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Wartsila Vasa W32DF

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  • 8/20/2019 Wartsila Vasa W32DF


    00. Contents, Instructions, Terminology

    00.1 Contents of the Manual

    1. This manual contains data and instructions for operation andmaintenance of engine as well as instruction for handling, personalprotection and first aid when fuel-, lubricating oils and cooling watera dditives are ha ndled during normal operation an d ma intenance work.  B a sic genera l knowledge ha s not been entered. Consequently, it isassumed that the engine operation and maintenance staff is wellinformed of the care of diesel engines.2. Wärtsilä reserves for itself the right to minor alterations andimprovements owing to engine development without being obliged toenter t he corresponding cha nges in th is Man ua l.3. The diesel engines will be equipped as agreed upon in the salesdocuments. No claim can be made on th e basis of this Ma nua l a s herea re described a lso components n ot included in every delivery.The syst em dia gra m pla ns (fuel, oil, cooling etc.) a re just ind ica tive a ndthus do not cover all installations. See installation specific systemdra w ings for more deta ils.4. Exact engine build-up in all details is defined by the specificationnumber on the na me pla te loca ted on the engine. In all correspon-dence or when ordering spare parts, be careful to state enginetype, specification number and engine number.5. This Man ua l is supplemented by th e Spar e Pa rts C a ta logue includ-ing sectional drawings or exterior views of all components (partialassemblies).

    00.2 General rules

    1 Read the corresponding item carefully in this Manual beforea ny steps are ta ken.

    2 Keep an engine log book for every engine.

    3 Observe the utmost cleanliness and order at al l maintenancework.

    4 Before dismantling, check that all systems concerned aredra ined or th e pressure releas ed. After disma nt ling, immedia tely coverholes for lubricat ing oil, fuel oil a nd a ir w ith t a pe, plugs, clean cloth orth e like.

    5 When exchanging a worn-out or damaged part providedw ith a n ident ifica tion ma rk sta ting cylinder or bea ring number, ma rk

    th e new pa rt w ith th e sa me number on th e sa me spot. Every excha ngeshould be entered in the engine log and the reason should be clearlystated.

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    6 After reassembling, check tha t a ll screws a nd nut s a re tighteneda nd locked, if necessa ry.

    00.3 Terminology

    The most import a nt terms used in th is man ua l ar e defined a s follow s:Operating side. The longit udina l side of th e engine w here th e opera t-ing devices ar e loca ted (sta rt a nd stop, instrum ent pa nel, speed gover-nor).Rear side. The longitudin a l side of th e engine opposite t he opera tingside.Driving end. The end of the engine w here th e flywh eel is loca ted.Free end. The end opposite t he dr iving end .

    Designation of cylinders. According to ISO 1204 and DIN 6265 thedesignation of cylinders begins at the driving end. In a V-engine thecylinders in the left bank, seen from the driving end, are termed A1,A2 etc. an d in th e right ba nk B 1, B 2 etc., see below:


    Designation of bearings.

    • Ma in bearings. The f lywheel bearing is No. 0, th e f irst sta nda rdma in bear ing is No. 1, th e second No. 2 etc.

    • The th rust bea ring ra i ls a re loca ted a t th e f lyw heel bea ring. Theouter ra i ls close to the f lywheel are ma rked with 00 a nd t he innerra i ls w i th 0.

    • The ca msha ft bea rings ar e designat ed as th e main bea rings, the

    th rust bear ing bushes being designa ted 00 (outer) a nd 0.• Ca msha ft gea r bearings. The bearings loca ted on th e f lyw heel side

    a re designat ed 00 and t he inner bea rings 0.



    F r ee end 


    6   A  5   A  4   

    A  3   A  2   

    A  1   

    B  6  B  5  

    B  4   B  3  B  2  

    B  1  

    1        2       

    4        5        


    3       O p e r a t i n g  s i d e 

    Fig 00-1 WV00519331

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    • Upper and lower bearings shells . In bearings where both theshells a re ident ica l, the upper one is ma rked w ith “U P ” .

    Designation of bearings

    Operating side and rear side. Details located at the operating sidema y be mar ked with “M” (Manoeuvering) and correspondingly “B ” forthe ba ck of th e engine (B -ba nk on a V-engine).Clockwise rotating engine.  When looking at the engine from thedriving end t he sha ft r ota tes clockwise.

    Counter-clockwise rotating engine. When looking a t th e engine fromth e driving end th e sha ft rota tes count er-clockw ise.

    Bottom dead centre, abbreviated BDC, is the bott om turn ing point ofth e piston in t he cylinder.

    Top dead centre, abbrevia ted TDC, is the t op tu rn ing point of th e pistonin th e cylinder. TDC for every cylinder is ma rked on the gra dua tion of

    the flywheel. During a complete working cycle, comprising in a four-stroke engine tw o cra nksha ft rotat ions, t he piston rea ches TDC tw ice:a) For t he first t ime when t he exha ust stroke of the previous workingcycle ends a nd t he suction st roke of th e follow ing one begins. E xha ust

    va lves a s w ell as inlet va lves ar e then somewha t open a nd scavengingta kes place. If th e cra nksha ft is tur ned to an d fro nea r t his TDC , both

    exhaust and inlet valves will move, a fact that indicates that thecra nkshaft is near t he position w hich can be na med TDC at scaveng-ing.

    b)  The second time is after the compression stroke and before thew orking stroke. Slightly before t his TDC th e fuel injection ta kes pla ce(on an engine in operat ion) a nd t his TDC ca n t herefore be defined TDC

    5 4 3 2 1

    5 4 3 2 1


    0 00

    0 00

    0 00

    Fig 00-2 3200528935

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    00A. Risk Reduction

    00A.1 General

    Read the engine manual including this appendix before installing,operating or servicing the engine and/or related equipment. Failure to follow the instructions can cause personal injury, loss of lifeand/or property damage. Proper personal safety equipment, e.g. gloves, hard hat, safety glassesand ear protection must be used in all circumstances. Missing, imper-fect or defective safety equipment might cause serious personal injury

    or loss of life. This appendix contains listed general identified hazards, hazardoussituations or events, which are to be noticed during normal operationand maintenance work.

    Identified hazard,hazardous situation orevent

    Chapter of engine manual

    3 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    Dropping parts during maintenance work x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    Turning device engaged during maintenancework 1) 

    x x x x x x x x

    Crankcase safety expl. valves will open if crank-case explosion

    x x x

    Noise level x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

    Running engine without covers x x x x x x x x x x

    In case of major failure, risk of ejected parts x x x x x x x x

    Contact with electricity during maintenancework if power not disconnected

    x x x x x x x

    Electrical hazard if grounding of electrical equip-ment is incorrect

    x x x x x

    Ejection of components / high pressure gas dueto high firing pressures

    x x x x x x x

    Risk of ejected parts due to break down of turbo-charger

    x x

    Overspeed or explosion due to air-gas mixture inthe charge air


    x x x

    Ejection of fuel injector if not fastened and turningdevice engaged

    x x x

    Fire or explosion due to leakage on fuel / gas lineor lube oil system

    x x x x x x

    Inhalation of exhaust gases due to leakage


    x x x

    Inhalation of exhaust gas dustContinues

    x x x x x x x

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    Identified hazard,hazardous situation orevent

    Chapter of engine manual

    3 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    Explosion or fire if flammable gas/vapour is leak-ing into the insulation box.

    4)x x

    Touching of moving parts x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


     Warning light when turning device engaged. 2)

     Suction air to be taken from gas free space. 3)

    Require proper ventilation of engine room/plant. 4)

     Require proper ventilation and/or gas detector in the engine.

    00A.1.1 General identified hazards, hazardous situ-ations or events

    00A.1.1.1 Hazards that may be due to moving parts

    •••• Running engine without covers, coming in contact with movingparts,

    •••• Touching pump parts during unintentional start of el. drivenpump motor,

    •••• Charger starts to rotate due to draft if not locked during mainte-nance,

    •••• Somebody sticks his hand into the compressor housing when the

    silencer is removed and engine running,•••• Unexpected movement of valve or fuel rack(s) due to broken wire

    or soft / hardware failure in the control system,

    •••• Unexpected movement of components,

    •••• Turning device engaged during maintenance work,

    •••• Turning device not engaged e.g. Turning device removed foroverhaul, during maintenance work could cause rotating crank-shaft,

    •••• Mechanical breakage (of e.g. speed sensor) due to erratic actuatorassembly to engine or electrical connections.

    00A.1.1.2 Hazards that may be due to incorrect operating con-ditions

    •••• Overspeed or explosion due to air-gas mixture in the charge air,

    •••• Overspeeding due to air-oil mist mixture in the charge air,

    •••• Malfunction of crankcase ventilation,

    •••• Oil mist detector will trip if water is present in lubricating oil,

    •••• Crankcase explosion if oil mist is mixed with “fresh” air duringinspection after an oil mist shut down,

    •••• Crankcase safety explosion valves will open if there is a crankcaseexplosion.

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    00A.1.1.3 Hazards that may be due to different leakages, break-down or improper assembly of component

    •••• Fuel or gas pipe will burst and spray fuel / gas,

    •••• Leakage of:

     — fuel in joints on low and/or high pressure side, — lube oil, — high pressure water on DWI engines, — HT water, — charge air, — exhaust gas, — pressurised air from air container, main manifold or pipes, — high pressure gas and sealing oil on GD engines,

    •••• Fire or explosion due to leakage on fuel line,

    •••• Fire due to oil or fuel / gas leakage,

    •••• Explosion or fire if flammable gas/vapour is leaking into theinsulation box,

    •••• Inhalation of exhaust gases or fuel gases due to leakage,

    •••• Failure of pneumatic stop,

    •••• Ejected components due to:

     — breakdown of hydraulic tool, — breakdown of hydraulic bolt, — breakdown of turbocharger, — high firing pressures, — major failure,

    •••• Ejection of:

     — pressurised liquids and gases from the block and pipings, — high pressure fluid due to breakdown of hydraulic tool, — gas due to high firing pressures, — pressurised gases from high pressure gas system, — high pressure fluid due to breakdown of HP sealing oil pipe, — high pressure air during maintenance of oil mist detector main air

    supply piping, — cooling water or fuel/lube oil if sensor is loosened while the circuit

    is pressurised, — springs during maintenance work,

    •••• Oil spray if running without covers,

    •••• Ejection of fuel injector if not fastened and turning device en-gaged.

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    00A.1.1.4 Hazards that may be due to electricity or incorrectconnections of electricity

    •••• Fire or sparks due to damage or short circuit in electrical equip-ment,

    •••• Contact with electricity during maintenance work if power notdisconnected,

    •••• Electrical hazard if grounding of electrical equipment is incorrect,

    •••• Electrical shock if electrical equipment has a lead isolation breakor connector damage or is dismantled with power connected,

    •••• Overheating of control system component due to erratic electricalconnections,

    •••• Incorrectly wired or disconnected emergency stop switch,

    •••• Overload of control system components due to damaged controlcircuitry or incorrect voltage,

    •••• Engine not controllable if failure in the shutdown circuitry,

    •••• Unexpected start up or overrun,

    •••• Crankcase explosion if:

     — engine not safeguarded at high oil mist levels, due to energy supplyfailure,

     — engine not (fully) safeguarded at high oil mist levels, due to failurein oil mist detector circuitry,

     — engine not (fully) safeguarded at high oil mist levels, due to erratic

    electrical connector or leakage in pipe connection.

    00A.1.1.5 Other hazards and hazardous situations where it’s es-pecially important to use personal safety equipment

    •••• Slip, trip and fall,

    •••• Water additives and treatment products (see appendix 02A, sec-tion 02A.4),

    •••• Touching the insulation box, turbo-charger, pipes exhaust mani-fold or (other) unprotected parts without protection during engineoperation,

    •••• Dropping parts during maintenance work,

    •••• Starting maintenance work too early i.e. causing risk when han-dling hot components,

    •••• Neglecting use of cranes and/or lifting tools,

    •••• Not using proper tools during e.g. maintenance work,

    •••• Contact with fuel oil or oily parts during maintenance work (seeappendix 02A),

    •••• Noise level,

    •••• Touching or removing Turbocharger insulation,•••• Preloaded fixation springs during check / replacement of sensor.

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    00B. Welding Precautions

    00B.1 Precautions General

    Ma in principles:

    • P revent u ncont rolled current loops

    • P revent ra diat ion

    • P revent spa rkles f lying a round

    • If convenient, d isconnect a ll globa l signa ls like pow er supply, da tacommunicat ion etc.

    00B.1.1 Preventing uncontrolled current loops

    Welding current path must always be checked, there should be astra ight r oute from th e w elding point ba ck to th e return connection ofthe welding a ppa ra tus.The biggest current is a lwa ys going w here it meets th e low est resis-ta nce, in certa in cases the retur n current can th erefore go via gr oundingw ires an d electr onics in th e cont rol syst em.To avoid this, the dista nce betw een t he w elding point a nd t he returnconnection clamp of the welding a ppa ra tus sh ould a lwa ys be short est

    possible a nd w ithout electr onic components in t he retu rn ing loop pa th .Attention must be paid to the connectivity of the return connectionclamp, a ba d cont a ct might a lso ca use spar kles an d ra diat ion.

    00B.1.2 Preventing Radiation

    The welding current and the arc is emitting a wide spectrum ofelectromagnetic radiation. This might cause damages on sensitiveelectr onic eq uipment.To avoid t hese dama ges all cabinets a nd t ermina l boxes must be keptclosed during the welding. Sensitive equipment can also be protected

    by mean s of shielding w ith a conductive meta l pla te.Also a void ha ving the cables of the w elding a ppa ra tus going in para llelw ith w ires an d cables in the cont rol system. The high w elding currentis easily inducting seconda ry currents in other conductive mat erials.

    00B.1.3 Preventing damage due to sparkles

    Sparkles are commonly flying around from the welding arc. Few ma teria ls with sta nd t he heat from t hese sparkles. Therefore all ca bi-nets and terminal boxes should be kept closed during the welding.Sensors, actua tors, ca bles an d other equipment out on t he engine mustbe protected by mea ns of proper protection.

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    00B.2.5 WECS 7000/8000 checklist

    The follow ing preca ut ions mu st be pa id a tt ention to before welding inth e vicinity of a WE CS 7000 or 8000 cont rol syst em:

    • Deactive the system by disconnecting all external connectors(X1...X6).

    • If t he w elding point is close to (a pproxima tely w ith in a ra dius of2 m) an elect ronic module (SS M-701, SS M-558, CC D /P D M, C enseetc.) disconn ect a ll connectors of th e unit

    • Close th e covers of th e ca binet

    • Disconnect th e interconnections betw een t he ha rnesses an d t hecabinet.

    • If convenient , protect ha rnesses, ca bles, sensors a nd oth er equip-ment from sparkles with a proper meta l sheet.

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  • 8/20/2019 Wartsila Vasa W32DF


    01. Main Data, Operating Data andGeneral Design

    01.1 Main data for Vasa 32DF

    Cy linder bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 mm

    S t roke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 mm

    P iston d ispla cement per cylin der . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.15 l

    Firing order

    Engine type Clockwise rotation Counter-clockwise rotation

    12V32 A1-B1-A5-B5-A3-B3-A6-B6-A2-B2-A4-B4


    16V32 A1-B1-A3-B3-A7-B7-A4-B4-A8-B8-A6-B6-A2-B2-A5-B5


    18V32 A1-B1-A7-B7-A4-B4-A2-B2-A8-B8-A6-B6-A3-B3-A9-B9-A5-B5


    Normally the engine rotates clockwise.

    Lubricating oil volume in the engine

    Engine type 12V32 16V32 18V32

    App. oil volume in litresNormal sumpDeep sump




    Oil volume betweenmax. and min. marksc. litres/mm

    4.6 6.1 6.9

    App. cooling water volume in the engine in litres

    Engine only 740 950 1060

    Engine and inversecooling system 950 1220 1360

      32DF-9801 Main Data, Operating Data and General Design

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    01.2 Recommended operating data

    Apply to normal operation at nominal speed.

    Normal values Alarm (stop) limits

    Load 100 % 30 - 100 %

    Temperatures, (°C)

    Lube oil before engine 62 - 70 80

    Lube oil after engine 10 - 13higher

    HT water after engine 91 - 100 100 (105)

    HT water before engine 5 - 8 lower

    HT water rise overturbocharger

    8 - 12 (15)

    LT water before engine 28 - 38

    Charge air in air receiver 40 - 60 70 (80)

    Exhaust gas after cylinder See test records 550 (580)

    Preheating of HTand LT water


    Gauge pressures (bar)

    Lube oil before engineat a speed of 600 RPM(10.0 r/s)

    3.5 3.5 (2.5)

    720 RPM (12.0 r/s) - 750(12.5 r/s)

    4.5 - 5.5 3.5 (2.5)

    HT/LT water beforeHT/LT pump (=static)

    0.7 - 1.5

    HT water before engine 2.2 - 4.8 (x) 2.0

    LT water beforecharge air cooler

    2.2 - 4.4 (x) 2.0

    Gas before engine 3

    Fuel oil before engine 6 - 8 4 (HFO) 2 (MDO)

    Starting air max. 10.3

    Charge air See test records

    Other pressures (bar)

    Opening pressure ofsafety valve on lube oilpump

    6 - 8

    Visual indicator andelectronic transducerfor high pressure dropover lube oil filter andfuel filter

    1.2 - 1.8

    (x) Depending on speed an d insta lla tion.

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    01.3 Reference conditions

    Reference conditions according to:

    Air press ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 kP a (1.0 ba r)Ambient t empera tur e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 K (30° C)

    Rela t ive a ir h umid ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 %

    Cooling w a ter temperat ure of cha rge air cooler . . . . . 308 K (35° C)

    In ca se the engine power can be utilized under more difficult condit ionsth a n t hose mentioned a bove, it w ill be sta ted in t he sales documents.Otherw ise, th e engine ma nufa ctur er ca n give a dvice a bout th e correctoutput reduction. As a guideline add itiona l reduction ma y be ca lcula teda s follow s:

    Reduction factor = (a + b + c) %

    a = 0.5 %for every ° C t he am bient t empera ture exceeds th e sta tedva lue in t he sa les documents.b = 1 %for every 100 m level difference above sta ted va lue in t he sa lesdocuments.c = 1 %for every ° C t he cooling wa ter of the cha rge a ir cooler exceedsth e stat ed value in th e sales documents.

    01.4 General engine design

    The engine is a turbocharged intercooled 4-stroke gas engine withdirect pilot fuel inject ion.The engine block  is ca st in one piece. The ma in bear ings a re ha nging.The ma in bearing ca p is support ed by tw o hydra ulica lly tensioned ma inbea ring screws a nd t w o horizont a l side screws.  The cha rge air receiver is cast in to the engine block a s well as th ecooling water header. The crankcase covers, made of light metal, seala ga inst t he engine block by mea ns of rubber sea lings.

      The lubricat ing oil sump is w elded.The cylinder liners a re designed w ith h igh colla rs a nd dr illed coolingholes. The cooling effect is optim ized to give th e correct t empera ture ofth e inner surface.  The liner is provided wit h a n a nt i-polishing ring in the upper pa rt ofth e bore t o elimina te t he risk of bore polishing.The main bearings  are fully interchangeable trimetal or bimetalbea rings w hich can be removed by lowering the ma in bearing cap. Ahydr a ulic ja ck is provided for every ma in bearing t o low er a nd lift t hemain bearing cap.The crankshaft is forged in one piece and is balanced by counter-

    weights as required.

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    The connecting rods  are drop forged. The big end is split and thesma ll end bea ring is st epped to achieve large bea ring sur faces. The bigend bea rings a re fully intercha ngeable trimeta l or bimeta l bea rings.The pistons a re of composite type fitted wit h a Wä rtsilä NSD pat ented

    skirt lubricating system. The top ring grooves are hardened. Coolingoil enters the cooling space through the connecting rod. The coolingspaces are designed to give an optimal shaker effect.The piston ring set consist s of th ree chr ome-pla t ed compression ringsa nd one chrome-plat ed, spring-loa ded oil scra per rings.The cylinder head, made of special cast iron, is fixed by four hyd-ra ulica lly tensioned screws. The hea d is of th e double deck design a ndcooling water is forced from the periphery towards the centre givingefficient cooling in import a nt a rea s.The inlet valves  are stellited and the stems are chromium-plated.The valve seat rings are made of a special cast iron alloy and are

    changeable.The exhaust valves, a lso w ith st ellited sea ts a nd chromium-pla tedstems, sea l a ga inst t he directly cooled va lve seat rings.The seat rings, ma de of a corrosion a nd pitting resista nt m a teria l, a rechangeable.The camshafts a re ma de up from one-cylinder pieces wit h int egra tedcams. The bearing journals are separate pieces and thus it is possibleto remove a ca msha ft piece sidew a ys.The injection pumps have integrated roller followers and can nor-ma lly be cha nged with out a ny a djustment . The pumps an d piping a reloca ted in a closed spa ce wh ich is h eat insulat ed for h eavy fuel running.

    The turbochargers a re norma lly loca ted a t t he free end of the enginebut, a t request, ca n a lso be loca ted a t t he driving end.  On a V-engine there ar e two cha rgers, one for each bank.The charge air coolers are made as removable inserts, on theV-engines t w o identical ones.The lubricating oil system  includes a gear pump, oil filter, coolerw ith th ermosta t va lve (not in V-engine), centrifugal bypass filter a ndan electrically driven prelubricating pump. The oil sump is dimen-sioned for th e entire oil volume needed, a nd a ll cylinder numbers canbe run in wet sump configuration. Dry sump running is also possible.The starting system. The a ir supply int o the cylinders is controlled

    by t he sta rt ing a ir distributor run by t he ca msha ft. The four-cylinderengine ca n a lt. be provided w ith a n a ir driven sta rt ing motor.

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    02. Fuel, Lubricating Oil, Cooling Water

    02.1 Fuel

    02.1.1 General

    The engine is designed to operate on natural gas as a main fuel andlight fuel oil as a pilot fuel. The maximum limits of natural gas andlight fuel oil for a certa in engine are sta ted in t he sa les contra ct.

    02.1.2 Gas quality

    The Wärtsilä 32DF engine is designed for running on natural gasqua lities according t o the follow ing specificat ion:

    Gas quality

    Lower Heating Value LHV > 30 MJ/nm3

    Methane Number > 80

    Methane content CH4 > 75 vol. %

    Hydrogen sulphide H2S < 0.01 vol. %Particles or solids size < 5 µm

    Lower Heating Value corresponds t o the energy cont ent of the ga s.If t he LH V is low er th a n specified, the engine will ha ve to be dera ted.

    Methane Number is a scale for eva lua tion of th e knock resista nce ofthe fuel. A higher number means better knock resistance. If thecomponents of the fuel gas is known, the methane number can beca lculat ed. H eavier hydroca rbons a s eth a ne, propa ne an d buta ne tendto low er the meth a ne number a nd special care should be ta ken if the

    ga s cont a ins even sma ll port ions of these elements.  Ca rbon monoxide a nd nitrogen tend to increa se th e metha ne number.If the methane number does not match with the requirements, theengine should be dera ted a ccording to F ig 02-1.

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    02.1.3 Pilot fuel quality

    The Wä rt silä 32DF engine is designed t o operat e on light fuel oil as apilot fuel according to the following specification.

    Pilot fuel characteristics, maximum limits

    Kinematic viscosity cSt at 40 °C 11.0

    Kinematic viscosity, min. cSt at engine inlet 1.8

    Density kg/m3 at 15 °C 900

    Flash point, min. °C 60

    Pour point °C 6

    Sulphur mass-% 2.0

    Carbon residue mass-% 0.30

    Ash mass-% 0.01

    Sediment mass-% 0.07

    Water, before engine vol-% 0.3

    The limits a bove correspond t o the dema nds:

    • IS O 8217:1996 (E ), IS O-F-D MX, D MA an d D MB

    • B S MA 100:1996, DMX, DM A a nd DMB

    • CI MAC 1990, DX, DA a nd D B

    The fuel cha ra cterist ics’ limits for a specific engine m a y differ from t henumbers a bove. The va lid va lues a re sta ted in t he sa les contra ct. If t heva lues in the sa les cont ra ct a re exceeded during the w a rra nt y period,the engine wa rra nty is not va lid a nymore.

    02.2 Lubricating oil

    02.2.1 System oil characteristics

    Viscosity. Viscosity class SAE 40.Alkalinity. Lubrican ts w ith a B N of 4 - 6 mg KOH /g must be used.

    Sulphated ash level.  The content of sulphated ash in gas enginelubrica nt s is a very import a nt property . Too high a sh cont ent can ca usepreignition, knocking a nd spa rk plug fouling, w hile too low a sh cont entcan lead to increased inlet valve wear. Low ash lubricants with sul-pha ted a sh levels of 0.3 - 0.6 w -%must be used.Additives. The oils should conta in a ddit ives tha t give good oxida tionand nitration stability, corrosion protection, load carrying capacity,neutralisation of acidic combustion products, and should prevent de-posit forma tion on int erna l engine par ts.

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    Foaming characteristics. Fresh lubricating oil should meet thefollowing limits for foaming tendency and stability (according to theASTM D 892-92 test method):

    • S equen ce I: 100/0 ml

    • S equ ence I I: 100/0 ml

    • S equ ence I II : 100/0 ml

    In t his test a certa in a mount of a ir is blow n th rough the lubrica ting oilsample. The first number in the results is the foam volume after ablow ing period of 5 minut es and sh ould be less tha n or equa l to 100 ml.The second number is the foam volume after a settling period of 10minutes a nd should a lwa ys be 0 ml.  Sequences I a nd III a re performed at a temperature of 24° C a ndsequence II a t a tempera ture of 93.5° C.

    02.2.2 Lubricating oil qualities

    Lubrica ting oil is a n integra ted engine component a nd t hus th e qua lityof it is upmost important. Preliminary approved lubricating oils forWärtsilä 32DF engine type to be used in natural gas operation areshown in t he ta ble below .

    Preliminary approved system oils for Wärtsilä 32DF engines

    Manufacturer Brand name Viscosity Base Number

    (mg KOH/g)


    ash(w-%)Castrol NG 304 SAE 40 5.1 0.40

    Mobil Pegasus 480 SAE 40 5.3 0.48

    Shell Mysella LA 40 SAE 40 5.2 0.45

    Attention! Before using a lubricating oil not listed in the table, the enginemanufacturer must be contacted. Lubricating oils that are notapproved have to be tested according to the approval procedureof the engine manufacturer.

    Note! Never blend different oil brands unless approved by the oil supplierand during the warranty period, by the engine manufacturer.

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    BN (Base Number). The minimum a llow a ble B N va lue of a used oilis 50 %of the nomina l va lue of a new oil.TAN (Total Acid Number).  Should not increase by more than2.5 mg K OH/g compa red t o nomina l va lue of a new oil.

    Insolubles. The qua nt ity a llow ed depends on va rious factors. The oilsupplier’s recommend a tions should be follow ed. However, a n n-P enta ninsoluble value a bove 0.5 w -%ca lls for a tt ention. A va lue higher t ha n1.0 w-%cannot be accepted for longer periods.Nitration and oxidation. It is also a dvisable to follow nitra tion andoxidation levels of gas engine lubricants. Nitration and oxidationva lues a na lysed t o be a bove 20 Abs/cm ca n be considered t o be a bnor-mally high.In general it ca n be said tha t t he cha nges in the a na lysis give a betterbasis of estimat ion t ha n t he absolute value. Fa st a nd great cha ngesma y indicat e abnorma l opera tion of the engine or of a sy stem.

    c) Compensate for oil consumption by adding max. 10 %new oil at atime. Adding la rger qua ntit ies can disturb t he ba lan ce of the used oilca using, for exam ple, precipita tion of insolubles. Mea sure a nd r ecordth e qua nt ity a dded. Att ention t o the lubrica ting oil consumption ma ygive valuable information about the engine condition. A continuousincrease ma y indica te th a t piston rings, pistons a nd cylinder liners a regetting w orn, a nd a sudden increase motivat es pulling th e pistons, ifno oth er reason is found.

    d) Guidance values for oil change intervals are influenced by systemsize (oil volume), opera ting condit ions, cent rifuging efficiency a nd tota loil consumption. Efficient centrifuging and large systems (dry sump

    opera tion) genera lly a llow for long interva ls betw een cha nges.

    When changing oil the following procedure is recommended:

    1 Empty oil system w hile oil is still hot. B e sure tha t oil filters an dcoolers a re a lso emptied.

    2 Clean oil spaces, including filters and camsha ft compartment. In -sert new filter cart ridges.

    3 Fill a small quantity of new oil in the oil sump and circulate w ith th epre-lubricating pump. Drain!

    4 Fill required quantity of oil in the system, see cha pter 01, section 01.1.  Oil sa mples ta ken a t regular interva ls a na lyzed by th e oil supplier,a nd t he an a lysis results plott ed as a function of opera ting hours is anefficient w a y of predicting oil cha nge interva ls.  S end or a sk the oil supplier to send copies of oil a na lyses to th e enginema nufacturer w ho will then a ssist in t he evaluat ion.

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    02.2.4 Lubricating oils for engine turning device

    It is recommended t o use EP -gea r oils, viscosity 400-500 cSt /40° C= IS OVG 460 as lubricat ing oils for t he tu rnin g device. Exa mples of lubrica t-ing oils for the engine turning device approved by the turning devicemanufacturer:

    Manufacturer Brand nameViscosity (cSt) Viscosity

    Index (VI)40°C 100°C

    BP Energol GR-XP 460 425 27 88

    Castrol Alpha 460 460 30.5 95

    Elf Epona Z 460 470 30.3 93

    Esso Spartan EP 460 460 44.9 152

    Mobil Mobilgear 634 437 27.8 96Shell Omala Oil 460 460 30.8 97

    Texaco Meropa 460 460 31.6 100

    02.3 Cooling water

    02.3.1 General

    In order t o prevent corrosion, sca le deposits or other deposits in closedcirculating w a ter systems, the wa ter must be trea ted with a dditives.  B efore treat ment, the wa ter must be limpid and ha ve a ha rdnessbelow 10 d° H , a chloride content of less tha n 80 mg/l and a pH va lueabove 7. Further, the use of approved cooling water additives ismandatory.

    Caution! Distilled water without additives absorbs carbon dioxide from theair, which involves great risk of corrosion.

    Sea water will cause severe corrosion and deposit formation even ifsupplied to the syst em in sma ll amounts.  Ra in wa ter ha s a high oxygen a nd ca rbon dioxide cont ent; great riskof corrosion; unsuita ble a s cooling wa ter.  If risk of frost occurs, plea se cont a ct th e engine man ufa cturer for useof anti-frost additives.

    Caution! The use of glycol in the cooling water is not recommended, if it isnot necessary.

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    Summary of the most common cooling water additives

    Additive Advantages Disadvantages Suitability


    - good efficiency, if dosageis controlled carefully

    - small active quantities,  0.5 % by mass- cheap

    - suitable as additive except  in air cooled heat ex-

      changers with large soft  solder surfaces- toxic- risk of spot corrosion when  too low concentration



    - no increased risk of corrosion  at over doses- innocuous for the skin

    - tendency to attack zinc  coverings and soft solde-  rings- toxic: lethal dosage 3 - 4 g  solid nitrite- risk of spot corrosion when

    too low concentration



    - good efficiency- small active quantities,  0.5 % by mass- reasonable price- simple determination of  concentration

    (comparison of colour  with test solution)- available anywhere

    - increased risk of corrosion  when too low concentra-  tion: spot corrosion- injurious for the skin- toxic: lethal dosage 1 g- prohibited for use in fresh  water generators intended  for house-keeping purposes

    - suitable as additive for  purposes where the  toxic effect can be

    tolerated.Caution at use and

      thorough control are  necessary 


    - not toxic- harmless to handle

    - not active when watervelocity exceeds 2 m/s

    - commercial products very  expensive- increased risk of corrosion  when too low concen-  tration; spot corrosion

    - limited suitability


    - not toxic- harmless to handle

    - more expensive than toxic  additives- increased risk of corrosion,  if insufficiently dosed- can cause deposit  formation  (molybdates can collect to  ferrous sulphates)




    - not toxic - more expensive thansodium nitrite and

      molybdate based additives- big active quantitives by  mass

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    02.4 Chemical cleaning of charge air cooler airside

    02.4.1 General

    Clea ning of the air s ide should be done ear ly enough t o a void accumu-lat ions of soot a nd oil on t he fins, w hich form a ha rd crust t ha t is difficultto remove, as well as a deposition of other crack products that form asulphuric acid (Compound with condensate) when left on the fins andtu bes for some t ime.  G enera lly a n increase of pressure drop (∆p) over the cooler w ith 100mmH2O compa red t o a new /clean cooler mea ns t ha t th e cooler needscleaning. The pressure drop should be measured at 100 %load or at

    lea st a lwa ys a t t he same high loa d level.

    02.4.2 Ultrasonic cleaning

    Cleaning with ultrasonic equipment is recommended as it gives thebest clea ning r esult.

    02.4.3 Chemical cleaning

    We recommend chemical cleaning of the air side while the cooler is

    removed, see section 15.5.

    02.4.4 Recommended detergents

    The instructions and handling guidelines provided by the manufac-turer of the detergent in question should always be observed whenusing t he chemica l.

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    Recommended cleaning detergents

    Supplier Product designation

    Basol Ltd Basol 77

    Clensol Ltd Industrial Clegris

    Drew Ameroid Marine DivisionAshland Chemical CompanyOne Drew PlazaBoonton, NJ 07005, USA

    Ameroid ACC9

    Henkel KGaADüselldorf

    P3-Grato 90

    Houseman LtdThe Priory, BurnhamSlough SL 1 7LS, UK

    H.D. PowderW.1.H.D.S phenol

    Nalco Chemical Company

    One Nalco CentreNaperville, Illinois60566 - 1024 USA

    Nalfleet ACC

    Vecom Holding BVPO Box 273140 AA Maassluis, Holland

    Vecom B-85

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    02A. Environmental Hazards

    02A.1 General

    Fuel oils, lubrica tin g oils and cooling wa ter a ddit ives a re environmen-tally hazardous. Take great care when handling these products orsystems cont a ining these products. D eta iled informa tion an d ha ndlinginst ructions ca n be found in t he text below .

    02A.2 Fuel oils

    P rolonged or repetitive cont a ct w ith t he skin ma y cause irrita tion a ndincrease the risk of skin cancer (polyaromatic hydrocarbons, etc.).Fumes, like hydrogen sulphide or light h ydroca rbons, th a t a re irrita t-ing for eyes and respiratory organs may be released during load-ing/bunkering. Fuel oils a re ma inly n on-vola tile burn ing fluids, butmay also contain volatile fractions. Risk for fire and explosion. Maycause long-term harm and damages in water environments. Risk ofcont a mina tion of the soil a nd t he ground wa ter. Ta ke every a ppropria te

    measur e to prevent w a ter a nd soil cont a mina tion.

    02A.2.1 Handling

    • Isolat e from ignition sources, like spa rks from sta tic electr icity forexample.

    • Avoid breathing evaporated fumes (may contain hydrogen sul-phide, etc.) during pumping and opening of storage tanks forexa mple. U se gas ma sk i f necessa ry.

    • The ha ndling an d st ora ge temperat ures must n ot exceed th e f la sh

    point of the product. Should be stored in tanks or containersdesigned for fla mma ble fluids.

    • Must not be let into the sew a ge system, w a ter syst ems or onto theground.

    • Meth a ne ma y dur ing long-term st ora ge be formed in ta nks, dueto bacterial activities. Risk of explosions during unloading orstora ge ta nk opening for exam ple.

    • Cloths, paper or any other absorbent material used to soak upspil ls a re f ire ha za rds. Do not a l low these to a ccumulat e.

    • Waste that contains the product is hazardous and has to bedisposed of according t o directives issued by t he local or na tiona lenvironment a l a uth ori t ies. C ollection, regenerat ion a nd burningshould be ha ndled by a uthorized disposal pla nt s.

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    02A.2.2 Personal protection equipment

    • Respiratory organs protection: Oil mist: U se respira tor, com-

    bined particle and gas f i l ter. Evaporated fumes (hydrogen sul-phide, etc.): U se respira tor, inorga nic gas filter.

    • Hands protection:  S trong , heat and hydrocarbon res is tantgloves (nit rile ru bber for exa mple).

    • Eye protection: Wear goggles if spla sh risk exists.

    • Skin and body protection:  Wear facial screen and coveringclothing a s required. Use sa fety footw ear w hen ha ndling barrels .Wear protecting cloth es if hot product is ha ndled.

    02A.2.3 First aid measures

    • Inhalation of fumes: Move victim to fresh air, keep warm andlying still . Give oxygen or mouth t o mouth r esuscita tion a s needed.Seek medica l ad vice aft er significa nt exposures. Inha la tion of oilmist: S eek medica l a dvice.

    • Skin contact: Hot oil on the skin should be cooled immediatelyw ith plenty of cold wa ter. Wa sh immedia tely with plenty of wa terand soap. Do not use solvents, the oi l is spread and may beabsorbed into the skin. Remove contaminated clothing. Seekmedica l a dvice if irrit a tion develops.

    • Eye contact: Rinse immediat ely w ith plent y of w a ter, for a t least15 minut es a nd seek medica l a dvice. If possible, keep rinsing unt ileye specialist h a s been r eached.

    • Ingestion: Rinse mouth w ith w a ter. Do not induce vomiting, inorder not to risk a spira tion int o respira tory organs. S eek medica ladvice.

    Note! Complete safety data sheets for the specific products used at yourinstallation should be available from the fuel oil delivering com-pany.

    02A.3 Lubricating oils

    Fresh lubrica ting oils norma lly present no pa rt icular toxic haza rd, buta ll lubrica nt s should alw a ys be ha ndled w ith great ca re. U sed lubrica t-ing oils may contain significant amounts of harmful metal and PAH(polya roma t ic hy droca rbons) compounds . Avoid prolonged or repetit ivecontact with the skin. Prevent any risk of splashing and keep away

    from heat, ignition sources and oxidizing agents. Risk of long termconta mina tion of the soil a nd t he ground w a ter. Ta ke every a ppropria temeasure to prevent w a ter a nd soil cont a mina tion.

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    02A.3.1 Handling

    • En sure ad equa te venti lat ion i f th ere is a risk of release of vapours,

    mists or a erosols. Do not breat he va pours, fumes or mist.• Keep aw a y f rom f lamma ble mat eria ls and oxida nts .

    • Keep a w a y from food a nd d rinks. Do not eat , drink or smoke whilehandl ing .

    • U se only cont a iners, piping, etc . wh ich a re resista nt to hydroca r-bons. Open th e conta iners in well vent ilat ed surroundings.

    • Immediat ely t a ke off al l conta mina ted clothing.

    • Em pty pa cka ging ma y cont a in f lamma ble or potent ial ly explosivevapours.

    • Cloths, paper or any other absorbent material used to recoverspil ls are f ire hazards. Do not al low these to accumulate. Keepw a ste products in closed conta iners.

    • Waste that contains the product is hazardous and has to bedisposed of according t o directives issued by t he local or na tiona lenvironment a l a uth ori t ies. C ollection, regenerat ion a nd burningshould be ha ndled by a uthorized disposal pla nt s.

    02A.3.2 Personal protection equipment

    • Hand protection:  Impermeable and hydrocarbon resistantgloves (nit rile ru bber for exa mple).

    • Eye protection: Wear goggles if spla sh risk exists.

    • Skin and body protection:  Wear facial screen and coveringcloth ing as r equired. Use sa fety footw ear w hen ha ndling ba rrels .Wea r protecting cloth es if hot product is h a ndled.

    02A.3.3 First aid measures

    • Inhalation of fumes: Move victim t o fresh a ir , keep w a rm a ndlying st ill.

    • Skin contact: Wa sh immedia tely with plenty of wa ter a nd soa por clea ning a gent. D o not use solvent s (th e oil is spread a nd ma ybe absorbed into th e skin). Remove cont a mina ted cloth ing. Seekmedica l a dvice if irrit a tion develops.

    • Eye contact: Rinse immediat ely w ith plenty of wa ter, continuefor a t lea st 15 minut es an d seek medica l advice.

    • Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting, in order not t o risk a spira tioninto respira tory orga ns. Seek medica l advice immedia tely.

    • Aspiration of liquid product:  I f aspiration into the lungs issuspected (during vomiting for example) seek medical adviceimmediately.

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    Note! Complete safety data sheets for the specific products used at yourinstallation should be available from the lubricating oil manufac-turer or your local dealer.

    02A.4 Cooling water additives, nitrite based

     The products a re toxic if swa llow ed. Concentr a ted product ma y causeserious toxic symptoms, pain giddiness and headache. Significantint a ke results in greyish/blue discolorat ion of th e skin a nd m ucusmembran es an d a decreasing blood pressure. Skin a nd eye cont a ct ofth e undiluted product can produce int ense irrit a tion. Diluted solutionsmay be moderately irritating.

    02A.4.1 Handling

    • Avoid cont a ct wit h skin a nd eyes.

    • Keep a wa y from food a nd drinks. Do not ea t , drink or smoke wh ilehandl ing .

    • Keep in w ell vent i la ted place w ith a ccess to safety shower a nd eyeshower.

    • Soak liquid spills in absorbent material and collect solids in acontainer. Wash f loor with water as spil lage may be sl ippery.Cont a ct a ppropria te a ut horities in case of bigger spills.

    • Bulk material can be land dumped at an appropriate si te inaccordance with local regulations.

    02A.4.2 Personal protection equipment

    • Respiratory protection: Not n orma lly requir ed. Avoid exposureto product m ists.

    • Hands protection:Rubber gloves should be worn (P VC or na tu -ra l rubber for exam ple).

    • Eye protection: E ye goggles should be w orn .

    • Skin and body protection:  Use protective clothing and takecare to minimize splashing. Use safety footwear when handlingbarrels .

    02A.4.3 First aid measures

    • Inhalation:  In the event of over exposure to spray mists movevictim to fresh air, keep warm and lying still . If effects persists,seek medical advice.

    • Skin contact: Wa sh immedia tely with plenty of wa ter a nd soa p.

    Remove conta mina ted clothing. If irrit a tion persists , seek medicaladvice.

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    • Eye contact: Rinse immediately w ith plent y of clea n w a ter a ndseek medical advice. If possible, keep rinsing until eye specialistha s been r eached.

    • Ingestion:  Rinse mouth with water. Drink milk, fruit juice orw a ter. D o not induce vomiting w ithout medica l a dvice. Immedi-ately seek medical advice. Do not give anything to drink to anun conscious person.

    Note! Complete safety data sheets for the specific products used at yourinstallation should be available from the cooling water additivemanufacturer or local representative.

    02A.5 Handling of oil samples

    02A.5.1 General

    When t a king fuel oil or lubrica ting oil sam ples t he import a nce of propersampling can not be over-emphasised. The accuracy of the analysisresults is totally dependent on proper sampling and the results willonly be as good as t he submitted sa mple.  U se clea n sa mple cont a iners holding approxima tely 1 litre. Cleansa mple conta iners a nd a ccessories (IATA car ton boxes for t ra nsporta -tion, ready ma de a ddress labels, etc.) a re a va ilable for exam ple from

    Wä rt silä local netw ork office. Rinse th e sampling line properly beforeta king the a ctua l sample. Pr eferably a lso rinse the sam ple bott les withthe oil a couple of times before taking the sample, especially if "un-known" sample bottles are used. Close the bottles tightly using thescrew ca ps provided. Seal a ll bott les a nd r ecord a ll the separa te sealnumbers carefully. P ut th e bott les t o be sent for a na lysing in " Ziploc"pla stic bags t o prevent a ny spilla ge. Gently squeeze th e Ziploc ba g t ominimise a ny a ir cont ent prior t o sea ling.  The ba ckground informa tion for t he fuel/oil sam ple is as importa nta s th e sam ple itself. Oil sa mples w ith n o ba ckground informat ion a reof very limited value. The following data are essential to note when

    taking the sample:• Insta l la t ion name

    • En gine type an d number

    • En gine opera ting h ours

    • Lubr icat ing oil bra nd/fuel oil ty pe

    • Lubricat ing oil opera ting h ours

    • Where in t he syst em th e lubrica tin g oil/fuel oil sa mple wa s t a ken

    • Sa mpling da te a nd seal number of the separa te sa mples if sea lsa re a vai lab le

    Reason for ta king a nd a na lysing the sample• Cont a ct informa tion: Na me (of th e person w ho took th e sam ple),

    telephone, fa x, e-ma il, et c.

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    Use for example the ready made "Oil Analyse Application" form, seeInstruction Manua l att a chments .Observe per sonal safety pr ecaut i ons when t aki ng and h and li ng fuel oil 

    and lu bri cati ng oil samples. Avoid breathi ng oil fumes and m ist, use 

    respi r ator i f necessar y. U se str ong, heat an d hydr ocar bon resistan t gloves (ni tr i l e rubber for exampl e). Wear eye goggles if splash r i sk exists.

    Wear facia l screen and protecti ng clothes if h ot produ ct i s hand led.02A.5.1.1 Lube oil sampling

    Lubrica ting oil samples should be ta ken w ith t he engine in opera tionimmedia tely a fter t he lubrica ting oil filter on t he engine. Alwa ys ta kelubrica ting oil sam ples before a dding fresh oil to the system.02A.5.1.2 Fuel oil sampling

    Fuel oil samples can be drawn from different places in the fuel oilsystem, " a s bunkered" or "before th e engine" (a fter fuel oil separ a tiona nd filtra tion) a re perha ps the most common sa mple types. From t heengines point of view th e most import a nt fuel oil sample is na tur a llythe one which enters th e engine, i.e. ta ken a fter fuel oil separ a tion an dfiltration. But if for example fuel oil separator efficiency needs to bechecked sa mples should be ta ken just before a nd a fter th e separ a tor.It is not a dvisable to ta ke sa mples from ta nk bott om dra in va lves, thesewill probably contain high levels of water and sediment and thesamples will not be representative of the bulk phase.

    02A.5.2 Dispatch and transportation

    Place the bottle with the "Ziploc" bag inside the IATA carton box andfold the box according to the assembly instructions given on the box.E nclose a copy of the " B unker Receipt" , if a va ilable, before closing t hela st fla p on t he IATA cart on.  Ch eck the DNVPS Air Courier Directory a nd use a ppropria te labelfor the IATA carton box to ensure that the sample is forwarded to thenear est D NVP S la bora tory. Complete the courier dispa tch instr uctionson the side of the IATA carton. Fill in the DNVPS universal accountnumber (950 500 010) to prevent rejection from the courier company(DH L). Complete the P roforma Invoice Form a nd ta pe it to th e outsideof the IATA car ton.

      Ca ll th e a ir courier directly a t t he number as indica ted in the AirCourier D irectory a nd r equest u rgent pick-up. When t he courier a rr ivesyou will need to complete an Airwa y B ill.  It is recommenda ble to ha ndle the dispat ching of th e fuel oil a ndlubrica ting oil sa mples a t sit e. The results w ill be achieved fas ter w henth e dispa tching is ha ndled at sit e and a dditiona lly it is illegal to ca rryfuel oil samples as personal luggage on normal aeroplanes.  Support w ith interpreting of the an a lysis results a nd a dvice onpossible corrective a ctions is a va ilable from Wä rt silä, if needed.

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    03. Start, Stop and Operation

    03.1 Turning of crankshaft

    Turn ing is performed by mea ns of an electr ica lly driven t urn ing devicebuilt on the engine.

    03.1.1 Electrically driven turning device

    The turning device consists of an electric motor which drives the

    tur ning gear t hrough a gear drive an d a w orm gea r. There is a cont rolbox a va ila ble, including a ca ble, w hich a llow s th e turn ing to be accom-plished from a ny position nea r t he engine. The tur ning speed is about4.8 RPM.  The enga ging and disengaging of the turning gea r is ma de by the lever(1). The turning gea r is spring-loaded outw ards in order to prevent it frommeshing with t he flywheel when out of opera tion.  The turn ing device is provided w ith a sta rt blocking valve wh ichprevents st a rting in ca se the tur ning gear is meshing. See cha pter 21,section 21.1.  For ca reful a djustment of th e cra nksha ft position there is a ha nd

    w heel (2) w ith w hich it is possible to perform ma nua l turn ing.

    Electrically driven turning device







    1. Lever

    2. Hand wheel

    3. Vent hole

    5. Filling hole

    6. Gauge glass

    4. Drain hole

    Fig 03-1 3203548935

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    03.2 Start

    B efore sta rt ing the engine, check tha t:

    • t he lubr icat ing oil level is correct• th e fuel syst em is in ru nnin g order (correct pressure)

    • both cooling w a ter sy stem circuits, LT a nd H T w a ter circuit, a rein run ning order (correct pressures, circulat ing w a ter pre-hea teda nd pre-circula ted sufficient ly to hea t t he engine)

    • th e oil level in t he governor a nd tu rbocha rger(s) is correct

    • the start ing air pressure is 20 bar (normally, 15 bar is st i l lsuff icient to sta rt the engine)

    • th e sta rt ing a ir system is dra ined of condensa te

    • th e dra in pipe of the a ir cooler casing is open, no lea ka ge.

    All covers a nd protecting shields a re to be mount ed before sta rt ing th eengine. Covers should be removed occa siona lly only for mea surement sa nd checks, a nd th ey must be immedia tely mount ed aga in.  B efore sta rting th e engine, ensure th a t possible ma intena nce a ndservice opera tions ha ve been finished a nd t ha t a ll persons h a ve left t heengine room, boiler room an d other risk a rea s.

    Note! Never leave the engine running when covers are removed.

    Note! Avoid running the engine in gas mode without load. Otherwise thereis great risk for misfiring which conduct to unburned gas can enterthe exhaust system and may cause an gas explosion in the exhaustsystem.

    03.2.1 Manual start

    B efore th e PLC a ctiva tes a sta rt requests th e engine must be rea dy forsta rt. Cha pter 23., section 23.7 is a list of a ll the conditions tha t must

    be fulfilled t o get th e engine rea dy for sta rt .

    1 Start the prelubricating oil pump to obtain a lubricating oilpressure, a bove 0.5 bar .

    2 Open the valve in the starting air supply system   and draincondens a te via th e blow-off va lve. Close the blow -off va lve when th ereis no more condensa te.

    3 Check that the stop lever is in w ork position.

    4 Open the starting air valve, shut th e blow-off va lve when t hereis no more condensa te.

    5 Choose the mode of operation (diesel mode/ ga s mode, pilotfuel injection/no pilot fuel injection). The pilot fuel injection should beomitt ed only if mono-needle type injectors a re inst a lled.

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    6 Push the start button. If th e engine does not st a rt a fter 20 s therea son should be checked.

    Note! Re-start of the engine is possible after 5 minutes waiting, if it issecured that the exhaust system is vented enough. The exhaustsystem is equipped with automatic ventilation and it will stay openfor 5 minutes after the stop. During this time the start will be blocked.The ventilation time may vary depending on the installation.

    Note! Despite the safety system, there is a risk of gas explosion. To avoidpossible accidents, no-one should remain in the engine room andboiler/silencer room during an engine start.

    7 Check immediately after start tha t t he pressure and tempera -tur e va lues ar e normal. Check that all cylinders are firing, if not,the engine must be stopped and the misfiring cylinders shouldbe checked.

    03.2.2 Remote and automatic start

    See insta llat ion specific inst ructions.

    03.3 Stop

    03.3.1 Manual stop, gas mode

    1 Engines with built-on cooling water pump: Idling of the en-gine before stopping is not possible. Engines with separate coolingwater pump: Idling of the engine before stopping is not possible, butth e wa ter pump should run for some 5 min m ore.

    2 Stop the engine by pushing the stop butt on. Norma lly w hen th e

    stop order is given t he engine sta rts to decrease t he loa d a utoma tica llyand when the load is near zero the engine stops. The time of slowingdown offers a good opportunit y t o detect possible disturbing sounds.

    03.3.2 Manual stop, diesel mode

    1 Engines with built-on cooling water pump: Idle the engine 1min before stopping. The pre-heating pump to be started. Engineswith separate cooling water pump: 1 min idling will be enough,but t he w a ter pump should run for some 5 min more.

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    2 Stop the engine by moving th e stop lever int o stop position. Thetime of slowing down offers a good opportunity to detect possibledisturbing sounds.

    03.3.3 General

    Caution! When overhauling the engine, make absolutely sure that the auto-matic start and the priming pump are disconnected. Make also surethat the starting air shut-off valve located before main starting valveis closed. Otherwise it might cause engine damage and/or per-sonal injury.

    Move stop lever into STOP position.

      The lubrica tin g oil syst em on a st opped engine should be filled w ithoil every second d a y by priming t he engine. At the sa me time, turn th ecra nksh a ft int o a new position. This reduces the risk of corrosion onjourna ls a nd bea rings w hen t he engine is exposed to vibrat ions.

    03.4 Normal operation supervision

    If an a larm limit is reached and a n a larm is a ctivat ed, the engine situa tionis a lready serious. All necessary count ermeasures must be ta ken to remove

    this emergency condition a nd return to norma l operat ing conditions. Asthe a bnorma l opera ting situa tion ma y cause dama ges to the engine, allefforts must be put into return ing to the norma l opera ting situa tion insteadof just w a iting for a n a utoma tic shut down of the engine.

    03.4.1 Every second day or after every 50 running hours

    1 Read all temperatures and pressures and, at the same time,th e loa d of the engine. All tempera tu res a re more or less dependent onthe load, and the lubricating oil, cooling water pressures (built-onpumps) are dependent on the speed. Therefore, always compare the

    va lues rea d w ith those at corresponding load a nd speed in t he Accep-tance Test Records and curves. Guidance values are stated inchapter 01.  The cha rge air t emperat ure should, in principle, be a s low a s possiblea t loa ds higher t ha n 60 %, however, not so low tha t condensa tionoccurs , see Fig 03-2.

    2 Check the indicator for pressure drop over gas and liquid fuelfilters. When t he pressure drop over the filters increases, th e feedpressure to the engine might become too low and the output of theengine must be decrea sed. Too high of a pressure drop ma y a lso result

    in deformation of filter cartridges.

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    3 Check the indicator for pressure drop over the lubricating oilfilters. Too la rge of a pressure drop indicat es clogged filter car tr idges,which results in reduced oil filtration when the by-pass valve is open.Reduced oil filtra tion results in increased w ear . Vent filters a nd, if no

    improvement, cha nge th e ca rtr idges.

    4 Check the oil level in th e oil sump/oil ta nk. E stima te t he a p-pearance and consistency of the oil. A simple control of the watercont ent: A drop of oil on a hot su rfa ce (a bout 150° C), e.g. a hot-plat e. Ifthe drop keeps “quiet”, it does not contain water; if it “frizzles” itconta ins w a ter. C ompensat e for oil consumption by a dding ma x. 10 %fresh oil a t a time.

    5 Check the ventilation (de-a era ting) of the engine cooling w a tersystem. Check that the leakage from the telltale hole of the coolingw a ter pumps ar e norma l (slight ).

    6 Check that the drain pipes of t he a ir coolers a re open.

    7 Check that the telltale holes of the oil coolers and the coolingw a ter coolers a re open.

    8 Clean the compressor side of the turbocharger by injectingw a ter. See th e instruction ma nua l of the turbocha rger.

    9 Running in diesel mode with no pilot fuel injection, check thequa nt ity of leak fuel.

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    Condensation in charge air coolers

    Example : I f the ambi ent ai r temperatu re is 35°C and the relat ive 

    humid it y is 80 % the wat er content in the air can be read fr om the di agram 

    (0.029 kg water / kg dr y air ). I f the ai r m ani fold pr essur e (receiver pr es- sure) under these cond i ti ons is 2.5 bar , i .e. absolu te ai r pressur e in the 

    air mani fold is abt. 3.5 bar (ambient pressur e + ai r man ifold pressur e),

    th e dew poin t w i l l be 55°C ( fr om di ag.). I f the ai r t emperatur e in the ai r 

    mani fold is onl y 45°C, the air can onl y contain 0.018 kg/ kg (from di ag.).

    The di fference, 0.011 kg/ kg (0.029-0.018) wi l l appear as condensed water .

    03.4.2 Once a month or after every 500 running hours

    1 Clean the centrifugal lubricating oil filters.

    2 Check content of additivesin the circulat ing wa ter.

    3 Keep the injection pump racks clean.

    4 Clean the turbine side of the turbocharger.













    70.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09

    Water content

       W   a   t   e   r   d   e  w   p   o   i   n   t   ˚   C

    (kg water/kg dry air)

       A   m   b   a   i   r   t   e   m   p   e   r   a   t  u   r   e   ˚   C

    P=Air manifold pressurebar abs

    P=4,5 P=2,5P=3,5



    f=60 f=80 f=100

    f=Relative humidity %

    Fig 03-2 3203528930

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    03.4.3 In connection with maintenance work

    1 Record the following steps a nd t he running hours in th e enginelog:

    • lubrica t ing oil sa mpling (record a lso opera tin g tim e of oil). Lubric-a ting oil an a lyses w ithout sta tement of opera ting t ime is of l imitedva lue (“go - no go” only )

    • lubrica ting oil cha nges

    • clean ing of centr ifuga l lubrica ting oil f ilters

    • chan ge of lubricat ing a nd fuel oil f ilter ca rt ridges

    • change of parts in connection with maintenance according tocha pter 04.

    03.4.4 General

    1 There is no automatic supervision or control a rrangement t ha t canreplace a n experienced engineer’s observa tions. LOOK at and LIS-TEN to the engine!

    2 Strong gas blow-by past the pistons is one of the most da nger-ous things th a t ca n occur in a n engine. If ga s blow -by is suspected, checkth e cra nkcase pressure. If t he pressure exceeds 30 mm H2O, check thecrankcase vent ing syst em, if in order, pull the pistons!

    03.5 Start after a prolonged stop (more than 8 h)

    03.5.1 Manual start

    1 Check

    • th e lubrica ting oil level

    • th e cooling w a ter level in t he expan sion t a nk

    • the ra w wa ter supply to heat excha ngers• th e fuel oil level in th e da y t a nk (tr oublesome a nd t ime consuming

    job to vent t he fuel system if th e feed pump ha s sucked a ir!)

    • th e sta rt ing a ir pressure — 20 bar

    • that the parts of the fuel control shaft system and the injectionpump ra cks move freely. Oth erw ise risk of overspeed.

    2 Observe all points in section 03.2.1.

    3 Vent lubricating oil filters.

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    03.6 Start after overhaul

    1 Check that the connection betw een th e speed governor, over-speed tr ip an d inject ion pumps is set correct ly (especia lly the inject ionpump ra ck position) a nd does not jam , tha t a ll connections a re properlylocked a nd t he injection pump r a cks move freely in t he pumps.

    2 Check gas system for leakage.

    3 Check the cooling water system for lea ka ge, especia lly:

    • th e lower par t of the cylinder liners

    • t he oil cooler

    • th e cha rge a ir cooler

    4 The speed governor control lever being in max. position and

    the stop lever in work position. Check that all injection pump racksmove to a va lue less tha n 5 mm.

    5 If the injection pumps, camshaft or its driving mechanism havebeen touched, check the injection timing.

    6 Check/adjust the valve clearances. If the camshaft or itsdriving mechanism have been touched, check the valve timing of onecylinder, at least (on each cylinder bank in a V-engine). Guidanceva lues, see cha pter 06.

    7 Vent the fuel oil system if it w a s opened.

    8 Start the priming pump. Vent the lubricating oil filters. Checktha t lubrica ting oil appears from a ll bear ings and lubrica ting nozzles, fromthe piston cooling oil outlet and from the valve mechanism. Check thatthere is no leakage from the pipe connections inside or outside the engine.

    Note! Observe that the crankshaft has to be turned in order to get oilthrough all connecting rods.

    9 Rags or tools left in the crankcase, untensioned or unlockedscrews or nuts (those which are to be locked), worn-out self-locking

    nuts, may cause tota l brea kdown .  Well clean ed oil spa ces (oil sump an d cams ha ft spa ces) sa ve the oilpump an d oil filter.

    10 See the instructions in section 03.2 and 03.5 when starting.

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    03.7 Operation supervision after overhaul

    1 At the first start, listen carefully for possible jarring sounds. Ifa nyt hing is suspected, stop the engine immedia tely, otherw ise stop theengine after 1 minutes idling at normal speed. Check at least thetemperat ures of the ma in an d big end bea ring a nd of a ll oth er bea ringsw hich h a ve been opened. If everyt hing is in order, resta rt .

    2 Check that there is no leakage of ga s, wa ter or lubrica ting oil.Especially observe the fuel lines and gas valves.

    3 After overhauling, the following instructions are especially im-portant:

    • Check pressures a nd t emperat ures

    • Check the a utoma tic a larm a nd st op devices

    • Check the pressure drop over the fuel filter and lubricating oilfilter

    • Ch eck th e oil level in th e oil sump/oil ta nk. E st ima t e th e condit ionof the oil

    • Check the ventilation (de-aerating) of the engine cooling watersystem

    • Check the quantity of leak fuel in diesel mode, pilot pumpsw itched off

    • Ch eck th e tellta le holes of t he coolers

    Ch eck th e content of a ddit ives in t he cooling w a ter• Listen for ja rr ing sounds

    • Ch eck the cra nkcase pressure

    • Check the sta rt ing air pipes

    • Vent th e filters.

    03.8 Running-in

    The running-in of a new engine must be performed according to

    programme in F ig 03-3. It is a lso recommend ed th a t run ning-in proce-dure is performed a fter follow ing ma int ena nce jobs.

    1 After changing piston rings, pistons or cylinder liners, afterhoning of cylinder liners, follow progra mm e in Fig 03-3 as closely a spossible. If the programme cannot be followed, do not load theengine fully for at least 10 h.

    Avoid “running-in” at continuous and constant low load!

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    The import a nt th ing is to var y t he loa d severa l times. The ring groovew ill ha ve a different t ilting angle at each loa d sta ge, a nd consequentlyth e piston ring a different cont a ct line to the cylinder liner.

    Running-in programme

    03.9 Maintenance of turning device

    The tur ning device needs no other ma intena nce tha n cha nge of th e gea rbox lubricating oil once during the first year of operation. Approvedlubrica ting oils, see section 02.2.6. After th a t, th e oil should be cha ngeda ccording t o cha pter 04. Ch eck a lso tha t th e vent hole (3), Fig 03-1 isopen.

    1 Drain old oil, preferably w hen w arm, th rough the dra in hole (4).

    2 Rinse the gear box w ith clea n, t hinly fluid oil.3 Fill the gear box with oil (according to the table in section 02.2.6)

    through the filling hole (5) until the oil level reaches the level gaugegla ss (6). U tm ost clea nliness should be observed.

    4 Close the oil holes and drive the turning device a few revolu-tions.

    5 Check the oil level and fill, if necessary. 

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 h












    Engineload %

    After change of piston rings, pistons or cylinder l iners,after honing cylinder liners

    Stop. Check big end bearing temperatures

    End of running-in programme. Engine may be put on normal mode





    Operating hours

    Fig 03-3 3203569701

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    04. Maintenance Schedule

    04.1 General

    The maintenance necessary for the engine depends on the operatingconditions in the main. The periods stated in this schedule are guidancevalues only, but must not be exceeded during the guarantee period. Itmay be possible to lengthen the stated maintenance intervals consid-

    erably depending on the engine load. See also the instruction books of the turbocharger separate instructions for additional equipment andchapter 03.

    1 Before any steps are taken, carefully read the correspondingitem in this Manual.

    2 Note the Environmental Hazards in chapter 02A.

    3 At all maintenance work, observe the utmost cleanliness andorder.

    4 Before dismantling, check that all systems concerned aredrained or the pressure released. After dismantling, immediatelycover holes for lubricating oil, gas and air with tape, plugs, clean clothor the like.

    5 When exchanging a worn-out or damaged part providedwith an identification mark stating cylinder or bearing number, markthe new part with the same number on the same spot. Every exchangeshould be entered in the engine log and the reason should be clearlystated.

    6 Always renew all gaskets, sealing rings and O-rings at

    maintenance work.

    7 After reassembling, check that all screws and nuts are tight-ened and locked, if necessary.

    Caution! When overhauling the engine, make absolutely sure that the auto-matic start and the priming pump are disconnected. Make also surethat the starting air shut-off valve located before main starting valveis closed. Otherwise it might cause engine damage and/or per-sonal injury.

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    04.2 Every second day, irrespective of the engine being in operation or not

    Automatic prelubrication Check operation 03.218.9

    04.3 Once a week irrespective of the engine being in operation or not

    Start process Test start (if the engine on stand-by). 03.2

    04.4 Interval: 50 operating hours

    Air coolers Check draining of air coolers 15.9

    Check that the draining pipes are open, check if any leakage. 03.4.1

    Automation Check operating values 03.4.1

    Check and record all operating values.

    Cooling water system Check water level in cooling system 19.1.4Check the water level in the expansion tank(s) and/or thestatic pressure in the engine cooling circuits.

    Connecting rod Check tightening of the connecting rod screws 11.3.4

    Check the tightening of the connecting rod screws after thefirst 50 operating hours on a new engine and, after overhaul,those screws that have been opened.Note! Pump to stated pressure. Tighten if possible. Do not loosen!


    Gas, fuel and lub. oil filters Check pressure drop indicators 03.4.1

    Replace fi lter cartridges if high pressure drop is indicated. 17.218.7

    Governor, actuator Check oil level in governor 02.2.4Check oil level, and look for leaks 22.4.1

    Lubricating oil sump Check oil level in sump 18.2

    Check oil level by means of dip stick, compensate forconsumption.


    Main bearings Check tightening of main bearing screws 10.2.3

    Check the tightening of main bearing screws after the first 50operating hours on a new engine and, after overhaul, thosescrews that have been opened.Note! Pump to stated pressure. Tighten if possible. Do not loosen!


    Turbocharger Water cleaning of compressor 15.3.3

    Clean the compressor by injecting water.

    Valve mechanism Check valve clearances 12.2.4

    Check the valve clearances after 50 hours’ running in newand overhauled engines.


    04.5 Interval: 100 operating hours

    Turbocharger Water cleaning of turbine 15.3.2

    Clean the turbine by injecting water; more often if necessary.

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    04.6 Interval: 500 operating hours

    Cooling water Check water quality 19.2

    Check content of additives. 02.3

    Control mechanism Maintenance of control mechanism 22.2Check for free movement, clean and lubricate.

    Injection and fuel system Check clean leak fuel quantity in diesel mode 03.4.1

    Check the amount of clean leak fuel from the injection pumps andnozzles running in diesel mode and pilot injection temporaryswitched off.

    Lubricating oil Take oil sample 02.2.3

    In a new installation or after change to use of a new lub-ricating oil brand, take samples for analyzing.

    04.7 Interval: 1000 operating hoursAir filter (on-built) Clean turbocharger air filter 15.2

    Remove the filter(s) and clean according to instructions of themanufacturer (more often, if necessary).

    Centrifugal filter Clean centrifugal filter(s) 18.8.2

    Clean more often if necessary. Remember to open the valvebefore the filter after cleaning.

    Electrical fuel feed pump Regrease el. fuel feed pump 17.9

    Regrease the pump under running condition.

    El. lubricating oil pump Regrease prelubricating pump 18.9

    Regrease the pump under running condition.Flexible coupling Oil change/check of the coupling

    Geislinger (Oil f il led) At first interval, change oil of the coupling.Following (1000h) intervals, check oil level. See manufacturersinstructions.

    Fuel filter Replace fuel oil filter cartridges 17.10.2

    Clean the wire gauze and filter housing. Replace the filtercartridges. (The cartridges are to be replaced earlier if thepressure difference indicator shows too high pressure drop).


    Fuel system Replace pilot fuel oil filter cartridges 17.10.2

    Clean the wire gauze and filter housing. Replace the filter

    cartridges. (The cartridges are to be replaced earlier if thepressure difference indicator shows too high pressure drop).



    Gas filter Replace gas filter cartridges

    Engine mounted

    On gas regulating unit

    Clean the filter housing. The engine mounted filter cartridgecan be cleaned by pressurized air from inside, replacecartridge if necessary.Gas regulating unit, replace the filter cartridge.Following intervals for both filters 4000 hours.


    Valves Check valve condition 12.4

    Check that the inlet and exhaust valves move freely in theirguides. This should preferably be done when the engine hasbeen out of operation for a couple of hours.

    Check valve clearances.


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    04.8 Interval: 2000 operating hours

    Air cooler(s) Check water side of charge air cooler(s) 15.9

    The first time check and possible cleaning of the waterside. Ifin good condition and deposits insignificant: future intervals

    4000 running hours.El.-pneu. overspeed tripdevice

    Check el.-pneumatic overspeed trip device 22.6.3

    Check function and tripping speed in diesel mode. 06.1

    Gas system Maintenance of gas system

    Make the leak test. 17.3

    Governor Change oil in governor 02.2.4

    Change lubricating oil. 22.4.1

    Lubricating oil filter Replace lub. oil filter cartridges 18.7.2

    Drain the filter housings. Clean the wire gauze and filter

    housing. Replace the filter cartridges. (The cartridges are tobe replaced earlier if the pressure difference indicator showstoo high pressure drop.)


    Lubricating oil Change lubricating oil 18.2

    Change oil in a new installation (wet sump installations). Takesamples for analyzing. If the analyzing values are positive andif the oil supplier or engine manufacturer so recommend, theintervals between changes can be based on regular analyzing.In wet sump installations the oil change intervals may be in theorder of 6000 hours or more.Clean all oil spaces when changing lub. oil.


    Pilot fuel pump Regrease pilot fuel pump coupling 16.5.1

    Add new grease in the coupling. 16.5.2

    04.9 Interval: 4000 operating hours

    Air cooler(s) Clean the charge air cooler(s) 15.9

    Clean and pressure test. Look carefully for corrosion.Measure the pressure difference over the charge air coolerbefore and after cleaning. Use U-gauge.

    Automation Check connectors and cables 23.14

    Check mounting and connections. Apply contact lubricant tocontact surfaces. Check tightness of connections. Checkcondition of cables, wires and cable glands. Replace

    damaged connectors and cables.


    Camshaft Inspect contact faces of camshaft 14.1.3

    Check the contact faces of the cams and tappet rollers. Checkthat the rollers rotate. Rotate the engine with the turning gear.


    Control mechanism Check control mechanism 22.2

    Check for wear in all connecting links between the governorand all injection pumps.

    Crankshaft Check crankshaft alignment 11.2.2

    Check alignment, use form No. WV98V036. Alignment checkis performed on a warm engine.

    Crankshaft Check thrust bearing clearance 11.2.3Check axial clearance.


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    Cooling water spaces Inspect jacket water spaces on engine with cooledturbocharger


    Inspect turbocharger cooling water ducts for possible deposits.If the deposits are 1mm or thicker, inspect the water side of

    one cylinder liner through the plug in the engine block. If thedeposits are thicker than 1 mm, clean all liners and engineblock water space. Improve the cooling water treatment.


    Inspect jacket water spaces on engine withuncooled turbocharger


    Inspect the water side of one cylinder through the plug in theengine block. If the deposits are thicker than 1 mm, clean allliners and engine block water space. Improve the coolingwater treatment.

    Flexible coupling Oil change of the coupling

    Geislinger (Oil filled) Change oil of the coupling.See manufacturers instructions.

    Gas filter Replace gas filter cartridges

    Engine mounted

    On gas regulating unit

    Clean the filter housing. Replace the engine mounted filtercartridge.Gas regulating unit, replace the filter cartridges.


    Injection valves Replace injection valves 16.6

    Recommendation: Replace the complete fuel injection valvesafter 6000 h at the latest.

    Starting air system Clean the starting air filter

    Clean the filter and replace sealing’s.

    Valves and piston rings Check cylinder tightness 12.A

    Check cylinder tightness (valves, piston rings) with a pneumatic test.

    Wastegate Check the wastegate valve and actuator

    Change the positioner pilot valve.

    04.10 Interval: 8000 operating hours

    Automation Functional check of safety system 23.701.206.1Check function of the alarm and automatic stop devices

    including electronic overspeed trip device.

    Exhaust manifold Check for leaks 20.

    Replace parts if necessary.Fuel system Check and adjustment of fuel system 17.8

    Gas regulating unit Overhaul of gas pressure regulating and safety shut-off valves

    See manufacturers instructions.

    Governor driving gear Inspect governor driving gear 22.4.2

    Replace parts if necessary.



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    Lube oil coolers Clean the lube oil cooler 18.5

    If the lube oil temperature before the engine is within normaloperating values (Section 01.1), the interval can be prolonged.Unnecessary opening of the plate cooler should be avoided.Clean the lube oil cooler before the alarm limit is reached.Examine carefully for corrosion.


    Pilot fuel pump Change grease in the pilot fuel pump coupling 16.5.1

    Change grease and check the clearance. 16.5.2

    Starting motors Check the starting motors

    Check the starting motors gear wheels and f lywheel gear rim.Check oil level, and look for leaks.


    04.11 Interval: 12000 operating hours

    HT-water pump Inspect HT-water pump

    Dismantle and check. Replace worn parts.

    HT-water pump driving gear Inspect HT-water pump driving gear

    Replace parts if necessary.

    HT-water thermostatic valve Clean and inspect HT-water thermostatic valve

    Clean and check the thermostatic element, valve cone-casing andsealing’s.

    LT-water pump Inspect LT-water pump

    Dismantle and check. Replace worn parts.

    LT-water pump driving gear Inspect LT-water pump driving gear

    Replace parts if necessary.

    LT-water thermostatic valve Clean and inspect LT-water thermostatic valveClean and check the thermostatic element, valve cone-casing andsealing’s.

    Lube oil pump Inspect the lube oil pump

    Replace parts if necessary.

    Lube oil pump driving gear Inspect lube oil pump driving gear

    Replace parts if necessary.

    Oil thermostatic valve Clean and inspect oil thermostatic valve

    Clean and check the thermostatic element, valve cone-casing andsealing’s.

    Turbocharger Inspect turbocharger bearings

    Napier Na-chargers Check and change if necessary.See manufacturers instructions.

    Turbocharger Inspect turbocharger bearings

    ABB TPL-chargers Check and change if necessary.See manufacturers instructions.

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    Booster servomotorfor governor

    General overhaul of the booster servomotor

    Replace worn parts. See manufacturers instructions.

    Hydraulic jack Check function 10.2.1Replace O-rings in the hydraulic jack if they are leaking whenlifting the main bearing cap.

    Pilot fuel pump Replace pilot fuel pump

    Replace the pilot fuel pump.

    Pistons Inspect the pistons

    Composite pistons must be dismantled for inspection ofmating surfaces between piston skirt and piston crown.Inspect and clean oil spaces.

    Pistons, piston rings Inspect pistons and replace piston rings 11.3.3

    Pull, inspect and clean. Check the height of the ring grooves,use form No. 3211V021.Check the retainer rings of the gudgeon pins. Replacecomplete set of piston rings. Note the running-in programme.


    Turning device Change oil in turning device 02.2.6

    Regrease the drive shaft. 03.9

    Valve mechanism Check valve mechanism parts 14.1.3

    Check tappets. 06.2

    Vibration damper Take oil sample from vibration damper 11.2.1

    Viscous type Take oil sample for analyzing.

    04.13 Interval: 24000 operating hours

    Engine fastening bolts Check tightening of engine fastening bolts 07.3

    Replace if necessary.

    Exhaust manifold Check expansion bellows 20.2

    Replace if necessary.

    Flexible coupl
