using STEP 7 Safety are certified ‘safety related’. This allows the components to be used to process safety critical signals and functions:

Module Order Number Release Number / Firmware Version

Module Description


CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP

6ES7 518-4FP00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.5 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 518-4FP00-3AB0 X)

04 or higher / V2.0.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1517F-3 PN/DP

6ES7 517-3FP00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.6 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1517TF-3 PN/DP

6ES7 517-3UP00-0AB0 X)

04 or higher / V2.0.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1516F-3 PN/DP

6ES7 516-3FN01-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.8.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1516F-3 PN/DP

6ES7 516-3FN00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.1.2 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1516proF-2 PN

6ES7 516-2GN00-0AB0 X)

01 or higher / V2.0.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1515F-2 PN

6ES7 515-2FM01-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.8.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1515F-2 PN

6ES7 515-2FM00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.6 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1515TF-2 PN

6ES7 515-2UM01-0AB0 X)

03 or higher / V2.1.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1513F-1 PN

6ES7 513-1FL01-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.8.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1513F-1 PN

6ES7 513-1FL00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.7.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 6 of 16

Module Order Number Release Number / Firmware Version

Module Description

CPU 1511F-1 PN

6ES7 511-1FK01-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.8.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1511F-1 PN

6ES7 511-1FK00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.7.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1511TF-1 PN

6ES7 511-1UK01-0AB0 X)

03 or higher / V2.1.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1512SP F-1 PN

6ES7 512-1SK01-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.8.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1512SP F-1 PN

6ES7 512-1SK00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.7.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1510SP F-1 PN

6ES7 510-1SJ01-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.8.1 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

CPU 1510SP F-1 PN

6ES7 510-1SJ00-0AB0

01 or higher / V1.7.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 215-1AF40-0XB0

01 or higher / V4.1.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 215-1HF40-0XB0

01 or higher / V4.1.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 214-1AF40-0XB0

01 or higher / V4.1.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 214-1HF40-0XB0

01 or higher / V4.1.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 212-1AF40-0XB0 X)

05 or higher / V4.2.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.


6ES7 212-1HF40-0XB0 X)

05 or higher / V4.2.0 or higher

CPU which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application program.

S7-1500 F SW Controller

6ES7 672-5SC01-0YA0

6ES7 672-

--- / V2.0 or higher Soft-PLC which is suitable for safety-related applications by using a fail-safe-application

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 7 of 16

Module Order Number Release Number / Firmware Version

Module Description

7FC01-0YA0 program.

Modules ET 200MP:

F-DI 16x24VDC 6ES7 526-1BH00-0AB0

01 / V1.0.0, V1.0.1 16 channel digital input module 24VDC


6ES7 526-2BF00-0AB0

01 to 02 / V1.0.01 V1.0.1

8 channel digital output module 24VDC

Modules ET 200SP:


6ES7 136-6BA00-0CA0

01 to 04 / V1.0.5 8 channel digital input module 24VDC


6ES7 136-6DB00-0CA0

01 to 04 / V1.0.2, V1.0.3

4 channel digital output module 24VDC


6ES7 136-6PA00-0BC0

01 to 05 / V1.0.5 power module 24VDC; P- / M-switch

F-RQ 1x24VDC/24…230VAC/5A

6ES7 136-6RA00-0BF0

01 to 02 1 channel digital relay output module 24VDC/5A, 24…230VAC/5A

F-DQ 8x24VDC/0.5A PP HF

6ES7 136-6DC00-0CA0

01 / V1.0.0 8 channel digital output module 24VDC

Modules S7-1200:

SM 1226 F-DI 16 x 24 VDC

6ES7 226-6BA32-0XB0

01 / V2.0.0 16 channel digital input module 24VDC

SM 1226 F-DQ 4 x 24 VDC

6ES7 226-6DA32-0XB0

01 / V2.0.0 4 channel digital output module 24VDC

SM 1226 F-DQ 2 x Relay 24VDC/24…230VAC/5A

6ES7 226-6RA32-0XB0

01 / V2.0.0 2 channel digital relay output module 24VDC/24...230VAC/5A

The modules listed above – marked with « X) » - comply with the Application Standards defined in the report to the certificate (see chapter 3.6). Only they are type tested in accordance to EN 298:2012, EN 50156-1:2015 and EN 50156-2:2015.

1 ET200MP F-DQ 8x24VDC/2A PPM V1.0.0 only with restricted parameters according product information A5E37428391-AC, 09/2016,

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 8 of 16

The following elements listed in certificate S7 Distributed Safety can also be used with elements listed within the certifiicate of SIMATIC Safety System

- F- CPUs: CPU ET 200S, CPU ET 200pro, CPU S7-300, CPU S7-400 and Soft-PLC - F- Modules: ET 200SP, ET 200M, ET 200S, ET 200pro, ET 200eco and ET 200iSP

For details please see chapter 2.4 in report to the certificate of SIMATIC Safety.

2 Safety-Relevant Software Components

2.1 CPUs S7-1200/S7-1500 and STEP 7 Safety V14 and higher

STEP 7 Safety V14.0, V14.0 SP1

V14.0 SP1+HSP0202

The Optional Package includes the following Safety system versions:

Safety System versions

CPUs S7-1200 V 1.6, V 2.0, V 2.1

CPUs S7- 1500 V 1.6, V 2.0, V 2.1

The Optional Package includes the following system library elements:

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)






Version Version

ACK_GL V1.3 V1.3

ACK_OP V1.3 V1.3

BO_W V1.4

V2.0 1 V1.4

V2.0 2

CTD V1.3 V1.3

CTU V1.3 V1.3

CTUD V1.3 V1.3

ESTOP1 V1.5 V1.5

EV1oo2DI V1.3 V1.3

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 9 of 16

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)






Version Version

FDBACK V1.5 V1.5

MUT_P V1.4 V1.4


V2.0 1

V1.4 V1.5

V2.0 2

SCALE V1.2 V1.2


V2.0 1

V1.4 V1.5

V2.0 2

SFDOOR V1.3 V1.3

SHL V1.4

V2.0 1 V1.4

V2.0 2

SHR V1.4

V2.0 1 V1.4

V2.0 2

TOF V1.4 V1.4

TON V1.4 V1.4

TP V1.4 V1.4

TWO_H_EN V1.3 V1.3

W_BO V1.4

V2.0 1

V1.4 V2.0 2

1 ab Firmware-Version V4.2 unterstützt

2 ab Firmware-Version V2.0 unterstützt

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 10 of 16

2.2 CPUs S7-1200/S7-1500 and STEP 7 Safety V11 to V13

STEP 7 Safety V11.0, V11.0+HSP0030,

V12.0, V12.0+HSP0082,

V13.0, V13.0 Update1,

V13.0 SP1,

V13.0 SP1 +Update4/Update 5 (+HSP0145/+HSP0086)

V13.0 SP2

The Optional Package includes the following system library elements:

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)






Version Version

ACK_GL V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

ACK_OP V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

BO_W V1.3 V1.2 V1.3

CTD V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

CTU V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

CTUD V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

ESTOP1 V1.3 V1.4

V1.2 V1.3 V1.4

EV1oo2DI V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

FDBACK V1.3 V1.4

V1.2 V1.3 V1.4

MUT_P V1.3 V1.2 V1.3

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 11 of 16

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)






Version Version

RCVDP --- V1.2 V1.3

SCALE --- V1.1

SENDDP --- V1.2 V1.3

SFDOOR V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

SHL V1.3 V1.2 V1.3

SHR V1.3 V1.2 V1.3

TOF V1.2 V1.3

V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

TON V1.2 V1.3

V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

TP V1.2 V1.3

V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

TWO_H_EN V1.2 V1.1 V1.2

W_BO V1.3 V1.2 V1.3

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 12 of 16

Other Instructions and F-system blocks (optional package STEP 7 Safety)






Version Version


(without own version) V1.3



F-system blocks V1.3 V1.2


F-IO access V1.3 V1.2


2.3 CPUs S7-300/S7-400 and STEP 7 Safety V11 and higher

STEP 7 Safety V11.0, V11.0+HSP0030,

V12.0, V12.0+HSP0082,

V13.0, V13.0 Update1,

V13.0 SP1,

V13.0 SP1 +Update4/Update 5 (+HSP0145/+HSP0086)

V13.0 SP2,

V14.0, V14.0 SP1

V14.0 SP1+HSP0202

The Optional Package includes the following Safety system versions:

Safety System versions (STEP 7 Safety V14 and higher)

CPUs S7-300

CPUs S7-400

V 2.0

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)





Version Block name Signature Initial value


ACK_GL V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3



TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 13 of 16

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)





Version Block name Signature Initial value


ACK_OP V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

F_ACK_OP 351F A150


BO_W V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V2.0

F_BO_W 20A5 ---


CTD V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

F_CTD F77D 2452


CTU V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

F_CTU 8AC9 2452

FICTU 2304 A28F

CTUD V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

F_CTUD 7C8F 2452



V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5

F_ESTOP1 4E49 2283

EV1oo2DI V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

F_1oo2DI 6AA7 2C7D



V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5

F_FDBACK 8395 5740

MUT_P V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4






TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 14 of 16

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)





Version Block name Signature Initial value



V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5 V2.0

F_RCVDP 42F1 54E4

RCVS7 V1.0 V1.1 V1.2




F_DI_RD D579 ---

F_INT_RD BA20 ---



SCALE V1.0 V1.1 V1.2

F_SCA_I D8CA 2452



V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5 V2.0


SENDS7 V1.0 V1.1 V1.2



V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3


SHL V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V2.0

F_SHL_W 4D39 ---

FISHL_W 146E 8E58

SHR V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V2.0

F_SHR_W E4E3 ---


TOF V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4

F_TOF 14B4 980D

FITOF 69AF 3326

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 15 of 16

Instructions (optional package STEP 7 Safety)





Version Block name Signature Initial value


TON V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4

F_TON 6B7E 980D


TP V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4

F_TP 669E 980D

FITP 7E15 3326

TWO_H_EN V1.0 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3

F_2H_EN 26CD 6EF7

FI2H_EN 6855 5F72



FI2HAND 7131 F85A

W_BO V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V2.0

F_W_BO BD67 ---




F_DI_WR C8D3 ---

F_INT_WR A78A ---



TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Report No.: SN83929C-A1 Rail Automation Revision 2.4.1 Barthstraße 16• D-80339 Munich• Germany P. Weiß Phone: +49 (89) 5791-1473; Fax: -2933 2017-06-13 Email: [email protected] Page 16 of 16

Other Instructions and F-system blocks (optional package STEP 7 Safety)





Version Block name Signature Initial value



(without own version)




--- --- ---

F-system blocks




--- --- ---

F-IO access




--- --- ---


V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V2.0

F_CTRL_1 7CB2 904B

V1.0 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4

F_CTRL_2 A9D8 9E40

F_DIAG V1.0 F_DIAG_N 937B 3612



Munich, 2017-06-13

TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH Rail Automation

M. Ramold

Technical Certifier
