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Page 1: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:

Erich Bauer

Antiquariat Katalog 95Goecke & Evers 2014


Antiquariat Goecke & Evers, Inh. Erich BauerSportplatzweg 5, 75210 Keltern- Weiler, GermanyTel. 07236-7174, Fax 07236-7325E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]: www.insecta.de / www.goeckeevers.de

Geschäftsbedingungen, Widerrufsbelehrung ............................................. 2, 47 Allgemeines ........................................................................................................... 3 Coleoptera ..............................................................................................................4 Lepidoptera ......................................................................................................... 13 Diptera ................................................................................................................. 32 Hymenoptera ...................................................................................................... 32 Rhynchota............................................................................................................ 33 Orthoptera ........................................................................................................... 35 Odonata ............................................................................................................... 36 small orders, Arachnida .................................................................................... 37 Alte Bücher / Old Books .................................................................................... 38

Page 2: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:

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Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, Widerrufsbelehrung (gesetzlich zwingend vorge-schriebener Wortlaut)

Page 3: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



5601 EbErt, G. 2010. Auf Expedition in Afghanistan. Ein Insektenforscher erzählt von seinen Reisen (1957–1971). 342 S., 150 Farbfotos, 102 Schwarzweißfo-tos, 5 Karten (davon eine Ausfaltkarte) 39,90

6005 EbErt, G. 2013. Auf Expedition in Nepal. Als Teilnehmer am internation-alen Forschungsunterneh-men Nepal Himalaya (1962). 172 S., 175 Farbfo-tos, 86 s/w-Fotos, 5 Karten und Diagramme. 39,90

4311 Kraus, O. 2000. Internationale Regeln für die zoologische Nomenklatur Offizieller deutscher Text 232 S. - Unentbehrlich für jeden Taxonomen. Verbindlicher deutscher Text für die wissenschaftliche Namensgebung der Tiere. 29,-

4361 sauEr, F. 1988. Naturfotografie mit allen Finessen. 128 S. + 16 Farbtaf. 5,-5509 Hartmann & WEipErt 2009. Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya Vol. 3. 477 S., zahlr.

s/w-Abb., XXVII Farbtafeln. Der Verlagspreis von Euro 89,- enthält keine Mehrwertsteuer, ich muss daher die Mehrwertsteuer auf den Preis aufschlagen. 95,23

4354 sauEr, F. 1995. Tiere und Pflanzen im Wassertropfen nach Farbfotos erkannt. Sauers Naturführer. 3 Aufl. 286 S., 506 Farbfotos. 19,50

3926 pOr, FD, impEratriz-FOnsEca, VL, nEtO FL. 2005. Biomes of Brazil. An Illustrated Natural His-tory. Biomas do Brasil. Una Historia Natural Ilustrada. Illustrated by original color drawings, graphs and maps, bibliography. In English and Portuguese, bilingual. Hdb, 208pp. Contents: Introduction * The Atlantic Rainforest * The Domain of Araucaria * The Cerrado Savannas. The Pantanal of Mato Grosso. Mountain Shrubs - Campos Rupestres and Tepuis. The Caatingas - Dry Forests. Aspects of Amazonia. The Mangrove Forests, the Manguezal 35,-

2362 buLLEtin DE La sOciété sciEncEs nat. 1972-1995. A complete collection of the 83 numbers pub-lished from 1972 to 1995. The full list of the works published since Nr. 1 is sent free on request. Each number can be bought separately. Main articles are on Lepidoptera and Coleoptera worldwide. There are many colour plates, last numbers are entierely illustrated in colours. On parts as issued. 175,-

5182 Hartmann & WEipErt 2006. Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya - Biodiversity and Natural Heritage of the Himalaya II. 524 S., 983 s/w-Abb., XII Farbtafeln / 524 p., 983 drawings, XII coulour plates. 33 scientific works. STARK PREISREDUZIERT 35,-

4355 sauEr, F. 1987. Wasserinsekten nach Farbfotos erkannt. Sauers Naturführer. 162 S., 262 Farbfotos. 5,-

5537 scHmuttErEr, H. 2009. Neue Brehme-Bücherei 671: Tropische Insekten. 267 S., zahlr. Farbfotos 39,95

5779 tELnOV, D. (EDit.) 2011. Biodiversity, biogeography and nature conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea. Vol. 1. 434 pp and 92 col. plates, size A4, hardcover. Mainly on Coleoptera, 1 paper on Spilosoma (Lepid., Arctiidae) 88,-

5984 zúbriK, Kunca & csóKa 2013. Insects and Diseases damaging trees and shrubs of Europe A com-prehensive atlas pp. 535, 24 x 29 cm Illustrated by over 4,300 unique colour photographs, showing more than 1,100 species of insects and diseases causing damage to tree species and shrubs. - Also available in French. 139,-

Page 4: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Coleoptères du Monde - Beetles of the WorldVery important series on the Beetles. All in size A4, clothbound with dustcover. Text in French and Eng-lish, some also in German, Spanish or Japanese. All known species of the group are shown.The series will not be continued.

2432 1. 1988. Rigout: Batocerini I. 2.ed. Batocera. 63 pp., 30 plates 90,-

2433 2. 1982. Rigout: Batocerini II. Batocera suppl., Megacriodes, Microcriodes, Abatocera, Doesburgia, Rosenbergia. 128 pp., 54 plates (zusätzlich deutscher Text) 90,-

5026 2. Suppl. 1. 2004. Rigout: Rosenbergia nouveaux ou peu connus. New or little known Rosenbergia. pp. 7 + 2 col. pl. 28,-

2434 3. 1983. Lachaume: Goliathini I. Goliathus, Argyrophegges, Fornasinus, Hegemus. (auch deutscher Text) 70 pp., 49 plates 90,-

2435 4. 1984. Lacroix: Odontolabini I. Chalcodes, Odontolabis, Heterochtes. 150 pp., 65 plates 90,-

2436 5. 1985. Lachaume: Dynastini I. Dynastes, Megasoma, Golofa. 85 pp., 29 plates 90,-

2437 6. 1985. Allard: Goliathini II. Megalorhina, Amaurodes, Eudicella, Ceratorhina, Coelorrhina, Neptunides, Taurrhina, Ranzania, Cheirolasia, Chordodera, Daedycorrhina, Aphanochroa, Gnorimimelus, Dicellachilus, Smicorhina, Priscorrhina, Eutelesmus. 92 pp., 15 plates 90,-

2438 7. 1986. Allard: Goliathini III. Mecynorhina, Chelorrhina, Compsocephalus, Stephano- crates, Brachymitra, Dicronorhina, Asthenorhina, Stephanorrhina, Aphelorhina, Genyodonta, Inhambane. 63 pp., 24 plates 90,-

2439 8. 1990. Ratti, Cavazzuti, Casale & Battoni: Carabini I. Apotomopterus, Ohmopterus, Archaeocarabus, Isiocarabus, Morphocarabus (1). 122 pp., 15 plates 60,-

2440 9. 1989. Rigout: Cetoniini I. Pachnoda, Pachnodella, Dischista, Paleopragma & Psacadop-tera. 135 pp., 16 plates 90,-

2441 10. 1990. Moron: Rutelini I. Plusiotis, Chrysina, Chrysophora, Pelidnotopisis, Ectinoplectron. 145 pp., 18 plates (also text in Spanish) 90,-

2442 11. 1991. Allard: Goliathini IV. The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus Gnathocera 142 pp. + 17 plates 90,-

2443 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard: Cetoniini II. After a supplement to vol. 9, Dr. Allard ends the study of the african Cetonids with Rhabdotis, Trichostetha, Atrichia, Odontorrhina, etc. (without Tephraeides and Leucocelides). 100 pp., 14 plates 90,-

2444 13. 1991. Werner, K.: Cicindelidae regionis Palaearcticae I. Megacephala, Cicindela, Lophyridia. 74 pp., 3 plates famous entomologists 27 plates. Auch deutscher Text. 90,-

2445 14. 1992. Lachaume: Dynastidae américains. 89 pp., 16 plates 90,-4188 14. Suppl. 1 1999. 20 nouvelles espèces et 1 n. ssp. de Cyclocephala. 24 S.+ 1 plate. 20,-

2446 15. 1992. Werner, K.: Cicindelidae regionis Palaearcticae II. The plates show the insects 3x enlarged, some photographs of living specimens and biotops. 94 pp., 27 plates. 90,-

2447 16. 1992. Lander, T.: Chrysochroini I. Chrysochroa. The genus Chrysochroa sensu stricto. The main attraction are the very spendid colour plates of these Buprestids, the nicest certainly the one with the varieties of Chrysochroa buqueti. 55 pp., 12 plates. 50,-

Page 5: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


2448 17. 1993. Allard: Sternotomini. The first volume on the African Cerambycidae. 111 pp, 16 plates. 90,-

2449 18. 1993. Werner, K.: Cicindelidae III. Cicindèles néarctiques I. Collyrini, Megacephalini, Cicindelini 1: Iresia, Odontocheila, Pentacomia, Oxygonia, Cicindela. 163 pp, 24 plates. Auch deutscher Text. 90,-

2450 19. 1993. Porion, Th.: Eupholus. (Curculionidae)112 pp., 24 pl. with Japanese text. 90,- 4445 19. Suppl. 1. 2000. Porion, new Eupholus from New Guinea. 11 pp., 2 plates 23,- 5193 19. Suppl. 2. 2004. Limoges & Porion, new Eupholus from New Guinea, 6 pp., 1 pl. 20,-

2451 20. 1995. Werner, K.: Cicindelidae IV. Cicindèles néarctiques II. The last part on North-American Tiger beetles, some very rare specimens are shown for the first time 196 pp., 26 plates. Auch deutscher Text 90,-

2452 21. 1994. Bleuzen, P.: Prioninae I. Macrodontini: Macrodontia, Chalcoprionus, Ancistro- tus, Acanthinodera, Acalodegma. Prionini: Titanus, Braderochus. 92 pp., 16 pl. 90,-

2453 22. 1995. Battoni, Casale, Cavazzuti & Ratti: Carabini III. Morphocarabus - Lipaster. 104 pp., 13 plates with 189 specimens. 60,-

2454 23. 1995. Allard, V.: Schizorhinini I. Anacamptorrhina - Tafaia. 152 pp., 20 pl. 90,-

2455 24. 1995. Allard, V.: Schizorhinini II. Agestrata - Microlomaptera. 136 pp., 15 pl. 90,-

The following parts are thoroughly illustrated in colours.

2456 25. 1997. Rigout & Allard: Schizorhinini III. Supplement to Vol. 1 and 2, Lomaptera. 128 pp. 90,-

4575 26. 2002. Soula, M.: Rutelini II. Crathoplus, Telaugis, Platyrutela, Pseudohypaspidius, Badiasis, Chlorota, Exothyridium, Thyriochloraota, Parathyridium, Hypaspidius, Mucama, Xenochlorota, Parachlorota, Pichica, Tipicha, Heterochlorota, Thyridium, Pseudothyridium, Exochlorota, Aequatoria, Acraspedon, Paratelaugis, Exanticheira, Chalcentis, Vayana, Mini-dorysthetus, Pseudomacraspis, Maripa. 102 pp. 132,-

Revision des Anthicheirina, paperback. Text in French only. Many new spec. 2762 26/1. 1998. 116 pp., 185 figs 45,-4576 26/2. 2002. p. 117 - 296, many figures (drawings of genitalia) 55,-3851 26/3. 2005. p. 297 - 409, many figures (drawings of genitalia) 55,-

4519 27. 2001. Dechambre & Lachaume: Oryctes (Dynastidae). 72 pp. 100,-

4687 28. 2002. Arnaud: Phanaeini. 151 pp. 175,-

4946 29. 2003. Soula: Rutelini 3. Pseudoptenomomela, Paraptenomela, Exoptenomela, Ptenomela, Calomacraspis, Paramacraspis, Paradorysthetus, Macraspis, Pseudodorysthetus, Dorystethus, Anticheiroides, Anticheira, Pseudoanticheiroides. 79 pp. 135,-

3849 30. 2005. Dechambre: Dynastidae australiens et océaniens. 132 pp., Most of the specimens are for the time illustrated in colours. 4 colour plates showing the beetles at their life size is of great interest for the understanding of the species. 175,-

Page 6: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Freude - Harde - Lohse, Die Käfer MitteleuropasOft sind antiquarische Exemplare vorhanden. Noch lieferbare Titel werden mit entsprechendem Preisnachlass angeboten. Bitte fragen Sie mich. Der Verlag ändert öfter die Preise, auch die Lieferbarkeit ändert sich öfters. Etliche Bände sind nur als reprint erhältlich, aber im Verlagsverzeichnis nicht also solche gekennzeichnet. Lieferung daher evt. als reprint, auch wenn dies nicht angegeben ist.

2563 1965. 1. Einführung. 214 S., 204 Abb., 16 Farbfotos 104,994950 2004. 2. Carabidae. 2. Aufl. XIV, 521 S., 360 schw.-w. Zeichnungen, reprint. 179,992565 1971. 3. Hygrobiidae - Scaphidiidae. 365 S., 1518 Abb. 114,995790 1964. 4. Staphylinidae I (Staphylindae exklusive Aleocharinae und Psalphinae.). 2. Auflage. XII, 560 S. 2254 Abb., 150 in Farbe. 164,952567 1974. 5. Staphylinidae II. 381 S., 1774 Abb. 124,992568 1979. 6. Lycidae - Byrrhidae. 367 S., 1206 Abb. 124,992569 1967. 7. Ostomidae - Cisidae. 310 S., 1551 Abb. 114,992570 1969. 8. Lyctidae - Lucanidae. 388 S., 1449 Abb. 134,99 2571 1966. 9. Cerambycidae. 299 S., 1393 Abb. 104,99 2572 1981. 10. Bruchidae - Curculionidae I. 310 S., 686 Abb. 124,992573 1983. 11. Curculionidae II. 342 S., 914 Abb. 124,992574 1989. 12. Ergänzungen u. Berichtig. zu Band 1 - 5. 346 S., 148 Abb. 139,992575 1992. 13. Ergänzungen u. Berichtig. zu Band 6 - 8. 375 S., 86 Abb. 139,992576 1994. 14. Ergänzungen u. Berichtig. zu Band 8 - 11. 403 S., 107 Abb. 139,992577 1998. 15. Erg. u. Berichtig. zu Band 1 - 14. Register für alle Bände. Reprint 134,99


KOcH, K., Ökologie, Lebensweise der einzelnen Arten. Zu jeder Art werden in Stichworten Angaben zur Lebensweise und zu den Biotopansprüchen gemacht. Fast alle Bände sind gebraucht, z.T. fast wie neu erhältlich. Preis pro Band 30,- bis 50,- Euro2579 1989. E1. Carabidae - Micropeplidae = Band 1 bis 5 (teilw.) 440 S. 124,992580 1991. E2. Pselaphidae - Lucanidae = Rest von Band 5 bis Band 8. 382 S. 124,992581 1992. E3. Cerambycidae - Curculionidae = Band 9 - 11. 389 S. 124,992582 1993. E4. Aquatische Assoziationen (im weitesten Sinne). 400 S. 124,992583 1994. E5. Laubwälder, Mischwälder. 299 S. 124,992584 1995. E6. Nadelwälder, Gehölze, Waldränder u.a. 268 S. 124,992585 1995. E7. Auen, Trockengebiete, Heiden, Dünen u.a. 334 S. 124,992586 1996. E8. Wiesen, Äcker, Gärten u.a. 295 S. 124,99

Katalog 3830 2005. böHmE, J.: Katalog, Faunistische Übersicht. 2. Auflage. 525 S. 114,99

Larven: KLausnitzEr, b., zahlreiche Abbildungen und Bestimmungsschlüssel2588 1991. L1. Adephaga. 273 S. 124,992589 1994. L2. Myxophaga, Polyphaga Teil 1. enthält u.a. Hydrophiloidea, Buprestidae, Elateroidea,

Cantharoidea, Chrysomelidae. 325 S. 124,992590 1996. L3. Polyphaga Teil 2. Scarabaeoidea, Dryopoidea, Cleroidea, Lymexyloidea, Cucujoidea.

335 S. 124,992591 1997. L4. Polyphaga Teil 3 sowie Ergänzungen zum 1. bis 3. Band. 370 S., 1345 Abb. Enthält

Familien der Staphylinoidea, Chrysomeloidea, sowie Cantharidae. Reprint. 124,992592 1999. L5. Polyphage Teil 4. u.a. Hydrophiloidea, Coccinellidae, Tenebrionoidea. 336 S., 1344

Abb. 124,994336 2001. L6. Dermestidae, Cucujoidea, Lamiinae. 309 S. 149,99

Page 7: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



Icones Insectorum Europae CentralisA series of illustration in very good quality. Text Czech and English. List of updated names taxa and their most frequent used synonyms. Provides information on the occurence of ths particular species and subspecies in Central Europe countries (A, CZ, D, H, PL, SK, CH), colour photographs of all species contained in the list and references.

5207 Subscribers will get 10% discount. Abonnenten erhalten 10% Nachlass. Subscription: Vol. 1, 3 - 17 160,65

3923 1. Prudek, P. 2005. Mycetophagidae. pp. 4, 2 col. plates. 5,-3924 2. Novak, V. 2005. Tenebrionidae. pp. 20, 15 col. plates. Out of print, replaced by part 8 5001 3. Ruzicka, J. 2005. Agyrtidae, Silphidae. pp. 10, 36 col. fig. 7,-5086 4. Slama, M. 2006. Cerambycidae. 40 pp. 25,-5087 5. Bocak, L. & Bocakova, M. 2006. Drilidae, Omalisidae, Lycidae, Lampyridae. 9 pp. 7,- 5190 6. Dvorak M. & Vrabec V. 2007. Meloidae, pp. 12, 62 col. figs. 7,505263 7. Batelka, J. 2007. Ripiphoridae. pp. 8, 13 col. fig. of specimens + 1 plate with a reproduction

(Panzer, Faunae Insectorum Germanicae) 7,505264 8. Novak, V. 2007. Tenebrionidae. pp. 24, 156 col. fig. 10,-5289 9. Hajek, J. 2007. Sphaeriusidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Paelobiidae. pp. 14. 40 col.

photos. 7,505461 10. Löbl, I. 2009. Staphylinidae: Dasycerinae, Pselaphinae. 28 pp., 172 col. fig., 2 plates with

reproductions from Preyssler, Verzeichnis böhmischer Insecten, 1790. 16,-5462 11. Hájek, J. 2009. Dytiscidae. pp. 32, 186 col. fig. 16,-5572 12. pruDEK, p. 2009. Silvanidae, Passandridae, Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae. pp, 12, 61 col. fig.

7,505599 13. sEKErKa, L. 2010. Cassidinae (Chrysomelidae). pp. 24, 66 fig., (fig. 27 - 66 are specimens in

colour). 15,-5838 14. Farkac, J. Carabinae. pp. 21, 131 col. fig. 15,-5960 15. strEJcEK 2012. Bruchidae, Urodontidae. pp. 24, 103 col. fig. 15,-5994 16. Kubisz & sViHLa 2013. Oedemeridae. 12 pp., 68 col. fig. 7,505993 17. bOuKaL 2013. Byrrhidae. 16 pp., 48 col. fig. 10,-

Page 8: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


5141 - 2006. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Chrysomelidae, Bonn, Germany, May 7, 2004. pp. 140, many illustr., 12 papers. Size A4. - Bonner zoologische Beiträge 54/4. 11,50

6006 - 2013. In memory of Mr. Wenhsin Lin. A collection of 15 papers on Cerambycidae (Oriental Re-gion, mainly China, Korea and one Western Papua) and 3 papers on Cleridae and Staphylinidae. pp. 7 - 189. Text English and German. More papers in Chinese. Totally 234 pp., many col. figs. 43,-

4183 acciaVatti & pEarsOn 1989. The Tiger beetle genus Cicindela from the Indian subcontinent. 277 p - 63 figs. 20,-

3936 aHrEns, D. 2005. A taxonomic review of the Serica (s.str.) MacLeay, 1819 species of Asian mainland. pp. 163, 1 col. plate, many line-drawings. Nova Supplementa Entomologica 18 58,-

2457 aLLEnspacH & WittmEr 1979. Insecta Helvetica, Catalogus: Cantharoidea, Cleroidea, Lymexylonoi-dea. 10,-

2458 aLLEnspacH, V. 1970. Insecta Helvetica: Scarabaeidae, Lucanidae. 186 S. 10,-2459 aLLEnspacH, V. 1975. Insecta Helvetica: Cerambycidae. 216 S. 10,-5790 assinG & scHüLKE [2011] / 2012. Die Käfer Mitteleuropas 4 (Freude-Harde-Lohse) Staphylinidae

I (Staphylindae exklusive Aleocharinae und Psalphinae.). 2. Auflage. XII, 560 S. 2254 Abb., 150 in Farbe. 164,95

4608 banGsHOLt, F. 1983. Sandspringernes og lobebillernes udbredelse og forekomst i Danmark ca. 1830 - 1981. (Cicindelidae and Carabidae) English summary. Distribution maps (Danmark + Europe) for all species. 271 S., 25 x 17 cm. 36,-

4647 bELLamy, c.L. 2003. An illustrated summary of the higher classification of the superfamily Bupre-stoidea. Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 10. 44 colour plates with 454 photographs, 197 pp. 88,-

5936 bEntanacHs, ViVEs & bOsuanG 2012. Collection ExNatura 4 : Cerambycinae de Bornéo - 1 114 pages, texte en français, 22 planches couleur 44,-

2484 bEutEL, r. 1997. Über Phylogenese und Evolution der Coleoptera, insbesondere der Adephaga. 164 S., 90 Abb, 2 Tabellen. 33,-

2492 bOrDat, pauLian & pittinO 1990. Faune de Madagascar. 74. Coléoptères Aphodiidae. 251 p - 149 figs. 57,-

5544 bOrDy, b. 2009. Faune de France 85. Chrysomelidae 3 Hispinae et Cassidinae. Seconde édition. 260 pp. + 6 pl. showing distribution maps + 21 col. plates. 70,-

5962 bOrDy, DOGuEt & DEbrEuiL 2012. Les Donaciinae de France. pp. 92, 40 col. fig. of dead specimens, 3 plates with living beetles, 6 col. photos of landscape. 32,-

2499 bOVEy, p. 1987. Insecta Helvetica, Catalogus: Scolytidae, Platypodidae. 96 S. 12,-4955 camarD & LEpLat 2004. Hybrides du genre Carabus Mit 18 Farbtaf. (230 Tiere). 45,-5173 cHaLumEau & brOcHiEr 2007. Chiasognathinae of The Andes. Size 245 x 290 mm, beautiful hard

cover, 324 full color pages, 279 figures (photos and drawings of the insects), 25 maps, 43 color plates. There is also a French edition. Il y aussi une éditon française. 160,-

3930 cHaLumEau, F, tOurOuLt, J. 2005. Les Longicornes des Petites Antilles (Cerambycidae) Taxonomie, éthologie, biogéographie. pp. 160, 32 pages of 55 color pictures of living beetles and habitats and of 150 mounted specimens, 5 maps, illustrated keys, references, index. In French, keys and a summary translated into English. Hdb. 40,-

3842 cHatEnEt, G. Du 2005. Coléoptères d‘Europe. Vol. 1 Adephaga Carabes, Carabiques et Dytiques. 625 S. + Index, 31 Farbtaf., zahlr. Textabb., Verbreitungskarten 60,-

4066 cHatEnEt, G.Du 2000. Coléoptères Phytophages d‘Europe. 366 S., 43 Farbtaf. 57,-4688 cHatEnEt, G.Du 2002. Coléoptères phytophages d‘Europe. Tome 2: Chrysomelidae. 266 S., 35

Farbtaf. 56,-2533 cObOs, a. 1986. Fauna Iberica de Coleopteros Buprestidae. 364 S., 40 Taf. 30,-


Page 9: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


3867 cOstEssEquE, r. 2005. Les Aphodius de France. Une clef de détermination. 78 S., 6 Farbtaf., 116 Fotos, 183 Zeichnungen und 77 Verbreitungskarten. 36,-

5832 cOuLOn, pupiEr, quEinnEc, OLLiViEr & ricHOux 2011. Coléoptères Carabidae de France : Com-pléments et mise à jour. Vol. 2. 337 pages, 52 planches de figures et 16 planches photographiques hors texte. Faune de France 95: Harpalidae et Brachinidae. 55,-

5831 cOuLOn, pupiEr, quEinnEc, OLLiViEr & ricHOux 2011. Coléoptères Carabidae de France : Com-pléments et mise à jour. Vol. 1 352 pages,70 planche de figures et 12 planches photographiques hors texte. Faune de France 94: Paussidae, Carabidae, Nebriidae, Elaphridae, Omophronidae, Loriceridae, Cicindelidae, Siagonidae, Scaritidae, Apotomidae, Broscidae, Psydridae et Trechidae. 55,-

5830 cOuLOn, pupiEr, quEinnEc, OLLiViEr & ricHOux 2011. Faune de France 94 + 95: Coléoptères Carabidae de France : Compléments aux 2 volumes de René Jeannel. Mise à jour, corrections et répertoire. Deux volumes totalisant près de 600 pages. - Sonderpreis für beide Bücher zusammen. 90,-

5600 DE paLma & Frantz 2010. Taxonomic revision of Megalorhina Westwood and Subgeneric classifica-tion of Mecynorhina Hope (Cetoniinae) 80 pp and 16 high quality colour plates showing 55 speci-mens, 11 morphological details of head and median clypeal horn, 7 paramers in lateral and frontal view, 7 protibials, 1 distribution map.Text in English and French. Hardcover 17 x 24 cm. 42,-

5496 DE paLma, m. 2009. Taxonomic Revision of Eudicella White (Cetoniinae) and Iconographic Cata-logue. pp. 48 + 32 col. plates. 42,-

5672 DEbrEuiL, m. 2011. Les Clytrinae de France (Chrysomelidae). 115 pp., 12 pl. col. Clés de détermi-nation - sous-familles, genres, espèces et sous-espèces - abondamment illustrées de photographies et dessins de détails morphologiques très explicites, la représentation (dessins et photos) des genitalia mâles de la spermathèque de toutes les espèces. Pour chaque espèce figurent les données essentielles sur leur biologie, une carte de distribution et une photo en couleurs, mâle et femelle chaque fois que le dimorphisme sexuel est significatif 42,-

2546 DEcHambrE, r.-p. 1986. Faune de Madagascar 65: Dynastidae. 215 p - 280 figs. 60,-5983 DEuVE, t. 2013. Cychrus, Calosoma et Carabus de Chine. pp. 316, Catalogue, index, 20 color plates,

11 colour images, 2 tables. Paperback, 21 x 29 cm, text English and French. 93,-2552 DOGuEt, s. 1994. Chrysomelidae 2: Alticinae. Faune de France 80. 694 S., 223 Abb.-Gruppen, 3

Taf. 84,505261 FarruGia, s. 2007. Les Agrilus de France, une clef de détermination. 128 pages, 12 planches couleur.

Sylvain Farrugia, spécialiste reconnu des Agrilus de France, nous offre une clef de détermination très originale du genre agrémentée de très nombreux dessins qui permettent enfin de déterminer avec facilité ces Buprestidae de grand intérêt systématique. 43,-

2558 FOrEL & LEpLat 1995. Les Carabes de France. 316 p - 57 col. pl. - THE book on Carabus from France, absolutely first class, showing 677 enlarged specimens in colour, many distribution maps, bibliography, drawings,.. - in 2 vols Textband 320 S., Tafelband mit 57 Farbtaf. mit insgesamt 677 abgebildeten Tieren. Im Textband zahlreiche Strichzeichnungen und Verbreitungskarten. 2 Leinen-bände in Schuber. Format 16,5 x 24,7 cm. 140,-

4160 FOrEL & LEpLat 2000. Les Buprestides de France de Léon Schaefer. Vol. 2. Compléments & Ico-nographie. 116 S., 27 Farbtaf. Auf jeder Farbtaf. ca. 12 Käferabb. in bester Qualität. Der Text ist als Ergänzung zum Band 1 (Schaefer, Buprestides de France) gedacht. 80,-

5666 FuJita, H. 2010. Mushi-Sha‘s Iconographic Series of Insects 6: Lucanidae. Two vols. in slip case. Text-vol.: pp. 472. plate-vol.: 248 col. plates. A new volume of these magnificent series. Text in Japa-nese. approx. 525,-

2596 GErstmEiEr, r. 1998. Buntkäfer / Checkered Beetles. Illustrierter Schlüssel zu den Cleriden der Westpaläarktis. 241 S. + 8 Farbtaf. mit je 16 abgebild. Käfern, 302 Zeichnungen und zahlreiche Verbreitungskarten. Zweisprachig deutsch / englisch. Fest gebunden. 48,-


Page 10: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


2598 GOEnGEt, H. 1997. The Brentidae of Northern Europe. 289 S., 357 Strichzeichn., 8 Farbtaf. Fauna Entomol. Scand. 34. 80,-

4962 Hartmann & baumbacH 2003. Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya. 390 S., 270 s/w -Abb., XVI Farbtafeln / 390 p., 270 drawings, XVI coulour plates Format A4 - STARK PREISRE-DUZIERT. 31 Arbeiten verschiedener Autoren, davon 23 über Coleoptera, die anderen über Vögel, Pisidium (Bivalvia), Drepanidae, Syrphidae. 35,-

5943 HayasHi, m. 2012. Donaciinae of Japan. Handbooks Series of Insects 2 (Mushi-Sha) pp. 95, 16 col. plates showing specimens from collections, and futher col. plates showing landscape and living beetles. 22 x 30 cm, hardcover with dust-cover. 102,-

2615 HEquEt, V. 1996. Longicornes de Guyane. 80 p - 25 figs - 19 col. pl. - A first work showing 151 specimens of Cearambycids from the French Guiana. 36 S. Text + 19 Farbtaf. + Tafelerklärungen. Broschiert, Format 16 x 23 cm. Gibt einen sehr guten Überblick über diese südamerikanische Fau-na. 20,-

5694 HOLm & Gussmann 1992. Revision of the genus Sternocera of Africa (Buprestidae). 84 p - 122 figs - 10 col. pl. - hbk. 42,-

4935 HOLm & Gussmann 2004. The African Jewel Beetles, Buprestidae: Julodinae. 397 S., über 600 Farb-fotos, 23 x 34 cm 220,-

2629 HOriOn, a. 1983. Opera coleopt. e periodicis collata. 916 S., Leinen. Neuausgabe sämtlicher Arbe-iten Horions, die in Zeitschriften erschienen sind. Für die faunistische Arbeit unerlässlich. 69,-

2635 HurKa, K. 1996. Carabidae of the Czech and Slovak republics. 565 S., 16 Farbtaf. mit 200 Abb., 715 Strichzeichn. Text englisch und tschechisch. 80,-

5215 iabLOKOFF-KHnzOrian, s. 1982. Les Coccinelles. Tribu Coccinellini des Régions Paléarctique et Ori-entale. 568 p - more than 1000 figs - cloth. 60,-

6012 imura & mizusaWa 2013. The Carabus of Japan. 368 pp. in full color, Hard cover. Text in both Japanese and English, Siza A4 218,-

5114 JirOux, E. 2006. Le genre Ceroglossus. pp. 180, 24 planches couleur. 55,-5622 LEGranD & cHEW KEa FOO 2010. Les Cetoniinae du Sabah. pp. 126, 269 col. fig. on plates (showing

specimens). 63,-

LöbL & smEtana (EDit.) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera.A comprehensive work covering the about 100000 species of Coleoptera known to occur in the Palaearctic Region, planned in 8 vols. The type species of geneera and subgenera, incl. synonyms are given. The distributional data of species and subspecies is given per country. The area covered also includes the Arabian Peninsula, Himalayas and China.4606 1. 2003. Archostemata - Myxophaga - Adephaga. 819 pp. 140,-3743 2. 2004. Hydrophiloidea, Histeroidea, Staphylinoidea. 942 pp. 155,-5085 3. 2006. Scarabaeoidea - Scirtoidea - Dascilloidea - Buprestoidea - Byr-

rhoidea. 690 pp. 123,-5233 4. 2007. Elateroidea, Derodontoidea, Bostrichoidea, Lymexyloidea,

Cleroidea and Cucujoidea. 935 pp. 155,-5224 5. 2008. Tenebrionidae. 670 pp. 123,-5428 6. 2010. Cerambycidae, Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Bruchidae and Chrysomelidae. 924 pp.

155,-5650 7. 2011. Curculionoidea I.(Nemonychidae to Baridinae, including Anthribidae, Apionidae, Cur-

culionidae, Scolytinae). 373 pp. 80,-

5949 8. 2013. Curculionoidea II. Errata to vol. 1 to 7. 700 pp. 149,80


Page 11: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



5541 LücKmann & niEHuis 2009. Die Ölkäfer in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland. 479 S., sehr viele Farbabb., hardcover Am oberen Schnitt ganz minimale Druckstelle. 34,50

4785 marais & HOLm 1992. Type catalogue and bibliography of the Cetoniidae of sub-saharan Africa. 125 S. 12,-

2698 marGGi, W.a. 1992. Faunistik der Sandlaufkäfer und Laufkäfer der Schweiz. 477 S. + 236 S. Verb-reitungskarten. In 2 broschierten Bänden. 15,-

6009 mOLLarD, a. 1913. Carabus de la péninsule Ibérique. pp. 198, 288 col. fig. of specimens. Mise à jour de Forel & Leplat (1998). 70,-

5099 möLLEr, GrubE & WacHmann 2006. Der Fauna Käferführer I - Käfer im und am Wald. 336 Seiten, 455 Farbfotos, 2 s/w Abbildungen, Hardcover, Fadenheftung, 18,5 x 13,0 cm. 29,-

5623 mOOrE & LanDEr 2010. Révision du genre Conognatha (Buprestidae) pp. 171, 120 col. fig. on plates (showing specimerns). 63,-

4646 mOraVEc, J. 2002. Tiger beetles of Madagascar 2: A Monograph of the genus Physodeutera (Cicin-delidae) 290 S., 687 Textabb., 21 Farbtaf. (114 vergrößerte Abb. von Sammlungsexemplaren, 1 Karte, Biotopaufnahmen). Format 18 x 27 cm. 90,-

5982 mOrEt, p. 2005. Los coleópteros Carabidae del páramo en los Andes del Ecuador. Sistemática, ecología y biogeografía. pp. 307, 398 figs.,10 col. plates (3 showing specimens, the others maps and landscapes), size 22,5 x 33 cm, softcover. With determination keys. 50,-

4714 mOrOn, ratcLiFFE & DELOya 1997. Atlas de los escarabajos de México I. Melolonthidae. pp. 280., many col. plates 48,-

2719 naViaux, r, 1995. Les Collyris (Cicindelidae). Revision des genres et descr. de nouveaux taxons. 332 S. 38,-

3700 niEHuis, m. 2004. Die Prachtkäfer in Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Saarland. 713 Seiten mit 749 Abbildungen, meist in Farbe. 59,90

5991 niEHuis, m. 2013. Die Buntkäfer in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland (Cleridae) 683 S., 747 Abb. (meist Farbfotos), hardcover. 34,50

5411 nyLanDEr, u. 2008. A review of the genera Calodema and Metaxymorpha (Buprestidae). pp. 84, 306 colour photographs, hardcover. 33,-

4562 ObyDOV, D. 2002. Révision du genre Callistenes (Carabidae) 125 S., 108 farb. Abb. von Käfer, 4 Farbfotos. 38,-

6015 OHmOmO & FuKutOmi 2013. Mushi-Sha’s Iconographic Series of Insects 7: The Buprestid Bee-tles of Japan. approx. 190,-

5948 pHiLipp, H. 1965. Faune de Madagascar. 19. Coléoptères Erotylidae. 101 p - 74 figs. 14,- 2738 pOcHOn, H. 1964. Insecta Helvetica: Buprestidae. 89 S., 174 Abb. 9,-5717 ratcLiFFE, b. 1991. The Scarab beetles of Nebraska. 333 p - 66 maps - 336 figs - soft covers. 24,-5707 ratcLiFFE, b. 1996. The Carrion Beetles of Nebraska (Silphidae). 100 p - 120 figures - soft covers.

22,-4526 rEimann, assmann Et aL. 2002. Palaeogeography and palaeoecology of Carabus auronitens. Char-

acterization and localization of glacial refugia in southern France and reconstruction of postglacial expansion routs by means of allozyme polymorphisms. 151 S., 18 Abb., 25 Tabellen. 38,-

5819 rEtEzár, i. 2008. The Carabus of Abkhazia, Caucasus (Carabidae). Iconography, genital morphol-ogy, systematics and faunistics. 60 text pages + 80 high quality colour plates. Text in English. Hard cover, 21,5 x 30 cm 92,-

Page 12: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



5981 rHEinHEimEr & HassLEr 2013. Die Rüsselkäfer Baden-Württembergs. 2. durchgesehene und ergän-zte Ausgabe. 944 S. mit 1035 farbigen Abb. und 82 farbigen Tafeln, fester Einband. Alle 864 in Südwestdeutschland nachgewiesenen Rüsselkäferarten werden behandelt. Zu jeder baden-würt-tembergischen Art gibt es ein detailliertes Artkapitel, in dem Taxonomie, Ökologie, Verbreitung, Funddaten, Gefährdung und, soweit bekannt, die Parasiten abgehandelt werden. Neu revidierte und überarbeitete Bestimmungsschlüssel ermöglichen die zuverlässige Ansprache der Arten. Funddaten, Literatur und verwendete Taxo nomie entsprechen dem Stand Sommer 2010. Zu über drei Vierteln der Arten gibt es großformatige, meist tiefenscharfe Lebendphotos. Dazu kommen Abbildungen der wichtigsten Futterpflanzen und 82 Farbtafeln mit sämtlichen Arten als Präparate. 79,-

5939 rössnEr, E. 2012. Die Hirschkäfer und Blatthornkäfer Ostdeutschlands. (Scarabaeoidea). 505 S., Verbreitungskarten, Format A4, hardcover. Fast alle Arten sind farbig, stark vergrößert dokumenti-ert. Im speziellen Teil werden alle vorkommenden Arten mit Angaben zur Verbreitung (mit Karten), Ökologie,Biologie, Phänologie, Gefährdung und unter Auflistung aller Daten vorgestellt. 89,-

4645 sama, G. 2002. Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe and Mediterranean area. 1: Northern, western, central and eastern Europe. 173 S., 729 farb. Käferabb. auf 36 Tafeln. Format A4. - Original keys are presented to facilitate identification of western palaearctic species of some genera. Some new taxa. One or more photographs are provided for each species: usually a typical male, sometimes both sexes. 140,-

5766 scHaEFEr, L. 1949. Les Buprestides de France. 511 p - 25 plates - wrappers. Published as a supple-ment of the revue Miscellanea Entomologica. Uncut. 45,-

4465 suDrE & tEOccHi 2000. Révision de la tribu des Phantasini (Cerambycidae). 79 S., 2 Farbtaf. 29,-2767 tarOni, G. 1998. Il Cervo volante (Lucanidae). Classification of the Lucanidae, List of the World

Lucanids, Photographs of the boxes of Lucanids from the collection of the author. The Stag beetle and the Man: art, legends, curiosities in 2000 years. 182 S., durchgehend farbig. Format 25 x 28 cm. Ein ungewöhnliches Buch über Hirschkäfer. Gezeigt werden alte Sammlungen, zahlreiche Insektenkästen mit Hirschkäfern, sehr viele Abbildungen aus Büchern, Kunst- und Kitschgegenstände. 40,-

5652 tOmaszEWsKa, W. 2010. Rhyzobius (Coccinellidae), a revision of the world species. pp. 475, 1961 fig., incl. 5 col. plates, cloth-bound 80,-

2777 ViLLiErs, a. 1980. Faune de Madagascar. 52. Cerambycidae Disteniinae. 133 p - 345 figs. 31,-6007 WEiGEL, mEnG & Lin 2013. Contribution to the Fauna of Longhorn Beetles in the Naban River

Watershed National Nature Resereve (Cerambycidae. China: Yunnan, Xishuangbanna). 219 pp., 52 col. plates showing specimens in very good quality. Text in English. 19 x 26 cm 34,-

4171 WErnEr, K. 2000. The Tiger Beetles of Africa. Vol. 2. Die Gattungen Bennigsenium bis Euprymor-pha. 207 S., 779 Farbabb. Format 27 x. 32 cm. 134,-

4170 WErnEr, K. 2000. The Tiger Beetles of Africa. Vol. 1. Einleitung, Gattungen Manticora bis Dromica. 191 S., 745 Farbfotos. Format 27 x 32 cm 134,-

2782 WiEsnEr, J. 1992. Verzeichnis der Sandlaufkäfer der Welt. Checklist of the Tiger Beetles of the World. 364 S., Format A4. Artenliste in systematischer Reihenfolge, Literaturliste, Index in alphabet. und Index in systemat. Reihenfolge. Sehr ausführliche Arbeit. 58,-

5494 WinKELmann & DEbrEuiL 2008. Les Chrysomelinae de France (Chrysomelidae). Clé de détermi-nation, description et iconographie. 188 pages dont 16 planches en couleurs. Pour chaque espèce figure notamment des éléments de biologie (biotope et plantes-hôtes), la distribution en France et en Europe, le dessin de l‘édéage. Une riche iconographie présente la photo en couleurs de chacune des espèces et de certaines de leurs variétés. 48,-

5987 zampEtti & ricci 2012. Guida ai Coleotteri Bruchidi della Fauna Italiana. Sistemactica e biologia. Gestione e controllo [Bruchidae] 430 pp., 76 col. plates. paperback, 15 x 21 cm. 46,-

Page 13: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Bauer, E. & Th. Frankenbach, Schmetterlinge der ErdeAlle Hefte im Großformat 24 x 34 cm.

Zu Anfang des Projektes wollten wir nur einen Überblick bieten, es zeigte sich jedoch, dass viele Kunden eine ausführlichere Bearbeitung vorziehen. Um die Kosten niedrig zu halten, gibt es nur einen knappen Text, zu einigen Heften erscheinen Supplemente mit ausführlichem Text. Die Hefte 1 - 26 erschienen in einer deutschsprachigen Ausgabe, Heft 8 und 25 jedoch nur mit englischem Einband.

Ab Heft 27 gibt es nur noch eine englische Ausgabe. Die Kosten für die separate deutsche Ausgabe sind angesichts der geringen Nachfrage zu hoch.

2805 Abonnement. Alle schon erschienenen Hefte werden mit 20 Rabatt geliefert, später erscheinende Hefte mit 30%. Die Hefte 8 und 23 werden für Abonnenten nicht berechnet.

Die Hefte 8 und 25 haben einen englischsprachigen Umschlag, ab Band 27 wird die englisch-sprachige Ausgabe geliefert.

Heft 1 - 39. 1998 - 2013. 880,40

Es ist möglich, die Hefte in mehreren Teillieferungen zu erhalten, oder den Betrag in mehreren Monatsraten zu bezahlen.

Ausführliche bibliographische Daten finden Sie bei der englischen Ausgabe.

- 1. 1998. Papilionidae I. (Achillides, Bhutanitis, Teinopalpus) nur bei Gesamtabnahme erhältlich 2807 2. 1999. Späth, Nymphalidae I: Agrias. 15,- 2808 3. 1999. Lamas, Nymphalidae II: Ithomiinae. 12,50 2809 4. 1999. Hecq, Nymphalidae III: Euphaedra. 12,50 2810 5. 1999. Möhn, Papilionidae I: Battus. 18,50 2811 6. 1999. Rumbucher & Knötgen, Papilionidae III: Troides I. aeacus-Artengruppe. 24,50 2812 7. 1999. Rumbucher & Knötgen, Papilionidae IV: Troides II. amphrysus-Artengruppe. 30,-2813 8. 1999. Möhn, Papilionidae V: New Papilionidae. 6,- 2814 9. 2000. Hecq, Nymphalidae IV: Bebearia. 24,50 2815 10. 2000. Winhard, Pieridae I. 37,- 2816 11. 2000. Lukhtanov & Eitschberger, Nymphalidae V: Oeneis. 24,502817 12. 2001. Schäffler, Papilionidae VI: Ornithoptera. 38,- 2818 13. 2003. Möhn, Papilionidae VII: Parnassius apollo. Der ausführlichere Text ist in Band 23.

38,-2819 14. 2002. Möhn, Papilion. VIII: Baronia, Euryades, Protographium, Neographium, Eurytides.

34,-4650 15. 2002. Hecq, Nymphalidae VI: Euriphene. 12,504829 16. 2003. Hecq, Nymphalidae VII: Pseudacraea. 12,504830 17. 2003. Page & Treadaway, Papilionidae IX. Papilionidae der Philippinen. 44,-4864 18. 2004. Casteleyn, Nymphalidae VIII: Lexias. 18,503697 19. 2004. Rumbucher & Schäffler, Papilionidae X: Troides III. haliphron-Gruppe. 18,503698 20. 2005. Schroeder & Treadaway, Nymphalidae IX: Amathusiini der Philippinen. 22,-3861 21. 2005. Rumbucher & Schäffler, Papilionidae XI: Troides IV. helena-Gruppe. 44,-3862 22. 2005. Turlin, Nymphalidae X: Charaxes I. 38,-3864 23. 2005. Möhn, Papilionidae XII: Parnassius apollo. Text. 20,-3863 24. 2006. Küppers, Nymphalidae XI: Cethosia. 27,-4271 25. 2007. Turlin, Nymphalidae XII: Charaxes II. 25,-4272 26. 2006. Möhn, Papilionidae XIII: Parides. 59,-

Page 14: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


an iconography of the butterflieswith outstanding plates.

Bauer, E. & Th. Frankenbach, Butterflies of the WorldAll parts in large size 24 x 34 cm, all specimens shown in life-size (or enlarged)

When starting the series, we intended to show only a part of the butterflies, but many customers wants the series to be more complete. We publish a German (vol. 1 - 24 and 26) and an English edition. The text is (very) short, but for some parts we have a more detailed text published as a supplement (text in French, German or English, one edition only). Part 8 and 23 are in German only.

There is a reduced subscriber’s price if you buy part 1 to 32. Further parts will be supplied with a discount of 30%. Subscription can be cancelled at any time. Subscription is only possible if you buy all parts that are already published.

4227 Part 1 - 39 and subscription for the following parts. Parts already published are supplied with a discount of 20%, further parts 30% off. (Part 8 and 23 are supplied free of charge, they are in German language.) 1998 - 2013 880,40

The subscription can be cancelled at any time. You can obtain it also in several consignements or you may pay by installments.

4228 1. 1998. Bauer & Frankenbach, Papilionidae I. (Achillides, Bhutanitis, Teinopalpus) 4 pp. + 13 pl. (41 fig. of Achillides, 8 fig. of Bhutanitis, 19 fig. of Teinopalpus) not available seperately

4229 2. 1999. Späth, Agrias. 13 pp. + 20 col. pl., 152 fig. of almost all subspecies represented in nine species + 8 fig. taken from Oberthür, Études de Lépidoptérologie (1924). 15,-

4230 3. 1999. Lamas, Ithomiinae. 17 pp. + 16 col. pl., 252 specimens covering subset of the 320 known species many of which are divides into subspecies. 12,50

4231 4. 1999. Hecq, Euphaedra. 9 pp. + 16 col. pl., 128 fig., includes systematic list of species and principal subspecies. 12,50

4232 5. 1999. Möhn, Papilionidae II: Battus. 13 pp. + 20 col. pl., 168 fig., illustrates and identifies 14 species and 49 subspecies. 18,50

4233 6. 1999. Rumbucher & Knötgen, Papilionidae III: Troides I. 32 col. plates. aeacus-species group. 64 specimens. 24,50

4234 7. 1999. Rumbucher & Knötgen, Papilionidae IV: Troides II. 3 pp. + 40 col. plates. amphrysus-species group. 82 specimens. 30,-

4235 8. 1999. Möhn, Papilionidae V: New and rare Papilionidae. 5 pp. + 4 col. pl., 34 fig. (Text in German only, cover English). 6,-

4236 9. 2000. Hecq, J., Bebearia. 8 pp. + 32 col. pl., 277 fig., almost all species and principal subspecies.24,50

4237 10. 2000. Winhard, Pieridae I. Text part: pp. 40, plate part: 48 col. pl. A selection of all Pieridae. 37,-

4238 11. 2000. Lukhtanov & Eitschberger, Oeneis. pp. 12, 26 col. plates showing upper- and underside, 2 col. plates showing reproductions of two handcol. engravings. All species and most subspecies are shown. 24,50

Page 15: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



4239 12. 2001. Schäffler, Papilionidae VI: Ornithoptera. Plate part: 52 col. plates. A supplement to „Ornithoptera” by B. von Knötgen. Shows many new forms and new local races incl. one new subspec., also some natural hybrids between Troides and Ornithoptera.

Text-part: pp. 19. 38,-

4240 13. 2003. Möhn, Papilionidae VII: Parnassius apollo. 32 col. plates with specimens, pp. 3. A more detailed text is published in part 23 (in German only). 38,-

4241 14. 2002. Möhn, Papilionidae VIII: Baronia, Euryades, Protographium, Neographium, Eurytides. 16 pp. + 36 col. plates. All species and subspecies are shown, also most of the forms. Several females are shown the first time in colour. 34,-

4242 15. 2002. Hecq, Nymphalidae VI: Euriphene. pp. 4 + 12 col. plates showing most species and the more important subspecies. 12,50

4243 16. 2003. Hecq, Nymphalidae VII: Pseudacraea. pp. 3 + 12 col. plates. 12,504244 17. 2003. Page & Treadaway, Papilionidae IX: Papilionidae of the Philippine Islands. pp. 12 + 58

col. plates. 44,-4245 18. 2003. Casteleyn: Nymphalidae VIII: Lexias. pp. 8 + 24 col. plates. 18,504246 19. 2004. Rumbucher & Schäffler, Papilionidae X: Troides III. haliphron-species group. pp. 3 + 22 col. plates. 18,504247 20. 2005. Schroeder & Treadaway, Nymphalidae IX: Amathusiini of the Philippine Islands. pp.

9 + 22 col. pl., 2 pl. with line-drawings. 22,-4248 21. 2005. Rumbucher & Schäffler, Papilionidae XI: Troides IV. helena-species group. pp. 8 + 56

col. pl. 44,-4249 22. 2005. Turlin, Nymphalidae X: Charaxes I. pp. 8 + 35 col. pl. This part is printed in 6 colours

(the 4 colours + silver + lack). 38,-3864 23. 2005. Möhn, Papilionidae XII: Parnassius apollo. Text. pp. 33. Text in German. 20,-4250 24. 2006 Küppers, Nymphalidae XI: Cethosia. pp. 6 + 34 col. pl., 6 pp. 27,-4271 25. 2007. Turlin, Nymphalidae XII: Charaxes II. 8 pp. (4 pp. English, 4 pp. German) + 23 col.

pl. 25,-

4273 26. 2006. Möhn, Papilionidae XIII: Parides. 19 pp. + 52 col. plates. 59,-

4274 27. 2008. Casteleyn, Nymphalidae XIII: Vindula. pp. 8 + 28 col. plates. 27,-4275 28. 2007. Turlin, Nymphalidae XIV: Charaxes III. 8 pp. + 32 col. plates. 27,-

4276 29. 2008. De Jong & Treadaway, Hesperiidae I: Hesperiidae of the Philippine Islands. 18 pp. + 39 col. plates + 1 plate on cover. 56,-

4277 30. 2009. Schäffler & Frankenbach, Nymphalidae XV: Morpho I. (M. theseus, M. niepelti). pp. 14, 74 col. plates and 2 col. distribution maps. 79,-

4278 31. 2009. Pierre & Bernaud, Nymphalidae XVI: Acraea, subgenus Actinote pp. 5 + 19 col. plates. 20,-

4279 32. 2009. Turlin, Nymphalidae XVII: Charaxes IV. 8 pp. + 32 col. plates. 27,-

4280 33. 2010. Schäffler & Frankenbach, Nymphalidae XVIII: Morpo II. (M. hercules, M. richardus, M. telemachus, M. amphitryon, M. hecuba and M. cisseis). All the species and a selection of subspecies. 4 pp and 36 col. plates. 30,-

4281 34. 2011. Turlin, Nymphalidae XIX: Charaxes V. 13 pp. + 30 plates. 33,-4282 35. 2011. Schäffler & Frankenbach, Nymphalidae XX. Anaeomorpha, Noreppa, Archaeopre-

pona I. 11 pp. + 45 col. plates 38,-

4283 36. 2012. Frankenbach (†), Bollino & Racheli, Papilionidae XIV: Hypermnestra, Luehdorfiini, Zerynthiini. 5 pp. + 19 col. plates and 2 col. plates with type specimens. 35,-

4284 37. 2012. Treadaway, Nymphal. XXI: Euploea of the Philippine Islands. 10 pp. + 28 col. pl. 25,-

Page 16: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



4285 38. 2012. Turlin, Nymphalidae XXII: Charaxes VI. Aberrations. 21 plates 25,-

4286 39. 2013. Pierre & Bernaud, Nymphalidae XXIII: Acraea, subgenus Acraea. 8 pp. + 28 col. pla-tes 38,-

Supplemente / SupplementsSupplements have a more detailed text. Vol. 1 and 3 have a smaller size (17 x 24 cm), but all others have the same large size (24 x 34 cm) as the main series.

4251 1. 1999. Hecq, Le Genre Euphaedra. Texte français. 16 pp. 4,- - 2. Nicht erschienen, not published 4253 3. 2000. Hecq, Le Genre Bebearia. Texte français. 34 pp. 9,-4254 4. 2001. Lukhtanov & Eitschberger, Catalogue of the genera Oeneis and Davidina. 37 pp., 64

fig., 36 distribution maps. 20,-4255 5. 2002. Hecq, Le Genre Euriphene Boisduval, 1847. Texte français. 16 pp. 10,- 4256 6. 2003. Möhn, Neue und wenig bekannte Parnassius apollo-Unterarten aus dem Osten des

Verbrei-tungsgebietes. 8 S. 5,-4257 7. 2003. Hecq: Le Genre Pseudacraea. Texte français. 9 pp. 5,-4258 8. 2004. Page & Treadaway, The Papilionidae of the Philippine Islands. (Text). 56 pp. 30,-4259 9. 2005. Möhn, Parnassius apollo Teil 2: Tafeln 33 - 50. In diesem Band werden die restlichen P.

apollo-Unterarten abgebildet. P. apollo salairensis wird neu beschrieben. 6 S. Text. - In this part the remaining P. apollo subspecies are shown. P. apollo salairensis is described. Text in German. 50,-

4260 10. 2005. Turlin, Les Charaxes de la faune afrotropicale, partie I. 11 pp. 8,-4261 11. 2006. Küppers, Cethosia. 22 S., Text deutsch / text German. 14,-4262 12. 2007. Turlin, Les Charaxes de la faune afrotropicale, partie II. 8 pp. 5,-4263 13. 2006. Racheli, The Genus Parides. An unended quest. pp. 116, 82 figs. (distribution maps

and genitalia drawings) and a col. plate of a painting showing Parides orellana adults and larva on Aristolochia. An important monograph of the genus Parides. 70,-

4264 14. 2007. Turlin, Les Charaxes de la faune afrotropicale, partie III. 12 pp. 8,-

4265 15. 2007. De Jong & Treadaway, Hesperiidae of the Philippine Islands. pp. 72, 19 col. fig., 59 line drawings, 1 map. With determination keys. 45,-

4266 16. 2009. Pierre & Bernaud, Les Acraeinae Fabricius, 1807 de l’Ancien Monde. Le genre Acraea Fabricius, 1807, sous-genre Actinote pp. 20, with distribution maps. 14,-

4267 17. 2009. Turlin, Les Charaxes de la faune afrotropicale, partie IV. pp. 15. 10,-4268 18. 2010. Schäffler & Frankenbach, Morpho hercules, M. amphitrion, M. telemachus. Eine Ico-

nographie aller bekannten Unterarten. 103 Farbtafeln. Text in English. 180,-4269 19. 2011. Turlin, Les Charaxes de la faune afrotropicale, partie V. pp. 16. 10,-4290 20. 2012. Bollino & Racheli, Parnassiinae (Partim), Parnassiini (Partim); Luehdorfiini;

Zerynthiini. 64 pp., coloured cover, 49 figs., 15 distribution maps. 45,-4291 21. 2012. Turlin, Aberrations et formes particulières dans le genre Charaxes en région Afrotropi-

cale. 12 pp. 8,-

4292 22. 2013. Pierre & Bernaud, Les Acraeinae Fabricius, 1807 de l’Ancien Monde. Le genre Acraea Fabricius, 1807, sous-genre Acraea. pp. 27, with distribution maps. 17,-

Schuber, passend für je 12 TeileSlip-case, good for approx. 12 parts4298 Schuber / slip-case 15,-

Page 17: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



BOZANO, G.C. (EDIT.), Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region Size A4. All taxa are shown in colour. Distribution maps for each species, short, but very good text.


4199 1. 1999. Bozano: Lethini. Subfamily Elymniinae, Tribe Lethini (Lasiommata, Pararge, Lopinga, Kirinia, Chonale, Tatinga, Rhaphicera, Ninguta, Neope, Lethe, Neorina). pp. 61. 34,-

4200 2. 2002. Della Bruna et al.: Yphtimini. 2. ed. Satyrinae, Ypthimini (Argestina, Boeberia, Callerebia, Grumia, Hemadara, Loxerebia, Paralasa, Proterebia). pp. 58 - Unlike the first volume, part 2 has implied a full revision, rather than a compilation of existing information, for most of the dealed taxa. 34,-

4623 3. 2002. Bozano: Melanargiina and Coenonymphina Melanargia, Coenonympha, Sinonympha, Triphysa. pp. 71. 34,-

5655 4. 2011. Eckweiler & Bozano Satyrinae IV. Maniola, Pyronia, Aphantopus, Hyponephele. 102 pp. 34,-


4881 1. 2003. Tusov: Argynnini. Argynnis, Issoria, Brenthis, Argyreus. pp. 64. 34,-

5100 2. 2006. Tusov & Bozano: Argynnini. Boloria, Proclossiana, Clossiana. pp. 72. 34,-

5345 3. 2008. Bozano: Limenitidinae: Neptini. pp. 77. 34,-

5754 4. 2011. Masui, Bozano & Floriani: Apaturinae. pp. 80. 34,-

5941 5. 2012. Bozano & Floriani: Nymphalini, Kallimini, Junoniini. pp. 90 34,-

6014 6. 2013. Gallo & Della Bruna: Limenitidinae. pp. 86 34,-


4479 1. 2001. Bozano & Weidenhoffer: Lycaena, Hycranana, Athamanthia, Phoenicurusia, Heliophorus. pp. 62. 34,-

3732 2. 2004. Weidenhoffer, Bozano & Churkin: Eumaeini: Satyrium, Superflua, Armenia, Neolycaena, Rhymnaria. pp. 94. 34,-

5280 3. 2007. Weidenhoffer & Bozano: Theclinae: Tomarini, Aphnaeini, Theclini (partim). pp. 97. 34,-


6013 1. 2013. Della Bruna et al.: Delias, Aporia, Mesapia, Baltia, Pontia, Belenois, Talbotia. 2nd ed., pp. 92. 34,-


5435 1. 2009. Racheli & Cotton: Leptocircini and Teinopalpini. pp. 69. 34,-5550 2. 2010. Racheli & Cotton: Troidini. pp. 86. It includes a full revision of the genus Byasa. 34,-

Page 18: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



D’abrEra, b., Butterflies of the WorldOriental Region Vol. 1is out of print. 2862 1990. Butterflies of the Australian Region. 3. ed. 416 pp. 240,-2861 1997. Butterflies of the Afrotropical Region. 1. Papilionidae, Pieridae, Acraeidae, Danaidae &

Satyridae. XXIV, 263 S. 245,-3688 2004. - part II. Nymphalidae and Libytheidae. 356 pp. 335,-5546 2009. - part III. Lycaenidae. 380 pp. 410,-

2863 1990. Butterflies of the Holarctic Region I. Papilionidae, Pieridae, Danaidae, Satyridae (partim) (incl. Erebia). S. 1 - 185. The first pages may be foxed. 215,-

2864 1992. - II. Satyridae (rest), Nymphalidae (part). 210 pp. Boloria, Brenthis, Speyeria, Argynnis, Melitaea, Chlosyne, Vanessa and others). p. I - XV, 186 - 334. 215,-

2865 1993. - III. Nymphalidae (concl.), Libytheidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae. p. I - VII, 335 - 524. 215,-

2867 1985. Butterflies of the Oriental Region II. Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Amathusidae p. 245 - 534 90,-

2868 1986. - III. 3. Lycaenidae, Riodinidae. p. 535 - 672. Excluding Lycaenopsis. 195,-

2869 1981. Butterflies of the Neotropical Region I. Papilionidae, Pieridae. 172 S. 195,-2870 1984, second printing 2009. - II. Danaidae, Ithomiidae, Heliconidae, Morphidae. p. 173 - 384. 235,-2871 1987, second printing 1995. - III. Brassolidae, Acraeidae, Nymphalidae (part). S. 385-525 195,-2872 1987. - IV. Nymphalidae (part), incl. Agrias. S. 526 - 678 195,-2873 1988. - V. Nymphalidae (Anaea), Satyridae. S. 679 - 877 195,-2874 1994. - VI. Riodinidae. S. 878 - 1096. 232,-2875 1995. - VII. Lycaenidae. 275,-

4738 2003. Birdwing Butterflies. New Edition 323 S. This magnificent book has all new plates, and all new text. It includes a new colour map and many new and historic photographs of living butterflies and early stages, and environments. This book differs from all the other Birdwing books because most of the specimens figured are primary types of one sort or another. 328,-

4107 - 2001. The concise atlas of Butterflies of the World. 353 pp., approx. 6,500 color photos, faunal region world map, comprehensive generic index. 120,-

5035 World Butterflies. 2005. pp. 272, 149 col. plates with more than 6400 accurate colour illustrations at approx. 60% of natural size, size A4, paperback. It is a condensed version of the “Concise Atlas of Butterflies of the World“, plates and legend are identical. Neue Ausgabe des „Concise Atlas“, die Tafeln und die Legende sind identisch. 24,-

Saturniidae Mundi.2877 1. 1995. Arsenurinae, Ceratocampinae, Agliinae, Teile der Hemileucinae. 177 pp., 77 col. plates

Behandelt in erster Linie die amerikanische Fauna. - Mainly American fauna. 195,-2878 2. 2012. 232 pages, illustrated with nearly 700 colour figures in the catalogue section. Treats approximately 400 species in 65 genera, thus completing the entire Neotropical fauna, the

remaining large Afrotropical species (both covered in Parts I and III), and a major revision of the spectacular Indo-Australian silkmoths – the genus Antheraea Hübner.

This much anticipated volume, first begun in 1994, contains 232 pages, illustrated with nearly 700 colour figures in the catalogue section, most of which represent primary and secondary types of one rank or another from the Collection of the peerless British Museum (Natural History (Natural History Museum) in London. It is printed 4 x 4 colour throughout, figuring over 400 species, life size. There is also an Appendix section containing 80 colour figures of taxa not present in the BMNH but figured by the Late Claude Lemaire in his final work (2002) on the South American Saturniids. 245,-

Page 19: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



2879 3. 1998. Überwiegend Asiatische und Australische Gattungen - Mainly Asian and Australian genera (Copaxa, Saturnia, Loepa, Graellsia, Actias, Samia, Rothschildia, Attacus, Coscinocera and others), ausführlicher Nachtrag zu Band 1. 165 pp., 87 col. plates 195,-

2798 attaL & crOssOn Du cOrmiEr 1996. The Genus Perisama. 149 S., 12 Farbtaf. Großes Format, Leinen. 55,-

6003 baKOWsKi, m. 2013. The Sesiidae of Poland. 277 p., 7 col. plates showing specimens, many col. plates with genitalia and pupae. Line drawings for determination of larvae. Distribution maps. Determina-tion keys and detailed text for each species. 70,-

2822 bELin, V. 1999. Tagfalter, Widderchen und Glasflügler der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Re-publik. Motyli Cescke a Slovenske republiky aktivni ve dne. 96 S. + 34 z.T. doppelseit. Farbtaf., fest gebunden. Text parallel tschechisch und deutsch. 39,-

6017 bELin, V. 2013. Die Nachtfalter der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik. 2. korrigierte Au-flage. 260 S., 39 doppelseitige Farbtaf. Text tschechisch und deutsch. Das Buch folgt dem früher erschienenen Buch über die tagaktiven Schmetterlinge. Es bringt farbige Abb. von etwa 1000 Arten aus 65 Familien, die in den beiden Staaten vorkommen. 60,-

3854 bEnyamini, D. 2002. A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Israel. Including Butterflies of Mt. Hermon, Sinai and Jordan. Revised edition. 21 x 12 cm. 248 S., 168 Farbtaf., 26 s/w-Abb., 63 farb. Raupen-babb., Verbreitungskarten, Text komplett hebräisch. 41,-

2833 bLanDin, p. 1988. The Genus Morpho. Pt. 1. The subgenera Iphimedeia and Schwartzia. pages 1-42 - maps 1-6 - col. plates 1-20. 75,-

2834 - 2. 1993. The subgenera Iphixibia, Cytheritis, Balachowskyna, and Cypritis. pages 43-98 - maps 7 to 14 - col. plates 21-36 - A modern treatise by one of the best French scientists. The large size (25 x 33 cm), the very good illustrations, the important text (fully in English), give a great value to this new monograph. 95,-

3696 - 3. 2007. pages 99-237 - 445 photos in colours. Addenda to Parts 1 and 2 & the subgenera Pessonia, Grasseia and Morpho. This is the last part of this fabulous work. 225,-

5277 bLanDin, p. 2007. The Systematics of the Genus Morpho. 277 p - 47 tables - 16 distribution maps (A4 size). Soft covers. This is the whole systematic work, the only complete revision of the genus since the work of le Moult & Réal published 45 years ago. 110,-

Page 20: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



2835 bODi, E. 1985. The Caterpillars of European Butterflies. - Die Raupen der europäischen Tagfalter. 48 p - 19 col. pl. - A nice book, A4 size, with large photographs of caterpillars and a text about finding and rearing them. Text deutsch, French + English 17,-

5985 bräu, bOLz, KOLbEcK, nunnEr, VOitH & WOLF 2013. Tagfalter in Bayern. 781 S., 359 Zeichnun-gen, 182 Karten, 739 Fotos. 49,90

2849 capDEViLLE, p. 1978. Die geographischen Rassen von Parnassius apollo. 6 Teile. 193 S., 24 Farbtaf., 26 Karten. Text deutsch und französisch. 16,-

5950 cLancy, tOp-JEnsEn & FibiGEr 2012. Moths of Great Britain and Ireland. A field guide to all the macromoths. 640 pages, 60 colour plates, 1200 colour photos. 13 x 21 cm, softcover. This field guide contains all the 874 species of macromoth to have occurred naturally in Britain and Ireland. 57,-

2853 cOmstOcK, W. pH. 1961. Butterflies of the American Tropics: The Genus Anaea. pp. 214, 30 col. plates. Cloth, 338x260mm, Cloth. Mint, unused copy. 214 S., 30 Farbtaf., Leinen, Groß-Format. Hervorragend ausgestattetes Werk mit excellenten Farbtafeln. 30,-

5975 DarGE, p. 2012. An illustrated catalogue of the Hawkmoths of Tanzania (Sphingidae). pp. 63, 15 col. plates 86,-

5979 DarGE, p. 2013. Saturnafrica 15 58,-

DeFreina & Witt, (ab Band 3 nur DeFreina) Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpaläarktis.

2890 1. 1987. 708 S., 46 Farbtaf. Nolidae, Arctiidae, Synthomidae, Dilobidae, Lymantriidae, Notodontidae, Thaumetopoidae, Thyretidae, Sphingidae, Axiidae, Drepanidae, Thyatiridae, Bombycidae, Brahmae-idae, Endromidae, Lasiocampidae, Lemoniidae, Saturniidae. 236,-

2891 2. 1990. Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpaläarktis. Band 2. 142 S., 10 Farbtaf. Cossidae, Limacodidae, Megalopygidae, Thyrididae, Hepialidae, Epipyropidae, Heterogynidae. 102,-

2892 3. 2001. Zygaenidae über 600 S. mit Abb. von über 3000 Faltern. 230,-2893 4. 1997. Sesiidae. 432 S., 32 Farbtaf. 179,-

2904 DubatOLOV, V.V. 1996. 3 contrib. to the knowledge of palearctic Arctiinae. (Sinowatsonia from Ti-bet, Review of Paearctia, List of Arctiinae USSR). 89 S., 1 Farbtaf. Neue Ent. Nachr. 37. 51,-

5955 DuFay, c. 1970. Faune de Madagascar. 31. Noctuidae Plusiinae. 198 p - 116 figs - 2 pl. 24,-5978 EFEtOV & tarmann 2012. A checklist of the Paleaearctic Procridinae 108 p., 15 figs. 60,-2919 EitscHbErGEr, u. 1983. Systematische Untersuchung am Pieris napi-bryoniae-Komplex. Textband

504 S., Tafelband 601 S., 110 Farbtaf. (= Herbipoliana I). Format A4. 100,-2920 ELiOt, J.n. 1973. The higher classification of Lycaenidae: a tentative arrangement. 135 S. + 6 Taf.


Page 21: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



5961 EspEriana 17 2012. Hacker, Schreier & Goater: Revision of the tribe Nolini of Africa and the West-ern Palaearctic Region. pp 612, col. figures throughout. 193,-

6016 EspEriana 18 2012 (Dezember). 312 S., 22 Tafeln. Unter anderem: Taxonomic revision of the Afri-can Cyana-species (Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) ?

2945 FibiGEr, m. (EDit.) 1993. Noctuidae Europaeae 2. Noctuinae II. 230 S., 11 Farbtaf. 171,-2946 - 3. 1997. Genitalia and supplement to Noctuinae. 418 S., 970 s/w-Fotos. 171,-4610 - 4. 2002. Hadeninae I. 419 S., 14 Farbtaf. 171,-4444 - 5. 2001. Hadeninae II. 452 S., 21 Farbtaf. 171,-5005 - 8. 2005. Apameini. 325 pages and 15 colour plates 171,-5294 - 9. 2007. Fibiger & Hacker, Amphipyrinae, Condicinae, Eriopinae, Xyleninae: Caradrinini. pp. 410,

11 col. plates 171,-4843 - 10. 2003. Catocalinae & Plusiinae. 452 S., 16 Farbtaf. 171,-5367 - 11. Fibiger, M., L. Ronkay, A. Steiner & A. Zilli 2009. Heliothinae, Metoponinae, Eustrothiinae,

Bagisarinae, Pantheinae, Raphainae, Dilobinae, Acronyctinae, Bryophilinae. 504 pages. 13 colour plates depicting about 160 species, the smaller maginfied 1,5 - 2 times. 346 genitalia photos. 171,-

5627 - 12. 2010. Rivulinae, Boletobiinae, Hpenodinae, Araeopteroninae, Eublemminae, Hermininae, Hy-peninae, Phytometrinae, Euteliinae and Micronoctuinae. Supplement to volumes 1 - 11. pp. 451, 18 col. Plates 171,-

5843 - 13. 2012. Ronkay, G., L. Ronkay, W. Speidel & T. Witt: Lymantriinae and Arctiinae. 448 pages. 20 colour plates. 102 black and white plates with male and female genitalia. 171,-

5938 FibiGEriana 1 2012. Book series on Entomology. The Vartian Collection. Part I. Noctuoidea. 303 pp., 157 colour plates. The first section of the book is bilingual, introducing Eva Vartian and her lepi-dopterological activity in English and German. The scientific part comprises the annotated list of the type-material, the revised checklist of the Noctuoidea collection - mean altogether 3009 species-level taxa belonging to 673 genera-, the life-size colour images of all distinguished taxa of the superfamily on 152 colour plates and a number of black and white and colour images illustrating the curriculum, the expeditions and the descriptions of 10 new species and a new subspecies. 120,-

5997 FibiGEriana, suppLEmEnt 1 2013. 10 articles dealing with different groups of Noctuidae and Nolidae. 303 pp., 48 col. plates. Focused to the fauna of eastern and south-eastern Asia. 97,-

5464 FisHEr, J. 2009. The Gallery of Butterflies Book 1. Morpho 1. Subgenus Moera, Cytheritis, Bala-chowskyna, Megamede, Iphixibia. pp. 87, colour througout, short text, distribution maps. 24 x 34 cm, softcover. 24,-

3815 GaEDE, m. 1929. DAHL, Tierwelt Deutschlands 14: Schmetterlinge II: Nachtfalter: Macrolepidop-tera. 333 S., 197 Abb. Org.broschiert, verlagsneu. 20,-

5165 GErsHEnsOn, paVLicEK, KraVcHEnKO & nEVO 2006. Yponomeutoid Moths (Yponomeutidae, Plutel-lidae, Argyresthiidae) of Israel. pp. 94, 110 text-fig., 1 col. plate. 58,-

5841 GriEsHubEr, WOrtHy & Lamas 2012. The Genus Colias Fabricius, 1807. Jan Haugum‘s annotated catalogue of the Old World Colias. Format A4, 432 pp, 32 col. pl., hard cover. 128,-

5951 GriVEauD, p. 1959. Faune de Madagascar. 8. Insectes Lépidoptères Sphingidae. 161 p - 235 figs - 13 plates. 26,-

2967 HannEmann, H.J. 1995. Flachleibmotten, Depressariidae. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, begründet von F. DAHL. Kleinschmetterlinge oder Microlepidoptera IV. 189 S., 3 Farbtaf. 75,-

2968 HannEmann, H.J. 1997. Oecophoridae, Chimabachidae, Carcinidae, Ethmiidae, Stathmopodidae. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, begründet von F. DAHL. Kleinschmetterlinge oder Microlepidoptera V. 163 S., 5 Farbtaf. 55,-

Page 22: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



Holloway, J., The Moths of Borneo.all parts are softcover, only vol. 2 is available in hardcover and softcover.

3025 1. 1986, reprinted. Key to families, Cossidae - Limacodidae. 166 pp. + 6 col. plates 33,-5677 2. 2011, Phaudidae, Himantopteridae, Zygaenidae. Complete Checklist, Checklist Notes, Historical

Appendix. Index. pp. 548 + 156 halftone figs. + 12 col. plates (4 with caterpillars). Softcover. - This is the last part of the series and it includes updates for all volumes. 90,-

5678 2. 2011. hardcover 98,-3026 3. 1987, reprinted 1998. Sphingidae, Bombycidae, Brahmaeidae, Saturniidae, Eupterotidae, Lasio-

campidae. 199 pp., 9 col. plates. 36,-3027 4. 1983. Notodontidae. 106 pp., 9 col. plates. 22,-3028 5. 1999. Lymantriidae. 188 S. + 396 figs. of genitalia + 12 col. plates. 36,-3029 6. 1988. Arctiidae: Synthominae, Euchromiinae, Arctiinae. Camptoloma. 101 S. + 6 col. pl. 35,-4386 7. 2001. Lithosiinae. 208 S. + 461 figs. of genitalia + 8 col. plates. 44,-3030 8. 1998. Castniidae, Callidulidae, Drepanidae, Uraniidae. 155 pp. + 317 figs. of genitalia. + 10

col. plates 36,-3031 9. 1996. Geometridae: Oenochrominae and Geometrinae. ca. 180 pp., 52 pp. with figs. of genitalia,

12 col. plates. 33,-3032 10. 1997. Geometridae: Sterrhinae, Larentiinae, addenda to other subfamilies. 242 pp. + 608 figs.

of genitalia. + 12 col. plates. 36,-3033 11. 1993. Geometridae: Ennominae. 309 pp. + 593 figs. of genitalia + 19 col. plates. 47,-3034 12. 1989. Noctuidae: Noctuinae, Heliothinae, Acronictinae, Amphipyrinae, Agaristidae. 226 pp.

+ 8 col. plates. 30,-5543 13. 2009. Noctuidae: Pantheinae, Bagisarinae, Acontiinae, Aediinae, Eustrotiinae, Bryophilinae,

Araeopteroninae, Aventiinae, Eublemminae, miscellaneous. pp. 240 + 409 halftone figs. + 10 col. plates. 55,-

2998 HEssELbartH, Van OOrscHOt & WaGEnEr 1995. Die Tagfalter der Türkei. Band 1 - 3. 2 Textbände mit 1354 S. mit 36 Farbtaf. (Rau-pen, Puppen, Nahrungspflanzen, Biotope), Tafelband 847 S. mit 128 Farbtaf., 13 s/w-Taf. und 346 Karten. Ein großartiges Werk im For-mat 30,5 x 23 cm, allerbeste Qualität. 195,-

Hausmann, a. (EDit.), Geometrid Moths of EuropeThe geographical area covered will be the whole of the geographical Europe. Each volume will illustrate the adults of all species in photographical colour plates of the best quality. Sexual dimorphism as well as polymorphism will be illustrated and if possible all subspecies too. Most species will be shown in natural size, but larger groups of small species such as the genera Idaea and Eupithecia will be shown enlarged. 4326 Subscription. Price for vol. 1 to 4. 449,104003 1. 2001. Introduction to the series. Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae,

Geometrinae. pp. 282, 8 col. pl. 80,-4004 2. 2004. Sterrhinae, pp. 600, 24 col. pl. 138,-4005 3. 2012. Larentiinae I., pp. 743, 25 col. pl. 169,-4006 4. 2003. The Geometrid Moths of Europe 4. Larentinae II. (Perizomini and Eupitheciini). pp.

464, 16 col. pl. 112,-4007 5. Ennominae I., 16 col. pl. 4008 6. Ennominae II., 16 col. pl.

Page 23: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



3035 14. 1985. Noctuidae: Euteliinae, Stictopterinae, Plusiinae, Pantheinae. 161 pp. + 8 col. plates. 37,-

3897 15. & 16. 2005. Noctuidae: Catocalinae. pp. 529 + 988 halftone figs. on plates + 28 col. plates. 83,-

5385 17. 2008. Noctuidae: Rivulinae, Phytometrinae, Herminiinae, Hypeninae, Hypenodinae. pp. 268 + 510 halftone fig. + 9 col. plates. 50,-

4759 18. 2003. Nolidae. 279 pp. + 611 figs. of genitalia + 10 col. plates. 40,-

3036 HOLzinGEr, H. & r. 1994. Heliconius and related genera. 328 p - 51 col. pl. - 41 distribution maps in colours - clothbound (25 x 33 cm - 2,4 kg). The nicest book ever published on these beautiful South-American butterflies. 175,-

5315 HOnG KOnG LEpiDOptErist‘s sOciEty 2007. A Photographic Monograph on Hong Kong Butterflies. Vol. 1. Butterfly Life Histories. Size 30 (wide) x 21, 5 (high) cm, hardcover. pp. 161, many col pho-tos, short text in Chinese and English. With very minor damage from transport. 20,-

5316 - 2007. A Photographic Monograph on Hong Kong Butterflies. Vol. 2. pp. V, 164 - 325, 30 (wide) x 21,5 (high) cm, hardcover. with very minor damage from transport. 20,-

3912 KaabEr, s. 1982. De danski svaermere og spindere. pp. 144. Distribuition maps to all speces. English summary. 29,-

3078 KEiL, t. 1993. Beiträge zur Insektenfauna Ostdeutschlands: Zygaenidae. 54 S.,3 Farbtaf. (2 mit Raupen, 1 mit Falter) + 3 Farbtaf. auf dem Umschlag. 18,-

3080 KiELLanD, J. 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania. Colour plates by Bernard d‘Abrera. 363 pp., 68 col. plates. 22,5 x 30 cm. Cloth with dust cover. All known Butterflies incl. Hesperiidae are described. - Alle von Tanzania bekannten Tagfalter-Arten (incl. Hesperiidae) werden ausführlich besprochen. 24,-

5952 KiriaKOFF & ViEttE 1974. Faune de Madagascar 39. Lépidoptères Agaristidae. 123 p - 100 figs. 24,-

5957 KiriaKOFF, s. 1969. Faune de Madagascar. 29. Notodontidae. 230 p - 161 figs - 7 pl. 27,-

3090 KnötGEn, b.V. 1997. Ornithoptera. XX + 291 S., 144 Farbtaf. Fromat 24 x 34 cm. Leinen mit Schutzumschlag. Text deutsch, englisch und französisch. Herausragende Qualität der Farbtafeln. Alle Tiere sind in Originalgröße abgebildet. 225,-

5536 KOcman, s. 2009. Parnassius of Tibet and Adjacent Areas. 225 pp, 64 colour plates, maps, diagrams, hard cover, 24 x 34 cm. 182,-

3916 KOnOnEnKO, V. 2005. Noctuidae Sibiricae. Vol. 1. An annotated check list of the Noctuidae (s.l.) of the Asian part of Russia and the Ural Region. pp. 243. 55,-

5366 KOnOnEnKO, V. 2010. Noctuidae Sibiricae Vol. 2: Rivulinae to Catocalinae. 27 x 19 cm. Hardback. 475 pages. 24 colour plates illustrating 560 species. 177 black and white plates of male and female genitalia of all species. Distribution maps. 140,-

5319 KüHnE, L. 2008. Butterflies and moth diversity of the Kakamega forest (Kenya). ca. 200 Seiten Text, 11 Tafeln Genitalabb. s/w und 62 Farbtafeln, davon 54 mit Faltern. Text english. 59,90

5238 KüppErs, p.V. 2008. Kleinschmetterlinge. Fauna Naturführer Band 3 400 S., durchgehend farbig. In diesem Band werden insgesamt mehr als 360 Arten im Text behandelt und zum überwiegenden Teil großformatig auf Farbfotos abgebildet. 42,-

4328 LastuVKa, z. & a. 2001. The Sesiidae of Europe. 245 pp., 9 col. pl. 63,-3114 LEmairE, c. 1971 - 1974. Révision du genre Automeris et des genres voisins. Vol. 1 - 3. 232 pp., 190

pp., 154 pp., 61 plates. 80,-

Page 24: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



The Saturniidae of America3116 LEmairE, c. 1978. Les Attacidae americaines (= Saturniidae). 1. Attacinae. 238 S., 178 Textabb., 49 Taf. 49,-3117 LEmairE, c. 1980. - 2. Arsenurinae. 199 S., 171 Textabb, 76 (4 farb.)

Taf. 69,-4060 LEmairE, c. 2002. The Saturniidae of America 4. Hemileucinae.

In 3 Bänden. Band A und B: 1388 S., 199 Taf. mit Genitalabb., 185 Taf. mit Verbreitungskarten. Band C = Tafelband mit 140 Farbtafeln (126 plates showing specimens in life-size, 13 plates are showing 150 photos of caterpillars, 1 plates shows eggs, pupae, and cocoons). 180,-

5311 - 2002. - Hemileucinae. 3 Vols. New, unused, but with minor imperfection. Plate 74 is folded. 135,-

3119 LEmOuLt & réaL 1962-63. Les Morphos d‘Amerique du Sud et Centrale. 296 S., 92 (20 farb.) Taf., 2 Bände Groß-Format, broschiert. Beim Tafelband kleben einzelne Tafeln etwas zusammen. - 296 p - 92 pl. (20 col.) - in 2 vols wrappers. The great classic. unused, but some pages may stick together, offered now at a very low price. 40,-

biEsEnbaum, W., Lepidopterenfauna der Rheinlande und Westfalens3124 5. 1996. Scythrididae. 104 S., 13 Farbtaf. 10,-3125 6. 1997. Tortricinae: Cochylini. 169 S. + 13 Farbtaf. 15,-3126 7. 1999. Coleophoridae. 333 S. + 29 Farbtaf. mit 116 Falterabb. Format A5. Die Tafeln sind z.T.

lose, oder werden sich nach kurzem Gebrauch herauslösen. 15,-4173 8. 2000. Gelechiinae: Teleiodini. 109 S., 7 Farbtaf., 26 Fundortkarten. 15,-4474 9. 2001. Gelechiidae: Gelechiini. 103 S. + 8 Farbtaf. mit 28 Ab. in sehr guter Qualität 15,-5050 12. 2005. Gracillariidae: Lithocolletinae. 207 S. + 11 Farbtaf. 15,-4600 10. 2002. Gelechiidae: Anacampsini, Chelariini, Dichomeridinae, Pexicopiinae. 161 S. + 14 Farbtaf. 10,-3726 11. 2004. Gelechiinae: Apatetrini. 151 S. + 12 Farbtaf. Die Seiten werden bald lose sein. 15,-318 13. 2007. Biesenbaum, W.; Chimbachidae, Oecophoridae: Oecophorinae, Stathmopodinae, Leci-

thoceridae, Batrachedridae. 160 S. + 11 Farbtaf. 10,-5429 14. Mörtter & Kinkler: 31 Arten Pyralidae und Crambidae. 10,-5606 15. 2010. Biesenbaum: Bucculatricidae, Gracillariidae: Gracillariinae. 165 S. + 9 Farbtaf. 10,-5658 16. 2011. Mörtter & Kinkler: Pyraustinae. 245 S., 7 Farbtaf. 10,-

55143 LEraut, p. 2006. Papillons de nuit d‘Europe. Vol. 1. Bombyx, Sphinx, Ecailles ... pp. 400, 78 planch-es couleurs, 13 x 20,5 cm. Saturniidae, Lemoniidae, Notodontidae, Lasiocampidae, Drepanidae, Lymantriidae, Limacodidae, Castniidae, Cossidae, Sphingidae, Hepialidae, Arctiidae. 59,-

5487 - 2. 2009. Géomètres 808 pp., 2800 illustrations, 158 colour plates, distribution maps, 13 x 20.5 cm, hardcover. 85,-

5899 - 3. 2012. Zygènes, Pyrales 1. Zygaenidae, Brachodidae, Pyraustinae, Spilomelinae, Odontiinae, Ev-ergestinae, Glaphyriinae, Crambinae, Schoenobiinae, Cybalomiinae, Scopariinae and Acentropinae. 112 colour plates featuring 1000 species in 2300 photos., 200 line drawings. 86,-

5142 LEraut, p. 2006. Moths of Europe Vol. 1. Saturnids, Lasiocampids, Hawkmoths, Tiger Moths ... pp. 393, 78 col. plates, distribution maps, 67 text fig. Saturniidae, Lemoniidae, Notodontidae, Lasio-campidae, Drepanidae, Lymantriidae, Limacodidae, Castniidae, Cossidae, Sphingidae, Hepialidae, Arctiidae. - Precise description of each species with information on biology. 59,-

5486 LEraut, p. 2009. Moths of Europe Vol. 2: Geometrid Moths 808 pp., 2800 illustrations, 158 colour plates, distribution maps, 13 x 20.5 cm, hardcover. Illustrations are displayed in the form of 158 colour plates showing 1116 species in 2800 photos. Four new genera, seven species and 17 subspe-

Page 25: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



cies are described. This guide book deals with more than 1000 species of Lepidoptera traditionally grouped together as geometers and classified in the Geometridae family (plus a single species from the Uraniidae) 85,-

5900 LEraut, p. 2012. Moths of Europe Vol. 3. Zygaenids & Pyralids I. Zygaenidae, Brachodidae, Pyraus-tinae, Spilomelinae, Odontiinae, Evergestinae, Glaphyriinae, Crambinae, Schoenobiinae, Cybalo-miinae, Scopariinae and Acentropinae. 112 colour plates featuring 1000 species in 2300 photos., 200 line drawings. 86,-

4607 maraVaLHas, E. 2003. As Borboletas de Portugal. Portugese Butterflies. 400 S., 24 Farbtaf., über 700 Fotos, Format 21 x 14 cm. In Portugese with English summary. 46,-

5619 masLOWsKi & FiOLEK 2010. Motyle Swiata - Paziowate - Papilionidae. pp. 232, 585 col. fig. showing specimens (size reduced) in very good quality. Size A4, hardcover. Distribution map for each species. A fine book to show the species (and a few subspecies) of Papilionidae. Text polish. 28,-

Microlepidoptera of Europe3138 Subscription. Vol. 1 - 6. Eine Serie über Kleinschmetterlinge in englischer Sprache. Format 24,5

x 17 cm, fester Einband. Zahlreiche Bände sind in Vorbereitung. Das Abonnement ist jederzeit kündbar. Sonderpreis für Band 1 bis 6. 541,80

3139 1. 1996. Gielis: Pterophoridae. 222 pp., 16 col. plates. 80,-3140 2. 1997. Bengtsson: Scythrididae. 301 pp., 14 col. plates. 80,-3141 3. 1999. Huemer & Karsholt: Gelechiidae I. Gelechiinae: Teleiodini, Gelechiini. 356 pp., 14 col.

plates., 151 fig. 95,-4010 4. 2005. Goater, Nuss & Speidel: Pyraloidea I. Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae,

Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae. pp. 304, 7 col. plates. 95,-4842 5. 2003. Koster & Sinev: Momphidae. 387 S., 15 col. plates. 112,-5547 6. 2010. Huemer & Karsholt: Gelechiidae II. 586 pages. 532 specimens are illustrated on 21

colour plates. Not less than 211 species are covered in this volume. 140,-

Microlepidoptera PalaearcticaHerausgegeben von Amsel, Gregor, Reisser. Ab Band 10 von R. Gaedike. Bis Band 9 jeweils ein Text- und ein Tafelband. Das Standardwerk über die Palaearktischen Micros. Band 7 in englischer Sprache, alle anderen auf deutsch. Band 1, 3 - 5 Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, 6 bis 9 Leinen mit Schutzumschlag, 10 - 13 Hardcover.3144 Gesamtpreis für Band 1, 3 bis 13, sowie die ungebundenen Tafeln von Band 2. SET PRICE, Vol. 1, 3 to 13, vol. 2 unbound plates 2200,-

3868 1. 1965. Bleszynski: Crambinae. 602 S., 135 (31 farb.) Taf. 135,-3146 2. 1967. Sattler: Ethmiidae. 106 (9 farb.) Taf. ungebunden - ohne Text. 40,-3869 3. 1970. Razowski: Cochylidae. 528 S., 167 (27 farb.) Taf. 220,-3148 4. 1973. Roesler: Phycitinae. 752 S., 159 (38 farb.) Taf. 443,-3149 5. 1978. Gozmany: Lecithoceridae. 306 S., 93 (15 farb.) Taf. 300,-3150 6. 1984. Razowski: Tortricini. 376 S., 101 (18 farb.) Taf. 245,-3151 7. 1986. Diakonoff: Glyphipterygidae. 436 S., 175 (18 farb.) Taf., Text englisch. 300,-3152 8. 1993. Roesler: Quadrifine Acrobasiina. (2. Teilband der Phycitinae). 300 S., 82 Taf. (davon

10 Farbtaf.) 245,-3153 9. 1995. Arenberger: Pterophoridae. 1. Text: 258 S., Tafelband 153 Taf., davon 26 in Farbe

245,-3143 10. 2000. Gozmány: Holcopogonidae. 176 S., 8 Farbtaf. 51,-4454 11. 2002. Arenberger: Pterophoridae 2. Teil. Deuterocopinae, Platyptiliinae: Trichoptilini,

Oxyptilini, Tetraschalini. 287 S., 96 Tafeln, davon 16 in Farbe. 90,-3843 12. 2005. Arenberger: Pterophoridae 3. Platyptiliinae: Platyptiliini: Stenoptilia. 191 S., 50 Taf.,

davon 21 in Farbe. 90,-5335 13. 2008. Gozmány: Symmocidae. 558 S., 62 Farbtafeln, 112 Tafeln mit Strichzeichn. 390,-

Page 26: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



3909 mOnastyrsKii, a. L. 2005. Butterflies of Vietnam. Vol. 1. Nymphalidae: Satyrinae. pp. 198, 4 col. plates showing landscape, 35 col. plates 15 x 21 cm, paperback. Line-drawins in the text. 45,-

5225 - 2. 2007. Papilionidae. 189 pp. incl. 31 colour plates. Line drawings. 45,-5844 - 3. 2011. Nymphalidae: Danainae, Amathusiinae. 182 pages incl. 31 colour plates. 45,-5850 munOz sariOt, m.G. 2011. Biología y ecología de los Licénidos españoles (Lycaenidae). pp. 383,

many col. photos. Hardcover, A4. With fantastic colour photos of living specimens, eggs, caterpillars. Many pictures were made with special microphotography lens, to show morphology of eggs or tiny parasitoids such as Trichogramma. 88,-

4412 murzin, V. 2003. The tiger moths of the Former Soviet Union (Arctiidae) 50 colour plates, species listings, catalogue, b/w drawings, keys, index. In English. Hardback, 250 pp. Size: 21 x 29 cm. The present book is a monographic treatment of the Arctiidae of the former USSR. 105,-

natiOnaLnycKELn tiLL sVEriGEs FLOra OcH Fauna. Text in Swedish with English summary to each species. Hardback. 28 x 23 cm.

Illustrated throughout in colour. 3885 2005. Dagfjärilar. Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae. Fjärilar: Dagfjärilar. 407 pages. 54,-5160 2006. Fjärilar. Ädelspinnare - tofsspinnare (Lasiocampidae - Lymantriidae). 480 pp. Lasiocampidae,

Endromidae, Saturniidae, Lemoniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Nolidae, Arctiidae, Lymantri-idae. 54,-

5368 2008. Micropterigidae - Psychidae / Fjärilar: Käkmalar - säckspinnare. By B. A. Bengtsson & G. Palmqvist. 646 pages. Covers 250 species of the families Micropterigidae, Eriocraniidae, Hepialidae, Opostegidae, Nepticulidae, Heliozelidaae, Adelidae, Incurvariidae, Prodoxidae, Tischeriidae, Tinei-dae, Lypusidae and Psychidae 54,-

5773 2011. Bengtsson & Johansson: Roeslerstammiidae - Lyonetiidae. 512 pages. Includes 248 species. This volume covers several groups of small moths, e.g. the predominately leafmining Lithocolletinae and the ermine moths (Yponomeutidae). 54,-

3183 naumann, tarmann & trEmEWan 1999. The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae. 304 S., 12 Farbtaf., Format 25 x 17 cm. 86,-

3185 nEiLD, a. 1996. The Butterflies of Venezuela. Vol. 1. Nymphalidae I. Limenitidinae, Apaturinae, Charaxinae. Colour plates by Bernard d‘Abrera. 144 S., 32 Farbtaf. Format 31 x 22 cm. Enthält 270 Arten, u.a. die Gattungen Asterope, Callicore, Diaethria, Perisama, Prepona, Agrias. 85,-

3187 - 2. 2008. Nymphalidae II. Nymphalinae, Ithomiinae, Morphinae. 276 pp., 84 col. plates. 145,-

5612 päHLEr & DuDLEr 2010. Die Schmetterlingsfauna von Ostwestfalen-Lippe und angrenzender Ge-biete in Nordhessen und Südniedersachsen. Band 1. Bestand, Verbeitung und Ökologie heimischer Groß- und Kleinschmetterlinge. Über 800 besprochene Schmetterlingsarten, 793 Farbfotos, 208 Verbreitungskarten. 39,-

6010 - 2. 2013. Noctuoidea. 544 S., 630 Farbfotos, 260 Verbreitungskarten. 39,-

3911 paLm, E. 1982. Atlas over viklernen udbredelse i Danmark (Tortricidae & Cochylidae). pp. 110, 359 distribution maps 22,-

5570 pampEris, L.n. 2010. The Butterflies of Greece. 2nd edition. pp. 766. Colour througout. 18 x 24 cm. All 235 Greek butterfly species are shown. Detailed species descriptions, including photographs of the butterflies in their natural habitats, status and threats, distribution maps, charts showing alti-tudinal range. Very few larvae are shown. 102,-

5988 paOLucci, p. 2013. Butterflies and Burnets of the Alps and their larvae, pupae and cocoons. 15 x 21 cm. 480 pages, softcover. This book contain more than 2000 colour drawings of 254 species of but-terflies, 27 species of Burnets (Zygaena) and a good number of subspecies, forms and varieties. 64,-

Page 27: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



4819 pEiGLEr & naumann 2003. A Revision of the Silkmoth Genus Samia. 230 S. + 10 Karten + 148 Farbfotos (Sammlungsexemplare, Raupen u.a.) + 80 s/w-Abb., softcover, A4. Pro Tafel werden 8 Tiere verkleinert abgebildet. 26,-

4421 pErEz DE-GrEGOriO, munOz & rOnDOs 2001. Atlas fotográfico de los lepidópteros macrohet-eróceros ibero-baleares II. Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Sphingidae, Axioidea, Notodontidae, Ly-mantriidae, Arctiidae. 210 S., zahlr. Farbabb. von 104 Gattungen (171 Arten). - Band 1 ist noch nicht erschienen. 70,-

4568 pOVOLny, D. 2002. Iconographia tribus Gnorimoschemini (Gelechiidae) Regionis Palaearctica. 216 S., 16 Farbtaf., 87 Tafeln mit Genitalabb. (Strichzeichnungen). Format A4. Text deutsch. Insgesamt werden etwa 340 Taxa aus 24 Gattungen (mit Ausnahme von Caryocolum) behandelt. 74,-

5320 razOWsKi, J. 2008. Tortricidae of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 1: Tortricini and General Part. 152 pp., 8 colour plates of adults, 26 plates of genitalia, 30 x 21,5 cm, Hardcover. 80,-

5539 - 2. 2009. Vol. 2: Cochylini. pp. 195, 8 col. plates, 348 line drawings. Size A4, hardcover 80,-

3241 rEDOnDO & GastOn 1999. Los Geometridae de Aragón (Espana). 131 S., 5 Farbtaf., 196 Abb. (meist Genitalabb.) Format A4. 20,-

4352 sauEr & scHaiDEr 1992. Tagfalter Europas nach Farbfotos erkannt. Sauers Naturführer 144 S., 210 Farbfotos. 5,-

4348 sauEr, F. 1992. Die schönsten Raupen nach Farbfotos erkannt. Sauers Naturführer. 5. Aufl. 309 S., 534 Farbfotos. Fester Einband. 19,50

4963 - Broschierte Sonderausgabe 7,505836 sbiEscHnE, stöcKEL, sObczyK, WauEr & trampEnau 2010. Die Schmetterlingsfauna der Ober-

lausitz Teil 1. Hepialidae, Psychidae, Limacodidae, Zygaenidae, Sesiidae, Cossidae, Lasiocampidae, Endromidae, Saturniidae, Lemoniidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Notodontidae, Pantheidae, Ly-mantriidae, Nolidae, Arctiidae. 178 S., 64 Farbabb. mit Biotopen, Faltern (Sammlungsmaterial), Hardcover. 25,-

5873 - 2. 2012. Die Eulenfalter (Noctuidae). 264 S., 64 Farbabb. 35,-6011 - 3. 2013. Geometridae. 232 S., 64 Farbfotos 35,-

5940 scHintLmEistEr & LOurEns 2010. The Philippine Notodontidae. pp. 349, 607 figs., some in colour. Size A4. Seperate printing ex Quadrifina 8. 60,-

3256 scHintLmEistEr, a. 1997. Moths of Vietnam with special reference to Mt. Fan-si-pan. ONLY No-todontidae pp. 33 - 248 incl. 36 col. platesf., 165 fig. Folded leaves of Entomofauna.. Out of print are: pp. 1 - 32, Schintlmeister: Introduction and collecting localities.. 1 - 12 / Mey: Micropterigidae pp. 13 - 20 / Mey: Eriocottidae pp. 21 - 32. 50,-

3778 scHintLmEistEr, a. 2004. The Taxonomy of the genus Lymantria. Format A4. 248 S., 1109 großteils farb. Abb. Gehefteter Sonderdruck aus Quadrifina 7. 60,-

5309 scHuLtE Et aL. 2007. Die Tagfalter der Pfalz. 2 Bände 592, 340 S., zahlr. Farbfotos 40,-

3259 scHWEizEr bunD Für naturscHutz 1994. Tagfalter und ihre Lebensräume. 530 S., 1280 Farbbilder, 25 Schmetterlingstafeln. Format 21 x 29.7 cm. Teilweise überarbeitete 4. Auflage. Erschien erstmals im Nov. 1987. 92,-

3260 - 2. 1997. Hesperiidae, Psychidae, Heterogynidae, Zygaenidae, Syntomidae, Limacodidae. Ca. 670 S., 18 Farbtaf., 1300 Farbbilder. 92,-

4061 - 3. 2000. Hepialidae, Cossidae, Sesiidae, Thyrididae, Lasiocampidae, Lemonidae, Endromidae, Sa-turniidae, Bombycidae, Notodontidae, Thaumetopoeidae, Dilobidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae. 914 S., 1992 Farbbilder, 389 Strichzeichnungen, Karten und Graphiken, 34 Farbtafeln. 105,-

Page 28: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



5800 sEGErEr & Hausmann 2011. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge Deutschlands - The Macrolepidoptera of Germany. 308 S., 183 Farbtafeln - pp. 308, 183 col. plates. Text Deutsch + English. 20,5 x 29 cm, hardcover. Ohne Hepial-idae, Cossidae, Psychidae, Sesiidae und Zygaenidae. Dieses Buch präsentiert eine vollständige systematische, kom-mentierte Liste der aus Deutschland bekannten Tagfalter und Großnacht-falter (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Papil-ionoidea und Macroheterocera) auf neuestem taxonomischem und faunist-ischem Stand, einschließlich der Einwanderer, Irrgäste und eingeschleppten Arten. Der zweisprachige Text (deutsch/ englisch) wird begleitet von 6171 hochaufgelösten Farbfotografien auf insgesamt 183 Tafeln, die die Variationsbreite der insgesamt 1377 behandelten Arten dokumentieren. - This book presents a complete systematic, annotated checklist of the butterflies and larger moths of Germany (lnsecta: Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Macroheterocera), up-to-date with taxonomy and faunis-tics, including immigrants, vagrants and artificially introduced species. The bilingual text (German/English) is accompanied by 6171 high-resolution photographs on a total of 183 plates, well reflecting the variability of the 1377 species dealt with. 96,-

5966 sEitz, a. . Les Macrolépidoptères du Globe. Vol. 14. Bombyx et Sphinx africains. 600 p - 80 col. pl. - on leaves. Complete volume in the french ed. 110,-

3269 sKOu, p. 1991, reprint 2009. Nordens Ugler Handbog over de i Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland og Island forekommende arter af Herminiidae og Noctuidae. 566 pp., 37 col. plates., 530 text figs.. (many photos of larvae). Distribution map to all species. 75,-

5833 sLamKa, F. 2006 / 2011. Pyraloidea of Europe / Europas. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. / 2. Ausgabe Pyralinae, Galleriinae, Epipaschiinae, Cathariinae & Odontiinae. Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Bi-ologie / Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Habitat - Bionomie. pp 139, 17 col. plates. Hardcover 17 x 23,5 cm 52,-

5389 - 2. 2008. Crambinae & Schoenobiinae. Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology. 224 pp. 187 species; 51 plates of genitalia of each species (males & females); 24 colour plates with more than 650 images of moths. 63,-

6002 - 3. 2013. Pyraustinae & Spilomelinae. 357 pp. 220 species; 133 plates of genitalia of each species (males & females); 31 colour plates with almost 1100 images of moths. 84,-

5638 sLamKa, F. 2010. Pyraloidea of Central Europe / Mitteleuropas. Identification, Distribution, Habitat, Biology / Bestimmung, Verbreitung, Habitat, Bionomie. Text English + German. Text englisch und deutsch. 176 S., 12 Farbtaf., 53 Tafeln mit Zeichnungen. Hardcover. The present atlas comprises the description and photographs of practically 403 species of Superfamily Pyraloidea known or recorded from Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hun-gary). 54,-

4699 smitH & VanE-WriGHt 2001. A review of the afrotropical species of the genus Graphium (Papilioni-dae). 217 p - 264 figs (10 col. plates of adults, 2 col. plates of caterpillars) - a very good work. 48,-

5842 sOnG-yun LanG March 2012. The Nymphalidae of China. Part I. Libytheidae, Danainae, Calina-ginae, Morphinae, Heliconiinae, Nymphalinae, Charaxinae, Apaturinae, Cyrestinae, Biblidinae, Li-menitinae Format A4, 456 pp, 32 col. pl., hard cover. 128,-

Page 29: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



6020 stEinEr, ratzEL, tOp-JEnsEn & FibiGEr 2012. Die Nacht-falter Deutschlands. Ein Feldführer. Sämtliche 1160 nacht-aktiven Großschmetterlinge in Lebendfotos und auf 76 Farb-tafeln. ?

5164 stEinEr, HErmann & sEttELE 2007. Ökologie einer aus-sterbenden Population des Segelfalters Iphiclides podalirius. 169 S., zahlr. Abb. (z.T. in Farbe). Paperback. Dokumenta-tion einer ehemals größeren Populiation des Segelfalters in Südwestdeutschland. Besonders die Habitat-Präferenzen der Raupen werden aufgezeigt und das Aussterben der Population wird dokumentiert. Falsche Prioritäten bei der Biotp-Pflege und Mißachtung von bekannten Erkenntnisen verursachten den Niedergang der Population. 64,20

3276 stEmpFFEr, H. 1967, reprinted 1980. The genera of the Afri-can Lycaenidae. 322 S., 1 farb. Frontispiz, 348 Fig. 25,-

5840 sumpicH, J. 2011. Motýli Národních parku Podyjí a Thay-atal. Die Schmetterlinge der Nationalparke Podyjí und Thay-atal. 428 pages incl. 43 colour plates with photographs of butterflies and moths and their habitats. Text tschechisch und deutsch. Abstract and descriptions of 2 new species are in English. 49,-

3288 tEnnEnt, J. 1996. The Butterflies of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. 217 S., 32 Farbtaf. mit Faltern, sowie mehrere Farbtafeln mit Biotopaufnahmen und Lebensfotos. Ca. 1500 Tiere in 175 Taxa. Bibi-ographie mit 600 Publikationen. 115,-

4694 tEnnEnt, J. 2002. Butterflies of the Solomon Islands. 413 pp., 84 col. plates, 22 x 30,5 cm. This book presents the first ever account of 346 butterfly taxa recognised as occurring in the Solomon Islands and includes a wealth of previously unpublished information on distribution and systematics. More than 1100 specimens, including many primary and secondary types, are illustrated life-sized in full colour, with many species and subscpecies never illustrated before. 142,-

5532 tEnnEnt, J. 2009. A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Vanuatu. pp. 192, colour througout. Hard-cover. 22 x 15 cm. 49,-

5158 tOrOpOV & zHDanKO 2006. The Butterflies of Dzhungar, Tien Shan, Alai and Eastern Pamirs. Vol. 1, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae. pp. 383, 580 color photographs. Size A4, hardcover with dust-covers. Information on type locality, colour map of subspecies‘ distribution, typical habitats, pre-ima-ginal stages and life-history. Short text in 145 chapters (Russian and English). Beautifully illustrated with colour photographs of set specimens, living butterflies, immature stages and habitats. Very good printing quality. 150,-

5528 - 2. 2009. Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Libytheidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae. 380 + X pp., 1093 fig. 150,-

5990 tOrOpOV & zHDanKO 2013. The Butterflies of Eastern Turan, Tarbagatai, Saur and South-Western Altai. Vol. 1 Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae. pp. 235. colour throughout. Size A4, hardcover. + 20 col. plates. Selected additions for the books Butterflies of Dzhungar … Vol. 1 and 2. 150,-

5976 tsHiKOLOVEts & nEKrutEnKO 2012. The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azer-baijan, Georgia and Russian Federation). 423 pp., 4 col. plates (landscapes), 44 col. plates with specimens. Distribution maps. 139,-

4710 tsHiKOLOVEts, biDziLya & GOLOVusHKin 2002. The Butterflies of Transbaikal Siberia. 320 S., 48 Farbtaf., Leinen mit Schutzumschlag. Format A4 - This book contains information and illustrations of 220 butterfly species presently known from Siberia east of Baikal. 84,-

Page 30: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



4845 tsHiKOLOVEts, V. 2003. The Butterflies of Tajikistan. 500 S., 80 Farbtaf. (3 Taf. Biotopaufnahmen und Lebendaufnahmen, 77 Taf mit Sammlungsmaterial), viele Verbreitungskarten. 159,-

3888 tsHiKOLOVEts, V. 2005. The Butterflies of Kyrgyzstan. 512 pp., 112 colour plates (more than 5400 photographs).. 172,-

4846 tsHiKOLOVEts, V. 2005. The Butterflies of Ladak (NW-India). 176 pp., 32 colour plates. 98,-5817 tsHiKOLOVEts, V.V. 2011. Butterflies of Europe & the Mediterranean area. 544 pp, 10000 colour

illustrations, more then 700 maps. 16 x 23 cm, paperback. Covers 703 species, 90,-5535 tsHiKOLOVEts, yaKOVLEV & baLint 2009. The Butterflies of Mongolia. 320 pp., 48 colour plates

(2500 photographs). 138,-5534 tsHiKOLOVEts, yaKOVLEV & KOstErin 2009. The Butterflies of Altai, Sayans and Tuva. 374 pp., 48

colour plates (2500 photographs) 138,-5021 turLin & maniL 2005. Etude synoptique et Répartition mondiale des Espèces du Genre Parnassius

Latreille 1804. pp. 80, 14 col. pl. (specimens), distribution maps. Size A4, paperback. A good review on the Parnassius species. 30,-

5284 tuttLE, J. p. 2007. The Hawk Moths of North America. 253 p., 23 col. plates, 70 text fig., 30 maps. 80,-

4062 tuzOV Et aL. 2000. Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories. Vol. 2 Libytheidae, Da-naidae, Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, and Lycaenidae. Format 21 x 29,5 cm, 580 pp. richly illustrated, 88 colour plates, 3 colour photos, 57 b/w morphological drawings, dust jacket. In English. 180,-

5621 VanDE WEGHE, G. r. 2010. Papillons du Gabon. pp. 424, 132 col. plates, coll photos in the text, many distribution maps. 21,5 x 28 cm, paperback. A fine work on the butterflies of Gabun with detailed information 132,-

4054 VErHuLst, J. 2000. Les Colias du Globe / Monograph of the Genus Colias. 308 S. und 183 Farbtafeln in 2 Bänden. Alle Arten und fast alle Unterarten werden abgebildet. 85 Tafeln der Falter, nach Digitalfotos von Thomas Frankenbach, ca. 100 Tafeln mit Verbreitungskarten, Biotopaufnahmen, Ei, Raupe, Puppe und Leb-endaufnahmen der Falter, sowie weiteres Sammlungsmaterial. 95,-

5947 ViEttE, p. 1980. Faune de Madagascar. 53. Lépidoptères Limacodidae. 162 p - 185 figs. 24,-

3306 ViEttE, p. 1982. Faune de Madagascar 61: Sesiidae. 63 S., 40 Abb. 18,-5965 VOLynKin, a.V. 2012. Noctuidae of the Russian Altai. Text in English. 339 pp. includes nomencla-

ture, descriptions, distribution maps and color Fotos in natural size of all species as well as halftone plates with genitalia specimens. The book presents a review of the 583 species of Noctuidae, that are known from the Russian part of the Altai Mountain Country. 78,-

5673 WanG & KisHita (EDit.) 2011. Moths of Guangdong Nanling Nation-al Nature Reserve. pp. VIII, 373 + 71 col. plates showing Macro- and Microlepidoptera. A summary of our ten years’ moths surveys in the reserve, illustrating more than 1200 species belonging to 27 families. It is prepared not only for the field guide to naturalists in southern China, but also in order to introduce the splendid high biodiversity of moths in the Nanling Mountains. 86,-

4587 WanG min & Fan yiaOLinG 2002. Butterflies Fauna Sinica: Lycaenidae. Text English and Chinese. 440pp, 220 text figs, 28cpls (920 photos), A4., dust-cover with minor damage from transport. Deal-ing with 515 species and 390 subspecies belonging to 146 genera in 7 subfamilies. Among these records are the establishment of one new subfamily, one new genus, six new species and one new subspecies. In addition to these, one genus and six species are newly recorded from China. 100,-

Page 31: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



WEiss, J.-cL. The Parnassiinae of the World.3327 1. 1991. Simo-, tenedius-, charltonius- and imperator-groups.

pages 1-48 - 10 maps - 80 col. photos. - This is the first part of a superb monograph on these much exciting lepidoptera. The large size (25 x 33 cm), the numerous colour illustrations (many typical specimens from the Kurt Eisner collection), the good maps fea-turing the distribution of each subspecies and the full list of the known localities make this book of best value for those interested on Butterflies. 70,-

3328 2. 1992. Szechenyii-, acco-, delphius-groups. pages 49 to 136 - 17 maps - 201 col. ph. (165 spread specimens) - French-English text.

100,-3329 3. 1999. Hardwickii-, orleans-, ariadne-, eversmanni-, mnemo-

syne-groups. pages 137 to 236 - entirely illustrated in colours. 100,-3848 4. 2005. The apollo-group. 164 p (pages 237 to 400 of the entire work) - Entirely illustrated in co-

lours. As for the previous parts, the text is bilingual in English and in French. All the taxa known at the time of the publication are fully cited and studied. 23 large distributions maps in colours help to understand the subspecies. Many varieties are figured, this part shows 394 specimens. Diagrams and synoptic tables are usefull for the well understanding of all the taxa. This part contains the study of Parnassius apollo. To take care of the critics on the part 3 where many find the blue background too dark, the new blue is much lighter and the plates are so nicer. 195,-

5728 5. 2011. Rose, K. & J.-Cl. Weiss. Errata and Addendum to Vols. 1 to 4. p. 401 - 520. entirely illustrated in colours, many distribution maps. 120,-

Witt cataLOGuE. A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea. Size A4, hardcover with dustcover.

5413 1. 2008. Plusiinae I. By Ronkay, L. & G., Behounek pp. 348, 50 col. plates, 150 pl. with genitalia. 128,-

5473 2. 2009. Cuculliinae I. pp. 365, 57 col. plates, 150 figs. 128,-

5553 3. 2009. Apameini I. By Zilli, Varga, Ronkay G. & L. pp. 393, 57 col. plates, 156 gen. fig. 128,-

5617 4. 2010. Plusiinae II. By G. Behounek, L. Ronkay & G. Ronkay. pp. 280, 39 col. plates, 114 halftone plates. 128,-

5791 5. 2011. Cuculliinae II. and Psaphidinae. By Ronkay, G., Ronkay, L. & Gyulai, P. 2011. 380 pp., 60 colour plates, 148 genitalia figs. 136,-

5989 6. 2013. Noctuinae I. Chersotis and Benshirachia. By Varga, L., Gyulai, P., Ronkay, L., Ronkay, G., pp. 313, 49 col. plates


5973 zOLOtuHin Et aL. 2012. The Hawk Moths of Vietnam (Sphingidae). pp. 240, 16 col. plates, distribu-tion maps. Text in Russian, summary to each species in English. Paperback. 86,-

Page 32: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Diptera, Hymenoptera

3346 cHVaLa, m. (EDit.) 1997. Check list of Diptera of the Czech and Slovak Republics. 130 pp. size A4 18,-

3781 KEHLmaiEr, c. 2005. Taxonomic revision of European Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae). 310 S., 77 Tafeln mit Strichzeichnungen. - 77 plates with figs., determination keys. In: Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 41. Insgesamt 382 S. 65,-

4649 KOrmann, K. 2002. Schwebfliegen und Blasenkopffliegen Mitteleuropas. 270 S., 220 Farbfotos. Format A5, broschiert mit stabiler Fadenheftung. 24,50

3395 mErz, b. 1994. Insecta Helvetica: Tephritidae. 198 S., 60 Taf. 12,-5995 nartsHuK & anDEErssOn 2013. The Frit Flies (Chloropidae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. 277

pp., Fauna Ent. Scand. 43 The book covers the North European fauna of frit flies that totals 209 species in 48 genera including 11 species and 1 genus described as new to science. 194,-

5504 natiOnaLnycKELn tiLL sVEriGEs FLOra OcH Fauna. 2009. Syrphidae I: Syrphinae. Tvåvingar: Blomflugor By H. Bartsch et al. pp. 406. 54,-

5538 - 2009. Syrphidae II. Eristalinae & Microdontinae. Tvåvingar: Blomflugor. By H. Bartsch et al. 478 pp., many col. fig. Text Swedish, English summary to each species. 73,-

3401 pOVOLny & VErVEs 1997. The Flesh-Flies of Central Europe. 262 S. 56,205458 rEEmEr, m. Et aL. 2009. De Nederlandse zweefvliegen. (Syrphidae) pp. 450, full colour, hardcover.

Richly illustrated with 45 beautiful aquarelles and over 200 photos. Authoritative book on Dutch hoverflies. 55,-

3413 tOrp, E. 1994. Danmarks Svirrefluer (Syrphidae). 490 S., 483 Fig., 21 Farbtaf. Text dänisch. 58,-5609 VEEn, m.p.Van 2004/2010. Hoverflies of Northwest Europe. 2. edition. Identification keys to the

Syrphidae. 16 x 24 cm, 248 pp, paperback, with hundreds of drawings and 16 full colour photo-graphs. 50,-

3417 WEinbErG & bäcHLi 1995. Insecta Helvetica. Fauna. Asilidae. 124 S., 85 Abb., Text deutsch. 12,-

Hymenoptera5300 amiEt Et aL. 2007. Fauna Helvetica, Apidae 5. Ammobates, Ammobatoides, Anthophora, Biastes,

Ceratina, Dasypoda, Epeoloides, Epeolus, Eucera, Macropis, Melecta, Melitta, Nomada, Pasites, Te-tralonia, Thyreus, Xylocopa. 356 S. 48,-

5679 amiEt Et aL. 2010. Fauna Helvetica. Apidae 6. Adrena, Melitturga, Panurginus, Panurgus. 316 S., zahlr. Abb., mit Verbreitungskarten und Bestimmungsschlüssel. Clé de détermination aussi en fran-çaise. 59,-

5390 amiEt, F. 2008. Fauna Helvetica, Vespoidea 1. Mutillidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae, Tiphiidae. 85 S., 3 Farbtafl, sehr viele Textabb., Verbreitungskarten, Bestimmungsschlüssel 29,-

3426 bitscH & LEcLErcq 1993. Sphecidae I: Généralités, Crabroninae. Faune de France 79. 325 pp., 59 plates. 69,-

4327 bitscH Et aL. 2007. Hyménopt. Sphecidae d‘Europe occidentale Vol. 3. Seconde édition mise à jour. Pemphredoninae, Astatinae, Larrinae, Entomosericinae. 479 pp., 76 pl., 146 maps. Faune de France 86. 90,-

5117 bLanK, scHmiDt & taEGEr (EDit.) 2006. Recent Sawfly Research: Synthesis and Prospects. 704 pp., 16 pl. + CD-ROM. 125,-

3428 bLöscH, m. 2000. Die Grabwespen Deutschlands. DAHL, Tierwelt Deutschlands 71. 480 S., 341 Farbfotos. Eine Darstellung der in Deutschland vorkommenden Sphecidae. Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf dem Verhalten dieser Tiere. 74,-

4737 GusEnLEitnEr & scHWarz 2002. Weltweite Checkliste der Bienengattung Andrena mit Bemerkun-gen und Ergänzungen zu paläarktischen Arten (Apidae). 1280 S., 531 Verbreitungskarten. 128,-

Page 33: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Hymenoptera, Rhynchota

4074 HiLpErt, H. 1992. Zur Systematik der Gattung Ichneumon in der Westpalaearktis. 389 S., viele Abb., Entomofauna, Suppl. 6. Format A5, broschiert. 28,-

3873 JacObs, H.-J. 2007. Die Grabwespen Deutschlands. Ampulicidae, Sphecidae, Crabronidae. Bestimmungsschlüssel. DAHL, Tierwelt Deutschlands 79. Her-ausgeber dieses Bandes sind Stephan M. Blank & Andreas Taeger. 207 S. mit 242 Fotos und 888 Zeichnungen. 69,-

4157 LinsEnmaiEr, W. 1999. Die Goldwespen Nordafrikas. 281 S., 319 s/w-Abb. 21,5 x 15,5, cm. Behandelt den derzeitigen Wissensstand über Taxonomie, Synonymie, Identifikation, Klassifikation und Verbreitung der Chrysididae von Marokko bis Ägypten inkl. Sahara. 430 Taxa werden vorgestellt. - Ento-mofauna Supplement 10. 33,-

5931 natiOnaLnycKELn tiLL sVEriGEs FLOra OcH Fauna. 2012. Douwes et al: Myror - getingar / Formicidae, Scoliidae, Vespidae pp. 382 54,-

5969 pEEtErs Et aL. 2012. De nederlandse bijen (Apidae s.l.) 560 pp., 23 x 30 cm, hardcover. This book introduces all species of bees to be found in the Netherlands. 55,-

4540 scHEucHL, E. 2000. Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen der Wildbienen Deutschlands und Österreichs. I. Anthophoridae. 2., erweiterte Auflage. 158 S., sehr viele Abb., Format A4. 46,-

5090 scHEucHL, E. 2006. Illustrierte Bestimmungstabellen der Wildbienen Deutschlands und Österreichs. II. Megachilidae - Melittidae (für Osmia s.l. unter Berücksichtigung der Arten der Schweiz, Ungarns, Sloweniens und der Slowakei). 2. erweiterte Aufl. 192 S., zahlr. Abb., Format A4, broschiert. 46,-

3470 scHWarz u.a. 1996. Katalog der Bienen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz (Apidae). 398 S. 28,-

3473 taEGEr & bLanK (HrsG.) 1998. Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Symphyta). Kommentierte Bestand-saufnahme. 379 S., zahlr. Abb., 8 Farbtaf., 20 Einzelarbeiten. Checkliste der Pflanzenwespen Dtschl., Naturschutzrelevante Daten, Rote Liste, Übersicht biologischer Daten mit Futterpflanzenverzeich-nis, Bestimmungsschlüssel einzelner Gruppen, u.a. 49,-

Rhynchota3485 auKEma & riEGEr 1995 - 2006. Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Paleaearctic Region 1 - 5.

340,-3487 - 1. 1995. Enicocephalomorpha, Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha and Leptopodo-

morpha. 222 S. 79,-3488 - 2.1996. Cimicomorpha I ( Joppeicidae bis Reduviidae). 360 S. 79,-3486 - 3. 1999. Miridae. 577 S. 79,-4471 - 4. 2001. Pentatomorpha I. (Aradidae to Pyrrhocoridae) 346 S. 79,-5119 - 5. 2006. Pentatomoropha II. Stenocephalidae to Pentotomidae. pp. 550 79,-5986 auKEma, riEGEr & rabitscH 2013. Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 6,

Supplement pp. 629. 35,-4900 biEDErmann & niEDrinGHaus 2004. Die Zikaden Deutschlands. Bestimmungstafeln für alle Arten.

410 S., ca. 3500 Abb., davon 392 Habitus-Abb., ca. 21 x 30 cm. Halbleinen. 98,-5721 - 2004 / 2011. Die Zikaden Deutschlands + The Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Benelux. beide

Bücher zusammen 120,-5474 biEDErmann & niEDrinGHaus 2009. The Plant- and Leafhoppers of Germany. Identifcation key to

all species. 409 p., ca. 8.3 x 11.8 inches, hardcover Dichotomous keys lead to the 12 families and 223 genus. The identification is supported by more than 3.500 drawings, thereof habitus drawings of 415 species. On 250 plates all 619 species are treated and the characters relevant for their identification are presented. 98,-

5722 biEDErmann & niEDrinGHaus 2009 / 2011. The Plant- and Leafhoppers of Germany + The Plan-thoppers and Leafhoppers of Benelux. set price 120,-

Page 34: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


5700 biEman, DEn, biEDErmann, nicKEL & niEDrinGHaus 2011. The Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Benelux. Identification keys to all families and genera and all Benelux species not recorded from Germany. pp. 120, many figures. 17 x 24 cm, softcover 35,-

5032 carVaLHO & WEbb 2005. Cercopid Spittle Bugs of the New World (Auchenorrhyncha, Cercopidae). pp. 271, 16 colour plates with 56 photos of field images, 78 b/w plates with 278 species genitalia figures and 16 colour plates of approximately 450 images of named museum specimens 68,-

3992 DErJanscHi & pEricart 2005. Faune de France 90: Hèmiptères Pentatomoidea euro-méditerranéens. Vol. 1 Généralités, systématique: première partie. Dinidoridae, Pentatomidae (I): Phyllocephalinae à Strachiini. pp. 494, 153 planches de figures, 55 cartes, 16 planches en couleur. 88,-

4945 GöLLnEr-scHEiDinG, u. 2004. Die Tingidae (Netzwanzen) der Äthiopis (Heteroptera: Tingoidea) Katalog der afrikanischen Arten. 173 S. - Nova Supplementa Entomologica 17. 58,-

5308 HEiss & pEricart 2007. Faune de France 91: Hemiptères Aradidae, Piesmatidae et Dipsocoromor-phes euro-méditerranées pp. 509 + 8 pl. col. 88,-

6004 HOcH, H. 2013. Diversity and Evolution of the Southeast-Asian planthopper taxon Bennini (Cixi-idae). 296 pp., 174 fig., size A4, hardcover. - Nova Supplementa Entomologica 23 175,-

5552 Kunz, nicKEL & niEDrinGHaus 2011. Fotoatlas der Zikaden Deutschlands. Photographic Atlas of the Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Germany. Über 1500 Farbfotos von praktisch allen (ca. 620) Arten. 292 S., A5 quer. More than 1500 col. fotos of almost all species. pp. 292. 68,-

3513 mOuLEt, p. 1995. Hémiptères Coreoidea euro-méditerranées. Faune de France 81. 336 S., 74 Abb., 45 Karten. 67,-

3705 naGai & pOriOn 2004. Fulgoridae 2. Suppl. 2. Nouveaux Fulgoridae d‘Asie du Sud-Est. - New Fulgoridae from SE-Asia. 13 S., 2 Farbtaf. 25,-

3520 pEricart, J. 1984. Faune de France 70. Hémiptères Berytidae euro-méditerranéens. 172 p - 67 figs. 34,-

3522 pEricart, J. 1990. Hemiptères Saldidae et Leptopodidae d‘Europe occidentale et du Maghreb. 238 S., 83 Abb., 34 Karten. - Faune de France 77 40,-

5639 péricart, J. 2010. Faune de France 93: Podopinae et Asopinae. Hémiptères Pentatomoidea Euro-Méditerranéens Vol. 3. pp. 290 + 24 col. pl., 76 fig. 75,-

3806 pOriOn & bLEuzEn 2004. Fulgoridae 1. Supplement 1. New Neotropical Fulgoridae - 22 p - 4 colour plates (A4 size) 42,-

3514 pOriOn & naGai 1996. Fulgoridae 2. Illustrated Catalogue of the Asiatic and Australian Fauna. 80 S., 20 Farbtaf., Großformat. 90,-

3524 pOriOn, t. 1994. Illustrated Catalogue of the American Fauna: Fulgoridae I. 72 S., 14 Farbtaf. Großes Format: 25 x 33 cm, broschiert. Enthält die Unterfam. Amyclinae, Aphaeninae, Fulgorinae, Lystrinae, Phenacinae. Text französ., englisch, spanisch. 75,-

5594 putsHKOV & mOuLEt 2009/2010. Faune de France 92: Reduviidae. 668 pp., 116 planches de figures, 39 cartes géographiques, 24 planches hors texte en couleurs 107,-

5992 ribEs & paGOLa-cartE 2013. Faune de France 96 - Hémiptères Pentatomoidea Euro-Méditerranée-ns (vol. 2) Systématique : deuxième partie, sous famille des Pentatominae (suite et fin). 424 pages,69 figures. 85,-

6018 sKippEr, L. 2013. Danmarks blomstertæger (The Danish Miridae). pp. 407. Acomplete and compre-hensive treatment of the Danish Miridae, richly illustrated with more than 1000 high quality colour photos. Text Danish. 64,-

5998 stöcKmann, biEDErmann, nicKE & niEDrinGHaus 2013. The Nymphs of Planthoppers and Leaf-hoppers of Germany. 419 S., 21,5 x 15,5 cm, fadengeheftet, Halbleinen, über 1000 Strichzeichnun-gen. Von den inzwischen 630 für Deutschland gemeldeten Arten sind 515 dargestellt. Neben den Habituszeichnungen finden sich bei vielen Arten auch (Frontal-)Zeichnungen des Gesichtes. 82,-


Page 35: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Rhynchota, Orthoptera

5568 strümpEL, H. 2010. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 668: Die Zikaden. 267 S., 91 Abb., 8 Farbtaf., Bestimmungsschlüssel bis zu den Überfamilien. 49,95

WacHmann, mELbEr & DEcKErt, Wanzen. 3872 1. 2006. Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha, Cimicomorpha (Teil

1) mit Tingidae, Anthocoridae, Cimicidae und Reduviidae. 263 S., 209 Farbfotos. Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands 77. 59,-

4048 2. 2004. Cimicomorpha: Microphysidae (Flechtenwanzen), Miridae (Weichwanzen). 288 S., 266 Farbfotos. Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands 75. 59,-

5250 3. 2007. Aradidae, Lygaeidae, Piesmatidae, Berytidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Alydidae, Coreidae, Rhopali-dae, Stenocephalidae 272 S., 307 Abb., Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands 78. 59,-

5400 4. 2008. Pentatomoidea (Erdwanzen, Kugelwanzen, Schildwanzen, Baumwanzen u.a.) 230 S., 246 Abb.; Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands 81. 59,-

5500 5. 2012 (Herbst). Nachträge zu Band 1 bis 4. 256 S., davon 167 Tafeln mit insg. 394 Farbfotos. 49,-

Der geplante Band über Bauplan, Lebensweise, Phylogenie etc. wird nicht erscheinen. Der geplante Be-stimmungsband wird erst später erscheinen (wenn überhaupt), jedoch nicht in der Reihe „Dahl, Tierwelt Deutschlands“. Bisher konnten nicht genügend Autoren gewonnen werden, auch über die Gestaltung des Bestimmungswerkes gibt es noch unterschiedliche Auffassungen.

3535 WaGnEr & WEbEr 1964. Faune de France 67: Miridae. pp. 592, 295 fig., cloth-bound. Orignal edi-tion. 58,-

Orthoptera5595 battistOn, r. Et aL. 2010. Mantids of the Euro-Mediterranean Area. 239 pp. 140 text fig. incl. many

in colour and many additional colour photos of the mantids. Softcover. 15 x 22 cm. 56,-5725 bErG, scHWarz & mEHL 2011. Die Gottesanbeterin Mantis religiosa. Neue Brehm-Bücherei 656.

521 S., 21 Farbtaf. 59,955956 brinDLE, a. 1969. Faune de Madagascar. 30. Dermaptères. 112 p - 103 figs. 16,-5168 icHiKaWa, itO, KanO, KaWai, tOminaGa & imura 2006. Orthoptera of the Japanese Archipelago in

Color 728 pp., 316 col. plates + CD-ROM. 22 x 30 cm, hardcover with dust-cover. Many text-figs. and distribution maps. Text japanese. - A really great work. 380,-

Page 36: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:



4644 KOcarEK Et aL. 2005. Orthopteroid insects of the Czech and Slovak Republic. Illustrated key. pp. 348, 21 col. plates Behandelt 156 Arten der Ordnungen Blattaria, Mantodea, Orthoptera und Der-maptera. Text tschechisch und englisch. 105,-

6008 massa, FOntana,buzzEtti, KLEuKErs & ODé 2012. Fauna d‘Italia: Orthoptera. pp. 563 + 214 plates + DVD. pö. 15 to 122 in colour. Determination keys in English. Text Italian, with longer English summary to each species. 67,-

5964 pFEiFEr, niEHuis & rEnKEr (HrsG.) 2011. Die Fang- und Heuschrecken in Rheinland-Pfalz. 677 S., viele Farbfotos (allerdings relativ klein) und farb. Verbreitungskarten. Umfassende Darstellung aller in RLP vorkommenden Arten. 49,90

3876 zOmprO, O. 2004. Revision of the genera of the Areolatae, including the status of Timema and Agathemera (Phasmatodea). 327 S., 161 Abb. (Fotos oder Habitus-Zeichnungen einzelner Tiere, Strukturen der Eier). Abhandl. Naturwiss. Verein in Hamburg (NF) 37. More than 150 genera of the subtaxon Areolatae are revised and grouped in a phylogenetic system. Representatives of almost all recent Areolatae and also Eocene fossil genera are figured. Detailed keys permit access to the consider-able diversity of the taxon. 90,-

Odonata5996 bárta & DOLný 2013. Dragonflies of Sungai Wain. 168 p., color scans of 82 species, 20 habitat

photos, 23 photos of living species. 16 x 26 cm, soft cover. Ecological Field Guide to the Odonata of Lowland Mixed Dipterocarp Forest of Southeastern Kalimantan. 48,-

5970 brOcHarD Et aL. 2012. Fotogids Larvenhidjes van Libellen. 320 S., alle Abbildungen sind Fotos. Über 80 Arten (alle von NW-Europa) Unique photographs of the exuviae, larvae, adult dragonflies and their habitats. More than 80 species and complete for Northwest Europe. 55,-

3582 HEiDEmann & sEiDEnbuscH 2002. Die Libellenlarven Deutschlands. Handbuch für Exuviensam-mler. DAHL, Tierwelt Deutschlands 72. 328 S. mit 116 Tafeln. Hardcover mit stabiler Fadenhef-tung. Dieses Werk erschien 1993 in erster Auflage im Verlag Erna Bauer. Die 1. Aufl. ist seit Jahren vergriffen. Die vorliegende 2. Auflage konnte in die Reihe „Tierwelt Deutschlands“ integriert werden. Mit Bestimmungsschlüsseln bis zur Art und sehr vielen Zeichnungen der Bestimmungsmerkmale. Einige Fotos runden das Buch ab. 42,-

6019 maraVaLHas & sOarEs 2013. The Dragonflies of Portugal / As Libélulas de Portugal. 21 x 15 cm. 336 pages. Illustrated throughout in colours with numerous high quality photographs. Distribution maps to all species. Illustrations of many details. Text bi-lingua Portugese-English. Softcover. 46,-

5980 micHaLsKi, J. 2012. A Manual for the Identification of the Dragonflies & Damselflies of New Guin-ea, Maluku, & the Solomon Islands. pp. 561, over 870 illustrations, some in color. Size approx. A4, hardcover With determination keys. - Very minor damage (one corner) form transport. - Mit mini-malem Transportschaden. 83,-

5175 Ott, scHOrr, trOcKur & LinGEnFELDEr 2007. Artenschutzprogramm für die Gekielte Smaragdli-belle (Oxygastra curtisii, Odonata) in Deutschland - das Beispiel der Population an der Our. Species Protection Programme for the Orange-spotted Emerald (Oxygastra curtisii, Insecta: Odonata) in Germany - the Example of the River Our Population. 131 S., zahlreiche Abb., oft farbig, paper-back. 48,-

5110 riVEra, a.c. (EDit.) 2006. Forest and Dragonflies. 4th WDA Symposium of Odonatology, Ponte-vedra, Spain, July 2005. Collection of 14 papers on dragonflies, graphs, tables and color photos. In English. Hdb,299pp. 68,-

5370 WiLDErmutH, H. 2008. Die Falkenlibellen Europas (Corduliidae). Neue Brehm-Bücherei 653. 512 S., 173 s/w-Abb., 39 Farb-Abb. Die Monografie geht weit über die Beschreibung aller elf europäisch-en Falkenlibellen mit ihrer länderweisen Verbreitung hinaus und gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in die verschiedensten Gebiete der Biologie dieser Libellenfamilie. 59,95

Page 37: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Small orders, Arachnida

3605 aspöcK, H. & u., H. HöLzEL 1980. Die Neuropteren Europas. 2 Bände. 850 S., 1420 Abb., z.T. in Farbe. Das Standardwerk. 327,-

3606 aspöcK, H. & u., H. rauscH 1991. Die Raphidiopteren der Erde. Textband: 730 S., Tafelband: 550 S. mit 3065 Abb. und 206 Verbreitungskarten. 2 Ganzleinenbände. Diese monumentale Monogra-phie behandelt alle 190 Arten und Unterarten. 375,-

5236 bauErnFEinD & sOLDani 2012. The Mayflies of Europe. 781 pages. Numerous colour photos and black and white illustrations. Hardback. The present handbook is designed to provide for the first time an up-to-date standard work for Ephemeroptera identification, including last instar larvae (nymphs), subimago (dun), male and female imagines. 138,-

3611 FJELLbErG, a. 1998. The Collembola of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Part I: Podoromorpha. 184 S., sehr viele Abb., Fauna Entomol. Scandin. 35 58,-

5977 Lubini, KnispEL & VinçOn 2012. Fauna Helvetica 27: Die Steinfliegen der Schweiz (Plecoptera) - les Plécoptères de Suisse. Bestimmung und Verbreitung - I. Text deutsch + französisch. Texte allemande et français. 270 S., 511 Abb., Verbreitungskarten. 69,-

4850 strassEn, r. zur 2003. Die terebranten Thysanopteren Europas. DAHL, Tierwelt Deutschlands 74. 277 S., 771 Abb. 95,-

5834 WarinGEr & GraF 2011. Atlas der mitteleuoropäischen Köchenfliegenlarven. Atlas of Central Euro-pean Trichoptera larvae. 469 S., über 600 Farbfotos, 21 x 28 cm, hardcover. Mit Bestimmungsschlüs-sel. Text deutsch + English. 128,-

Arachnida3814 DaHL & WiEHLE 1931. Tierwelt Deutschlands 23: Agelenidae - Araneidae. 136 S., 319 Abb. Org.

broschiert, verlagsneu. 15,-4495 mustEr, c. 2001. Biogeographie von Spinnen der mittleren Nordalpen (Arachnida: Araneae, Opil-

iones, Pseudoscorpiones). 193 S. - Verhandl. d. naturwiss. Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 39. 48,-5206 rEimOsEr, DaHL, WiEHLE 1937. Tierwelt Deutschlands 33. Spinnentiere 8. Gnaphosidae, Any-

phaenidae, Clubionidae, Hahniidae, Argyronetidae, Theridiidae. 222 S., sehr viele Abb., Org.brosch-ur. Verlagsneu. 25,-

3650 rObErts, m.J. 1993, reprint. The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Part 1 contains: Text: Atypidae to Linyphiidae. 434pp., including 7 colour plates and 194pp. of text figures - Part 2 contains: Colour plates: Atypidae to Linyphiidae. 256pp., including 237 colour plates. 140,-

5910 stOcKmann & ytHiEr 2010. Scorpions of the World. pp. 572. More than 400 photographs of alived scorpions, size 13 x 20 cm. Hardcover. Over 350 scorpion species described and illustrated by biogeo-graphical zone. Precise descriptions of each species with information on biology and biotopes, with distribution maps. Line drawings highlighting certain anatomic characters. 75,-

5205 tHOr & WiLLmann 1931. DAHL, Tierwelt Deutschlands 22: Acarina (Allgemeine Einführung), Moosmilben oder Oribatiden (Cryptostigmata) 200 S., 510 Abb. Verlagsneu. Org.brosch. 15,-

3871 WEiGmann, G. 2006. Oribatida. DAHL. Tierwelt Deutschlands Band 76. 520 S., 234 Abb.-gruppen, 8 Taf. mit REM-Photos. Includes a Family Key in English. 95,-

Page 38: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


42705 AlluAud & JeAnnel . Voyage de Alluaud et Jeannel en Afrique orientale. Résultats sci-entifiques. A nearly complete set of the works published. 380,-

8661 Bleeker & Pollen 1875. Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendanc-es. Volume 4: Poissons et pêches. Leide, E. J. Brill. 104, (II); 89 pp. 21 col. lithographic plates. In publisher‘s half cloth portfolio, uncut. Some occasional foxing. The work consists of two monographs. ‚Poissons de Madagascar et de l‘Ile de la Réunion des collections de MM. Pollen et Van Dam‘, by P. Bleeker and the other one ‚Les Peches à Madagascar et ses dépendances‘, by F. P. L. Pollen. 600,-

22507 British MuseuM nh 1903 - 1940. Catalogue of the books, manuscripts, maps and draw-ings in the British Museum (Natural History). Original edition. Oringal bindings 8 vols. Vol 1 - 5 in excellent condition, Vol 6 - 8 (= the supplements) bindings little rubbed, but in-side excellent. A complete set in first edition. 750,-

40174 Buffon, G. . Histoire naturelle. Atlas. n.d. - circa 1860 - portrait, frontispiece and colour plates of Mamals and Birds. Hbk. About 159 hand coloured plates in very good state.980,-

43316 Buffon, G. 1812-1817. Oeuvres complètes. Nouvelle édition par le Comte de LACE-PEDE. Paris, Rapet, volumes 2 to 12. Atlas of 126 plain plates (Mammals and Birds) - In 12 full calf vols. The first vol. is missing. The binding is nice. 225,-

42688 Buffon, G. 1846. Oeuvres complètes avec les supplémens, aug. de la classification de Cuvier Paris, Ledoux. 9 vols in-8, engraved portrait, 4 col. folding maps and 108 plates from which 103 are handcoloured (the pl. 1 & 2 at the 4th vol. are missing). The plates are spotted, paper browned as usual, they are mainly on birds and mammals - In 9 hf morocco vols. 375,-

42166 CAilAud, f. 1823-1827. Voyage à Méroé et au fleuve Blanc. Tome 4 (part). pages numbered 261 to 416 - Hf leather foxed throughout. De-scription de divers objets d‘histoire naturelle recueillis durant le voyage, Description des insectes (by P. LATREILLE), Centurie de plantes d‘Afrique (by RAFFENEAU-DELILE). All the part relevant to Natural History of this volumes which ends by a „Liste des sou-scripteurs“. Ex-libris Ch. ALLUAUD. A very rare work at any state 320,-

42555 Chenu, J. . Encyclopedie d‘Histoire Naturelle. A complete set of the 22 vols and the 8 tables (very rare), in wrappers in good state. 365,-

22532 1860. Wildbad und seine Umgebungen. Neueste Beschreibung der Schwarzwald-bäder Wildbad, Teinach, Liebenzell und Umgegend. Ein Führer für Kurgäste und Touristen. 3. vermehrte Auflage. IV S., 1 Bl., 167 S., 1 Bl. Mit 5 Stahlstichtafeln und ge-faltetem lithographischen Plan. 8 . Geprägtes Leinenbändchen, Text und Tafeln durchge-hend leicht stockfleckig. Ansonsten in sehr gutem Zustand. . 250,-

10690 BrehM, A.e. 1863. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Habesch im Gefolge Seiner Hoheit des regirenden Herzogs von Sachsen-Koburg-Gotha Ernst II. Gr.-8vo. 439 S., Halbleinen (wohl Anfang 20. Jh.), die ersten Seiten, vor allem der Titel stockfleckig, ansonsten sehr gut erhalten. 450,-

21534 BüChler, J.l. (herAusGeBer) 1814. Das Großherzogthum Baden nach seinen Krei-sen, Hofgerichts-Provinzen und Amts-bezirken topographisch dargestellt. 2. ver-mehrte, und umgearbeitete Auflage. Carl-sruhe Müller‘sche Buchhandlung. LII, 219, 1 nn. S., Originalbroschur, am Rücken etwas ausgebrochen, Buchblock aber fest. Durch-gehend leicht stockfleckig, ansonsten aber sehr gut erhalten. 320,-

21544 MArren, P. 1995. The New Naturalists. New Naturalist No 82. Original cloth gilt, dustwrap-per. Pp 304 plus 16 pages of coloured plates. Also with many illustrations in the text. With the „50 Years“ sticker on the front cover. Mint copy. 380,-

80665 Merton, h. 1910. Forschungsreise in den Südöstlichen Molukken (Aru- und Kei-Inseln) in Auftrage der Senckenberfg. Naturforsch. Ges. 208 S. + 10 Taf. - zusammengebunden mit Ergebnisse der Forschungsreise (nur Entomologie): Heyden, Coleoptera / Werner, Mantodeen / Pagenstecher, Lepidopteren / Strand, Araneae + Opiliones / Walter, Hydra-carina / Weis, Hymenoptera / Sack, Diptera (nur 2 S.), Horvath, Hemipteren. Halbleder der Zeit. Ecken und Rücken berieben. 350,-

21533 sChreiBer, Aloys 1817. Badische Geschichte. Karlsruhe, Braun. 8 , 1 Tab., X S., 1 Bl., 256 S., Pappband der Zeit (mit Lichtrand). Nur ganz wenige leichte Stockflecken, sonst tadellos. Ex libris. 250,-

17930 tAsChenBerG, o. 1899 - 1905. Bibliotheca Zoologica II. Verzeichnis der Schriften über Zoologie, welche in den periodischen Werken enthalten und vom Jahre 1861 - 1880 selb-ständig erschienen sind. XXII: Palaeozoolo-gie. = S. 4709 - 5512 = Teil der 15. Lieferung, sowie 16. und 17 Lieferung (Org.broschur) des Gesamtwerkes. Unbeschnitten. Kom-pletter Teil der Paläontologie dieser sehr aus-führlichen Bibliographie. Selten. 350,-

Old and rare books

Page 39: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


336 pp. + 8 pp. index and 8 handwritten pag-es. Old half-leather (simple bindings), used. Inside very good condition, few brownings, few foxing. Without the plate (portrait). 750,-

10677 VoGt, C. 1851. Untersuchungen über Thier-staaten. XVI, 248 S. Mit 3 lithogr. Tafeln. Hdlr. Ecken gering berieben. Carl Vogt (1817-1895), arbeitete zunächst als Naturforscher in Justus Liebigs Laboratorium und war später Professor für Zoologie in Gießen. Er wurde 1848 ins Vorparlament und später in die Nationalversammlung gewählt. Wenige Tage nach seiner Wahl zum Reichsregenten mußte er jedoch in die Schweiz fliehen, wo er einen Lehrstuhl in Bern, danach in Genf erhielt. - „Einem Theile seines Unmuthes über den Ausgang der deutschen Bewegung konnte er... in seinen „Untersuchungen über Thierstaaten“ Luft machen. Seine humorist-ischen Vergleiche solcher Thierstaaten mit Menschenstaaten... machte das Buch zu jener Zeit der politischen Reaction zu einer beißenden Satire auf staatliche Zustände in Deutschland“ (ADB). 300,-

60282 AMoreux, P. 1789. Notice des insectes de la France réputés venimeux. viii + 304 p - 2 plates - hf leather, used. A rare book. 250,-

51102 AnnAles 1867. de la Société Entomologique de France. Tables générales alphabétiques et analytiques 1832 à 1860. 739 p - hf leath-er, and: tables 1861 à 1880 - 1885 - 291 p - hf leather. A very rare set of the two tables only published of the Annales covering the years 1832 to 1880. The binding is quite good and the covers are bound with. 285,-

14433 BertrAnd, h. 1954. Les insectes aquatiques d‘Europe. Vol.1 & 2 - 1954 - 556 + 547 p - 523 + 492 figs. Org.broschur, . 250,-

44956 BlAnChArd & Brullé 1837-1843. Voyage dans l‘Amérique méridionale par A. d‘Orbigny. In-sectes Coléoptères. in-folio - 184 p (on 222, the pages 185-222 are missing) - 28 plates (on 32), the present plates are: 4 (stained in the right margin), 6 to 32, of which 15 are carefully hand coloured. 2.000,-

22506 BodenheiMer, f.s. 1928/1929. Materialien zur Geschichte der Entomologie bis Linné. 2 Bände. XVI, 984 S. mit 28 Tafeln auf Kust-druckpapier (num. I - XXIV u. I - IV) und 255 teils großformatigen Textabbildungen. Neuere Leinenbände, die Org.broschur auf Frontdeckel aufgeklebt. 300,-

60132 Brunner Von WAttenWyl. 1897. Observations of the coloration of insects. in-folio with text: 8 pages without numbers + 16 pages and 9 chromolithograph plates - original cloth back portfolio with ties. Some foxings to text, plates are clean. Some stainings to the boards. Hinges and ties partly cracked. 350,-

22363 CuVier 1829 - 1830. Le Règne animal dis-tribué d‘après son organisation, pour servir de base à l‘histoire naturelle des animaux et d‘introduction à l‘anatomie comparée. Nou-velle édition, revue et augmentée. Only Vol. 1, 2 and 3. Vol. 4 and 5 (crustacés, arachnid-es et insectes) are missing. XXXVIII-584pp., XV-406pp., XVI-504pp + 20 plates. 3 uniform half-leather books, bindings little rubbed, but inside very good. 250,-

60059 dArWin, C. 1839-1843. The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle 1832-1836. reprint, Wellington, 1979 - 5 parts in 3 volumes, 4to, hf-calf. Contains 166 plates (82 in colours) (Mammals, Fish, Reptiles and Birds). Very good state, as new. Copy Nr. 126 in a limited ed. of 750 copies. 750,-

43053 GerMAin, l. 1931. Faune de France. 22. Mol-lusques terrestres et fluviatiles (Pt. 2). pages 479-893 - 390 figs - 13 pl (numbered 14 to 26) - Wrappers slightly used. A good copy of this enormously scarce book. 360,-

60492 GrAy & shArP 1846-1875. The Zoology of the Voyage of Erebus & Terror. Birds. 39 pages (the pages 9-20 are in one side photocopies) - 37 plain plates, numbered 1 to 35 + 1*, 11*, 20*, XXI* (no plate 12 and 22) - the plates are complete, not coloured - On leaves. Very rare. 300,-

43055 kolBe, P. 1741. Description du Cap de Bonne-Espérance, où l‘on trouve tout ce qui con-cerne l‘Histoire-Naturelle du Pays.. Tome 3. in-12 - Amsterdam, Catuffe - 280 p - 14 pl - full calf binding used. A tear at one page, a few old annotations, a few browings only. This is the last volume, the only one on the Natural History. The very rare first original french edition. 475,-

40878 linne, C. 1769. Continuatio altera Selectarum ex Amoenitatibus Academicis C.Linnaei Dis-sertationum.. Graecii. 8 + 277 p - 2 folding plates (one damaged) - Very rare - Recent half leather, some library stamps. 225,-

80663 rAtzeBurG, J.t.C. 1866 - 1868. Die Wald-verderbniss oder dauernder Schade, welcher durch Insektenfrass, Schälen, Schlagen und Verbeissen an lebenden Waldbäumen ent-steht. Band 1: Einleitung, Kiefer und Fichte. X, 298 S. + 35 (14 farb.)Litho-Tafeln, Band 2: Tanne, Lärche, Laubhölzer und einen en-tomologischen Anhang. XVI, 464 S. + 21 (9 farb.) Lithotaf., 5 (4 handcol.) Kupfertaf. 2 aufwendig geprägte und verzierte Leinen-bände im Stil der Jahrhundertwende. Ecken und Rücken etwas berieben. Papierbedingt durchgehend leicht stockfleckig. Absonsten sehr schönes Exemplar. 375,-

42751 rAy, J. 1693. Synopsis Methodica Animalium Quadrupedum et Serpentini Generis. [16] +

Old and rare books

Page 40: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Von dem Wasserrand abgesehen sind die Tafeln sehr sauber, nur die letzten beiden Tafeln mit Stockfleck am Rande. 750,-

60050 Geoffroy, e. 1764. Histoire abrégée des in-sectes. xxviii + 523 + 690 p - 2 vols with 22 folded engraved plates - This is the 2nd un-common ed., the same as the first one, only the printed date change. In two volumes full calf, used, some pieces of spine missing with some scratches on the covers and hinges 450,-

41759 Geoffroy, e. 1798. Histoire abrégée des in-sectes. Nouvelle edition, Paris An VII. 2 vols. 4to. pp. 556 & 744. 22 engraved plates (plates 1 & 2 have been bound out of se-quence). Contemporary full calf. Spines showing signs of wear and corners slightly bumped. There is some damage to the sur-face of the leather on vol. 2 which has been repaired at some time in the past. Generally a nice clean copy. 450,-

20380 GilBert, iAtrou & Gill (edit.) 2004. Compre-hensive Molecular Insect Science. 7 Vols., approx. pp. 3200. unused, but some vols. with very minor imperfection (due to bad packing) 950,-

8596 GrAndidier, A. (edit.), sAussure, h. de 1890 / 1895. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar. Vol. 20 + 23. Hymenoptères + Orthoptères. Tome 20 (Hym.): pp. 590, 27 partly tinted engraved plates. Tome 23 (Orth.): pp. 244, IV, 10 partly tinted engraved plates. Bound in 3 new half-leather books (2 x text, 1 x plates), the plates without title pages. Binding new, in mint condition. Some pp. are soiled (during warehousing). 490,-

43530 Guérin-MeneVille, f. 1833. Voyage Bélanger aux Indes Orientales. Insectes. 70 p - Proof text printed on coarse paper, the leaves sewn with a old cover hand written paper. The 5 rel-evant plates are not present. Extremely rare in any state. 250,-

56215 Guérin-MeneVille, f. 1838. Voyage autour du monde de la Favorite. Insectes. 68 p - 9 hand coloured plates. The whole of the Co-leoptera section as published in Magasin de Zoologie, plates numbered 225 to 233, this last one with a small tear at the margin. Text foxed throughout, plates, except the first one, generaly clean. (13 x 20 cm). 275,-

80319 hAGen, h.A. 1862. Bibliotheca entomologica. Die Litteratur über das ganze Gebiet der En-tomologie bis zum Jahre 1862. 566, 512 S., Originalausgabe in 2 Bänden. Hln., Ecken minimal berieben. Blindgebrägter Stempel auf Titel. Vorzüglich erhalten. - Original edi-tion in 2 half-cloth vols. in very fine condi-tion. 350,-

43122 Bulletin & AnnAles de lA 1860-1887. Société Entomologique de France. Years 1860 (29th year) to 1887 - A nice run of 28 complete years of Bulletins & Annales. In 28 vols qua-ter leather, slightly used, only the head of the books has been trimmed, which is un-common. Some brownings as usual. These prestigious years contains quantity of plates, many are hand coloured 750,-

41677 Curtis, J. 1824. British Entomology. Vol. 1. with 50 hand-coloured splendid plates - old hf leather rubbed. 365,-

50805 Curtis, J. 1828. British Entomology. Vol. 5. with 48 hand-coloured plates - old hf leather rubbed - Plates are numbered 195 to 241 and 205*. Library stamps on title. Needs to be re-bound. Plates clean and in excellent condi-tion. 300,-

40246 de Geer, C. 1771. Mémoires pour servir à l‘histoire des insectes. Tome second, sec-onde partie. pages 617 to 1175 - wrappers without covers, uncut, without the relevant plates 16 to 28. Enormously scarce. 235,-

60554 eMMons, e. 1854. Agriculture of New York.., with descriptions of the more common and injurious species of insects - Volume 5. viii + 272 p - 50 pl (47 in colours) - some fox-ings - hf calf binding used, back hinge partly cracked. 225,-

18520 exner, s. 1891. Die Physiologie der facettirten Augen von Krebsen und Insecten. Eine Stud-ie. VIII, 206 S. Mit 7 lithogr. Tafeln, 23 Hol-zschnitten, 1 montierten Mikrophotographie auf dem Frontispiz. Neuer Ln.Band., innen neuwertig. 225,-

80303 fuessly, J. C. 1781 - 1782. Neues Magazin für die Liebhaber der Entomologie. 1., 3. und 4. Stück. Seiten 1 - 120, 221 - 436. Org. Broschur. Teil 1 mit leichten Randläsuren, Teil 3 und 4 in tadellosem Zustand. Teil 1 und 3 unbeschnitten. Ausschließlich Artikel über entomogische Publikationen. 225,-

41760 fuessly, J.G. 1794. Archives de l‘Histoire des Insectes. xii + 184 p - 50 pl (47 handcoloured) [pl. 37-42 never published] - New half calf. Fair condition, some text and plates foxed. A nice copy of this rare work. 1.900,-

21583 Geer, C. de 1778 - 1783. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Insekten aus dem Franzö-sischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen he-rausgegeben von Johann August Ephraim Goeze. Nur die Tafeln (komplett) aller 7 Bände. 37, 43, 44, 19. 16, 30, 49 Tafeln. Bu-chblock lose in altem Pergamentband. Kein Titel, ca. ersten 50 Tafeln mit Wasserrand, etwas eselsohrig. Die Tafeln in der Mitte ge-faltet, aber plan gebunden. Die Tafeln sollten wohl ursprünglich gefaltet gebunden werden.

Old and rare books

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50794 Peters, W. 1862. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique. 5. Insecten und Myriopoden. xxi + 566 p - 35 plates (1 to 34 + 7a) of which 3 are handcoloured - text in one volume hf cloth, plates in-folio in porfolio. 650,-

50470 ProCeedinGs. 1905-1952. of the Hawaiian En-tomological Society. Volumes 1, 2 and 4 to 14. (The volume 3 is missing) - In 13 volumes hf cloth in perfect state. A very good and quite rare publication. 250,-

18705 redi, f. 1671. Patritii Aretini Experimenta cira generationem Insectorum. (4) - 330 - (18) S., 36 z.T. gefalt. Kupfertaf., 1 Titelkupfer und 1 Frontispiz. Amstelodami. 12 . Org.Pergamentband, Frontispiz und Titelseite mit leichten Wurmfrassspuren, sehr gut er-haltenes Exemplar. Lateinische Übersetzung des 1668 erstmals in Florenz erschienenen berühmten Werkes. 1.250,-

8552 rothsChild, J. 1878. Musée entomologique. Histoire naturelle iconographique des in-sectes Tome 3. Organisation. Moeurs. Chasse. Collection. Classification. Histoire des Orthoptères, Névroptères, Hyménop-tères, Hémiptères, Diptères, Aptères, etc. pp. 424, 24 planches en couleur et 460 vignettes. - Halfcloth, binding little rubbed, inside clean. A fine copy. 300,-

60028 sChAeffer, J. 1766-1769. Icones Insectorum circa Ratisbonam indigenorum coloribus naturam. Vols 1-2. with the portrait of the au-thor and 200 hancoloured plates - In 2 vols in old full calf (hinges weak, partly cracked). Some fine pencil annotations, a light signa-ture at the verso of the titles of both volumes. The 3rd vol. (1779) with 80 hand coloured pl. is missing 4.650,-

60048 stePhens, J. 1828-1846. Illustrations of Brit-ish Entomology. Mandibulata & Haustellata. with 95 hand coloured plates in 10 vols half cloth. A complete series including the supple-ment. Plates of Mandibulata are numbered in roman figures, those of Haustellata in arabic figures. A very good set. 3.800,-

40226 thoMson, C. 1870-1897. Opuscula Entomo-logica. Fasc. 2 - 22 (last published). pages 83 to 2452 - Mainly on Coleoptera and Hyme-noptera. 260,-

21735 thon & reiChenBACh 1838. Die Naturge-schichte in getreuen Abbildungen und mit ausführlicher Beschreibung. Insekten. 482 S. + Register. 96 (von 132) sorgfältig kol-orierten Tafeln. Es fehlen somit 36 Tafeln) - Dekoratives Werk mit besonders schönen Schmetterling- und Käfer-Lithos. Textband: Halbleder, Buchdeckel stark berieben, Rück-en fachmännisch im Stil der Zeit restauriert.

60029 hArris, M. 1782. An exposition of English in-sects including the several classes of Neu-roptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera or bees, flies and Libellulae, minutely described, arranged and named according to the Linnean systems with remarks. The figures of a great number of Moths Folio, Second Edition, First Issue, with a copper-engraved frontispiece finely coloured by hand and 51 fine copper-en-graved plates (all coloured by hand) depict-ing over 500 individual figures, text in English and French in double columns, plates and text 1.700,-

41702 horn & sChenklinG 1928-1929. Index Lit-teraturae Entomologicae. Serie 1. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inklusive 1863. Volumes 1-4 (complete). xxi + 1426 p - 4 portraits - in two volumes half cloth. Title of the Vorwort slightly dirty with the signature of Walter Horn sending the book to J. de JOANNIS. A good copy of the original edition. 250,-

51107 inseCtA. 1911-1924. Revue illustrée d‘Entomologie. Nearly all published, nicely bound in 4 half-morocco vols. A very good periodical with many Coleopterological monographs, now very rare. 950,-

80985 kirBy & sPenCe 1823 - 1827. Einleitung in die Entomologie oder Elemente der Naturge-schichte der Insecten. Band 1 - 3. Ohne Band 4. XXVIII, 582 S./ IV, 604 S./ IV (2) 760, 29 (2) S. + 25 gestoch. Tafeln (1 kol.). Org.Pappein-bände, unbeschnitten. Am Rücken mit zahl-reichen kleineren Fehlstellen (Einband ist brüchgi, innen sehr sauber, kaum gebräunt. Sehr breitrandig. 225,-

40300 kolenAti, f.A. 1845-1846. Meletemata Ento-mologica. Fasc. 1-4. 334 p - 16 pl (12 co-loured : 5 on Coleoptera, 7 on Hemiptera) - half morocco slightly rubbed - A very rare work on Caucasian insects. Fasc 1: Insecta Caucasi cum distributione geographica. Co-leopterorum Carnivora; Fasc. 2: Hemiptera Caucasi Tesseratomidae 750,-

43525 PAnzer, G. . Fauna Insectorum Germanie Ini-tia. Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hymenoptera. A collection of handcoloured plates and their text, carefully disposed in two books, in-folio size 28 x 36 cm. There are up to 6 handcoloured plates at the right hand and the corresponding text facing them at the left hand. 1.200,-

43524 PAnzer, G. . Fauna Insectorum Germanie Initia. Hemiptera - Aptera / Arachnida A col-lection of handcoloured plates and their text, carefully disposed in a book, in-folio size 28 x 36 cm. There are up to 6 handcoloured plates at the right hand and the corresponding text facing them at the left hand. 1.500,-

Old and rare books

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The title and the 16 first paged are included in A4 size photocopies. 275,-

22732 BAlthAsAr, V. 1964. Monographie der Scara-baeidae und Aphodiidae der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region. Band 3, Apho-diidae. 652 S., 224 Abb. Leinen, ohne den Schutzumschlag etwas eingerissen, Name auf Titel, ganz wenige Anmerkungen mit Bleistift. Ansonsten in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. 225,-

60476 BAly, J. 1885-1894. Biologia Centrali-Amer-icana. Vol. 6, Pt. 2 Phytophaga (Part) His-pidae & Cassidae. 250 p - 13 col. pl. - Un-bound, uncut, as new. 375,-

41381 Bedel, l. . Faune des Coléoptères du Bassin de la Seine. Tomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 6bis - A nice complete copy in 5 vols. hf leather (vol. 1 slightly less high), the vols. 1 & 6 partly inter-leaved, and the vol. 6bis in wrappers. A now rare set of all published volumes. 375,-

40885 BoheMAn, C. 1848-1857. Insecta Caffrariae an-nis 1838-1845 a J.A. Wahlberg collecta. Co-leoptera Pars. I fasc. I: Carabici to Staphylinii, fasc. II: Buprestides to Hydrophilidae, - Pars. II: Scarabaeides. viii + 626 + 395 p - 3 pl - in 3 volumes wrappers. As new, uncut. 300,-

60546 BoPPe, P. 1921. Genera Insectorum fasc. 178 : Coleoptera, Cerambycidae: Disteniinae-Lep-turinae. 121 p - 8 col. pl. - in very good state. Very rare. 250,-

41671 CAMeron, M. 1930-1939. The Fauna of British India. Staphylinidae. 1862 p - 376 figs - 12 col. plates - 4 vols bound in 5 - complete org. ed. 225,-

43041 CAstelnAu & & Brullé 1840. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Vols 1 & 2. Coléoptères. Vol.1: cxxv + 324 p - 24 + 19 pl; Vol. 2: 563 p - 38 pl - in 2 volumes old hf leather very used, hinges partly cracked, inside hinge of vol. 2 cracked. This is the rare first ed., the most im-portant for the publication references of many insects described. The plates of the first ed. are never coloured. Library stamps on title and false title, foxing as usual, some plates hardly stained. An important work, now rare. From the Ch. Alluaud‘s library with his very nice ex-libris. 400,-

81148 CoiffAit, h. 1972 - 1984. Coléoptères Staphy-linidae de la Région paléarctique occidentale. Tome 1 - 5 A complete set, privately bound in full cloth. A fine set of this classic work. With determination keys. Umfassende Arbeit über die westpaläarktischen Staphyliniden, mit Bestimmungsschlüssel. 370,-

40392 denny, h. 1825. Monographia Pselaphidarum et Scydmaenidarum Britanniae. 74 p - 14 handcol. plates - bds - very rare - Except the boards not very nice, inside is in good clean

Tafelband: Halbleder, Ecken und Rücken berieben. Zusätzlich noch Umschlag von Heft 11 und 12, sowie S. 1 - 336 eingebun-den. Beide Bände innen sehr gut erhalten, vor allem sehr sauber 500,-

60248 VirGin, C. 1857-1868. Kongliga Svenska Fre-gatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden (Trav-el of the Swedish Frigate around the World). Insecta : 617 p - 9 pl ; Arachnida : 36 p ; Physic : 153 + 77 p - 1 folding map ; Botany : 142 p - 16 pl - A complete set of this scarce work. 350,-

40788 WAterhouse, C. 1880-1882. Aid to the Identi-fication of Insects. Vol. 1. 15 p + 100 pl not coloured, on leaves in their original boards, cloth with gilt lettering - As new - . 290,-

40537 WAterhouse, C. 1882-1890. Aid to the Identi-fication of Insects. Vol. 2. 29 p + 89 pl not coloured, on leaves in their original boards, cloth with gilt lettering - As new - 225,-

40853 WestWood, J. 1845. Arcana Entomologica, or Illustrations of new, rare, and interesting In-sects. London, W. Smith. 2 volumes. Royal 8vo - iv + 192 + 192 p - 96 plates (1 to 95 + and a 2nd numbered 68) - Old hf leather binding, used. Edition with uncoloured plates. Rare, the plates show mainly Coleoptera, but also Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. 550,-

60061 WestWood, J. 1848. The Cabinet of Oriental Entomology; being a selection of some of the rarer and more beautiful species of insects, natives of India and the adjacent islands, the greater portion of which are now for the first time described and figured. 88 p - 42 handcoloured plates. Paper slightly brown with some darker brown marks. Plates, which are all in the left hand page, are in excellent condition with some offsettings of the figures on the following page. Nevertheless, the three first plates have a inner tear, the plate one of about 5 cm, the two other of 3 cm, also the text pages between. These pages were detached and have been reinserted with some glue. The paper is very fragile. New hf leather. Very rare. 3.300,-

60528 AlluAud, C. 1900. Histoire Physique, Naturelle et Politique de Madagascar. 21. Histoire na-turelle des Coléoptères. 509 p - hf leather. A very good copy (without the plates). 300,-

42519 AuriVillius, C. 1912. Coleopterorum Cata-logus. Pars 39. Cerambycinae. 574 p - hf leather. The binding is slightly used. A very good copy. 250,-

43564 AuriVillius, C. 1912. Coleopterorum Cata-logus. Pars 39. Cerambycinae. pages 17-574 p - wrappers. Some few small stamps an annotations. The title and 16 first pages are missing. Inscribed on the spine. Very rare.

Old and rare books

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plates are generaly clean, ink inscription on fep. This is the rare illustrated ed. The very rare supplement. 565,-

80746 GAnGlBAuer, l. 1892 - 1904. Die Käfer von Mitteleuropa. Die Käfer der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deutschlands, der Schweiz, sowie des französischen und ital-ienischen Alpengebietes. Bde. I - IV/1 (alles erschienene) in 4 Bdn. 2781 S., 151 Abb.. Band 1 - 3 in 3 einheitlichen sehr schönen Hldr.Bänden gebunden. Ecken etwas berieben. Band 4 in neuem Hln.-Band. 375,-

44970 GorhAM, h. 1880-1886. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Vol. 3, Pt. 2 Malacodermata: Ly-cidae to Ptinidae. 372 p - 13 coloured plates - Unbound, uncut, as new. 400,-

41784 Gressitt, rondon & BreuninG 1970. Ceram-bycid-Beetles of Laos (Longicornes de Laos) 651 p - 98 photographic plates - The part on the Lamiinae is by RONDON & BREUNING and is written in French - Very rare. A splen-did half leather copy !. 980,-

44959 Guérin-MeneVille, f. 1829-1832. Voyage au-tour du monde de la Coquille Crustacés, Arachnides et Insectes. pp. i-xij (Avant-propos), 57-88, 145-216, 249-264, 281-288 (on 319) - 7 plates (on 21) - Text pages i-xij and 153-196 are printed, pages 57 to 152, and 177-216, 249-264, 281-288 are proofs printed on bad paper with many many hand written corrections. 1.500,-

40397 Guérin-MeneVille, f. 1843-1849. Species et iconographie des animaux articulés. Coléop-tères. 381 p - 36 pl (23 partly coloured) - hf leather rubbed. The pages 17-45 of Anthicus number 27 has been placed by error after the number 22 but the book is complete. Some brownings. All publihed. Very rare. 750,-

40299 GuiGnot, f. 1931-1933. Les Hydrocanthares de France. xv + 1057 p - 558 figs - 7 pl - hf leather - Just only the best book on French aquatic insects - Very searched after. A very good copy. 225,-

41731 GyllenhAl, l. 1808-1827. Insecta Svecica. Coleoptera sive Eleuterata. Pars I-IV. 2723 p - in 4 vol. contemporary half calf. Small tear at the head of the spine of the first volume. A good copy of this rare work, without any stamps or marks. (Vol. 1: 1808 - viii + [4] + 572 p; Vol. 2: 1810 - xix [pages v-xii de-tached] + [1] + 660 p; Vol. 3: viii + 761 p; Vol. 4: 1827 - [2] + 730 + [2] p). 700,-

60089 heyne & tAsChenBerG 1908. Die Exotischen Käfer in Wort und Bild. 262 + 50 p - 40 col. pl. (1 to 39 + 21bis) - Hlf leather rubbed, in-ner hinge partly cracked. A good copy of this book on exotic Coleoptera. [Nissen ZBI, 1932]. 950,-

condition, somme „off-set“ marks on inter-leave tissue. A rare item. 290,-

40198 deyrolle, h. 1864. Description des Bupres-tides de la Malaisie recueillis par Wallace. 269 p - 4 pl (3 hand coloured) - new half leather - very rare. A very good copy. 475,-

40102 didier & seGuy 1953. Catalogue illustré des Lucanides du Globe. 223 p - 136 figs + atlas of 112 pl - In two volumes wrappers used. A rare copy with the rare frontispiece in colour. 240,-

43285 didier, r. 1937. Etudes sur les Coléoptères Lucanides du globe. xlix + 260 p - 214 figs - 3 col. pls - Hf leather in good state except the spine discoloured and the front hinge slightly weak. Stamps on previous owner on false title and title. Very rare. 1.450,-

42934 didier, r. 1949. Atlas des Coléoptères Lu-canides du Globe. Genre Lucanus. 20 pl (2 col.) - very rare original ed. in very good state. The plates are numbered I to XV, then Lucanus planeti, Lucanus laminifer, Lucanus oberthuri, Lucanus mearesi and Lucanus parryi. 250,-

15555 eriChson, Guil. [= W.] f. 1840. Genera et Species Staphilinorum Insectorum Cole-opterorum Familiae. 942 S. + 5 Taf., unbe-schnittenes Exemplar. Pappeinband (mit Selbstklebeband geklebt). Nur sehr wenig Stockflecken. Uncut in cont. boards, very few foxing. 350,-

81177 eriChson, W.f. 1837/1839. Die Käfer der Mark Brandenburg. 1. Band. VIII, 740 S., Hldr. der Zeit, Ecken berieben, ansonsten sehr gut er-halten. Einige wenige Anmerkungen mit Ble-istift. Fast fleckenfrei Es erschien nur Band 1. 225,-

40298 fABriCius, J.C. 1801. Systema Eleutheratorum secundum ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descrip-tionibus. Kiliae, impensis Bibliopolii Acade-mici Novi. 2 volumes. 8vo. pp. xxiv, 506; pp. 610; pp. 93 - in 2 vols - old bds [Horn-Schen-kling, 6215]. 850,-

40304 fAuVel, A. 1877-1878. Les Staphylinides de l‘Australie et de la Polynésie. Parties 1 & 2. 128 + 134 p - bound with: Les Staphylinides des Moluques et de la Nouvelle-Guinée - 1878-1879 - 207 p - 2 col. pl. - new hf leather. A nice copy. 250,-

43224 ferreirA, M. 1967. Os Escarabideos de Moçambique. 1. Scarabaeinae e Coprinae. 774 p - 665 figs - 68 pl (17 in col.) - wrap-pers. 225,-

40329 foWler, W. 1913. The Coleoptera of the Brit-ish Islands. Volume 6 (supplement) by DO-NISTHORPE. xiii + 351 p - 19 colour plates - Original cloth - A few brownings but the

Old and rare books, Coleoptera

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40177 kerreMAns, C. 1904-1905. Monographie des Buprestides. Vol 1. Julodini - Polycestini (pars). 533 p - 10 col. pl. - wrappers 345,-

60007 kerreMAns, C. 1904-1914. Monographie des Buprestides. Vols 1 - 7. all published - with 38 coloured plates - Well bound in 5 new hf leather books, fine condition. The work ceased with the death of the author in Oc-tober 1915 - vol. 7 contains 320 p text only. This is a complete copy 2.750,-

40305 kerreMAns, C. 1906-1907. Monographie des Buprestides. Vol 2. Polycestini (pars) Schizo-pini-Thrincopygini. 621 p - 6 col. pl. - wrap-pers. Mint condition, uncut. 355,-

40540 kerreMAns, C. 1908-1909. Monographie des Buprestides. Vol 3. Chrysochroini-Chalco-phorites (pars). 603 p - 6 col. pl. - hf leather - a good copy. 480,-

40224 kerreMAns, C. 1910-1912. Monographie des Buprestides. Vol 5. Psilopterites. 662 p - 6 col. pl. - wrappers. Some offsettings at the verso of the plates. 390,-

41817 kerreMAns, C. 1912-1913. Monographie des Buprestides. Vol 6. Sphenoptera (pars). 597 p - 6 col. pl. - wrappers. Some offsettings at the verso of the plates. A rare volume. 325,-

41551 kluG, J. 1824. Entomologische Monogra-phieen. xiv + 242 p - 10 col. pl. - half cloth - Ctenostoma, Agra, Megalopus, Chlamys, Mastigus, Pachylosticta, Syzygoma, Tarpa, Cryptocerus, Ceramius. Many new species described, mostly from Brazil. Ex-library with stamp on the title, cancelled by E. SUÉGUY, the 445,-

14790 koleoPteroloGisChe rundsChAu 1918-1939. Vols. 7-25. in volumes and in parts as issued.

250,-41262 lACordAire, t. 1845. Monographie des

Coléoptères Subpentamères de la famille des Phytophages. 1. 740 p - hf cloth - ex library - some stamps - very rare - a good copy. 290,-

16960 lACordAire, t. 1845. Monographie des Coléoptères Sublentamères de la famille des Phytophages. 1. LIII, 740 S. Hln., Rücken mit kleiner Fehlstelle, Ecken berieben. Titel mini-mal stockfleckig, ansonsten in ausgezeich-ner Erhaltung. 300,-

41940 lACordAire, t. 1845. Monographie des Coléoptères Subpentamères de la famille des Phytophages. 1. 740 p - old hf leather - very rare - a good copy. 275,-

40208 lACordAire, t. 1845-1848. Monographie des Coléoptères Subpentamères de la famille des Phytophages. 740 + 890 p - in 2 old hf leather vols. Extremly rare when complete. 500,-

8690 heyne & tAsChenBerG 1908. Die Exotischen Käfer in Wort und Bild. Text oben geknickt, 12 Tafeln mit Wasserflecken, ohne die 50 S. Index. Neuer Leineneinband. 262 - 40 col. pl. (1 to 39 + 21bis) - cloth. Without the 50 pages of index. The plates are complete but 12 plates are hardly waterstained. Modern full cloth. 450,-

41548 hoPe, f. 1838. The Coleopterist‘s Manual. Vol. 2. containing the predaceous land and water beetles of Linneus and Fabricius. xvi + 168 p - frontispiece coloured + 3 handcoloured plates - old boards. Spine loose at one side, back cove loose. A rare work. 375,-

42946 JACquelin du VAl, C. 1855. Genera des Coléoptères d‘Europe. Vol. 1 (Pt) Cicindeli-dae to Pselaphidae. 140 p - 43 col. pl. - Con-temporary hf leather binding, good state, all the systematic part of the vol. 1 (the other part is the introduction). The 24 first plates are on the Cicindelidae and the Carabidae. 275,-

42816 JACquelin du VAl, C. 1857. Genera des Coléoptères d‘Europe. Vol. 1. 15 pl (4 handcoloured) + 43 handcoloured plates - on leaves, in very good state. Complet plates of the 1st volume. No text. 230,-

41558 JACquelin du VAl, C. 1857. Genera des Coléoptères d‘Europe. Vol. 1. cclxxvi + 140 + 52 p - 15 pl (4 col) + 43 handcoloured plates - Introduction, Cicindelidae to Pselaphidae. Original cloth (front hinge of vol. 1 slightly used). Some foxing. Complete vol. 1 with the relevant part of the Catalogue. 450,-

41559 JACquelin du VAl, C. 1857. Genera des Coléoptères d‘Europe. Vol. 2. 286 p + 72 p - 67 handcoloured plates - Staphylinidae-Heterocerides - Original cloth, some plates stained. 500,-

42784 JACquelin du VAl, C. 1857. Genera des Coléoptères d‘Europe. Vol. 2. 286 p + 72 p - 67 hand coloured plates - Staphylinidae-Heterocerides - Original cloth, not trimmed, nice plates, a very good copy. 480,-

43558 JACquelin du VAl, C. 1857-1868. Genera des Coléoptères d‘Europe. 1733 p - 303 pl (292 hand coloured). This is the nicest book ever published on European coleoptera. Details is as follows: 2.600,-

41513 JeAnnel, r. 1911. Révision des Bathysciinae. 641 p - 24 pl - new cloth - very rare. 250,-

40372 JeAnnel, r. 1946-1948. Coléoptères Cara-biques de la région Malgache. vols. 1-3. vol. 1: 1946 - 372 p - 168 figs ; vol. 2: 1948 - 396 p - 195 figs ; vol. 3: 1949 - 380 p - 184 figs - in one volume hf leather. This is the Jeannel‘s copy. 375,-

Old and rare books, Coleoptera

Page 45: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


43318 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 47 p - 134 plain plates - On leaves - Very rare complete atlas (not coloured). 600,-

43325 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. Plates 81 to 134 (last one). On leaves. With their explanations (pages 29-47) - Plates 81 to 100 plain; 101 to 110 handcoloured; 111 to 120 plain; 121 to 134 handcoloured. In gen-eral very good state but some are dirty. The plates after number 80 are quite rare. 750,-

40849 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 16 p - 57 hand coloured plates (on 134) - on parts as issued. Hand coloured plates 1-37 and 39-58, the plate 38 is plain. There is no explanation of plates 48-58. In general very good state. 475,-

40848 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 16 p - the first 33 hand coloured plates (on 134) - On leaves - General very good condition except a few plates dirty. 285,-

42158 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 47 p - 134 plain plates. Hf cloth. Title is missing. Some brownings. Very rare complete atlas (not coloured). 750,-

60008 lAPorte & Gory 1841. Histoire Naturelle et Iconographie des Insectes Coleoptères. IV. Supplément aux Buprestides par H. GORY. 356 + 7 + 2 p - 54 hand coloured plates on 60 (without the pl. 1 to 5 & 50) - Contemporary hf leather in good state. A huge rarity. 2.590,-

60512 lAPouGe, G. de. 1929-1932. Genera Insecto-rum fasc. 192 : Coleoptera, Carabidae. 747 p - 10 pl (1 col.) - In French - One vol. hf-cloth and one fasc. with the bl. & w. plates in wrap-pers as published. 275,-

60047 lAPouGe, G. de. 1929-1932. Genera Insecto-rum fasc.192: Coleoptera, Carabidae. 747 p - 10 pl (1 col.) - In 5 parts - Text is in French - That is, with the Breuning‘s monograph, the basic work for the study of the Carabs. Now very rare. 290,-

41491 le frelon. 1898-1910. Journal d‘entomologie descriptive. Vols 7 to 17 (last published). in 3 vols hf leather - very rare. 250,-

60087 MACleAy, W. 1838. Illustrations of the Annulosa of South Africa. 75 p - 4 hd coloured plates - Main part: „On the Cetoniidae of South Afica“ with 50 pages and one col. plate - cloth. Very rare. 475,-

60272 MArseul, s. de. 1853-1857. Essai monographique sur la tribu des Histérides. 1204 p - 25 pl, and: Supplément 1859-1862 - 340 p - 13 pl - In three volumes hf leather.

42553 lACordAire, t. 1854-1876. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Vols 1-12 and atlas of 47 p and 134 handcoloured plates In 14 vols: 12 vols uniformly hf leather, Vol. 9(2) wrappers (uncut, small tear) and atlas in different hf leather. All in very good state and very nice bindings in old style. Vol. 5 with some annotations. The handcoloured plates are generaly clean except about 5 plates slightly dirty and one has had the bot-tom corner torn and repaired. A very rare complete set. 5.800,-

42554 lACordAire, t. 1854-1876. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Vols 1-9(1) and 10-12. and Atlas: 47 p - 80 handcoloured plates (on 134, the 54 last plates are missing) - In 8 volumes half leath-er (different bindings), 3 half cloth (different bindings, 1 wrappers. Some brownings in the text, the plates are clean. The volume 9 part 2 is missing. 2.250,-

41617 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 134 plates (133 plain and one hand co-loured), without the explanations, in the bigi-ning are bond 3 plates of the „Introduction à l‘entomologie“. A complete set of the Atlas, recent cloth. 750,-

42666 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 28 p - 80 plain plates (on 134) - Hf cloth - very good condition. (The pages 3 to 16 contain the explanation of the plates 1-47; pages 17-20 the explanation of the plates 48-61 and pages 21-28 the explanation of the plates 61-80). 475,-

43323 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 28 p - 80 hand coloured plates (on 134) - on parts as issued. This is the G. R. WATERHOUSE copy who wrote on last part „22/12/65“ which can give an idea of the publication date. Very good condition. 650,-

43322 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 28 p - 80 hand coloured plates (on 134) - on parts as issued. This is the W. W. SAUNDERS copy. Very good condition. 650,-

43321 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 28 p - 80 hand coloured plates (on 134) - on parts as issued. Hand coloured plates 68 & 69 dirty and injured. 600,-

43320 lACordAire, t. 1876. Histoire naturelle des in-sectes. Genera des Coléoptères. Atlas. 28 p - 80 hand coloured plates (on 134) - on leaves - First plate slightly brown, plate 48 slightly dirty. 600,-

Old and rare books, Coleoptera

Page 46: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


Entomologen und eigener Beobachtungen im Auftrage der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. 4to. xxiii, 766, 790, 332 S., 8 Tafeln, 1 gefalteten Karte und 8 Umgebungskarten. 3 Hln.Bände der Zeit. 225,-

41977 sMith, A. 1849. Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa. Invertebratae. 75 p - 4 col. plates (2 on Coleoptera, 2 on Crabs) - cloth. Every part of this huge work is rare. The main work is: „On the Cetoniidae of South Africa“ (50 p and one col. plate). 295,-

42995 stierlin & reitter 1883-1915. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. Cur-culionidae. Parts 1 to 24. 1385 p - 1 pl - In 3 volumes cloth from the Gowing-Scopes library. End of part 11 (by PETRI) wrongly bound in the middle of part 12, some annota-tions. Interleaved. Very rare complete set on the Curculionidae. 350,-

41273 théry, A. 1946-1947. Buprestides d‘Angola. 228 p - 61 figs - very rare. 265,-

50690 thoMson, J. 1857. Monographie des Cicindé-lides ou Exposé méthodique et critique des Tribus, Genres et Espèces de cette famille. Tome I (all published). Paris, Baillière, 4to. - Frontispiece - xvii + 66 p - 10 pl (not co-loured) - text and plates with slight brownings as usual. Wrappers, spine reinforced with kraft paper (partly missing). 400,-

60038 thoMson, J. 1857. Monographie des Cicindé-lides ou Exposé méthodique et critique des Tribus, Genres et Espèces de cette famille. Tome I (all published). Paris, Baillière, 4to. Handcoloured engraved frontispiece - xvii + 66 p - 10 pl (9 handcoloured) - some pages with large brown marks. Except for the text and the first plate (always plain), the coloured plates are quite clear. New hf leather. 1.250,-

22676 Villiers, A. 1978. Faune des Coléoptères de France. Cerambycidae. 636 p - 1802 figs - cloth - The BEST book ever published on French longhorns, now very rare. In excellent condition. 350,-

41649 White, A. 1853-1855. Catalogue of Coleop-terous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. Parts 7 & 8. Longicornia. 412 p - 10 pl - cloth used, ex. library with some stamps and marks. Inside clean. The best exemplar we have ever seen. Very rare. 300,-

41670 AuriVillius, C. 1898. Rhopalocera Aethiopica. 561 p - 6 col. pl. - recent cloth - A good copy of this work. 390,-

22553 AustAut, J. 1889. Les Parnassiens de la Faune Paléarctique. Leipzig, E. Heyne, 8vo. 223 p - 32 chromolithographed plates (num-bered 1 to 24 and I to VIII) - Half cloth. [Nis-sen ZBI, 168]. 650,-

Some foxing. Front hinge of the first volume partly cracked. A presentation copy, then in the library of E. FLEUTIAUX with his stamps. A very great rarity published by small parts in the „Annales de la Société entomologique de France“. This is only the second time in 38 years we see a complete set. Included is an autograph letter of Fleutiaux and another one of Jeannel. A great book. 1.400,-

22586 Mushi-shA‘s iConoGrAPhiC series of inseCts 2000. 4. Akiyama & Ohmomo. Buprestidae. 120 Farbtafeln, 200 S. Text. - 120 col. plates, 200 pp. in Japanese. - New, unused, but plates 2 and 3 are little damaged (stuck to-gether). With slip-case 250,-

42750 oBenBerGer, J. 1926 - 1937. Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 84, 111, 132, 143, 152, 157. Buprestidae. 1-6 - in 3 new hf leather vols. A splendid set. 750,-

60230 oliVier, G. 1789 ff. Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Insectes,... Coléoptères. Part of vols. 1 to 5 with 129 handcolored plates as follows - Vol. 1: xx + 387 p (on 497) and 56 handcol. plates (on 62 - not 63 as stated in Horn-Schenkling); Vol. 2: 204 p (on 485) and 35 hdcol. pl. (on 63); Vol. 3: 9 hdcol. pl. (on 65); Vol. 4: 27 hdco 1.400,-

43526 PAnzer, G. . Fauna Insectorum Germanie Ini-tia. Coleoptera-Hymenoptera. A collection of handcoloured plates and their text, carefully disposed in a book, in-folio size 28 x 36 cm. There are up to 6 handcoloured plates at the right hand and the corresponding text facing them at the left hand. 1.000,-

43267 PiC, M. 1940-1944. Opuscula Martialis. Nr 1 to 13. The continuation of Melanges Exotico-Entomologiques. All published and rare. In parts as issued. 225,-

40068 PlAVilstshikoV, n. 1936. Faune de l‘URSS. Coléoptères. 21. Cerambycidae (P. 1). 611 p - 247 figs - first 478 pages in Russian, re-maining text in German. New hf leather. A splendid copy of this scarce work. 395,-

40076 PorteVin, G. 1929-1935. Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Vols 1-4. 2024 p - 20 col. pl. - in 4 vol. hf leather slightly worn. Title of vol. 1 annotated and in bad state, title of vol. 2 annotated and repared - A masterpiece for the study of French Coleoptera, now rare and search after. 350,-

42392 PorteVin, G. 1929-1935. Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Vols 1-4. 2024 p - 20 col. pl. - in 3 vols. hf leather slightly used and 1 vol. wrappers. 350,-

80864 rAPP, o. 1933 - 1935. Die Käfer Thüringens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der fau-nistisch-oekologischen Geographie auf Gr-und der Literatur, der Beiträge zahlreicher

Old and rare books, Coleoptera

Page 47: Erich Bauer - insecta.de · The last part of the African Goliathini. A brillant monograph of the genus . Gnathocera . 142 pp. + 17 plates . 90,- 2443 . 12. 1992. Rigout & Allard:


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