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Page 1: Nicholas Haworth GD

Personal work “Branding”.

Personal work “Branding”.

whats the brand

“WattShop is an online store specialising in optimised chains. With multiple manufacturers realising the potential watt savings of a properly waxed chain, there are now multiple products on the market from CeramicSpeed and Muc Off. As a time-triallist and an engineer, the gains that can be found are very tempting but the cost was beyond my small budget. I have thoroughly investigated the processes of running in, waxing and dusting chains; developing my own system and procedure to produce chains that perform as well as those sold by international companies. Due to being a small one man operation I am now in a situation to supply these chains and the process to the general public at a much reduced price.”


Page 2: Nicholas Haworth GD

studio Dumbar works shop 07.03.2016

Page 3: Nicholas Haworth GD

Unit X written evaluation. Nicholas Haworth 18.05.2016

Throughout unit x on ‘publication’ I have completed a series of projects being: the studio dumbar work shop, Topman Berlin launch and a group project to complete a publication from the word ‘shaman’.

Throughout my evaluation I’m going to be writing up on the following; research, investigations and re�ection. Giving a general overview on the three projects.

Studio dumbar

The brief we received on the day was to create a protest piece. The class was then Broken up into small groups or pairs I myself worked with Natassja Joell for this project.

Firstly we looked into some not so serious issues examples being what people complain about on a daily basis although they cant be resolved due to the fact it’s simply how people work as individuals and how they are as a person more that we just don’t personally understand things the way others do. So a few initial ideas where manners, inconsideration, public walk ways needing structure and ridiculous E-Fits out there which are suppose to help notify the public of people who can be considered a danger to the general public as they go about there day to day lives.

After discussing our initial ideas with Dan and the sta� from studio dumbar we went onto work with the E-�t being the most original idea of the lot. With being limited to one ¬¬¬laptop between the two of us I created the main body of the �yer/poster to then take the scans that got gathered by Natassja and piece them together to complete the E-�t.

Doing this project was my �rst experience starting to working with scans and the beginning of me bringing new medias into my �nal presentation. Even in this short period of time I learnt more than I though I was going to before I came in. The scans for this particular piece are collage based although I’d like to use this and develop it with illustrative and over medias.

Looking back on this I wouldn’t change the style in which we worked although if I was to go and do it again I think I would focus on highlighting the issue more than producing an example of it although keeping the branding of it that I did as the main viewpoint. Also when working to a shorter time period to be quicker on my decisions deciding quicker what we produce so its a more substantial �nal piece in the end of it all so I’m more satis�ed with what it is that I’ve produced.

Top man Berlin

Before we where due to break up for the Easter break we had this brief delivered from ‘Nicholas’ from the Topman design team. The set brief was to create a concept for the up coming store launching on 27.05.2016 in Berlin.

This brief had ultimate freedom and complete independence with it needing to be completed over the Easter break. Initially I really looked forward to the freedom element, as it was an opportunity to try putting my own stamp onto something.

Initial research my initial knowledge on the Berlin was mainly on the history of the wall as where Topman as a store I had shopping experiences as well as owning previous pieces of there’s.

So Topman what was it I knew about it? I can get the occasional smart piece of clothing or something that made me become more considered as a hipster and that it was a British established label. So initially I wanted to keep the British heritage with¬¬ in my work.

So the two main things I found in my research that I found interesting was that Berlin was the greenest city in Germany being 44% green and the stitch work in lederhosen the traditional clothing with the idea of interacting this with paisley so that’d have both British and German fashion combined.

Looking through the ideas I initially began to work with; I couldn’t �nd anything that would allow me to bring the ideas together giving me a new platform to work from. Looking back upon the ideas I dismissed earlier on I went back to working with the Berlin wall and structures then did some further research looking for something to in�uence me helping me �nd a direction to go with.

The �nal thing I produced (a series of posters and a �yer with integrated ticket) where heavily in�uenced by ‘Marius Roosendaal’ and the 3d elements he brings into his work.

The way I made these posters was by creating my own grid on a separate layer with a series of hexagons which now looking back was probably the more complicated way of doing it as since I have been showed a tool on illustrator that helps me do this in a similar way. With graphics I’m loving it more and more as I’m starting to branch out and learn more as an individual designer as well as building up on my potentials with multiple medias.

After doing unit x and learning as much as I have from working with others I think a scanner is going to allow me to bring di�erent medias that I enjoyed working with back into my work.

‘Shaman’ publication

This was a group project, which consisted of �ve of us completing a kick-starter video, A0 poster and a �nal publication all based on the word “shaman”. Although we originally began with the confusion of having it spelt as “shamen” a Scottish techno band.

Initially I hadn’t a clue what a shaman was and within the group there was di�erent understandings of what it could be although one of our group members understood it fully and was able to correct us on its initial spelling error.

Through initial research I wasn’t greatly excited with the word as I’m not a great believer in spiritual things and don’t follow anything along these lines. So with our research we tried to �nd something that would appeal to us all in a way that we’d get into it more and create something we’d �nd interesting in the process.

Initial ideas: looking at things through a di�erent ‘perspective’ as in dyslexia and colour blindness so things where the senses are a�ected and work di�erently creating a visual translation within the publication giving the viewer a di�erent experience. ‘Creating a cult’ this publication was with the idea of creating something that was set out like a calendar as a monthly subscription and the reader would have an activity or a reading a day with a once a week a local gathering with the target audiences being university’s so made speci�c to an area.

What we went onto do was highlighting ‘fads’ highlighting the current trends we live with on a everyday and mocking them.

Creating this publication was an enjoyable experience as I personally enjoy working with a group and the group I had worked well with one another. The publication was created with each individual having their own job role throughout the duration, this was organized through facebook documented on pinterest and shared through slack.

As a group we worked well with one another although heavily relied on 3 key members of the group to produce what we had for our �nal out come.

What I’ve learnt from this is that I can be a good leader although I need to be more con�dence in my own ability to step up to this. To produce a magazine you need to create strict guidelines from the o� as we found out on our �rst pitch there was to much variation with the content. That said I was happy to have my ‘god hates fads’ poster noticed at this presentation.

Looking back on this project I’m glad I got to work with the people that I did and learnt a lot from working with them. Things to develop on: get working with photoshop more, continue to play around with indesign so that I get more con�dent with it, spend more time on future projects as I have felt a lot more con�dent with the work content that I produced and be more ambitious with future projects as it was noticed in the crit when I did this.

On this publication unit I’ve learnt more about how to bring di�erent medias like scanning into a digital format from jack and George in my group. Unit x has de�nitely set me up for my third year and has taught me a lot as a designer in both commitment towards my work and also my way around multiple software’s. Over my summer I want to continue to develop on the weak areas if highlighted personally about myself.

Page 4: Nicholas Haworth GD

Unit X written evaluation. Nicholas Haworth 18.05.2016

Throughout unit x on ‘publication’ I have completed a series of projects being: the studio dumbar work shop, Topman Berlin launch and a group project to complete a publication from the word ‘shaman’.

Throughout my evaluation I’m going to be writing up on the following; research, investigations and re�ection. Giving a general overview on the three projects.

Studio dumbar

The brief we received on the day was to create a protest piece. The class was then Broken up into small groups or pairs I myself worked with Natassja Joell for this project.

Firstly we looked into some not so serious issues examples being what people complain about on a daily basis although they cant be resolved due to the fact it’s simply how people work as individuals and how they are as a person more that we just don’t personally understand things the way others do. So a few initial ideas where manners, inconsideration, public walk ways needing structure and ridiculous E-Fits out there which are suppose to help notify the public of people who can be considered a danger to the general public as they go about there day to day lives.

After discussing our initial ideas with Dan and the sta� from studio dumbar we went onto work with the E-�t being the most original idea of the lot. With being limited to one ¬¬¬laptop between the two of us I created the main body of the �yer/poster to then take the scans that got gathered by Natassja and piece them together to complete the E-�t.

Doing this project was my �rst experience starting to working with scans and the beginning of me bringing new medias into my �nal presentation. Even in this short period of time I learnt more than I though I was going to before I came in. The scans for this particular piece are collage based although I’d like to use this and develop it with illustrative and over medias.

Looking back on this I wouldn’t change the style in which we worked although if I was to go and do it again I think I would focus on highlighting the issue more than producing an example of it although keeping the branding of it that I did as the main viewpoint. Also when working to a shorter time period to be quicker on my decisions deciding quicker what we produce so its a more substantial �nal piece in the end of it all so I’m more satis�ed with what it is that I’ve produced.

Top man Berlin

Before we where due to break up for the Easter break we had this brief delivered from ‘Nicholas’ from the Topman design team. The set brief was to create a concept for the up coming store launching on 27.05.2016 in Berlin.

This brief had ultimate freedom and complete independence with it needing to be completed over the Easter break. Initially I really looked forward to the freedom element, as it was an opportunity to try putting my own stamp onto something.

Initial research my initial knowledge on the Berlin was mainly on the history of the wall as where Topman as a store I had shopping experiences as well as owning previous pieces of there’s.

So Topman what was it I knew about it? I can get the occasional smart piece of clothing or something that made me become more considered as a hipster and that it was a British established label. So initially I wanted to keep the British heritage with¬¬ in my work.

So the two main things I found in my research that I found interesting was that Berlin was the greenest city in Germany being 44% green and the stitch work in lederhosen the traditional clothing with the idea of interacting this with paisley so that’d have both British and German fashion combined.

Looking through the ideas I initially began to work with; I couldn’t �nd anything that would allow me to bring the ideas together giving me a new platform to work from. Looking back upon the ideas I dismissed earlier on I went back to working with the Berlin wall and structures then did some further research looking for something to in�uence me helping me �nd a direction to go with.

The �nal thing I produced (a series of posters and a �yer with integrated ticket) where heavily in�uenced by ‘Marius Roosendaal’ and the 3d elements he brings into his work.

The way I made these posters was by creating my own grid on a separate layer with a series of hexagons which now looking back was probably the more complicated way of doing it as since I have been showed a tool on illustrator that helps me do this in a similar way. With graphics I’m loving it more and more as I’m starting to branch out and learn more as an individual designer as well as building up on my potentials with multiple medias.

After doing unit x and learning as much as I have from working with others I think a scanner is going to allow me to bring di�erent medias that I enjoyed working with back into my work.

‘Shaman’ publication

This was a group project, which consisted of �ve of us completing a kick-starter video, A0 poster and a �nal publication all based on the word “shaman”. Although we originally began with the confusion of having it spelt as “shamen” a Scottish techno band.

Initially I hadn’t a clue what a shaman was and within the group there was di�erent understandings of what it could be although one of our group members understood it fully and was able to correct us on its initial spelling error.

Through initial research I wasn’t greatly excited with the word as I’m not a great believer in spiritual things and don’t follow anything along these lines. So with our research we tried to �nd something that would appeal to us all in a way that we’d get into it more and create something we’d �nd interesting in the process.

Initial ideas: looking at things through a di�erent ‘perspective’ as in dyslexia and colour blindness so things where the senses are a�ected and work di�erently creating a visual translation within the publication giving the viewer a di�erent experience. ‘Creating a cult’ this publication was with the idea of creating something that was set out like a calendar as a monthly subscription and the reader would have an activity or a reading a day with a once a week a local gathering with the target audiences being university’s so made speci�c to an area.

What we went onto do was highlighting ‘fads’ highlighting the current trends we live with on a everyday and mocking them.

Creating this publication was an enjoyable experience as I personally enjoy working with a group and the group I had worked well with one another. The publication was created with each individual having their own job role throughout the duration, this was organized through facebook documented on pinterest and shared through slack.

As a group we worked well with one another although heavily relied on 3 key members of the group to produce what we had for our �nal out come.

What I’ve learnt from this is that I can be a good leader although I need to be more con�dence in my own ability to step up to this. To produce a magazine you need to create strict guidelines from the o� as we found out on our �rst pitch there was to much variation with the content. That said I was happy to have my ‘god hates fads’ poster noticed at this presentation.

Looking back on this project I’m glad I got to work with the people that I did and learnt a lot from working with them. Things to develop on: get working with photoshop more, continue to play around with indesign so that I get more con�dent with it, spend more time on future projects as I have felt a lot more con�dent with the work content that I produced and be more ambitious with future projects as it was noticed in the crit when I did this.

On this publication unit I’ve learnt more about how to bring di�erent medias like scanning into a digital format from jack and George in my group. Unit x has de�nitely set me up for my third year and has taught me a lot as a designer in both commitment towards my work and also my way around multiple software’s. Over my summer I want to continue to develop on the weak areas if highlighted personally about myself.

Page 5: Nicholas Haworth GD

BerlinLaunch date:27/05/2016

Address:Rochstrabe 8, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Opening and closing times:9am till 5:30pm

Opening celebrations:( you will need to be a ticket holder to entre this event limited numbers.)

7pm till 11pm

Page 6: Nicholas Haworth GD

BerlinLaunch date:27/05/2016

Address:Rochstrabe 8, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Opening and closing times:9am till 5:30pm

Opening celebrations:( you will need to be a ticket holder to entre this event limited numbers.)

7pm till 11pm

Page 7: Nicholas Haworth GD

Personal work “Branding”.

Personal work “Branding”.


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Issue No.1 avaliable on kickstarter from1st June

Manchester based publication



Issue No.1 avaliable on kickstarter from1st June

Manchester based publication

You must restart and completely remove this phrase for furture purpose.

Program removal failure


“No curls no girls” your typical gym enthusiasts quote to live by and the sole purpose to get the ‘Girls’ out with the ‘Lads’. Aspiring to be the next ‘Gordie shore’ super star.

Issue No.1 avaliable on kickstarter from1st June

Manchester based publication


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Issue No.1 avaliable on kickstarter from1st June

Manchester based publicationblk. water Is the first ever fulvic-enhanced all natural mineral water. blk. is what happens when fulvic minerals are added to water. blk. is the result of fulvic minerals being infused with Canadian spring water. blk. contains no colouring, dye or additives and is 100% natural! We call bullshit on this!

Page 8: Nicholas Haworth GD

studio Dumbar works shop 07.03.2016

Page 9: Nicholas Haworth GD
Page 10: Nicholas Haworth GD
Page 11: Nicholas Haworth GD

Launch date:27/05/2016

Address:Rochstrabe 8, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Opening and closing times:9am till 5:30pm

Opening celebrations:( you will need to be a ticket holder to entre this event limited numbers.)

7pm till 11pm


Page 12: Nicholas Haworth GD
Page 13: Nicholas Haworth GD

BerlinFlyer - Event ticketsFor the flyer I’ve created for the event I wanted to make something that was different and would be remembered as something original specifically to the event. The flyer isn’t your usual fold and doesn’t contain any pages but has an original origami fold. This only gives an insight to the Topman ‘premium’ collection.

As an add on to the flyer a select few will have tear off tickets added to them. I’ve added this so it gives another incentive to wanting to own a topman flyer.

Print copy in portfolio.

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