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CV 4 2012 engl - World Academy of Art and Science · MA 1992 ‘Zum Verhältnis von Psychoanalyse...

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Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012 1 DIRECTORY INFORMATION Name: Stefan Brunnhuber Address: Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass, Im Park 15A, 04680 Colditz/Germany Phone: 0049-34381-87300 Fax: 0049-34381-87303 Email: [email protected] Designation: Dr. Brunnhuber Affiliations: Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass/GER; European Institut of Medicine, Salzburg/Austria Areas of interest: Health Care Finance and Sustainability Issues, Complementary Currencies, Global Health Care Policy Specialty: Psychiatry, Psychosomatics, Complementary Medicine, Socioeconomics, Global Health Care Politics Webside: www.stefan-brunnhuber.de Passport photo:

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012



Name: Stefan Brunnhuber Address: Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass, Im Park 15A, 04680 Colditz/Germany Phone: 0049-34381-87300 Fax: 0049-34381-87303 Email: [email protected] Designation: Dr. Brunnhuber Affiliations: Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass/GER; European Institut of Medicine, Salzburg/Austria Areas of interest: Health Care Finance and Sustainability Issues, Complementary Currencies, Global Health Care Policy Specialty: Psychiatry, Psychosomatics, Complementary Medicine, Socioeconomics, Global Health Care Politics Webside: www.stefan-brunnhuber.de

Passport photo:

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012



1. Personal data

Name Stefan BRUNNHUBER Date of birth July 2, 1962 Citizenship German Professional address Medical Director & CMO Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass Academic Teaching Hospital Im Park 15 A 04680 Colditz GERMANY e-mail: [email protected] www.stefan-brunnhuber.de Languages German and English (fluent); French (proficient) 2. Education

2010 Board certified in Socialmedicine, Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapeutic medicine Austrian Medical Council, Austria

2010 Board certified Medical speciality in Psychosomatic Medicine, Bavarian Medical council, GER 2009 Board certified in European Naturopathy, NordRhine Westphalian Medical Council, GER 2009 Board certified in Addictive Medicine, NordRhine Westphalian Medical Council, GER 2008- 2009 Further training in European Naturopathy (especially classical Homeopathy, Neuraltherapy,

Supplements, Phytotherapy and Mind-Body-Medicine at the clinics VILLA-Vita in Essen (Advisor: Dr. Otto) Essen, GER

2008 Board certified in Special Algesiology, Bavarian Medical Council, GER 2007- 2008 Fellowship in Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Essen University

Depar at the Department of Internal Medicine & Naturopathy (Advisor: Prof. Dr. G. Dobos) 2006 Board certified Psychoanalyst, Bavarian Medical Council 2005- 2009 CAM training (especially Neuraltherapy, Acupuncture, Phytotherapy, Orthomolecular

Medicine) through the ZAEN, GER 2003- 2005 Clinical training in General and Special Algesiology; University Wuerzburg (Advisor: Prof. Dr.

G. Sprotte) GER 2003 Board certified Training Therapist and Supervisor for Individual- and Group Therapy and

Psychodrama, Bavarian Medical Council, GER 2000 European Union – Accreditation to practice Psychiatry/ Psychotherapy 1996- 2006 Training in Psychoanalysis; Saarbrueck (GER), Wuerzburg (GER), Zurich (CH) 1998- 1999 Speciality training in Psychosomatics, University of Homburg/Saar, Department for

Psychosomatics (Advisor: Prof. Dr. S. Zepf) GER 1998 Board certified Medical Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Saarland Medical Council 1993- 1998 Doctorat in Socio-Economics (Dr.rer.soc.), University of Constance, (Advisors: Prof. Dr. R.

Dahrendorf, London, GB and Prof. Dr. H. Baier), Germany 1993- 1998 Medical Specialist Training in Psychiatry, University of Homburg, Saar (Advisors: Prof. Dr. K.

Wanke and Prof. Dr. K. Schimrigk), GER 1993- 1998 Group Therapy training at Zurich, CH at the Institute for Psychodrama and Group-therapy on

the basis of Jungian Psychology (Advisors: Dr. H. and E. Barz), CH 1993- 1998 Training in General Psychotherapy, board certified Saarland Medical Council, GER 1993 Board certified in Emergency First Responder, Saarland Medical Council, GER 1986- 1992 Master in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Munich, Ulm, Eichstaett; MA degree (Advisor: Prof.

Dr. A. Bucher) GER 1985- 1992 School of Medicine, Ulm University, Germany (with Sabatticals in South-Africa, Australia and

Indonesia) 1983- 1985 Apprenticeship as car-mechanic in Augsburg and Frankfurt, Germany and Denver, CO, USA 1982 A- levels, Augsburg Secondary School, GER

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012


3. Appointments

4. Professional affiliations

2012- Germany Medical Director Association - Member 2010- Saxonian Medical Board/GER – Member 2009- 2010 Medical Board in Salzburg/AUSTRIA - Member 2007- 2009 Medical Board in North-Rhein Westphalia/GER- Member 2006- 2009 Integral Institute (I-I), USA -Member 2005- 2009 Zentralverband für Arzte für Naturheilverfahren (ZAEN) GER- Member 2003- present Directorial Board European Institute of Medicine (EiM)/Austria – Vice chairman 2002- 2005 Institute’s Board of Group Therapy (Jungian Psychology) Zurich/CH – Member 1999- 2007 Bavarian Medical Board, GER – Member 1993- 1999 Saarland Medical Board, GER – Member 5. Honors and awards

2001- present Club of Rome (Austrian Chapter) – Elected Member 2001- present European Academy of Science and Arts – Elected Member 2004 Living Science award 2004 2003 International Scientist of the year 2003 1999- 2005 Expert witness in psychiatry for the Bavarian Court 1982 Strasbourg Prize for language proficiency awarded to 10 students in France and GER 6. Services to professional organizations

2010- 2012 ‘Cross-border Health care in EU’, International Task Force for EU-Commission- Member 2009- ‚Scientfic advisor’ to the EU-Commission (OJ L 49,20.02.2009/33) 2008- 2012 Club of Rome report international working Task Force, Money and sustainability -The new report

to the Club of Rome- Member 2007- 2008 European Union Commission International working Task Force, ‘European health care as the

leading market in the 21. Century’- Member 2004- 2006 European Union Parliament Unger-Commission for the report ‘New medical paradigm for the 21.

Century’ – Member 2003- 2004 European Union Parliament Unger-Commission ‘Health is Wealth’ – Member 2001- 2003 European academy of science and arts (EASA) -1. report ‘ Wie wir wirtschaften werden’ (Our

future economy) – Spokesman and member

2010- Medical Director and Chief medical officer (CMO) at the Hospital and department for integral psychiatry and psychosomatics at the Diakonie Kliniken Zschadrass, GER

2009- 2010 Deputy at the department of psychiatry and psychotherapy II at the University of Salzburg (SALK) AUSTRIA under Prof. F. Wurst

1999- 2007 Leadin Leading Medical Consultant, Institute for Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University Wuerzburg, Germany under Prof. Lang

2006- 2010 Visiting Associate Professor in Socio-Economics, Department for Legal and Political Science, PPKE-University, Budapest, HU, Prof. Dr. K. Botos

2006- Visiting Associate Professor in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the WHO collaboration centre, Beijing, CHINA

2006- 2007 Visiting Associate Professor, UCLA, at the Centre for Neuro-visceral Sciences and Digestive Diseases Division, California, USA; Prof. Dr. E. Mayer

2006 Visiting Associate Professor, MAYO/Rochester at the Department of Medicine, Division of Complementary Medicine, USA; Prof. Dr. B. Bauer

2007- Associate Professor at MAYO Clinic, Department of Medicine, Division of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Rochester, USA

2001- 2007 Visiting professorships Universities in China, South Korea and Japan (short term visits) 1999- 2010 Teaching Fellow, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, CH 1993- 2002 Emergency Physician (first medical responder), GER 1982- 1983 Paramedic, Bavarian Red Cross, GER

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012


7. Academic Degrees MA 1992 ‘Zum Verhältnis von Psychoanalyse und Ethik am Beispiel des Ulmer Bühnenmodells (H.

Thomä/H. Kächele) und der Transzendentalpragmatik (K. O. Apel)’ Eichstätt Dr. med 1993 ‘Der Dialogische Aufbau der Wirklichkeit- Gemeinsame Elemente im Philosophiebegriff’

von M. Buber, M. Heidegger und S. Freud unter methodologischen und ontologischen Gesichtspunkten’ pp: 1- 156 Roderer: Regensburg

Dr. rer soc 1999 ‘Die Ordnung der Freiheit. K. Poppers Modell der offenen Gesellschaft in der Soziologie der Gegenwart’ Vol. 1: Geschichte und Theorie, 1-275; Vol. 2: Das Paradigma der Offenheit, pp: 281-566 Leske und Budrich: Leverkusen

PD. Dr. habil 2011 ‘Ausdruck, Erleben und Interaktion – Die Bedeutung der Affektpsychologie für die psychosomatische Symptombildung’, Würzburg, GER

8. Presentations and Seminars Involved in over 300 publications and presentations, including invitations to some of the top ranked universities in the world like JNU (India), SNU (S-Korea), Kombaba-Tokyo-University (Japan), University of Zurich (CH), Beijing (China), MAYO (USA), UCLA (USA), Berlin Charité, (GER) etc. 9. Sample Books and Book Chapters Brunnhuber S., 2001. ’Affekt und Symptombildung, Züricher Vorträge Zur Geschichte, Theorie und Systematik der Psychosomatik’ Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg Brunnhuber S. & Klimenta H., 2003. ’Wie wir wirtschaften werden – Szenarien und Gestaltungs-möglichkeiten zukunftsfähiger Finanzmärkte’ 1. Bericht der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste. Überreuther-Verlag: Frankfurt Borchardt A., Brettenthaler B., Brunnhuber S., Costigliola C., Elmadfa D., Fayl G., Fialka-Moser A., Henke H., Krebs A., Meran S., Messmer A., Penk A., Schiffer D., Unger F., Wagner A., 2004. ‘Health is Wealth - Strategic Visions for European Health Care at the Beginning of the 21. Century’ European Institute of Medicine (EiM), Springer: New York Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Das Komplementaritätsprinzip’ in: M. Kennedy, and B. A. Lietaer, ‘Regionalwährungen – Neue Wege zu nachhaltigem Wohlstand’, pp: 74-76 Riemann: Munich Kennedy M. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Geld und Spiritualität, Vom Tabu zur Lösung’, in: ‘Die spirituelle Dimension wirtschaftlichen Handelns’ pp: 225-245 Kamphausen: Bielefeld Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Die transpersonale Dimension des Geldes’ in: ‘Die spirituelle Dimension wirtschaftlichen Handelns’ pp: 246-261 Kamphausen: Bielefeld Brunnhuber S., Lietaer B. & Botos K., 2005. ‘Economy as an evolutionary system, psychological development and economic behaviour’ in: Heller Farkas Papers, Review of economic and social sciences, 3,1, pp: 94-114 Budapest University Press, Hungary Brunnhuber S. & Lieater B., 2005. ‘Die Twinstrategie, globale Cofinanzierung und komplementäre Re-regionalisierung’, in: Hoffnung Europa, Global Marshall Plan Initiative, pp: 213-222, Murmann: Hamburg Unger F., Bergdolt K., Biser E., Brunnhuber S., Gmeiner R., Härle W., Hinterhuber H., Kirchhof P., Lobkowicz N., Messmer K., Mitterlehner R., Penk A., Peter K., Schmied W., Singer W., 2007. ‘Paradigma der Medizin im 21. Jahrhundert’, report on request of the EU-parliament, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York Taché Y. & Brunnhuber S., 2008. ‘From Hans Selye’s Discovery of Biological Stress to the Identification of Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) signaling pathways: Implications in Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ Ann. NY. Acad. Sci. 1148, pp: 29-41

Brunnhuber S., 2008. ‘Klinische und interviewtechnische Aspekte in der Abbildung des Koerperbildes‘, in Joraschky P., Loew, R. & Roehricht, R.(ed.): ‘Koerpererleben und Koerperbild‘, Kap 23, pp: 231-241 Schattauer, Stuttgart

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012


Unger F., Breipohl W., Brunnhuber S., Fayl G., Fayl U., Hauff M., Messmer K., Moccaldi A., Gagliardi D., Rubia FJ., Paal TL., Ihl R., 2009. ‚European Lead market in Health Care’, Report on request to the EU- Commissionars Verheugen and Cypriano VDG, Weimar Mayer EA & Brunnhuber S., 2010. ‘Commentary to good Expectations: A Case Study of perinatal child-Parent Psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of Trauma’. Carol M., Worthman, P. Plotsky, Daniel S. Schechter and Constance Cummings (ed.) in: Formative Experiences, The interaction of caregiving, Culture and Developmental psychobiology, Cambridge University Press, Chap 9. pp: 117-125 Mayer EA. & Brunnhuber S., 2012. ‘Gastrointestinal disorders’ in: Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series, Volume ‘Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders’ by Thomas E. Schlaepfer & Charles B. Nemeroff (in press) Unger F., Beckel L., Björnberg A., Brunnhuber S., Groth H., Haschke F., Heide A., Ittel Th., Kashan A., Linzatti Ch., Meßmer K., Nardi-Hiebl S., Peeters G., Schulenburg M. v., Taché St., Theisen S., Trippel M., Unger S. and Wulfen H.v. 2012. ‘Health in the Region-Cross Border Health Care: Harmonization in European Regions’. Report to the Commissioners John Dalli and Johannes Hahn (in press) Lieb K., Frauenknecht S. & Brunnhuber S., 2012. ‚Psychiatrie Intensiv’, Elsevier, Muenich (7th edition) (in press) Lietaer B., Arnsberger Ch., Goerner S., Brunnhuber S. 2012. ‘Money and Sustainability, the missing link’ (several languages in press) 10. Sample articles Brunnhuber S., 1988. ‘Zum Verhältnis der Phänomenologie zur Naturwissenschaft’ Daseinsanalyse, 5/2, pp: 104-128 Brunnhuber S., 1999. ‘Einige Aspekte und Berührungspunkte der neurobiologischen Selektionstheorie für die psychotherapeutische Theoriebildung’ Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizinische Psychologie, 50, pp: 234-239 Brunnhuber S., 2000. ‘Die halbierte Moral: Zum Verhältnis der Entwicklungslogik der Urteils-kompetenz bei L. Kohlberg und der Wertstrukturentwicklung bei S. Freud’ Journal für Psychologie, 2, pp: 81-95 Brunnhuber S., 2000. ‘Einige Aspekte in der klinischen Anwendung des „strukturellen Interviews“ (O. F. Kernberg, 1981) auf somatoforme Störungen’ Fundamenta Psychiatrica, 3, pp: 106-113 Brunnhuber S., 2000. ‘Konversion, Dissoziation und somatoforme Störung aus affektpsychologischer Sicht’ Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychopathologie, 48, pp: 57-71 Brunnhuber S., 2000. ‘Zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie des Altruismus’ Maecenta, 24, pp: 15-17 Brunnhuber S. & Seiß, J.O., 2001. ‘Anmerkungen zum Situationskreis von T. v. Uexküll aus affekt-psychologischer Sicht’ Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizinische Psychologie, 51, pp: 142-146 Brunnhuber S., 2001. ‘Zur Psychopathologie, Psychodynamik und Differentialdiagnose des frühen Anankasmus’ Psyche, 55, pp: 26-42 Brunnhuber S., 2001. ‘Anmerkungen zur Gestaltkreistheorie von V.v. Weizsäcker aus affektpsychologischer Sicht’ Fortschritte Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 69, pp: 322-329 Brunnhuber S., 2001. ‘Grenzen des Wachstums, Wachstum ohne Grenzen, Zum Verhältnis von Wirtschaftswachstum, Wissensökonomie und Finanzkapitalmärkten’ Forum Finanzen, 3, pp: 3-9 Brunnhuber S., 2002. ‘Die psychosomatische Symptombildung zwischen Psychophysiologie und historischer Biologie’ Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 50, pp: 47-64 Brunnhuber S. & Fuchs D., 2002. ‘Zur Entwicklungslogik des Affektsystems’ Zeitschrift für Transpersonale Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 8,pp: 30-42

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012


Brunnhuber S. & Bornhauser N., 2002. ‘La teoría del Gestaltkreis (círculo gestáltico) de V. v. Weizsäcker desde la perspectiva de la psicología de los afectos y sus implicaciones clínicas’ Revista de psychologia, 20, 2, pp: 43-54 Brunnhuber S. & Bornhauser N., 2004. ‘Mercados economicos y patologia narcisista ante el trasfondo de la discusion en torno al concepto de rol’ PSYKHE, 13,1, pp: 101-115 Lang H., Brunnhuber S. & Wagner R., 2003. ‘The so-called Zollicon Seminars - Heidegger as a Psycho-therapist’ J. of AA of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, 31, 2, pp: 349-360 Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Differential diagnosis of compulsive symptoms in borderline personality disorders’ Am. J. of Psychotherapy, 57, 4, pp: 460-470 Brunnhuber, S. & Bornhauser N., 2002. ‘El giro sociopsicologies oculto en el debate entre communitarismo y liberalismo y sus consecuencias para la concepcion de sujeto’ Revista de cientia politica, 22,1, pp: 3-16 Brunnhuber S. & Lietaer B., 2003. ‘Bewusstsein und Geld, Ein Beitrag zu einer evolutionären Ökonomie’ Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie 3, pp: 3-9 Fink A. Kuhle J.P. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Zukunftsszenarien der globalen Geld- und Finanzwirtschaft’ New Management, 11, pp: 18-25 Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Das Entwicklungsparadigma aus psychologischer Sicht’ Zeitschrift für TPPT, 2, pp: 28-39 Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Alternative Währungssysteme und ihre Bedeutung für den Dritten Sektor’ Maecenata, 8, pp: 9-15 Klimenta, H. & Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Wie wir wirtschaften werden’ Zeitschrift für Sozialoekonomie, 138, pp: 37-40 Brunnhuber S., 2003. ‘Die Zukunft der Finanzmärkte’ BrandEINS, 10/03, pp: 132-137 Merten J. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Facial expression and experience of emotions in psychodynamic interviews with patients suffering from pain disorders’ Psychopathology 2004, 37, pp: 266-271 Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘Beyond Meadows, the money-system, the overlooked connections’ Shiga Annals, 350, pp: 93-108 Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2004. ‘The Japanese crisis, 10 years behind or ahead?’ Science for Environment and Sustainable Society, 1, pp: 67-75 Kirsch A., Brunnhuber S. & Breunig D., 2004. ‘Affektives Beziehungsverhalten bei Patienten mit post-traumatischen Belastungsstörungen’ PTMP, 4, pp: 63-74 Brunnhuber S., Fink A. & Kuhle JP., 2005. ‘The financial system matters: future views and scenarios for a sustainable future’ Futures, 37, pp: 317-332 Merten J, & Brunnhuber S., 2005. ‘Scham und Verachtung bei Patientinnen mit Schmerzstörungen – Eine mimische Analyse des Beziehungsverhaltens in einem strukturellen Interview’ Zeitschrift für klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 53, 3, pp: 249-261 Lietaer B. & Brunnhuber S., 2005. ‘Economics as an Evolutionary System: Psychological Development and Economic Behavior’ Evol Econ Rev, 2/1, pp: 113-140 Brunnhuber S. & Wagner R., 2006. ‘Zur Differentialdiagnose spiritueller und religiöser Krisen’ Zeitschrift für TTP und PTT, 1, pp: 34-45 Brunnhuber S. & Grahl J., 2006. ‘Jenseits des Wachstumszwangs, Zum Verhältnis von Energie, Arbeit und Kapital’ Gaia, 15/2: 96-101 Kirsch A. & Brunnhuber S., 2007. ‘Facial Expression and Experience of Emotions in Psychodynamic Interviews with Patients with PTSD in Comparison to Healthy Subjects’ Psychopathology, 40, pp: 296-302

Stefan Brunnhuber MD MA PhD April 18, 2012


Bornhauser N. & Brunnhuber S., 2007. ’Consideraciones críticas a propósito del paradigma evolutivo desde un punto de vista psicológico’ Limite, 1/14, pp: 175-194 Brunnhuber S., Lee M. & Lietaer B., 2007. ‘Chinese Health care in the 21. Century: A complementary proposal beyond a planned economy and deregulated market’ China Tibetology, 2007, 3, pp: 167-174. Brunnhuber S. & Grahl J., 2007. ‘Von Wachstum und Wachstumszwang’ Gaia, 16/3 pp: 176-177 Bornhauser N. & Brunnhuber S., 2008. ‘Conciencia y Dinero: Un aporte a una economica evolutiva’ Revista Atenea, 496, II, pp: 105-116 Larauche M., Yuan P., Gourcerol G., Pambukchian K., Brunnhuber S., Adelson D.W., Million M., Rivier J., Tache Y., 2009. ‘Selective Peripheral Activation of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor (CRF) Receptor Type 1 (CRF1) by Cortagine: A New Model of IBS-D-like Symptoms in Rodents’ Am J. Physiology, 297(1), pp: 215-227 Brunnhuber S., 2007. ‘Die Kunst unsere Gesundheit zu finanzieren- Eine komplementaere Strategie zur Finanzierung und Lenkung unseres Gesundheitssystems’ Z.f Kompl. Medizin, 09/07, pp: 1-4 Wurst FM., Brunnhuber S., Blechinger A. Eigenberger T., Floeckner M., Hartmann S., Holxner M., Jansen J., Langegger K., Rambichler R., Roitner-Vizthum E., Sonnleitner K., Steiner T., Thon N., 2010. ‘Perspektiven der Suchttherapie’, Medium, pp: 28-31. Brunnhuber S., 2009. ‚’Integrative Medizin im 21. Jahrhundert’, Connection: 11, pp: 44-46

Brunnhuber S., 2011. ‘Der Placebo-effekt’, Connection: 7/8 pp:36-39

Michalsen A., Nielsen A., Luedtke R., Brunnhuber S., Musial F., Dobos G. 2010. ‚Effectiveness of traditional Chinese 'Gua Sha' therapy in patients with chronic neck pain. A randomized controlled trial’. Pain medicine 12,3, pp: 362-369 Brunnhuber S. 2012. ‘Achtsamkeitsübungen und Psychotherapie- Empirische Evidenz, Systematik und Neuere Befunde’. Leading Opinions-Neurologie & Psychiatrie,1-2012, pp: 10-11 Brunnhuber S. & Michalsen A. 2012. ‚Zur Beziehung von Psychosomatik und Mind-Body-Medizin- ein entwicklungslogisches Argument’. Forschende Komplementaermedizin (in press)
