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OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза...

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God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. 1 VALENTINA YARR – Realtor, CRS,GR Edina Realty Direct: (651) 639-6394 2730 Snelling Ave. No. Cell: (612) 751-0200 Roseville, MN 55113 Fax: (651) 639-6418 [email protected] www.valentinayarr.edinarealty.com UKRAINIAN GIFT SHOP ELKO PERCHYSHYN 1008 North 5 th St. Tel: (612) 788-2545 Minneapolis, MN 55411 www.ukrainiangiftshop.com VIKTOR LOBZUN – Owner VIKTOR’S SERVICES Janitorial Services – Commercial & 3740 Saratoga Ln. No. Residential Plymouth, MN 55441 Office: (763) 546-9568 Cell: (612) 281-8640 Other Services: Window Cleaning, Handyman. Party Services: Wait Staff, Set-Up & Clean Up KOZLAK-RADULOVICH FUNERAL CHAPEL Nick & Danielle Radulovich, Owners 1918 University Ave. NE Office: (612) 789-8869 Minneapolis, MN 55418 www.kozlakradulovich.com JULIE M. PAWLUK, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: (763) 566-8832 8525 Edinbrook Crossing, Suite 101 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 Represents clients in the areas of family law, real estate, estate planning and probate. JUNE 2018 - ЧЕРВЕНЬ CHURCH BULLETIN St. Michael’s & St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church 505 4 th St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 Tel: 612-379-2695 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmstguoc.thishouse.us. Very Rev. Evhen Kumka, Pastor 321 5 th Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-379-2280 E-mail: [email protected] OUR SPONSORS
Page 1: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.


VALENTINA YARR – Realtor, CRS,GR Edina Realty Direct: (651) 639-6394 2730 Snelling Ave. No. Cell: (612) 751-0200 Roseville, MN 55113 Fax: (651) 639-6418 [email protected] www.valentinayarr.edinarealty.com

UKRAINIAN GIFT SHOP ELKO PERCHYSHYN 1008 North 5th St. Tel: (612) 788-2545 Minneapolis, MN 55411 www.ukrainiangiftshop.com

VIKTOR LOBZUN – Owner VIKTOR’S SERVICES Janitorial Services – Commercial & 3740 Saratoga Ln. No. Residential Plymouth, MN 55441 Office: (763) 546-9568 Cell: (612) 281-8640 Other Services: Window Cleaning, Handyman. Party Services: Wait Staff, Set-Up & Clean Up

KOZLAK-RADULOVICH FUNERAL CHAPEL Nick & Danielle Radulovich, Owners 1918 University Ave. NE Office: (612) 789-8869 Minneapolis, MN 55418 www.kozlakradulovich.com

JULIE M. PAWLUK, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: (763) 566-8832 8525 Edinbrook Crossing, Suite 101 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

Represents clients in the areas of family law, real estate, estate planning and probate.



St. Michael’s & St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church

505 4th St. NE Minneapolis, MN 55413

Tel: 612-379-2695 E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stmstguoc.thishouse.us. Very Rev. Evhen Kumka, Pastor

321 5th Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-379-2280

E-mail: [email protected]


Page 2: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.



Неділя, 3го ВСІХ СВЯТИХ. Год. 10:00 р. Свята Літургія.

Неділя, 10го ВСІХ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ СВЯТИХ. Год. 10:00 р. Свята Літургія.


3-ТЯ НЕДІЛЯ ПІСЛЯ П’ЯТИДЕСЯТНИЦІ. Год. 10:00 р. Свята Літургія

Молебень в честь Дня батька.

Неділя, 24го

4-ТЯ НЕДІЛЯ ПІСЛЯ П’ЯТИДЕСЯТНИЦІ. Год. 10:00 р. Свята Літургія.

(Повністю в англійській мові.)


Парафія далі робитиме збірку їжі та одягу для безпритульних. Буде дві коробки: одна для продуктів харчування і друга для одягу.

Просьба жертвувати консервовані продукти та продукти у фабричних упаковках, таких як; рис, макарони, крупи і т. д. Вся їжа має бути не прострочена, або ми змушені будемо її викинути.

Одяг має бути новим, або в доброму стані. На даний час ми збираємо одяг на весну і літо. Також можна жертвувати ковдри і господаські товари. ДУЖЕ ДЯКУЄМО ЗА ПІДТРИМКУ.



Від травня до вересня відбуватимуться в першу середу місяця о год 6:30 вечером. Запрошується всіх жінок парафії, хто має бажання працювати на добро нашої української православної церкви, приєднатися до наших сестриць..


Відбуватимуться кожної 2-ої середи місяця у парафіяльній залі о годині 6:30 вечером.



До парафіяльної бібліотеки надійшли нові книжки. Пані Ольга Ярмулович подарувала шість книжок для дітей, між якими є цікава книжечка про героя їжака. Ця книжечка є цікава тим, що вона була видана в 1946 році, якраз рік після закінчення другої світової війни, в Мюнхені в (Д. П.) таборі. В цей тяжкий час робилися заходи для виховання українських дітей, які були далеко від своєї Батьківщини. Пан Іван Карпяк подарував 10 цікавих книжок, між якими є два примірники його книжки, «Шуміли сосни і діброви...». Пан Олександер Полець подарував колекцію українських журналів. Хтось ще анонімно передав шість книжок, 200 листків і шість експонентів з такими гарнити узорами вишивок, що аж хочется взятися і вишивати. Дякуємо всім за щедрі дарунки. Парафіяльна бібліотека буде тимчасово зачинена через направи. Просимо звертатися до Валентини Полець (612-781-8204) та Ольги Ярмулович (612-379-4073).


Слідуючі подані читачі щедро подарували гроші на видавництво "Церковного бюлетня." Хто має бажання пожертвувати гроші на видавництво "Бюлетня" звертайтеся безпосередньо до скарбника. Дякуємо Вам за Вашу підтримку.

Поліна Коробейко $10.00


Про життя парафії та її плани, оголошення, звернення, подяки, повідомлення про хворого у лікарні чи вдома, просимо звертатися безпосередньо до священика, або пані Лесі Луцик (651-621-3003 [email protected]). Щоб відомості були включені у наступому бюлетні просимо подавати інформації від 1го до 15го відповідного місяця.

Page 3: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.



Всіх після Служби Божої до парафіяльної залі на солодощі, каву і товариство. Так відбуватиметься кожної неділі після Служби Божої, як не буде якихось поминальних чи парафіяльних обідів. Дякуємо тим хто приготовляв ці активності.


Храм - це не тільки будинок молитви, але і місце особливої присутності Христа. Це особливе, освячене місце на нашій збезчещеній людьми Землі. Увійшовши у святий храм перед початком служби, слід перехрестись хресним знаменням і зробити три малих поклони, звернувшись до царських врат, пам'ятаючи, що у вівтарі на Престолі дійсно і таємниче у Святих Дарах перебуває Сам Господь Слави. Зробивши малі поклони, належить промовити: Боже, милостивий будь мені грішному. Боже, очисти мої гріхи і помилуй мене. Без числа нагрішив я, Господи, прости мені. Чоловіки знаходяться в храмі з непокритою головою, жінки - з покритою. Однак для жінок це правило не носить характеру строгої обов'язковості й у наші дні не завжди дотримується (проте у храмах, де цього звичаю суворо притримуються, ним не слід зневажати хоча б для того, щоб не викликати зніяковілості та неповаги до християн, що притримуються цих традицій). Ввійшовши до храму, прийнято цілувати «святкову» ікону чи хрест, що лежить на аналої (тетраподі) посеред церкви. За бажанням, та коли є така можливість, можна ставити свічки перед тим чи іншим образом.

Стоячи у церкві, не слід вітатися зі знайомими за руку, розмовляти і переходити з місця на місце. Вітатися взагалі краще поза стінами храму, тому, що цим відвертаємо увагу присутніх у церкві від молитви. Лише у надзвичайному випадку можна сказати те, що стосується відправи у церкві, або виконати пов'язане з богослужінням доручення. Однак навіть у цьому випадку не можна проходити між Царськими Вратами й аналоєм, що знаходиться серед церкви, а потрібно завжди обходити цей аналой і, зупиняючись перед ним, кожного разу

робити малий поклін, осіняючи себе хресним знаменням. Ми поклоняємося в такий спосіб Господу Богу, що є присутнім на Престолі у Святих Дарах.

Коли в церкві благословляють людей Хрестом, чи Євангелієм, образом, чи Чашею, то слід хреститися, схиляючи голову. Читання святого Євангелія слід слухати зі схиленою головою; схиляти голову потрібно також після кожного виголосу священнослужителів: „Голови ваші Господові приклоніть". Потрібно нахиляти голову коли кадять.

Під час богослужіння у християнських храмах належить стояти, але для хворих, дітей і старших за віком робиться виключення. Стояти належить обличчям до вівтаря. Сидіння допускається тільки на утрені, під час читання кафизм. На Літургії -- під час читання апостола та проповіді священика.

Спізнюючись до початку богослужіння, чи приходячи до його закінчення, людина виявляє неповагу до таїнства. Зрозуміло, що можна вийти у випадку нагальної потреби, але тільки не під час читання Євангелія і здійснення Євхаристії.

В неділю та у великі свята, а також увесь час від першого дня Великодня до дня П'ятидесятниці земні поклони заборонено тому, що недільні та інші великі Господські і Богородичні Свята містять спогади про наше примирення з Богом, по слову апостола: «Ти вже не раб але син» (Гал 4: 7), синам же не личить творити рабське поклоніння. Причастившись Святих Божественних Безсмертних і Животворящих Таїн і з'єднавшись з Господом, не слід вже торкатися землі, а тому земні поклони після Причастя теж робити не слід.

Знаходячись у церкві, потрібно подбати про те, щоб не заважати тим, що стоять поруч з нами, у випадку тісноти належить пропускати вперед дітей, старших та немічних. Якщо ми бачимо, що хтось у храмі не правильно виконує ті чи інші богослужбові вимоги, краще утримуватися від зауважень; у крайньому випадку можна дати пояснення після служби.

Page 4: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.


Відповіді тим, хто не розуміє богослужіння і хоче довідатися про його зміст, варто відкласти до кінця служби.


Настоятель Pastor

Прот. Євген Кумка V.Rev. Evhen Kumka


Т.В.О. Голови управи Interim President

Валентіна Яр Valentina Yarr


1ший заступник

1st Vice-President

Артур Деліцой

Artur Delitsoi 612 402-1633

2гий заступник 2nd Vice-President

Віктор Лобзун Victor Lobzun


Ceкретар: Secretary

Леся Луцик Lesya Lucyk


Фін. Секретар

Financial Secretary

Степан Коноплів

Steve Konopliv 763.781.6010

Cкарбник Treasurer

Тамара Неприцька Tamara Niepritzky


Куль. Освіт. Реф. Cultural Chair

Калина Павлюк Jackie Pawluk


Вільний член

Member at Large



Валентіна Яр Valentina Yarr


Діана Пасічник Diana Pasichnyk


Юля Павлюк

Julie Pawluk 651.439.7702

Iван Прокопюк John Prokopiuk


Орися Бобчек Orysia Bobcek


Контрольна Комісія

Controlling Committee.

Петро Гахов

Peter Hachow 612.788.8762

Мирослава Мосейчук

Myroslava Moseychuk


Маруся Семенюк

Maria Semeniuk 612.331.8475

Page 5: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.



У ч е р в н і д е н ь н а р о д ж е н н я м а ю т ь : J u n e b i r t h d a y c e l e b r a t i o n s :

5го Іван Головко 5th Ivan Golovko

7го Павло Джонсон 7th Paul Johnson

9го Маріана Деліцой 9th Marianna Delitsoi

11го Bіктор Лобзун 11th Viktor Lobzun

14го Тетяна Давидович 14th Tatiana Dawydowycz

15го Леонід Ярмулович 15th Leonid Jarmulowycz

17го Христина Кос 17th Christine Kos

19го Микола Коноплів 19th Nicholas Konopliv

20го Ольга Ярмулович 20th Olga Jarmulowycz

22го Марія Пундик 22th Maria Pundyk

23го Олександр Чайників 23th Alexander Chainykiv

24го Міліса Чайників 24th Milisa Chainykiv

25го Поліна Коробейко 25th Polina Korobeyko

29го Леся Головко 29th Lesya Golovko

Щиросердечно вітаємо всіх вище перечислених парафіян та прихожан з днем народження. Бажаємо всім міцного здоров'я, щастя, радості, успіхів у всьому та Божого благословіння на МНОГІ, МНОГІ ЛІТА!

Birthday greetings to all of the parish members and visitors listed above. Best wishes for good health, prosperity, happiness, success, and all God’s blessings FOR MANY YEARS TO COME!



SAINTS. 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.

Sunday, 10th ALL SAINTS OF UKRAINE. 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.

Sunday, 17th

3RD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.


Sunday, 24th

4TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.



Hebrews 13:16 “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

The converse of this is true; if we fail to do good and do not share what we have we are neglecting others. Sharing what you have are the types of personal sacrifices that are pleasing to God. When the Scriptures talk about pleasing God then we know it must be important. This was part of the reason that the early church grew so rapidly as we read in Acts 2:44-45 “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” What we have been blessed with by God we should be a blessing to for others.

Page 6: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.



Thank you to all who have donated food and clothing these past months. We have donated them to Sharing and Caring Hands, because FOCUS has lost their lease and looking for a new place. Once they are re-established we will be donating to them.

WE ARE STILL GATHERING FOOD AND CLOTHING for the FOCUS food and clothing shelves for the homeless. FOCUS is an Orthodox charity sponsored by the Pan-Orthodox community that provides meals, food, clothes and work for those in need.

There are two (2) boxes in the hall - for food and clothes. Please donate only non-perishable food such as canned goods or boxed staples such as rice, noodles, cereals, etc. All Food Should Be Within the Expiration Dates Otherwise It Will Be Thrown Away.

Clothing Should Be Either New or Gently Used. Currently we are collecting spring and summer clothing. You can also donate linens and household supplies. YOUR SUPPORT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.



Starting from May to September the Sisterhood will hold its meeting every First Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the church hall. If you are not currently a member, please consider joining and working together towards the Good of our Ukrainian Orthodox Church.


Board meetings are scheduled for every Second (2nd) Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the church hall.



Everyone is invited to the church hall each Sunday after Liturgy for refreshments and fellowship with exception on the Sundays when memorial services or church dinners are planned. If you want to volunteer to host a coffee hour you may sign up on the chart by the kitchen in the Parish Hall. Many thanks to those who have volunteered in the past and to those who will volunteer to host future coffee hours.


Anyone wishing to submit announcements about upcoming church activities, requests or acknowledgements as well as information regarding parishioners who are sick in the hospital or at home, or if you wish to share any news, please contact Fr. Evhen Kumka or Lesya Lucyk (llucyk3@gmail or 651-621-3003) directly. In order to be included in specific issue, information must be submitted between the 1st and 15th of the prior month.


The Parish Library has received more gifts from our parishioners. Mrs. Olga Jarmulowycz donated 6 books among which is a story about a heroic hedgehog. This book is especially interesting because it was published in 1946, Munich, a year after the end of WWII. In a destroyed city, living in a DP (displaced persons) camp, Ukrainians somehow managed to publish a book for their children living far from their homeland. Mr. Ivan Karpiak donated 10 interesting books among which are two copies of his memoir, Rustled pines and woods … Mr. Alexander Poletz has donated a variety of magazines published in Ukraine. Also, an anonymous donor, has donated 6 books, about 200 individual sheets, and 6 fabric samples of Ukrainian embroidery designs. The designs are very beautiful, makes one want to sit down and start embroidering. A big Thank You, to everyone for your generous donations.

Page 7: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.


The Parish Library will be temporarily closed due to repair work. Please contact Valentina Poletz (612-781-8204) or Olga Jarmulowycz (612-379-4073).


The following individuals have generously donated to the publication of the Church Bulletin. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the Bulletin kindly make your contributions directly through the church treasurer. Thank you for your support.

Polina Korobeyko $10.00


In the Orthodox Church, there are a lot of customs and traditions that are important parts of our worship. Some are cultural; some are pious customs. Some are essential; some are not. From time-to-time, we need to address some of these various etiquette issues to inform our communities how we can best understand each other and work together to worship the all-holy Trinity.

Standing vs. Sitting

The traditional posture for prayer and worship in the Orthodox Church has been to stand. In the Orthodox "old countries", there are usually no pews in the churches. Chairs or benches on the side walls are usually reserved for the elderly and infirm. In North America, we have tended to build our churches with pews, and since we have them, we need to figure out when we may sit and when we should stand. First of all, it is fully acceptable (even preferable) to stand for the entire service. If you prefer this, it would be better to find a place closer to the back or side of the church so as not to stand out or block someone's view.

When should you definitely stand? Always during the Gospel reading, the Little and Great Entrances, the Anaphora, the distribution of Holy Communion, whenever the priest gives a blessing, and the Dismissal. In many parishes, the Divine Liturgy books in the pew have suggested times when sitting is acceptable. Follow those instructions (it's probably safer than to follow what

the people are doing in the first couple of rows). When in doubt, stand. It is never wrong to stand in church


We should not kneel or make prostrations in Church or in our private prayers at home from Pascha through Pentecost and from Christmas to Epiphany and on major Holidays. Kneeling and prostrating are postures of repentance and sorrow for our sins. The brilliant solemnity of the events that we are celebrating takes precedence over such external manifestations of penitence. For our Lord’s death and resurrection “blot[ted] out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us … nailing it to His cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” (Col. 2:14,15) Accordingly, “[t]here is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus …” (Rom. 8:1)

For these same reasons, we do not generally kneel on any Sunday of the year as each Sunday is a “Mini-Pascha,” commemorating our Lord’s resurrection. We resume kneeling at appropriate times during the “Kneeling Vespers” celebrated after the Divine Liturgy for Holy Pentecost.

To Cross or Not to Cross

Anyone who has looked around on a Sunday morning will notice that different people cross themselves at different times (and sometimes in different ways). To a certain extent, when to cross oneself is according to personal piety and not an issue of dogma. But there are times when it is specifically proper to cross yourself, and times when you should not. Here is a brief list of when to cross and when not to cross:

To Cross

When you hear one of the variations of the phrase, "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit"; at the beginning and end of the liturgical service or your private prayers; entering or exiting the church, or when passing in front of the Holy Altar; before venerating in icon, the cross, or Gospel book.

Not to Cross

Page 8: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.


At the chalice before or after taking Communion (you might hit the chalice with your hand); when the priest or bishop blesses saying, "Peace be to all" - bow slightly and receive the blessing; when receiving a blessing from a bishop or a priest (kissing the right hand of the bishop or priest is appropriate, but not making the sign of the cross).

Lighting Candles

Lighting candles is an important part of Orthodox worship. We light them as we pray, making an offering to accompany our prayers. Orthodox typically light candles when coming into the church - and that is usually the best time to light them, but there are times when candles should not be lit. It is not proper to light candles during the Epistle or Gospel readings, during the Little or Great Entrances, the sermon, and most of the times when the faithful are standing.

If you find yourself arriving to church after the Liturgy has begun, a good rule of thumb to remember is - if everyone is standing, wait until they are sitting to light a candle (unless they are sitting for the sermon, of course). Other than that it is probably all right to light a candle.

Venerating Icons

When you enter the church, it is traditional to venerate the icons. Usually there are icons at the entrance to the church and many churches have icon stands in the front as well. When venerating (kissing) and icon, pay attention to where you kiss. It is not proper to kiss an icon in the face. You wouldn't go up and kiss the Lord or His mother on the lips, would you? You would kiss their hand, and only of they invited you would you even dare to kiss them on the cheek. Pay attention to what you are doing. When you approach and icon to venerate it, kiss the gospel, scroll, or hand cross in the hand of the person in the icon, or kiss the hand or foot of the person depicted. As you venerate and icon, show proper respect to the person depicted in the icon - the same respect you would show the person by venerating him or her in an appropriate place. And remember, blot off your lipstick before kissing

Entering the Church (Late)

The time to arrive at church is before the service starts, but for some unknown reason, it has become the custom - or rather the bad habit - for some to come to church late. If you arrive after the Divine Liturgy begins, try to enter the church quietly - and observe what is happening. If the Epistle or Gospel is being read or the Little or Great Entrance is taking place, wait until it is finished to quickly find a seat. If Father is giving the sermon, stay in the back until he has concluded. If in doubt, check with one of the ushers to see if it is a good time to seat yourself. Try not to interrupt the Liturgy with you entrance. By the way, the best way to avoid this problem is to arrive on time - then you don't have to wonder if it's okay to come in or not. People who come late to the Liturgy should not partake of the Eucharist!

Leaving Before Dismissal

Leaving church before the Dismissal - besides being rude - deprives us of a blessing. Worship has a beginning ("Blessed is the Kingdom…") and an end ("Let us depart in peace…"). To leave immediately after Communion is to treat church like a fast food restaurant where we come and go as we please. We live in a fast-paced world where we seem to be hurrying from place to place. But in God's presence, we need to make every attempt to fight this pressure to move on to the next thing on the day's agenda. We deprive ourselves of blessings by not being still and participating in God's holiness. Eat and run at McDonald's - but stay in church and thank God for his precious gifts.

Blot that Lipstick!

If you insist on wearing lipstick to church, blot your lips well before venerating an icon, taking Communion, or kissing the cross or the priest's or bishop's hand. Even better, wait until after church to put it on. After all, God is not impressed with how attractive you look externally - your makeup or clothing - but how attractive you are internally, your adornment with good works and piety.

Talking during Church

Isn't it great to come to church and see friends and family members? But wait until coffee hour to say "Hi" to them. It just isn't appropriate to greet people and have a conversation with them during the services. Besides being disrespectful towards

Page 9: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.


God, it is rude towards the other people in the church who are trying to worship. Talk to God while in church through your prayers, hymns, and thanksgiving, and to your friends in the hall afterwards.

Kiss (Don't Shake) the Priest's or Bishop's Hand

Did you know that the proper way to greet a priest or bishop is to ask his blessing and kiss his right hand? How do you do this? Approach the priest or bishop with your right hand over your left hand and say "Father (or "Master" in the case of the bishop), bless." This is much more appropriate (and traditional) than shaking their hands. After all, the priest and bishop are not just "one of the boys." When you kiss their hands, you show respect for their office - they are the ones who "bless and sanctify" you and who offer the holy gifts on your behalf. So next time you greet your priest or bishop, don't shake his hand, ask for his blessing.

Sunday Dress

Remember the time when people put on their "Sunday best" to go to church? In fact, dress clothes were often referred to as Sunday clothes. In some parts of the country, this is not common today. In fact, all too often, dress in church has become too casual. In all areas of our lives, we should offer Christ our best. And the same is true of our dress. We should offer Christ our 'Sunday best", not our everyday or common wear. And we should dress modestly, not in a flashy way that would bring attention to ourselves. Our dress should always be becoming of a Christian - especially at church.

Here are some specific guidelines we use in our parishes:

Only young children (under 10) should wear shorts to church - and then only dress shorts. Athletic shorts, cut-offs, and spandex shorts are never appropriate church wear (for children or adults!). Shoes or sandals should be clean and tied. No one should wear T-shirts with any kind of writing on them ("This Bud's for You!" is definitely out).

Women: Dresses should be modest. No tank tops or dresses with only straps at the shoulders, no short skirts (mini-skirts), and no skin-tight dresses. Dresses should have backs and not be cut low

in the front. If women wear pants to church, they should be dress pants (not jeans, leggings, etc.). Shorts of any type are not appropriate for church.

Men should also dress modestly. While coat and tie are not mandatory, shirts should have collars and be buttoned to the collar (the actual collar button may be left undone, but two or three buttons undone is inappropriate). Slacks should be cleaned and pressed. Jeans (of any color) are usually too casual for church, especially ones with patches or holes. Again, shorts are not appropriate church wear.

If you're going somewhere after church where you need to dress casually, bring a change of clothing with you and change after coffee hour. Remember, use your best judgment and good taste when dressing for church. After all, you don't go to be seen by everyone else - you go to meet and worship God.

Snacks for Children

You can always tell where young children have been sitting in the church. Parents often bring snacks and a cup of fruit juice along for children during church. And for young children (0-2 years old), this is fine. But by the time children are 3-4 years old, they should be able to make it through Liturgy without eating anything, and by the time they reach seven (the age of their first confession), they should begin fasting on Sunday morning for Communion (or at least make an attempt at fasting by cutting back on the amount of breakfast and eating "fasting"-type foods - talk to your priest about this).

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God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.



North American society in the late 20th century is rather casual in its approach to life. Don't allow this prevailing attitude to enter into your Orthodox Christian piety. There are surely a lot of other areas that could be covered here. Much of church etiquette is based on common sense and showing respect for God and others. Always remember that you are in church to worship God, the Holy Trinity. The priest says, "With the fear of God and faith and love,

draw near." Let this be the way you approach all of worship. If you do, you will probably have good church etiquette



Page 11: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.


In order to make hotel reservations for the upcoming Centennial Celebration of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA and the National Spiritual Center in South Bound Brook/Somerset, NJ, please visit the web site of FairBridge Hotel & Conference Center (Somerset, NJ), which is the official hotel of the Centennial celebration.

You can make a reservation by calling the 1-800-348-1586 or the Hotel Directly at 732-356-1700. When making a reservation, mention Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA. The room block code to mention is: UOCUSA

The FairBridge Hotel & Conference Center Welcomes All Guests Attending the Centennial Celebration (UOCUSA Event) of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. We would like to offer you Discounted Rate of $94 (plus tax) per night.

Page 12: OUR SPONSORS · 2018. 6. 5. · Бог приходить до вас, ... краще поза стінами храму, тому, ... але для хворих, дітей і старших

God comes to you disguised as your life God comes to you disguised as your life Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя. Бог приходить до вас, турбуючись про ваше життя.



On Saturday, 5th of May, 2018 - the feast of Venerable Vitaliy of Alexandria, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, eparchial hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, presided over a Hierarchical Liturgy (at St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City) that included the ordination of fourth–year M.Div. student of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary - Deacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi to the Holy Priesthood.

Despite his role as ordaining bishop, Archbishop Daniel made it clear in his homily that it was not he who was accomplishing the ordination. “No man, no human person can make priests,” he said, “the Grace of God, the Holy Spirit — and He alone — can make you priests.”

Archbishop Daniel also pointed out that the Deacon who was about to become priest was not without his weaknesses and shortcomings, “but through the laying on of hands, even those weaknesses — things they might even be embarrassed about — will be dedicated to the priesthood.” Vladyka mentioned to Deacon Volodymyr that he was about to be sent on a mission, as “minister of the new evangelization” and “servant of God’s people for the forgiveness of sins.” “Who of us doesn’t need to hear, day after day, an assurance of God’s mercy?” the archbishop asked.

Addressing the congregation, Vladyka said, “This is a great day of joy for all of us in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. This new priest is a blessing from God and a gift to our Church. His ministry will be vital to our Church because of the gifts and talents he brings to the ministry, as well as his ability to assist in serving the growing number of Orthodox Christians of Ukrainian descent in major Metropolitan areas of our great country."

Following the Great Entrance, Deacon Volodymyr Yavorskyi was brought forth to the Altar of the Lord, in order to receive the Grace of the Holy Spirit, through the laying on of hands of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, thus ordaining the deacon to the Priesthood.

“The divine grace, which always heals that which is infirm and completes that which is lacking, ordains the most devout Deacon Volodymyr to the office of Priest. Let us, therefore, pray for him, that the grace of the All-Holy Spirit may come upon him.”
