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A n d , in the process, keep your coo l . Wi th one of Sargent -Welch 's Thermostat ic Water Baths.

Water bath . Too common a name to descr ibe fftese, wh i ch are truly h igh-prec is ion, ex t remely sensi t ive thermostat ic devices for exact ing laboratory work .

Example : Our top-of- the l ine water bath (shown here). More versat i le , more convenient than anyth ing else. It uses a thermistor for temperature sens ing. Wh ich instan­taneously informs the Sargent-Welch Thermonitor® Contro l ler of temperature var iat ions. And wi thout go ing into technica l detai ls about the Thermoni tor , it g ives fu l ly pro­

port ional cont ro l for temperatures wi th in ±P.01°C of the set point and permits d i rect d ia l ing of temperature.

Now about the s t i r re r—more proper ly the tu rb ine—which keeps th ings moving in this super-bath. The turb ine provides radial and ver t ica l c i rcu la t ion w i th max imum f low past the heaters. Another reason for that ±0.01 DC precis ion. And , of course, there 's a fu l l -v is ibi l i ty Pyrex container. Al l of this pr iced at $685.

Other Sargent-Welch water baths satisfy other needs. There 's one wi th the same type of turb ine we've descr ibed , but equ ipped w i th

an adjustable mercury regulator. This bath, wi th control ler , is also accurate to ±0.01 °C. Pr ice: $485.

Like a low-cost bath wi th an accuracy of ±0 .1 °C? Sargent-Welch has one. You set the tem­perature on an adjustable thermo-regulator. Pr ice: $285.

And there's an economy ($185) model w i th an accuracy of ±0 .25°C. Also avai lable separately are water-bath controls, complete wi th heater, thermoregulator , and st irrer.

Ask your Sargent-Welch representat ive for ful l in format ion on water baths and accessor ies. Or wr i te to us. >-m

'SARGENT-WELCH Scientific instruments, apparatus, chemicals. Sargent-Welch Scientific Company 7300 N. Linder Ave.; Skokie, Illinois 60076

Circle No. 66 on Readers' Service Card

Chicago/Anaheim/Birmingham/Cincinnati Cleveland/Dallas/Denver/Detroit Springfield, N.J./Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver


Keep your warm.

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