Fraktur Distal Radius

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Fraktur Distal RadiusDion Ade Putra

Anatomi Pergelangan Tangan

Fraktur Colles

Fraktur Smith

Klasifikasi Frykman I Extraarticular radial fracture

II Extraarticular radial fracture with an ulna fracture

III Intraarticular fracture of the radiocarpal joint without an ulna fracture

IV Intraarticular fracture of the radiocarpal joint with an ulna fracture

V Fracture of the radioulnar joint

VI Fracture into the radiulnar joint with an ulnar fracture

VII Intraarticular fracture involving radiocarpal and radioulnar joints

VIII Intraarticular fracture involving radiocarpal and radioulnar joints with an ulnar fracture

Gejala KlinisColles Smith




Kompresi / trauma a. ulnaris dan medianusKerusakan tendonEdema post reposisiRedislokasi

LanjutArthrodosis dan nyeri kronisShoulder hand syndromeDefek kosmetik (penonjolan styloideus radii)Malunion/ non unionStiff handVolksman ischemic contrakturSuddeck atropi

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