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Page 1: Content · 2016-05-02 · Open government, Staat und Demokratie : Aufsätze zu Transparenz, Partizipation und Kollaboration / Göttrik Wewer. 32 CES 15/255 Mobilizing for democracy


Democracy & Social policy p.2

Current economy p.3

Law p.5

European Union p.7

Miscellaneous p.8

Focus : European Refugee Crisis p.10


Page 2: Content · 2016-05-02 · Open government, Staat und Demokratie : Aufsätze zu Transparenz, Partizipation und Kollaboration / Göttrik Wewer. 32 CES 15/255 Mobilizing for democracy

Open government, Staat und Demokratie : Aufsätze zu Transparenz, Partizipation und Kollaboration

/ Göttrik Wewer.

32 CES 15/255

Mobilizing for democracy : comparing 1989 and 2011 / Donatella della Porta

32 CES 15/241

“Strangely enough, while the pictures used to illustrate the most recent wave of

protests for democracy in North Africa represent mass protest, research on social

movements and democratization have rarely interacted. This volume aims to fill

this gap by looking at episodes of democratization through the lens of social

movement studies. Without assuming that democratization is always produced

from below, the author singles out different paths of democratization by looking at

the ways in which the masses interact with the elites, and protest with bargaining:

eventful democratization, participated pacts and troubled democratization. The

main focus is on the first of the paths: eventful democratization, that is cases in

which authoritarian regimes break down following-often short but intense-waves

of protest. Recognizing the particular power of some transformative events, the

analysis locates them within the broader mobilization processes, including the

multitude of less visible, but still important protests that surround them.”-- Editor.

"Open Government gilt vielfach als die universale Staatsdoktrin für das 21.

Jahrhundert, ohne dass schon klar wäre, was sich im Einzelnen hinter diesem

Schlagwort verbirgt und was daraus für die Praxis des Regierens und Verwaltens

folgt. In diesem Band untersucht der Autor alle Bauteile dieser Konstruktion

kritisch: das Paradigma der Offenheit, dem sich alles unterordnen soll, die drei

Säulen Transparenz, Partizipation und Kollaboration, die das Ganze tragen

sollen, aber auch die technischen und ideologischen Fundamente, auf denen das

Modell ruht. Im Zentrum steht dabei stets die Frage, was Open Government für

Staat und Demokratie hierzulande bedeuten würde. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass

dieses Konstrukt technokratische Züge trägt und aus einer »kalifornischen

Ideologie« hervorgeht, die es erst noch politisch zu bewerten gilt. Wenn sowohl

die Giganten des Internets als auch emphatische Aktivisten Open Government

massiv propagieren, darf kritische Reflexion nicht auf der Strecke bleiben. Wewer

bezweifelt, dass Open Government als Leitbild für das digitale Zeitalter taugt, dem

im Prinzip alle Länder dieser Welt nacheifern könnten..."-- Editor.

Social policy in the European Union / Karen M. Anderson

30 CES 15/238

“Social policy has become an increasingly prominent component of the European

Union’s policy-making responsibilities. Today, for example, a highly developed

body of law regulates equal treatment in social security and co-ordinates national

security schemes; national health services have opened up to patients and

service providers from other states; and rules govern the translation of

educational and vocational certificates across member states. This state of affairs

is all the more remarkable given the relatively limited resources at the EU’s

disposal and the initial intentions of its founders. During negotiations for the

Treaty of Rome in the 1950s, social policy was viewed as the exclusive

provenance of the member states. There were to be provisions to facilitate labour

mobility within the common market, but until the 1970s social policy making at the

EU-level was modest. However, plans for the internal market moved social policy

on the EU’s decision-making agenda. The Social Chapter was adopted in 1989,

and the Single European Act expanded EU competencies in social policy. The

Treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice all expanded competencies further,

so that by the time the heads of government met in Lisbon in 2007 to sign the

EU’s latest treaty, the extent of supranational control over important aspects of

social policy making was quite impressive.”-- Editeur

Democracy & Social policy


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You can retire sooner than you think : the 5 money secrets of the happiest retirees / Wes Mo

33 CES 15/239

"What do successful retirees do right? The host of “Money Matters” reveals the surprising results of his national survey. Many people think they have to be multimillionaires or work until their seventies in order to retire comfortably. You Can Retire Sooner than You Think explains that this isn’t the case. Radio talk-show host and Certified Financial Planner Wes Moss conducted a research study of 1,350 retirees and culled the 5 simple financial habits–and the 18 traits–that are common to the happiest retirees. In this indispensable guide, Moss tells the happiest retirees’ stories and provides the secrets he has learned about how to retire sooner than you think–-and live happily ever after. He shows you how to develop multiple streams of income and have fun while living well."-- Editor

Economía sin corbata : conversaciones con mi hija / Yanis Varoufakis

33 CES 15/233

L' économie des inégalités / Thomas Piketty. (7ème éd.)

33 CES 15/262

"L’inégalité est-elle pour l’essentiel la conséquence de la concentration du

capital dans quelques mains, auquel cas la taxation et la redistribution du capital

pourraient y mettre fin ? L’inégalité des salaires reflète-t-elle à peu près le jeu de

l’offre et de la demande pour différents types de travail ? L’inégalité se transmet-

elle principalement au niveau familial ? L’augmentation des dépenses

d’éducation peut-elle diminuer de façon décisive l’inégalité des chances ? Les

prélèvements sur les revenus élevés ont-ils atteint un niveau où toute

redistribution supplémentaire réduirait dangereusement l’incitation au travail, ou

ces effets sont-ils d’une ampleur négligeable ? Les systèmes modernes de

prélèvements et de transferts assurent-ils une redistribution appréciable, ou est-il

opportun de les réformer largement ?L’inégalité est-elle pour l’essentiel la

conséquence de la concentration du capital dans quelques mains, auquel cas la

taxation et la redistribution du capital pourraient y mettre fin ? L’inégalité des

salaires reflète-t-elle à peu près le jeu de l’offre et de la demande pour différents

types de travail ? L’inégalité se transmet-elle principalement au niveau familial ?

L’augmentation des dépenses d’éducation peut-elle diminuer de façon décisive

l’inégalité des chances ?..."--Éditeur.

"El ex ministro de Economía griego, Yanis Varoufakis, nos invita a conocer de

una forma amena, educativa y crítica una serie de cuestiones fundamentales

sobre economía: qué es la riqueza, qué es la pobreza, cuándo y por qué se

generaron estas desigualdades, cuál es la relación entre poder y dinero o qué

son los mercados financieros, entre otras. Un libro que, con su lenguaje

desenfadado y el uso de ejemplos relacionados con el cine y la literatura se

acerca no sólo a los jóvenes, sino a todo tipo de lectores no familiarizados con

la terminología académica pero con interés por entender el funcionamiento de

algunos de los misteriosos mecanismos que rigen la economía mundial”.Editor.

Current economy


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La cooperación al desarrollo a examen : una lectura desde el trabajo social / Alfredo Hidalgo Lavié,


338.92 CES 15/230

Contro la decrescita : perché rallentare non è la soluzione / di Luca Simonetti.

338 CES 15/232

« Negli ultimi anni si fa un gran parlare di decrescita, intesa come critica della

crescita economica, che ne auspica il superamento in una società "senza

crescita". Questo saggio intende criticare la teoria della decrescita,

prendendone in esame gli aspetti principali e cercando di spiegarne il

significato e la genealogia per dimostrare come questa teoria mostri

innanzitutto una grave incomprensione di alcuni concetti economici

fondamentali, quali quelli di reddito e di consumo. Inoltre, la decrescita è

animata da diffidenza e ostilità verso la scienza, la tecnica, l’economia, e il

progresso in nome di una visione del passato nostalgica, sentimentale e

fondamentalmente mitologica. Il risultato è la scoperta che la decrescita altro

non è che l’ennesima, prepotente riemersione di un’ideologia antica, con cui la

cultura progressista si è trovata a dover fare i conti praticamente da sempre, e

che ha avuto in passato, dal volgere del XIX secolo fino alla seconda guerra

mondiale, esiti politicamente nefasti.» -- Editor.

The Routledge Handbook of the economics of european integration / edited by Harald Badinger and

Volker Nitsch

33 CES 15/266

“Routledge Handbook of the Economics of European Integration provides

readers with a brief but comprehensive overview of topics related to the

process of European integration in the post-World War II period. Its short

chapters reflect the most up-to-date and concise research, written by a

collective of experts on their own subjects. The aim of this book is twofold.

Firstly, the text illustrates the broad and diverse range of issues associated with

European integration, and lastly, the key approaches and findings are

summarised. Since institutional integration in Europe is an ongoing process,

with possibly frequent and sometimes rapid changes, the chapters are intended

to focus on the key features of the economic analyses of these topics. A wide

and diverse set of economic issues is of direct relevance for European

integration. These topics cover various fields, ranging from the history of the

European Economic and Monetary Union, EU Trade Policy and the stability of

international trade, single market issues over fiscal, monetary and other

policies, the crisis that faces the Euro area, and institutions such as EU Council

of Ministers.”-- Editor

” El trabajo social comunitario y la cooperación al desarrollo se muestran como

herramientas de intervención eficaces hacia las realidades sociales,

situándose en un contexto institucional donde los trabajadores sociales deben

realizar un papel proactivo que enlace políticas y recursos con las realidades

problemáticas. Este manual persigue como finalidad dar a conocer el complejo

mundo de la cooperación al desarrollo y la

participación/colaboración/aportación de la disciplina del Trabajo Social a esta

dimensión exterior de los denominados Estados de Bienestar. Aunque

focalizados sus contenidos muy especialmente al caso español, son

abordados también los conceptos básicos necesarios para su conocimiento,

una determinada perspectiva histórica, su proyección de futuro y, en particular,

la contribución del Trabajo Social Comunitario al ámbito de la Cooperación y

del Desarrollo. Asimismo, se abordarán específicamente la figura de los

cooperantes y de las ONGD y las diversas estrategias sobre el tema de la

mujer en el desarrollo. “--Editor.


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La transparencia informativa de las Administraciones públicas : el derecho de las personas a saber

y la obligación de difundir información pública de forma activa / Miguel Angel Blanes Climent

34 CES 15/236

La simplification du droit des sociétés privées dans les États membres de l´Union européenne =

Simplification of private company law among the EU member states / Édouard-Jean Navez, Yves De

Cordt (eds.).

34 CES 15/234

La distribución y comercio paralelo en la Unión Europea / Isabel Antón Juárez.

34 CES 15/245

"Depuis plus d’une dizaine d’années, l’agenda de la Commission européenne

en matière d’amélioration de la réglementation se traduit pas une promotion

des vertus de la « simplification ». Le droit des petites et moyennes entreprises

n’a pas échappé à cette évolution censée libérer leur potentiel en termes de

croissance et de compétitivité. La matière relevant encore largement de la

compétence des Etats membres, ces derniers sont appelés à prendre une part

active dans ce mouvement de simplification. Dans un contexte marqué par la

difficulté du législateur européen à assurer « top-down » la modernisation du

droit des sociétés au sein de l’Union, la présente étude s’est intéressée aux

réformes menées dans les États membres, afin de vérifier si un mouvement de

simplification est en marche et, le cas échéant, d’en identifier les causes, les

orientations et la portée. L’intérêt croissant du législateur européen à l’endroit

des PME justifiait qu’une attention particulière soit réservée à la figure de la

société à responsabilité limitée, qui constitue le principal véhicule juridique de

ce type d’entreprises…»-- Éditeur.

« A lo largo de la presente monografía se abordarán los problemas jurídicos

que surgen cuando los productos de marca son vendidos por agentes ajenos a

la red oficial de distribución. Los productos de lujo son ideados para que su

venta al público vaya en consonancia con la imagen de marca que proyecta el

producto. Es decir, de nada sirve tener una fragancia muy buena, a la que ha

costado llegar tras años de ardua investigación, si luego va a ser vendida en

un envase descuidado y por un personal que no sabe qué está vendiendo. Las

grandes marcas quieren evitar que esto se produzca. Así, eligen con sumo

cuidado quiénes van a ser los vendedores de sus productos. Esta elección se

lleva a cabo generalmente mediante la formalización de acuerdos de

distribución selectiva. Por lo tanto, no todos los que quieran vender productos

de marca van a poder hacerlo, ya que el fabricante y/o proveedor puede

restringir a quien vende su producto. Esta afirmación no está exenta de

problemas, debido a que dentro de la Unión Europea existe la libre circulación

de mercancías. ..” – Editor.

« El presente trabajo de investigación analiza la situación legal y judicial

existente en las principales democracias del mundo y en el ámbito de Naciones

Unidas, Consejo de Europa y Unión Europea. Se trata, por tanto, de una

poderosa herramienta para saber quién, cómo, cuándo, dónde y a qué tipo de

información financiada con fondos públicos se puede acceder por parte de los

ciudadanos. Y lo que es más importante: qué recursos administrativos y

judiciales se pueden presentar cuando la información no es facilitada y cuáles

son sus consecuencias disciplinarias, patrimoniales y penales. El trabajo

examina con detalle la nueva Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia,

acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno, así como la normativa

autonómica existente en la materia…”Editor



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Human rights in contemporary european law / edited by Joakim Nergelius and Eleonor Kristoffersson.

34 CES 15/261

Les golden shares en droit de l’Union européenne / Jérémie Houet

34 CES 15/260

Quelle protection des données personnelles en Europe ? : [actes du colloque organisé à Toulouse

le 14 mars 2014] / par l'IRDEIC.

34 CES15/263

« Dans le contexte actuel de crise financière et de discours politique de

patriotisme économique, les États membres cherchent à recourir à des

mécanismes juridiques leur permettant de protéger leurs entreprises

domestiques. En ce sens, les golden shares, que les États membres détiennent

dans leurs entreprises, reviennent sur le devant de la scène économique. Or,

ce mécanisme tombe sous le coup des normes de l’Union. De l’application de

ces règles émerge un cadre juridique autonome qui soumet ce régime de

propriété particulier des États membres au respect de la libre circulation des

capitaux et de la liberté d’établissement. Si les golden shares ne semblent pas

interdites per se, le contrôle strict, effectué tant par la Commission que la Cour

de justice, souligne la faible marge de manoeuvre qui est octroyée aux États

membres dans l’utilisation d’un tel dispositif. Ce contrôle strict révèle les limites

à l’intégration d’un véritable marché intérieur. Les États membres sont enclins à

se réapproprier le dispositif des golden shares par des moyens détournés.»


« Arising from the work of two well-attended seminars, this new volume

concentrates on highly topical issues in European Law ... current problems in

the enforcement of human rights in Europe and the accession of the EU to the

European Convention on Human Rights. Among the topics dealt with ... apart

from ’the accession issue’ ... are questions related to the enforcement of the

Charter of Fundamental Rights, human rights as general principles of law,

specific issues like the ’Double Jeopardy Clause’ in relation to Swedish tax law,

horizontal effect or so-called ’Drittwirkung’ of human rights and the increased

role of judicial and constitutional review in Swedish courts. » --Editor

"L’ouvrage a pour vocation de poser la question du niveau et des règles de

protection des données personnelles en Europe dans un contexte numérique,

alors que la directive 95/46/CE s’avère totalement dépassée aujourd’hui et est

en cours de révision."--Éditeur.


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Constitutional sovereignty and social solidarity in Europe / Johan van der Walt, Jeffrey Ellsworth

42 CES 15/251

European Union constitutionalism in crisis / Nicole Scicluna.

34 CES 15/267

"Several years after the first Greek bailout, the integration project of the

European Union faces an interlocking set of political, economic, legal and social

challenges that go to the very core of its existence. Austerity is the order of the

day, and citizens in both debtor and creditor states increasingly turn to the

political movements of the far left and right, anti-politics and street protests to

vent their frustration. This book demonstrates the limits of constitutionalism in

the EU. It explores the ‘twin crises’ - the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in

2005 and the more recent Eurozone crisis - to illuminate both the possibilities

and pitfalls of the integration project. It argues that European integration

overburdened law in an attempt to overcome deep-seated political deficiencies.

It further contends that the EU shifted from an unsuccessful attempt at

democratisation via politicisation (the Constitutional Treaty), to an unintended

politicisation without democratisation (the Eurozone crisis) only a few years

later. The book makes the case that this course is unsustainable and threatens

the goal of European unity.."-- Editor.

“"The essays in this book respond in different ways to questions regarding

sovereignty, constitutionality and social solidarity in the European Union.

Some of the essays perceive a threefold deficit in this regard – a

constitutionality, sovereignty and solidarity deficit. The common view that can

be distilled from them relates to a perception that the people and peoples of

the European Union have drifted into a quagmire of political paralysis within

which essential features of the paralysis – lack of constitutionality, lack of

sovereignty and lack of social solidarity – feed off one another. Some of the

essays put forward a more positive view. They associate the demise of

sovereignty in Member States of the European Union with an emergence of

new forms of democracy or new formations of political legitimacy in the

complex structures of multi-level governance in the European Union. Between

them, however, the spectrum of essays that make up this book undoubtedly

provides the reader with a comprehensive study of the key issues of European

politics and law today."-- Editor.

European Union

“"Identité nationale, identité constitutionnelle, identité des États sont autant de

termes qui suscitent débats au sein des institutions européennes et nationales,

entre juridictions constitutionnelles et européennes et, par voie de

conséquence, au sein de la doctrine française autant qu’étrangère. Que

signifient-ils véritablement ? Les notions d’identité nationale et d’identité

européenne se recoupent-elles ? À qui revient-il d’en déterminer le sens et la

portée ? Quelle place et quelle signification a ce débat au sein des deux

Europe elles-mêmes en quête d’identité ? Les États sont-ils eux-mêmes

d’accord entre eux sur les éléments constitutifs de leur identité, qu’elle soit

nationale ou constitutionnelle, et sur ce qu’est ou devrait être l’identité

européenne ? Autant de questions qui méritaient d’être débattues afin de

clarifier le sens donné à des termes auxquels il est de plus en plus fait

référence dans les textes fondateurs et dans les jurisprudences européennes

comme nationales… »-- Éditeur

L'identité à la croisée des États et de l'Europe : quel sens ? quelles fonctions ? Colloque

international organisé les 23 et 24 mai 2013 à Aix-en-Provence / par l'UMR 7318 "Droits international,

comparé et européen" (DICE)

42 CES 15/248


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La Russie, une puissance faible? ; Climat : avant la Conférence de Paris.

441 CES 15/269

Reframing Europe's future : challenges and failures of the European construction / Jody Jensen

and Ferenc Miszlivetz (eds.).

42 CES 15/253

"The global financial crisis which erupted in 2008 had an astounding yet varied

impact on the European Union (EU), with some countries benefiting from the

crisis while others suffered. Today many more and varied voices articulate

increasing frustration, dissatisfaction, distrust and cynicism with the current

state of affairs in Europe. This book addresses the challenges and failures of

the European construction today from an interdisciplinary perspective. It seeks

to identify the deeper, structural causes of the failure of the European project by

investigating a variety of aspects, placing Europe in a historical perspective and

interpreting its trajectory in a global context. In doing so it argues that the EU,

the unfinished European polity, the single European market, and the set of

supranational institutions, are not sustainable in their present forms."-- Editor.

« Comprendre la Russie d’aujourd’hui, c’est savoir qu’elle se définit d’abord

dans l’action extérieure – ce qui peut être dangereux. Qu’elle a les moyens

d’agir – énergie, armes… –, mais que ces moyens sont limités. Qu’elle connaît

des difficultés économiques bien antérieures aux sanctions, que le régime se

refuse à traiter… économiquement. Et que le raidissement du régime

poutinien ne saurait garantir sa propre durée. C’est autour de ces éléments de

réflexion que s’organise le dossier de ce numéro de Politique étrangère,

éléments fondamentaux pour identifier la nature même d’une Russie qui n’est

ni le grand méchant loup, ni la douloureuse incomprise qu’on nous décrit ici ou

là. Ce même numéro s’interroge sur les chances de succès de la prochaine

COP 21. Pourra-t-elle éviter de donner enfin son prix au carbone ? Et les pays

du nord reconnaîtront-ils enfin leur responsabilité historique dans les

émissions de gaz à effet de serre ? ... » -- Editor

“Can your employer require you to travel to India for a hip replacement as a

condition of insurance coverage? If injury results, can you sue the doctor,

hospital or insurer for medical malpractice in the country where you live? Can

a country prohibit its citizens from helping a relative travel to Switzerland for

assisted suicide? What about travel for abortion? In Patients with Passports, I.

Glenn Cohen tackles these important questions, and provides the first

comprehensive legal and ethical analysis of medical tourism. Medical tourism

is a growing multi-billion dollar industry involving millions of patients who travel

abroad each year to get health care. Some seek legitimate services like hip

replacements and travel to avoid queues, save money, or because their

insurer has given them an incentive to do so. Others seek to circumvent

prohibitions on accessing services at home and go abroad to receive abortions,

assisted suicide, commercial surrogacy, or experimental stem cell

treatments.»-- Editor

Patients with passports : medical tourism, law and ethics / I. Glenn Cohen.

6 CES 15/242



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Limits to regional integration / edited by Soren Dosenrode

71 CES 15/249

The European supergrid / Ana Aguado Cornago (ed.).

620/621 CES 15/264

«Energy has always been a potential positive European cooperation and

integration factor. Providing zero-carbon power to homes and businesses across

the EU will require an open market in electricity, underpinned by both upgraded

and new trans-national transmission networks. Building this network in time to

meet the 2050 challenge will require action now. Supergrid is a European project

that will not only integrate the energy markets but will contribute to the European

Union further integration process. Moreover, a European Supergrid will allow

Europe to transform its present energy system, still mainly based on fossil fuels,

to one that is sustainable since it will not only be able to optimise all generation

(energy mixes) of the Member States but will also be able to integrate all

renewable energy sources that Europe wishes to exploit.0By doing so, Europe

increases its security of supply while diminishes its external dependency, creates

new skilled employment opportunities, and gives greater impulse to the new

technologies where European companies are today world leaders." »-- Editor

« Regionalization in general and regional integration in particular have taken place

at a growing pace since the end of the Cold War, when states were set free from

various security overlays. Regional integration is ‘logical’ as it is supposed to

advance wealth and peace. Still, the picture is far from clear and the process of

regional integration is not automatic; disintegration takes place, as we saw in the

cases of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia to mention a few. This

is the case not only in states recently brought together but also in traditional states

like Britain, The Netherlands and Spain where strong groups strive for

independence. In some places regionalization is flourishing, but regional

integration is not. Some regional integration projects like the North American Free

Trade Agreement and Mercosur seem to stagnate. Certainly there are limits to

regional integration. This comprehensive volume, written by high profiled

academics, covers these themes by examining eleven cases ranging from the

lack of integration in the Arctic and the Middle East, to ongoing or progressing

integration in Europe to uncover what ‘blocks’ regional integration, the results of

which are used for developing new theoretical insights. »-- Editor

European nations : explaining their formation / Miroslav Hroch ; translated by Karolina Graham.

93 CES 15/237

«In the history of modern political thought, no topics have attracted as much

attention as nationalism, nation-formation, and patriotism. A mass of literature

has grown around these vexed issues, muddying the waters, and a level-

headed clarification is long overdue. Rather than adding another theory of

nationalism to this maelstrom of ideas, Miroslav Hroch has created a

remarkable synthesis, integrating apparently competing frameworks into a

coherent system that tracks the historical genesis of European nations through

the sundry paths of the nation-forming processes of the nineteenth century.

Combining a comparative perspective on nation-formation with invaluable

theoretical insights, European Nations is essential for anyone who wants to

understand the historical roots of Europe’s current political crisis. . » -- Éditeur


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With hundreds of thousands of people embarking on perilous journeys to reach the EU borders, the EU

now faces an unprecedented migratory crisis. The following pages set out possible responses, some

based on legislation already in force and others requiring a profound reform of the existing system. It is

argued that the so-called Dublin system − defining the Member State responsible in individual cases for

examining applications for international protection − has led to overburdening of Member States at the

EU's southern external borders. Meanwhile diverging asylum standards across the EU have resulted in a

great number of asylum-seekers travelling to Member States with higher reception standards. Therefore

the solutions proposed centre, on the one hand, on harmonizing national asylum standards and, on the

other hand, on distributing asylum-seekers more evenly across the EU. With respect to illegal border

crossings, recent EU policy documents have focused on addressing migrant smuggling through concerted

action, including military operations. Moreover, in order to bring down the number of such crossings, legal

entry channels to the EU could be proposed for persons in need of international protection. These include

a possibility to trigger the so-called Temporary Protection Directive, as well as making use of

'humanitarian admissions' and 'humanitarian visas'. Any additional admissions create extra costs for

Member States, however. One way to limit them is through private sponsorship of refugees as has been

undertaken by Canada under the Refugee Sponsorship Program. On top of these concrete actions on EU

territory, solutions are possible outside Europe through cooperation with third countries. The aim is to

address the root causes of irregular migration, to counter and prevent migrant smuggling and trafficking,

and to provide effective return, readmission and reintegration policies for those not qualifying for


EU migratory challenge: Possible responses to the refugee crisis / EPRS Briefing 04-09-2015


The public health dimension of the European migrant crisis / EPRS Briefing 08-01-2016


“Europe is currently experiencing an unprecedented influx of refugees, asylum seekers and other

migrants. European Union Member States are faced with a pressing need to address, among other

issues, the resulting public health consequences. The challenges for public health authorities relate to

migrants' individual health problems, whether these affect the resident population, and how to respond

adequately to their needs, including providing access to healthcare. The risk of an outbreak of infectious

diseases resulting from the arrival of migrant populations is extremely low. These diseases are primarily

associated with poverty, and refugees and migrants are exposed mainly to infectious diseases that are

common in Europe, independently of migration. In terms of an immediate public health response, the

World Health Organization recommends a triage of migrants, followed by proper diagnosis and treatment

targeting specific groups. It advocates full access to high-quality care for all migrants, irrespective of their

legal status. In the longer term, it stresses the need to ensure that national health systems are adequately

prepared. The European Parliament has repeatedly emphasized the importance of providing healthcare to

vulnerable groups such as migrants, independently of their legal status. The European Commission has

mobilized emergency funding and supports projects under the European Union Health Programme.

Moreover, it recently introduced the 'personal health record' for establishing migrants' medical needs, to

be made available in locations where groups of migrants enter the European Union. In addition, the

European Centre for Disease Control has issued expert scientific advice.”--Editor

Focus : European Migrant Crisis

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Is this humanitarian migration crisis different? / OECD (09/2015)


“The current humanitarian crisis is unprecedented with an appalling and unacceptable human cost. The

number of refugees is unparalleled in recent times. The diversity of nationalities, motives for migration and

individual profiles also creates a huge challenge for asylum systems and welcoming communities in main

European destination countries. Moreover, given the complexity of its main driving forces, there is

unfortunately little hope that the situation will improve significantly in the near future.

This issue of Migration Policy Debates looks at the most recent developments in the humanitarian

migration crisis and what makes this crisis different from previous ones.”


“In the first ten months of 2015, more than 1.2 million illegal border crossings at the external border of the

EU have been detected, a level never seen before in Europe. Available evidence suggests that irregular

migration also persists in other parts of the world at high levels. Most of the migrants who use these

routes put their lives in the hands of unscrupulous human smugglers and traffickers, who make big money

out of this business. Tackling these crimes has become a top priority for policy makers.

This edition of Migration Policy Debates scrutinises the factors that facilitate human trafficking, as well as

the smuggling routes to OECD countries. It synthesises available evidence and reviews existing policy

tools for tackling such crime. It emphasises the need to undermine the business model of smugglers,

including by reducing the demand for smuggling, fighting against corruption and addressing the root

causes for irregular migration.”

Can we put an end to human smuggling? / OECD 12/2015



“This publication analyses recent development in migration movements and policies in OECD countries

and some non member countries as well as the evolution of recent labour market outcomes of immigrants

in OECD countries. It includes a special chapter on : “Changing Patterns in the international migration of

doctors and nurses to OECD countries”, as well as country notes and a statistical annex.”

International Migration Outlook 2015 / OECD Publishing

Immigrant Students at School : Easing the Journey towards Integration / OECD 12/2015


How school systems respond to immigration has an enormous impact on the economic and social well-

being of all members of the communities they serve, whether they have an immigrant background or not.

Immigrant Students at School: Easing the Journey towards Integration reveals some of the difficulties

immigrant students encounter – and some of the contributions they offer – as they settle into their new

communities and new schools.

Results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) indicate that students

with an immigrant background tend to perform worse in school than students without an immigrant

background. Several factors are associated with this disparity, including the concentration of disadvantage

in the schools immigrant students attend, language barriers and certain school policies, like grade

repetition and tracking, that can hinder immigrant students’ progress through school.

But successful integration is measured in more than academic achievement; immigrant students’ well-

being and hopes for the future are just as telling. This report examines not only immigrant students’

aspirations and sense of belonging at school, but also recent trends in Europeans’ receptiveness to

welcoming immigrants into their own countries – the context that could make all the difference in how well

immigrant students integrate into their new communities. The report includes a special section on

refugees and education, and an extensive discussion on education policy responses to immigration.

Page 12: Content · 2016-05-02 · Open government, Staat und Demokratie : Aufsätze zu Transparenz, Partizipation und Kollaboration / Göttrik Wewer. 32 CES 15/255 Mobilizing for democracy

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©Sarah McIntyre, 2012


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