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Rahul Kumar - AstroSri · Ashtakavarga system is a predic9ve method of Indian Astrology that uses a...

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  • Rahul Kumar

    चापासानो गृ धृराथा : सुनीला :यंग:मुख: का यप गो जात :

    सशुला चापेषु महाराथो ातसौरा देश भवशचा सौरी :

    Lord Sani, the one who faces west and the one who is dark coloured.He rides a vulture and holds a trident and bow and arrow.

    Born in Saurashtra in the lineage of Kasyapa, he is the son of Surya and is very valorous.May the Lord save us all.

    Prepared using Astro-vision LifeS ign So ware.Licensee:Astrovision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.

  • Name : Rahul Kumar

    Sex : Male

    Date of Birth : 1 January, 1989 Sunday

    Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 00:05:00 AM Standard Time

    Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich

    Place of Birth : Chennai

    Longitude & La tude (Deg.Mins) : 80.16 East , 13.5 North

    Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 42 Min. 19Sec.

    Birth Star -Star Pada (Quarter) : H astaH asta - 4 - 4

    Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : KanyaKanya -- B udha B udha

    Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Kanya - Budha

    Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Krishnapaksha

    Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:31 AMStandard Time

    Sunset (Hrs.Mins) : 05:53 PM

    Dinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 11.22

    Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 28.25

    Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 9 Min.

    Astrological Day of Birth : Saturday

    Kalidina Sankhya : 1859061

    Dasa System : Vimsho ari, Years = 365.25Days

    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • Star Lord : Chandra

    Ganam, Yoni, Animal : Deva, Female, Buffalo

    Bird, Tree : Crow, Ambazha tree

    Chandra Avastha : 12 / 12

    Chandra Vela : 35 / 36

    Chandra Kriya : 58 / 60

    Dagda Rasi : Simha,Vrischika

    Karanam : Tai la

    Nithya Yoga : Athigandha

    Rasi of Sun - Star Posi on : Dhanu - Purvashada

    Posi on of Angadityan : Feet

    Zodiac sign (Western System) : Capricorn

    Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 162:44:0 - Hasta

    Yogi Planet : Chandra

    Duplicate Yogi : Budha

    Avayogi Star - Planet : Jyeshta- Budha

    Atma Karaka (Soul)-Karakamsa : Kuja - Kumbha

    Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : Shukra

    Lagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : Vrishabha

    Dhana Aruda (Pada) : Dhanu

    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained bysubtrac ng the ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

    There are different basis for calcula ng ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha= 23Deg. 42 Min. 18 Sec.


    J u p

    K e t

    M o o

    L a gG u lV e n

    S u n

    S a t

    M e r

    R a h

    M a r

    H a s t a1 - January - 19890 0 : 0 5 : 0 0 A M

    R a s iLatitude 13.5

    Longitude 80.16


    G u l L a g

    M o o

    S a t

    S u n

    K e t

    M e r

    J u p

    V e n

    M a rR a h

    N a v a m s a

    Nirayana Longitude of Planets

    Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in RasiDeg:Min:Sec Star Pada

    Lagnam 165:36:38 Kanya 15:36:38 Hasta 2

    Chandra 172:47:08 Kanya 22:47:08 Hasta 4

    Surya 256:36:51 Dhanu 16:36:51 Purvashada 1

    Budha 273:18:42 Makara 03:18:42 U arashada 2

    Shukra 233:48:24 Vrischika 23:48:24 Jyeshta 3

    Kuja 356:22:59 Meena 26:22:59 Reva 3

    Guru 033:02:11 Vrishabha 03:02:11 Retro Kri ka 2

    Sani 251:51:40 Dhanu 11:51:40 Moola 4

    Rahu 314:05:41 Kumbha 14:05:41 Satabhisha 3

    Ketu 134:05:41 Simha 14:05:41 Purvaphalguni 1

    Maandi 161:05:54 Kanya 11:05:54 Hasta 1

    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • Ashtakavarga system is a predic ve method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of pointsbased upon planetary posi ons. Ashtakavarga means eigh old categoriza on. It depictseigh old strength of planets excluding the nodes of the Moon but including the ascendant. It isworked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the planetary strength.The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon theloca on of other planets and the ascendant in rela on to it. Eight full points are assigned toeach planet. They can obtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plo ed on differentsigns in a chart, determine the possibility of a transi ng planet in inducing auspicious or othereffects during its sojourn in a par cular sign.

    Details of Dasa and Bhuk (Apahara) Periods

    ( Years = 365.25 Days)

    Dasa balance at birth = Chandra 0 Years, 4 Months, 28 Days

    Dasa Arambha Anthya

    Moo 01-01-1989 31-05-1989

    Mar 31-05-1989 30-05-1996

    Rah 30-05-1996 31-05-2014

    Jup 31-05-2014 31-05-2030

    Sat 31-05-2030 31-05-2049

    Mer 31-05-2049 31-05-2066

    Ket 31-05-2066 31-05-2073

    Ven 31-05-2073 31-03-2086

    The bo om line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.


    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • Sarva Ashtakavarga Table

    Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

    MeshaMesha 4 2 5 3 4 4 3 25

    VrishabhaVrishabha 6 2 2 4 2 5 2 23

    MithunaMithuna 3 6 6 2 5 5 3 30

    KarkataKarkata 6 4 4 6 3 5 4 32

    S imhaS imha 4 3 2 4 1 3 2 19

    KanyaKanya 3 5 5 6 5 5 5 34

    TulaTula 3 6 7 4 5 5 5 35

    VrischikaVrischika 5 4 4 6 3 3 3 28

    D hanuD hanu 2 5 7 4 2 5 4 29

    MakaraMakara 3 4 4 5 1 5 2 24

    KumbhaKumbha 6 2 3 4 4 5 4 28

    MeenaMeena 4 5 5 4 4 6 2 30

    49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

    Sarva Ashtakavarga Chart

    25 23 30








    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • The condi on of Saturn in your birth chart is very important to analyze the result of Saturn intransit. Saturn is the indicator of Karma , during its transit will remind you what you have donein the past. You will understand what you have to do and how much righteous you should be inyour life. This transit can give you some straggles despite the condi on of Saturn in your birthchart.

    You are a Virgo lagna and Saturn will be ruling your fi h and sixth house. The fi h house dealswith romance, entertainment, fun, children, youth groups, crea vity, self-promo on andspecula ve business. Saturn is telling you that your interest in crea ve projects will bring you alot of challenges. This house is showing the possibili es of specula ve businesses. You should bevery careful in prac ces like inves ng in specula ve ventures. The sixth house relates to work,colleagues, health, debts, responsibili es and pets. This house is known as upachaya bhava.Those ma ers in the house will improve according to the me and that's the basic idea aboutUpachaya houses. You will get a lot of opportuni es to have a good work life. At the same me,you must be a very prac cal man about your expecta ons.

    Sagi arius is a fire sign and is ruled by Jupiter. This sign represents father, administra on,foreign travels, foreign rela ons, higher studies, teaching, publishing, spirituality andphilosophy. Saturn indicates delays, struggles and responsibili es. You must make careful movesor there can be some complica ons in a aining higher educa on. You should go an extra milein making your teachers and mentors happy. They may feel that you are a rebellious man.Rela onship with father and mentors can be very transforma ve. You are conserva ve. Peoplewill iden fy you as a person with orthodox mindset. At the same me, you like to be a socialac vist. You like realis c approaches while dealing with society.

    Analysis of Saturn in your birth Chart

    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • Transit Chart

    L a g R a h

    M a rJ u p

    K e t

    M o o S u n

    M e rS a t

    V e n

    G u l

    T r a n s i t

    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report

  • From : 24-Jan-2020 To : 17-Jan-2023

    Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present posi on of planets with those in thebirth-chart. The movements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life.Some mes the effects may be opposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated,but you should be able to get an idea of the dynamics at work by studying the impact of eachpar cular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, is a blend of the followingpredic ons.

    Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certainposi ons, it gives powerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years tomove through a sign.

    During this period Saturn transits the Fi h house.

    The 5th house represents romance, entertainment, fun, children, youth groups, crea vity, self-promo on and specula ve business. You or young people at home will have crea ve projects.Star ng an own venture is under your considera on. Your ideas about crea ve projects shouldbe realis c. People may give you wrong ideas. This may not be a good me to invest inspecula ve businesses. Please put enough effort to be happy with children. You may have to bea pa ent man while dealing with them. Your views on romance and marriage will be importantduring this transit. Team events will come up.

    This is a crucial transit for your group ac vi es. This is a me where you can get a racted to thenega ve side of socialising. You can have confusions regarding the nature of the people whomyou are dealing with in your social circle. Saturn is nega ve in the sign of Leo, so please don'tsimply trust them. Please don't indulge in any suspicious and scandalous groups. You may haveto pay a lot as a man to save yourself later. Please don't invest in specula ve businesses withouta second opinion. You will have crea ve projects, but you may need an extra effort to beproduc ve. You may have diges ve issues as this sign represents the abdominal area. It is veryimportant to be hydrated. Please revise your stand on roman c rela onships.

    In your ashtakavarga, your points in Sagi arius are less than 28. This indicates that you have togo an extra mile in managing the ma ers of the house which Saturn transits. You may have toplan well for the next one year. When Saturn transits to the next house you will do on the baseof what you have during this transit.

    Transit forecast

    Transit of Saturn

  • Aspects of Saturn

    Aspect is the technical term used in astrology . It means the influence of a planet onotherplanets and houses. All the planets aspects the seventh house from their posi on. Ifanyplanet is placed in the seventh house from any planet, then these planets are aspec ngeachother. Planets including Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aspect more houses than theseventhhouse. Saturn aspects the third, seventh and tenth houses. When Saturn aspects anyhousefrom birth moon, it will naturally bring some restric ons in those areas.

    This aspect will trigger your personal and professional rela onships. Please don't be anaggressive man in your personal or social life. You may get to know new people. At the same

    me, you should give an easy entry to anyone into your life. Your partnerships from the sociallife can give some concerns. You will try to be very authorita ve. New business or personalrela onship may take a long me to flourish. There is no point in being impa ent; you shouldrealize that Saturn is giving you enough me to se le down the disputes. Please be away fromany scandalous rela onship. Saturn is the planet of karma and it will always reward on the basisof what you have sown.

    This house indicates friendships, collec ve projects, long-term associa ons, children, youthgroups, hopes, wishes and gains. You will give more effort in all these ma ers. There will bevisible changes in friendships. Please behave as a mature man when you deal with oppositegender. They will have different things to deal with their personal life. Rela onship with childrenand other youth groups will be very transforma ve. You may take up a new long-term project.This work will require a lot of effort. You will be learning new skills related to scien fic andtechnical communica on. You will make many gains when you move strategically.

    You will have to be extra cau ous about yourself when Saturn aspects your second house. Yourfamily and family rela onship can go through a stressed mode. You must display chivalry as ayoung man. This is also a shadow house for your social rela onships like career and educa on.You may behave in a very sensi ve way. This may bring dri s in the rela onships. Please don'tspend more, and then you will be in trouble. Your me will come soon, but now you are goingthrough a cooling me. You will learn new skills and this is a very good me to add morequalifica ons to your resume. This will add your worth, which can give you gains later on.

    When Saturn, the planet of Karma transit through the, 4th, 7th, and 10th house from your

    Saturn aspects seventh house from your natal moon

    Saturn aspects eleventh house from your natal moon

    Saturn aspects second house from your natal moon

    Kantaka Sani

  • Janma Rashi, then that phase is called Kantaka shani. This may not be a very happy me period.You may have to take calculated moves.

    As per your birth chart, the current posi on of Saturn does not indicate Kandaka Sani in thisperiod.

    Ashtama shani occurs when Saturn transits through your 8th house from moon. The 8th houseis known as Dur sthana. When Saturn goes through this house, the ma ers indicated by thishouse will become prominent and you may have to take adequate measures to correct them.Generally, this period is know as unfavourable.

    As per your birth chart, the current posi on of Saturn does not indicate Ashtama Sani in thisperiod.

    Saturn transit through the twel h first and second houses are known as Sade Sa , or 7 1/2Saturn. There can be many cycles of Sade Sa according to the life span of a person.

    As per your birth chart, the current posi on of Saturn does not indicate Sade Sathi in thisperiod

    Ashtama Sani

    Sade Sa

  • The en re zodiac wheel is a perfect circle of 360 degrees. It is divided into 12 signs and they are30 degrees long. These 30 degrees are divided into 8 parts, and it is called Kakshya. These 8por ons are supposed to be ruled by 7 planets and lagna. The division starts from the slowestplanet to the fastest. In this sequence Saturn comes first because it is the slowest among allplanets. Then comes Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. A er that the kakhsya forLagna starts. Kakhsya concept is used mainly in transit to funnel down how the transit resultswould be. Each planet will gain strength in each kakshya. The strength is calculated according tothe point transit planet gains in the Bhinnashtakavarga for each planet.

    from : 24-Jan-2020 to : 27-Feb-2020from : 31-Jul-2020 to : 25-Nov-2020from : 29-Apr-2022 to : 12-Jul-2022

    Saturn is moving through the Kakshya of Saturn and it is not well placed, so, you will have to bevery careful during this transit. There will be challenges from many sides. You want aprogressive life that too in a fast mode, but the universe is currently not helping you. It iden fiesthe need for restructuring in your life; so, you should try to modify your life. It cannot be easythough; you should move through the path of self-denial. For the me being, you may feel ithard, but the fruits will be great once when it is me to reap the results. When Saturn movesthrough this Kakshya, health issues will be normal. You should not hesitate to take medical aid ifhealth is not showing improvement. You will try to isolate yourself during this me, but that maynot help you. Try to discuss your worries with learned people and that will help you to be aprac cal man . At the same me, you should not try any illegal or unrighteous methods to getthe desired results.

    from : 27-Feb-2020 to : 21-Apr-2020from : 31-May-2020 to : 31-Jul-2020from : 25-Nov-2020 to : 01-Jan-2021

    Saturn is moving through the Kakshya of Jupiter and it is receiving a good strength here. So,this transit can give you good results during this transit. The Jupiterian influence is very good forlearning spiritual sciences. There will be spiritual pursuits during this transit. You will have someprojects or communica ons with people from far places. It can be from foreign lands as well.You will get occasional gains as well. However, you should control your expenses, so that youcan have a good plight. This is also a good me to impress youngsters with your knowledge andstrategies. This is the best me to be labelled as a very prac cal man.

    Saturn transit through variouskakshya

    Saturn is transi ng through first kakshya

    Saturn is transi ng through second kakshya

    Saturn is transi ng through third kakshya

  • from : 21-Apr-2020 to : 31-May-2020from : 01-Jan-2021 to : 02-Feb-2021

    Saturn is moving through the Kakshya of Mars and it is well placed. S ll, there will be somehurdles. You need to take care of your health, even though physical issues are not that serious.This is a good me to take up a new diet or new workout plans. Mars is known as the soldier ofthe zodiac, so, you will have a lot of energy to get through any situa ons. You will develop ahabit of not giving up, which is not bad, but you should not overdo anything. It will ideal if youdiscuss your plans with learned people, as you want some new beginnings during this me.During this transit, you will come out as a courageous man . There are chances for real estatedeals during this phase. You will be able to have a disciplined life during this transit. This transitwill help you gain more respect as a brother.

    from : 02-Feb-2021 to : 07-Mar-2021from : 16-Aug-2021 to : 03-Dec-2021

    Sun's Kakshya is not a favorite place for Saturn, yet this will not be a nega ve transit. Saturn iss ll gaining enough strength, so you can expect mixed results. This is a good me to improveyour rela onship with your elderly male figures. During this me, you will get some supportfrom people in authority. However, you should not misuse their power for any illegal purposes.You will get many opportuni es to prove your skills. There will be a natural interest in crea veprojects. You will get the opportunity to go to social gatherings. Health also will be be er duringthis me. However, there will be some challenges, which is the innate nature of Saturn.

    from : 07-Mar-2021 to : 26-Apr-2021from : 20-Jun-2021 to : 16-Aug-2021from : 03-Dec-2021 to : 10-Jan-2022

    During this transit, Saturn will be giving favorable results because it is in a be er placement.During this transit, you will get many opportuni es to be a happy man and enjoy more. Saturnis very secure here and that will make you contented with your finances. Occasional gains canalso come up. You will get expensive gi s, or you will buy it just to make you happy. Yourpersonal and social rela ons also will need more care. This is a great me to improve yourexis ng rela onship. However, you need to control your ac vity in the social domain. There area lot of challenges hidden but they will have a beau ful outlook. During this transit, you can getnew offers from business as well as the job.

    from : 26-Apr-2021 to : 20-Jun-2021from : 10-Jan-2022 to : 11-Feb-2022

    Mercury and Saturn do not share a good rela on in astrology, so the transit of Saturn throughMercury’s Kakshya cannot be that great. So, you have to be very careful with yourcommunica on. There will be harshness in communica on and that can cause issues in therela onships. You should take out some me for your siblings and rela ves. They will be verydemanding and that can bring some issues between you both. This is not an ideal me to startyour ventures. Travel plans can also come up, but they will be complicated because Saturn itself

    Saturn is transi ng through fourth kakshya

    Saturn is transi ng through fi h kakshya

    Saturn is transi ng through sixth kakshya

  • indicates delays. Throughout this transit, you have to take care of your physical health as well.Your analy cal power can get challenged, so, you should take me to understand everythingclearly. You should rework in certain projects and that will be slightly hard. However, as abrother, you have to be more stable.

    from : 11-Feb-2022 to : 15-Mar-2022from : 04-Sep-2022 to : 09-Dec-2022

    Saturn is moving through the Kakshya of Moon. Saturn is not receiving any strength here, sochallenges will be a common ma er during this transit. This is a complex me for male figuresin your family. As a dedicated son, you will have to take up a lot of responsibili es. You shouldnot be careless while doing real estate deals. There are chances for wrong deals, and youshould not be in a hurry to sign the documents. You have to improve your lifestyle and that canbe a li le hard. Financial ma ers also will be very prominent. You will be a ending familyfunc ons too.

    from : 15-Mar-2022 to : 29-Apr-2022from : 12-Jul-2022 to : 04-Sep-2022from : 09-Dec-2022 to : 17-Jan-2023

    Saturn is moving through the Kakshya of Lagna. Your Lagna is Virgo and your Lagna lord isMercury. This transit is going to be a moderate one as Saturn is ge ng enough strength here.You will be a happy man as your health will be improving and that will be making you verycheerful. There won’t be any financial issues, but you will have occasional gains too. You will getmany chances to work with your analy cal skills as well. Family mee ngs can also come upduring this transit. You will try to improve your work and have a healthy rela onship with yourteammates. Some arguments can also come up, but that won’t be a major challenge. You willbe learning about finance management.

    Saturday fas ng (vruth) is the best remedy for allevia ng the malefic effects of planetSani/Saturn. Observance of Saturday fas ng on these unfortunate periods is always advisable.Though, the fas ng recommends to avoiding food for the whole day, those who can't endurethis may observe it with a single meal. Chan ng prayers of Lord Sani and visi ng temples ofLord Sastha or Hanuman are also significant to this fas ng. Wearing black clothes andconduc ng Saneeswara Pooja (Lord Sani pooja )are recommended. The person observingSaturday fas ng should avoid oil massaging before taking bath and shouldn't have any cu ng

    The current Saturn transit through Capricorn is from 24th Jan 2020 to

    17th Jan 2023

    Remedies for Saturn Transit

    Saturn is transi ng through seventh kakshya

    Saturn is transi ng through eighth kakshya

    Saturday Fas ng

  • or shaving. Men oned above are some of the key observances of Saturday fas ng. There wouldbe some regional differences in these which you can accept and follow through carefulexamina on. Whatever be the observances you follow, it's all about your devo on. The moredevoted or commi ed you are, the be er results you get. Lord Hanuman prayer not onlyeliminates the harmful effects of saturn but also revitalises your body and mind. Chant thisprayer daily or at least on Saturday morning and evening.

    Balarkkayuthathejasam thribhuvana-prakshobhakam sundaramSugreevaadi samasthavanaraganaiSamsevyapadaambujamNaadenaiva samastharaakshasaganaanSanthraasayantham prabhumSreemadramapadambujasmruthirathamDhyayaami vaathathmajam

    I pray Lord Hanuman who controls all the three worlds and has an aura of thousand suns. He ishandsome and is the leader to Sugreeva's vanara troops. He who is most devoted to Lord SriRam and has the power that scares away all the devils.

    Prayer of Lord Hanuman

    Below describing the meaning of the above prayer


    Note:Note:This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we havereceived so far. We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decisionthat may be taken on the basis of this report.

    W ith best wishes : W ith best wishes : Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.First Floor, W hite Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032First Floor, W hite Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032


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    Astro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit ReportAstro-Vision Saturn Transit Report
