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Bilingual Festal Orthros...1 Festal Orthros on Sunday, January 01 Feasts of Circumcision of Christ &...

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1 Festal Orthros on Sunday, January 01 Feasts of Circumcision of Christ & Basil the Great New-martyr Peter of the Peloponnesos Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. :لكااا ا ااا ااااك نااا ك لنا ل إ تبااك و ا ا ااا ل ن و. ري ه ند ر ه وإنى دChoir: Amen. الجوقة. آمThe Priest performs the Great Censing around the entire church. نا ل كهنك ل ر خ ب لك ي ك ل ه ي ك ا.Reader: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us. (thrice) لمرتااا ا ااا ن و، اااد ل ق إ و، اااد ل ق ينااا و، اااد ل ق يك. مك ل ت م ي) ك ثث( Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. و ا ا ااا ل ن و ، ل اااد لن وا نااار و لااا و ب ااا ن ل جاااد نم إنى و. . آم ري ه ند هر دAll-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy Name’s sake. Lord, have mercy. (thrice) يكك مك ل و، د لن ل ث كن نث اك ي ا يك طكيكنك خ ر ل ف غ ب اااا و اااا ل و، ااااد ل يااااك قك ك سكت اااا س اااا س جااااكو ت ل د ااا س. م ب . يك ك م س جا ا مك ك ض ر م ا)ثكث( Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. و ا ا ااا ل ن و ، ل اااد لن وا نااار و لااا و ب ااا ن ل جاااد نم . . آم ري ه ند هر إنى د وOur Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. ت اااا ي ن ك ل اااام س ، ااااد ي نت اااامكو نق اااايي اناااا بكنااااك ا ك ن اا ن اامك نق اايك ا ماا ن ك ل ي س تاا م ل ك ااي ن ااك ل ت ك مااى ااك مااك ك ن ل اار ت و ل اا ن ااك ك ط ا ي ر ه اا نج نااك ز ب ل خ ض اايك ا ك خ ااد ل ت وااي ي ااك ك ن اا م ن ل اا ن ل ل اار ي مااك ن ااك نك ير. ر نت ك م ك ج ن ك ن ة ب جر ني Priest: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. :لكااا ا لب اااكا ي ا اااد ج نم و ، اااد لن و اااك لنم اااك ن ا ا اااا ل ن و ، ل ااااد لن ل وا ناااار و للاااا و هاااار إنااااى د و و. ري ه ند Reader: Amen. O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth. :لقاا: ا. آما با و ك ب ا ب ياك ا خ اك ث ر م ك اا ف و ير اار نت ااى ااة ب ن ك م اا لنم ااد ب ااك م و ك. ب ص ي خ لنم ي م ج ك ب ص ، ل بGlory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Do Thou, Who of Thine own good will was lifted ل د لن نروا و ل و ب ن ل د ج نم
  • 1

    Festal Orthros on Sunday, January 01

    Feasts of Circumcision of Christ & Basil the Great

    New-martyr Peter of the Peloponnesos

    Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever,

    and unto the ages of ages.

    كاااك نااااآل َااا الكااا: ااااآل ا و تباااكَ هللا إل ُنال نل و ْهر ندآل ه ري . وإنى د

    Choir: Amen. آم . الجوقة The Priest performs the Great Censing around the

    entire church. رل نككه ل نا ا.ك يْ هلكك يلب خ

    Reader: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal:

    have mercy on us. (thrice)

    اااا المرتاااا ي قلااااد و، ناااا ي قلااااد و، إ قلااااد و، ن مكك. )ثالثًك(ي م تل ََ

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

    Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages.


    ااااآل ا و نل وا ن لااادل، و نم جااادل ن اااالب و لااا و نااار . آم .و إنى هر ند ه ري د

    All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse

    us from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities.

    Holy God, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy

    Name’s sake.

    Lord, have mercy. (thrice)

    مكك يك َ َ َْ طكيكنك يك ا يُّاك نث كن ثل ن لد و،ل بُّ ْغفلْر خ اااا سكت كك يااااك قلاااادُّو،ل آل ااااْ و ْ اااا ااااْ س ْس اااا دل ت جااااكو س

    ْم. َ َْ . يك َ بُّ ْ ا جا ْسم ك كك م )ثالثك(ا ْمر ض Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

    Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages.


    ااااآل ا و نل وا ن لااادل، و نم جااادل ن اااالب و لااا و نااار . آم . هر ند ه ري و إنى د

    Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy

    Name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on

    earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily

    bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive

    those who trespass against us, and lead us not into

    temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

    ااااادآل، ْساااااملك ن ي اااااْ ت ااااامكو ت ن ي ا بكناااااك نااااا ي ااااااي نقآلاا ن ك اامك ن مااك اااي نقآل اااى م ك تلااك ن ااي كلْ م تاا س يلك ن

    كاااك ن ااا ل و ْتااارلهللْا ن كاااك ماااك ااا ه ر يآل ا ط ناااك نج ْبز أل َْض خلْ كك ااااي اا ن كاااك ياااي و تلاااْدخ ااا ل ن م َْ ماااك ن ْيااارلهللال ن كااك ن

    ر ير. كك م نت نيآلجر ب ة ن ك ْ ن ج Priest: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power,

    and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of

    the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of


    ْجااااد ا يُّاااااك بل الكاااا: ْ ااااك و ن لااااْدَ ، و نم أل آل ن ااااك نملااااااآل ا نل وال ن لااااادل، و هااااار و لااااا ل و نااااار و و إناااااى د

    ند ه ري .Reader: Amen. O Lord, save Thy people and

    bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people

    victory over all their enemies, and by the power of

    Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth.

    باا آماا .القاا:: ااْ ب ك و كَ هللْا م ر ث ااك خ ااْ يااك َ بُّ اااْ ف َْ ااار ير و َ ب اااة ااى نت ك ن َم اا هللا نمل ب اااد و ْمااك ْ

    ي نملْخي ص ب ك. م ب ل آل، ص ب ك ج Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

    Holy Spirit.

    Do Thou, Who of Thine own good will was lifted

    نم ْجدل نالب و ل و نروا ن لدل،.

  • 2

    up upon the Cross, O Christ our God, bestow Thy

    bounties upon the new Nation which is called by

    Thy Name; make glad in Thy might those who

    lawfully govern, that with them we may be led to

    victory over our adversaries, having in Thine aid a

    weapon of peace and a trophy invincible.

    اااي ل ًَ ا يُّااااك نم ق َ ملْخياااك ااا ْلاااص اااى نصآل ت ف ااا َْ ياااك م ا اار ْا اام ى ب ااك و يااد نملق د ااْ ب ك نج نااي ْمااك ْ َ ْاا ي ااك ن ت إل َ ب ااااة ااااى ك مكن َااااًك ُي ااااكهلمل ن َم اااا كااااك نمل ك كم َل ت ااااك ب ل آل

    ااارً اااالل و ف اااالًَك ن قآل اااْم م لل ن يلاااك س م. ن اااي كلْ ن ال ب ا ملَااكَ . غ ر م ْ الَ

    Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    O Champion dread, who cannot be put to

    confusion, despise not our petitions, O Good and

    All-praised Theotokos; establish the way of the

    Orthodox; save those who have been called upon to

    govern us, leading us to that victory which is from

    heaven, for thou art she who gavest birth to God,

    and alone art blessed.

    وناآل او وإنى دهر ند هري . آم .اا يل ناااي ا يآليلاااك نتآل ، إل ةل نرآله ب ااةل غ ااارل نم ْخ لونااة يااك و ن ااد

    االت كك سُّ اْ ت ةل َ اي ياك صاكن نكل يآلة نيآلْقب ي تلْلر ض ي اااي نآلااا ااا ر ، نملْقاااي ي يم ي نااارآلاي و خ ص اااد ي س اااْا و ل

    اا ن َ ب اااة م م ن اا ا َ ااْرت ا ْ ي ي م آلكلاا و ْمك اامك ب ماااك ا م قآل. هللا د َْ ك ةل و ني ا يآليلاك نملبكَ ن ْدت إل ا نآلك و


    Priest: Have mercy on us, O God, according to

    Thy great goodness, we pray Thee, hearken and

    have mercy.

    َل ُ ن ياااك الكااا: ي اااك ن ْط لااا م َْ ااايم َ ْمكاااك ياااك إل ب ل ر َ َْ ُْم. َ َْ َْ و ا كْسي ج

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) م. الجوقة َ َْ )ثالثكً(يك َ بُّ Priest: Again we pray for all pious and Orthodox

    Christians. ااك ي الكاا: ق َ َ ن ااي ااْ ا ْجااا نم ق َل م و ا يضااًك ن ْط لاا

    َث ذلكق . ، ألل بكد ن Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) م. الجوقة َ َْ )ثالثكً(يك َ بُّ Priest: Again we pray for our Father and

    Metropolitan ______, and for Bishop ______, and

    all our brethren in Christ.

    ْيروب ن ي كاااك الكااا: اااْ ا ْجاااا ا ل كاااك وم َل م و ا يضاااًك ن ْط لااات كاااااك ااااااي )الاااااال ( اااااا ُ ْخ نل ك ي كاااااك )الاااااال ( و ا ئااااايه ن وَ ي . نم ق

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) م. الجوقة َ َْ )ثالثكً(يك َ بُّ Priest: For Thou art a merciful God, and lovest

    mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory to the

    Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now

    and ever, and unto ages of ages.

    اااال الكااا: ن اااك نلْرس ااار و َ ن ْ ب ت ااا َ مل ااايم و َ أل نآلاااك ُ ناااي َ و ْجااااد ا يُّاااااك بل و ْلاااا ل و ناااارُّ اااااآل نم نل ال ن لاااادل، و

    ْهر ند ه ر ي . ا و و إنى د Choir: Amen. Bless, Father, in the Name of the

    Lord. آم ب كْسم نرآلب بكَ هللْا يك اب. الجوقة

    Priest: Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-

    giving and Undivided Trinity, always, now and

    ever, and unto ages of ages.

    اااااااي وي كملي قاااااا نم جاااااادل ن ث ااااااكنل ث ن لااااادُّو، ن الكااااا: ااآل نل ا و َ ااآل م نل َْ ي غ ر نملْك ق ْ ه ر نمل نج

    ْهر ند ه ر ي . ا و و إ نى د

  • 3

    Choir: Amen. آم . الجوقة Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,

    and good will toward men. (thrice)

    O Lord, open Thou my lips, and my mouth shall

    show forth Thy praise. (twice)

    ااااي ااااللل و ْجااادل ف ااااي نلل اااى و اااى أل َْض نقآل نم ر ،. )ثالثكً( نك ك، نم ق

    ي ك. يااااااااك َ بُّ َ ااااااااي ل ي ْقااااااااب ااااااااف ي يآل يلْخب اااااااار ا م ْاااااااااي ْ )م رآلت ْ (

    PSALM 3

    O Lord, why are they multiplied that afflict me?

    Many rise up against me. Many say unto my soul:

    There is no salvation for him in his God. But Thou,

    O Lord, art my helper, my glory, and the lifter up

    of my head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice,

    and He heard me out of His holy mountain. I laid

    me down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord will help

    me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people

    that set themselves against me round about. Arise,

    O Lord, save me, O my God, for Thou hast smitten

    all who without cause are mine enemies; the teeth

    of sinners hast Thou broken. Salvation is of the

    Lord, and Thy blessing is upon Thy people.

    I laid me down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord

    will help me.

    ث رو قكم ز نل ن ك ي؟ ن َْ ي يل ثلر نآل يك َ بُّ ن مكذ ن ي. ث رو ي ن ن ك ْفقي خ الص ن يل ب إ ٰنا . ن ي ْ ت ي َاسي. ب ص َ ا ل م ْجد ي و ر ي و وا ْنص يك َ بُّ نكص

    ب ا قلدْ ر ْخصل ا جكل ك ي م ْ ج ي. انك ُنى نرآلب ص س رلن ي. ا ال ا خكفل ق ْدتل ون ْمصل ثلمآل قلْمصل أل آل نرآلبآل ي كصل َ . َ ي ي َ نملَيط لي نملي س ل ْب ت نتآل م َ ْبص نلاآل م ْ ر قلْم يك َ بُّ خ ْصك ي يك ُٰناي ا إ نآلك ض

    ط ،. ن رآل ْ ص ا ْسكك نخ َ س يكي بك اًل و ب يللكد . نخ الصل و ى ب ك ل ر ك يلك

    رلني. ن ْمصل ثلمآل قلْمصل أل آل نرآلبآل ي ْكصل ق ْدتل و ا نك َ PSALM 37

    O Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger, nor chasten

    me in Thy wrath. For Thine arrows are fastened in

    me, and Thou hast laid Thy hand heavily upon me.

    There is no healing in my flesh in the face of Thy

    wrath; and there is no peace in my bones in the

    face of my sins. For mine iniquities are risen higher

    than my head; as a heavy burden have they pressed

    heavily upon me. My bruises are become noisome

    and corrupt in the face of my folly. I have been

    wretched and utterly bowed down until the end; all

    the day long I went with downcast face. For my

    loins are filled with mocking, and there is no

    healing in my flesh. I am afflicted and humbled

    exceedingly, I have roared from the groaning of my

    heart. O Lord, before Thee is all my desire, and my

    groaning is not hid from Thee. My heart is

    troubled, my strength hath failed me; and the light

    of mine eyes, even this is not with me. My friends

    and my neighbors drew nigh over against me and

    stood, and my nearest of kin stood afar off. And

    ْلكي. ا إ آل د ب ْخكي و ل ر ْجز هللا تلَ ب ك تل َ ض يك َ بُّ ب م كآلْكص يآل يد هللا. ن ْيه ب ْص ا يآل و اكم ك قد ن ت س الم ة اي ب ك و س ْ و ْجي غ ض فك م د ي ق ن ج طكيكي. أل آل آثكمي ق ْد ت لكن ْص ا ق ْجي خ ْ و ركمي م

    ْص َ ْاسي َ . ق ْد ا ْني ك ْص وقك ْما ث ا ق ْد ث ل ْص يآل َ ن ك ْ صل ُنى َ اكن يي. صل و ْن ْ ق ب ا ج ر َكتي م ج ْ صل كب ًقك. أل آل م ْيك يآل ق د نَكي ة و نكآلاكَ نل آليل م ت ْلصل فك . صل و تآلض د ي ق ْمي أل م اكس ئ ونيه ن ج

    د َْ ي ي ج ْ ب ي. يك َ بُّ ُ آل بل د ق ْ ت ك اُّ ْكصل ا ئ ُّ م نل و كل آلاك امكم ك وت ك اُّد ي ن ْم ي ْخ كك. ق د ْضط ر ب ْ ك يآل ا ْيًضك ن ْم ي ْبق م لي. نل َل ت ي و ق ْيك ي قل آل اكَ ْ ب ي و ق

    ق فل و ك ي و ن ْ م قكئي وا ْقر بكئي د ي ا ْصد ْكق يآل و ج ن د

  • 4

    they that sought after my soul used violence; and

    they that sought evils for me spake vain things, and

    craftiness all the day long did they meditate. But as

    for me, like a deaf man I heard them not, and was

    as a speechless man that openeth not his mouth.

    And I became as a man that heareth not, and that

    hath in his mouth no reproofs. For in Thee have I

    hoped, O Lord; Thou wilt hearken unto me, O Lord

    my God. For I said: Let never mine enemies rejoice

    over me; yea, when my feet were shaken, those

    men spake boastful words against me. For I am

    ready for scourges, and my sorrow is continually

    before me. For I will declare mine iniquity, and I

    will take heed concerning my sin. But mine

    enemies live and are made stronger than I, and they

    that hated me unjustly are multiplied. They that

    render me evil for good slandered me, because I

    pursued goodness. Forsake me not, O Lord my

    God, depart not from me. Be attentive unto my

    help, O Lord of my salvation.

    Forsake me not, O Lord my God, depart not

    from me. Be attentive unto my help, O Lord of my


    ي ي ي ْط لبل ن ْفق ن ي نآل د ك ي ب ل ًد . و ا ْجا ق م و ا و غلتل ً ك ل ل رآل ت ك آلمل ب كْنبك و نملْ ي م قل ن ي نتآلن ْخر ، مآل ي ْقم ل و َ سل . ام ك انك ا ك ص نكآلاكَ د

    ْرتل ن إْنقك ي ْقم ل و اي ا م ي ي ْفي ل اكه. وص َل نآل صل ا ْنص ت قي ج . أل ن ي ْيك يك َ بُّ ت ت ْبك ص ب ي وإناي. أل ن ي قل صل ي ْتم صل لي ا د ئي ني يك َ مكي رآلمل يآل نك الل. أل ن ي ا نك نآلْص ق د مك س ْكد و

    و ج د و ْرب ملْقي ل َ . أل ن ي ا نك ن ضآل يآل اي نلا ي ن د ل ط سيي. ا م ك ا د ئي ْ ا ْجا خ الْخب رل ب إ ْثم ي و ا هي مُّ م َ ض ن ك ي ي يلْب ثلر نآل ك ي وق ْد ن دُّ م ا َيك و هلْم ا َ ل ل ْي ألجا ر م ل نخ ر ون ي ل د ي جكس لْ ًمك نآل

    ب ي و إٰناي و ت ي بك ْد ْلي َ ْ كي يك َ الا. ا ال تلْام كئي نصآل ك ي. ا ْسر ْع ُنى م لل ن يي يك َ بآل خ الصي.

    ب ي و إٰناي و ت ي بك ْد ك ي. ْ كي يك َ ا ال تلْام ا ْسر ْع ُنى م لل ن يي يك َ بآل خ الصي.

    PSALM 62

    O God, my God, unto Thee I rise early at dawn.

    My soul hath thirsted for Thee; how often hath my

    flesh longed after Thee in a land barren and

    untrodden and unwatered. So in the sanctuary have

    I appeared before Thee to see Thy power and Thy

    glory. For Thy mercy is better than lives; my lips

    shall praise Thee. So shall I bless Thee in my life,

    and in Thy name will I lift up my hands. As with

    marrow and fatness let my soul be filled, and with

    lips rejoicing shall my mouth praise Thee. If I

    remembered Thee on my bed, at the dawn I

    meditated on Thee. For Thou art become my

    helper; in the shelter of Thy wings will I rejoice.

    My soul hath cleaved after Thee; Thy right hand

    hath been quick to help me. But as for these, in

    vain have they sought after my soul; they shall go

    into the nethermost parts of the earth, they shall be

    surrendered unto the edge of the sword; portions

    for foxes shall they be. But the king shall be glad in

    God, everyone shall be praised that sweareth by

    Him; for the mouth of them is stopped that speak

    ْص ُ ن يك ت ي و ْ يكق يك ا هللل ُٰناي ُنيك ا ْلي ك ر. ط ن ْفق م ة ة و كد َض ل ر يآلة و غ ر م ق ل ن دي اي ا ق ُن يك ج ت ك نمك . ٰهك ا ْرتل ن ك اي ن لْد، ألل كي قل آلف ي يآل يك، و َ ال م ن م ي ك ا ْاض َْ م ْجد هللا. أل آل َ و

    ب كسْ يكتي و َ ب َكن ك. ٰهك البكَ نلك اي ا ل تلق م ك ا َْفكه ب ت م و س م ود َْ ْ مك م ي ن ي ا ي مي ئل ن ْفق ي د ي ك ا مي. ُذ ذ ك ْرتلك ى ا ر َل ب إلْلي اكج يلق ا ب ر ْرت ن ي ًنك و ه ْذتل ب ك اي أل ْسَكَ أل نآلك ص

    ي ب ك و إ ي كي يك ا ْسي ي ر. ُْني ص ْص ن ْفق َ كك ْت ج د ض اًل ا ق ْدخل اي ي ي ط لبل ن فقي بك ي م كلك. ا م ك نآل ي كل نل يلدا لل ُنى ا يد ي نقُّ ف و َض و اسكا ا أليلمي د ال نلاُّ رُّ بكهلل و . ا م ك نم كل يلق َ ب ًة ن ْ ث لكن ا ْنص

    دآل َْ ل ب ي أل نآليل ق ْد سل ْت اْا هل نملي ك م بكنرُّْ م.م ْ ي

  • 5

    unjust things.

    At the dawn I meditated on Thee. For Thou

    art become my helper; in the shelter of Thy wings

    will I rejoice. My soul hath cleaved after Thee; Thy

    right hand hath been quick to help me.

    ْرت ن ي ْ ًنك ه ْذتل ب ك اي أل ْسَكَ أل نآلك ص ي ب ك و إ ي كي يك ا سي ي ر. ُْني ص ْص ن ْفق َ كك ا ج ب ر و

    ْت ي م كلك. د ض Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

    Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of

    ages. Amen.

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God.


    Lord, have mercy. (THRICE)

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

    Holy Spirit.

    وا ن لدل، و نلاآل ا و لْ و نرُّ نم ْجدل ن الب و ي آم . ر و إ نى د ْهر ندآل ه

    ه ييك ه ييك ه ييك نم ْجدل ن ك يك إ.)ثالثًك(م. )ثالثًك( َ َْ يك َ بُّ

    . نم جدل ن الب و ل و نر وا ن لدل،PSALM 87

    Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    O Lord God of my salvation, by day have I cried

    and by night before Thee. Let my prayer come

    before Thee, bow down Thine ear unto my

    supplication, for filled with evils is my soul, and

    my life unto Hades hath drawn nigh. I am counted

    with them that go down into the pit; I am become

    as a man without help, free among the dead, like

    the bodies of the slain that sleep in the grave,

    whom Thou rememberest no more, and they are cut

    off from Thy hand. They laid me in the lowest pit,

    in darkness and in the shadow of death. Against me

    is Thine anger made strong, and all Thy billows

    hast Thou brought upon me. Thou hast removed

    my friends afar from me; they have made me an

    abomination unto themselves. I have been

    delivered up, and have not come forth; mine eyes

    are grown weak from poverty. I have cried unto

    Thee, O Lord, the whole day long; I have stretched

    out my hands unto Thee. Nay, for the dead wilt

    Thou work wonders? Or shall physicians raise

    them up that they may give thanks unto Thee? Nay,

    shall any in the grave tell of Thy mercy, and of Thy

    truth in that destruction? Nay, shall Thy wonders

    be known in that darkness, and Thy righteousness

    in that land that is forgotten? But as for me, unto

    Thee, O Lord, have I cried; and in the morning

    shall my prayer come before Thee. Wherefore, O

    Lord, dost Thou cast off my soul and turnest Thy

    face away from me? A poor man am I, and in

    troubles from my youth; yea, having been exalted,

    I was humbled and brought to distress. Thy furies

    وناآل او وإنى د ْهر ندآل هري آم .ر ْخصل واي ن آل ا يك َ بُّ ُٰني خالصي اي نكآلاكَ ص

    ْا الذلن التي ا م ْا قلد م ك ص ْ ي ْدخل ك ُنى امكم ك ا ن ْص م د وَ ن فقي و رل ب ي ي ا د ْمي أل ْت م نتُّ َ َ ي اي نجل د َ ْبصل م نملْك ق َل يكتي. َ َيم نج ك ل ًَ و ثا ُْنقك ن ْيه ن يل ملل م ْطرل ْرتل م ص ي ي اي ن لبل َ نآل ألْم ت مثا ن ي ى نر قد

    ل ل ني اي ت هللا ملْ ص . ج ْ ي د ْ كلرلهلْم ا يًضك و هلْم م الن ي. كا اي ل لمكت نم ْ ت و ا نق َ ا ْسف جل . ْزت اك ي ي ل ا ْه ن ك ا ج م بلك و ج يآل ْسي رآل غ ض

    ًة. ق ْد الس ْم َ جكس ل ل ن ي ن ال ْمصل ا ْبل ْدت ك ي م لكَ ا ي ج ر ْخصل كة . ص للف يك م نم قك ر ْجصل و ككي ض مك خ و . ا ن ل آلك ْطصل ي د ي ُنيك يك َ بُّ نكآلاكَ نل آليل وإنيك ب ق ْم ب ك ل يلي يمل ن ال ؟ ا ل أل َ ن أل م ت ت صك ل نل جكئ

    د اي ن بر ل ر َ د ثل ا َ َم ي ك ي لير ال ن ك؟ ه ْا يل؟ ها تللر فل اي نرُّ م ة جكئ بلك واي ناالهللا بَ ك ر ْخصل يآلة؟ وانك ُنْيك يك َ بُّ ص َض م ْكق و دنلك اي ا ي التي. ن مكذ يك َ بُّ تلْ ص د ، ص َ َلك اي ن ا ي ْب لت ْصر فل و ْجا ك ك ي؟ ا ر انك واي نتآل ك ن ْفقي و

    َ آلْرت. يآل ملك ل ت ْلصل و ت ف ْلصل تآلض بكلي َو َْ

  • 6

    have passed upon me, and Thy terrors have sorely

    troubled me. They came round about me like

    water, all the day long they compassed me about

    together. Thou hast removed afar from me friend

    and neighbor, and mine acquaintances because of

    my misery.

    O Lord God of my salvation, by day have I

    cried and by night before Thee. Let my prayer

    come before Thee, bow down Thine ear unto my


    ْيك ي. اَك ْص لي ملْفز كتلك ا ْس ج جكس َ ْجزلهللا و ْيك ي م ًلك. ا ْبل ْدت ك ي ككنمك و نكآلاكَ نل آليل ْكي كف

    م لكَ ا ي م نتآل ك . َ و يق و ن ر ي د نصآلر ْخصل واي يك َ بُّ ُٰني خ الصي اي نكآلاكَ ص

    ْا الذلن ك ُنى التي ا م ْا قلد م ك ص ْ ي ْدخل ن آل ا امكم ك ا ب ي ي.

    PSALM 102

    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me

    bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul,

    and forget not all that He hath done for thee, Who

    is gracious unto all thine iniquities, Who healeth all

    thine infirmities, Who redeemeth thy life from

    corruption, Who crowneth thee with mercy and

    compassion, Who fulfilleth thy desire with good

    things; thy youth shall be renewed as the eagle’s.

    The Lord performeth deeds of mercy, and

    executeth judgment for all them that are wronged.

    He hath made His ways known unto Moses, unto

    the sons of Israel the things that He hath willed.

    Compassionate and merciful is the Lord, long-

    suffering and plenteous in mercy; not unto the end

    will He be angered; neither unto eternity will He be

    wroth. Not according to our iniquities hath He dealt

    with us, neither according to our sins hath He

    rewarded us. For according to the height of heaven

    from the earth, the Lord hath made His mercy to

    prevail over them that fear Him. As far as the east

    is from the west, so far hath He removed our

    iniquities from us. Like as a father hath compassion

    upon his sons, so hath the Lord had compassion

    upon them that fear Him; for He knoweth whereof

    we are made, He hath remembered that we are

    dust. As for man, his days are as the grass; as a

    flower of the field, so shall he blossom forth. For

    when the wind is passed over it, then it shall be

    gone, and no longer will it know the place thereof.

    But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity, even

    unto eternity, upon them that fear Him. And His

    righteousness is upon sons of sons, upon them that

    keep His testament and remember His

    commandments to do them. The Lord in heaven

    hath prepared His throne, and His kingdom ruleth

    ي مك اي د خ ي ْسم يل م يك ج بكَ ني يك ن فقي نرآلبآل و ي م ْي ج ن لدُّو،. بكَ ني يك ن فقي نرآلبآل و ت كق مي ي آثكم ك نآل ي ي ْتفي ج م ملككا آت ي. نآل ي ي َف رل ج ي م نف قكد َيكتلك نآل ي يلك لك ك نآل ي يلك ج ا ْمر ض

    ا تلك بكنرآل ْ ر ت َم ة و نرآلْااة ن ي يلْتب ل بكنخ مكت َ . نرآلبُّ صكن ل نرآل بكبلك كنكآلقر دل ن دآل ا ي ج مي نم ْر م . رآلف مل سى لرلق يل و ن ضك ن ج يال ؤلوف َ يم و َ ب ك ي ُ ْسر ئ ا م ت سكت ي. نرآلبُّ َ و

    م ة ن ْيه ُنى إلْن ضك ي ْقخ طل و أل نك، و َْ ث رل نرآل ن كك ك م ل ك ك ص َ آثكم ق َ َْ د. ى ُنى ندآلهر ي ت فكع َْ َ ْ د كس نك. أل نآليل ب م طكيكنك ج َ خ ق َ و ى ي م ي يل ى نآل َْ َض ق ى نرآلبُّ َ مك أل نقآل

    د ك ك ي يآل ل ن يل ر ب ا ْبل َْ َ بلْلد نم ْتر ق م نم ْ د ب م و مك ي ي ر اآلفل أل بل ب كنب ك ي ي ر اآلفل نرآلبُّ س سكت كك. ن . َْ ل ذ ك ر ا نآلكك تلر ب ن ْب ي كك و ب خكئ يي أل نآليل ر ف ج

    َ ا ن نك ز هر ن ن َ ا ي كمليل و كنللْت يلْزه ر إلْنقك ل ن أل نآليل ُذ ه بآلْص يي نر ي ل نيه ي ثبلصل و يللر فل ايًضك ْهر وإنى ي ملك ل ندآل للي. ام ك َ َم ةل نرآلب ا ا م ض ْدنليل ى ا ْلكك نب ك ي ي يآل ل ن يل و ندآلهر ى ن

    صكيكهل ن ي هل و ن ك ر ي و ْصك لل هك. نرآلبُّ نَكا ر ْاد مي . م م ك يليل ت قل دل ى نج مك و يل اي نقآل ه يآل ْر َ ي ب ل آل، م ي م الئ ك ي ي نمل ي د بكَ نل نرآلبآل يك ج

  • 7

    over all. Bless the Lord, all ye His angels, mighty

    in strength, that perform His word, to hear the

    voice of His words. Bless the Lord, all ye His

    hosts, His ministers that do His will. Bless the

    Lord, all ye His works, in every place of His

    dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

    In every place of His dominion, bless the Lord,

    O my soul.

    ْ ت ن الم ي . بكَ ن مكع ص ْكد س نلكم ب ك م ي ي د ي قل ت ي يك خل م ت يل. بكَ نل نرآلبآل يك ج َ د م يل نلكم ُ

    ت ي. بكَ ني يكد ي ا مكن ي اي نلا م ض س م نرآلبآل يك ج .يك ن ْفقي نرآلبآل

    . ت ي. بكَ ني يك نفقي نرآلب يكد اي نلا م ض س PSALM 142

    O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear unto my

    supplication in Thy truth; hearken unto me in Thy

    righteousness. And enter not into judgment with

    Thy servant, for in Thy sight shall no man living be

    justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul;

    he hath humbled my life down to the earth. He hath

    sat me in darkness as those that have been long

    dead, and my spirit within me is become

    despondent; within me my heart is troubled. I

    remembered days of old, I meditated on all Thy

    works, I pondered on the creations of Thy hands. I

    stretched forth my hands unto Thee; my soul

    thirsteth after Thee like a waterless land. Quickly

    hear me, O Lord; my spirit hath fainted away. Turn

    not Thy face away from me, lest I be like unto

    them that go down into the pit. Cause me to hear

    Thy mercy in the morning; for in Thee have I put

    my hope. Cause me to know, O Lord, the way

    wherein I should walk; for unto Thee have I lifted

    up my soul. Rescue me from mine enemies, O

    Lord; unto Thee have I fled for refuge. Teach me to

    do Thy will, for Thou art my God. Thy good Spirit

    shall lead me in the land of uprightness; for Thy

    name’s sake, O Lord, shalt Thou quicken me. In

    Thy righteousness shalt Thou bring my soul out of

    affliction, and in Thy mercy shalt Thou utterly

    destroy mine enemies. And Thou shalt cut off all

    them that afflict my soul, for I am Thy servant.

    O Lord, give ear unto my supplication and enter

    not into judgment with Thy servant. (TWICE)

    Thy good Spirit shall lead me in the land of


    َ ك ُنى ب ي ي. ْص ب التي و ا ْنص يك َ بُّ سي م ْ ص ْا اي نملَكك م ة م دن ك و ت دخل َْ ني ب ل ُسي ج

    دلوآل ق د ايُّ بد هللا اإ نآلي ن ْ ي ي ز ك ى ا مكم ك . أل آل نل ي َك ي يكتي و ا ج ق َ َض د نفقي و ا ذ لآل ُنى أل ْضط ا

    ي اي نرل ل َو ر ْت َل ج ْهر ا ض ْثا نم ْ تى ملْك ل ندآل مكت م يمة. ْ ب ي اي د خ ي. ت كآلرتل ألي كل ن د و ْضطر ب ق ْيك. ككئ ي د ت مآلْ صل اي ص ه ْذتل اي نلا ا مكن ك و ي نك ن َْض تلمط ر. ا ْسر ْع ن ْفق ْطصل ي د يآل ُنيك و ب ق

    َْ ي. ت ْصر ْف ا كْسي ج َو ن ي يك َ بُّ ا ْد ا ك ْص َل. ُ ْجل كي اي َ و ْجا ك ك ي ا ل كب ي ناكب ط اي نجل. ر ْاكي يك ْ صل نآل م ي ك اإن ي يك ت َْ ًلك َ د ، ملْقي م َ نا ْلصل ن فقي. َ بُّ نطآلريق نآل ي ا س لكل يي ا إ ن ي ُنيك َ

    ْ تل ُن ْيك. ا ْن ْ ني م ا د ئي يك َ بُّ ا إ ن ي قد ن ج ك َل و ْمكي ا ْ ا م ا م ْرضكت ك أل نآلك انص ُناي. َلْ ا ْجا ْسم ك َض ملْقي ي يمة. م يكي اي ا كن ل ي ْاد نص ز ن فقي َل دن ك تلخر جل م ن َْ كي. ب ل يك َ بُّ تل

    ب ر َم ي ي و م ي نآل تلا كل ج ال ا د ئي و ك ت قي ْ ص يلَز نل نفقي أل نآلي انك بدلهللا.

    ْدن ك و تدخْا اي نملَكك م ة م َْ ني ب ل ُسيجت ( . )مر هللا بد

    ك نصكن ل ي ْاديكي اي اَْض ملْقي ييمة . َل َوGlory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

    Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of

    ages. Amen.

    اااالب و لااا و نااار وا ن لااادل، و نلااااآل ا و نم جااادل ن ري آم . و إنى د هر ند ه

  • 8

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God.


    O our God and our Hope, glory to Thee!

    )ثالثًك(ه ييك ه ييك ه ييك نم جدل ن ك يك إ.نك َ جك كك و .ن ك نم جدل يك ُن ا


    Priest: In peace let us pray to the Lord. :الل ُنى نرآلب ن ْط لَ.الك ب ق Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. ةالجوق َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For the peace from above, and for the

    salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord. ااالص الكاا: اا نلل ااى و خ ي م ااالل نآلاا ااْ ا ْجااا نقآل م

    كك ُ نى نرآلب ن ْط لَ. نلفل س Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For the peace of the whole world; for the

    good estate of the holy churches of God, and for

    the union of all men, let us pray to the Lord.

    ْقاااا ث بااااكت الكاااا: َل ااااا نلااااكن م و ااااالل نل ااااْ ا ْجااااا س م ياااااا ُ نااااااى ناااااارآلب م سااااااة و ت َااااااكد نج ك كااااااكئ ه إ نمل دآل

    ْط لَ.ن Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For this holy House, and for those who

    with faith, reverence, and fear of God enter therein,

    let us pray to the Lord.

    ي ي اْدخل ل الك: ْ ا ْجا ه نب اص نمل ادآل، و نآلا م ْ ف إ ُ نى نرآلب ن ْط لَ. َ ع و خ و ُ ن يي ب إ ْيمك و

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For our father and Metropolitan N., (and

    for our Bishop N.), for the venerable Priesthood,

    the Deaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the

    people, let us pray to the Lord.

    ْيروب ن يكااك )اااال ( الكاا: ااْ ا ْجااا ال كااك وم ئاايه م وَ ك ي كااك )الااال ( ك ااة ْنملك اارآلم ك ا مكم قااة و نك ا ااد ل و نت خل

    َ ُناااااى نااااارآلب ميااااا إلكْ نم قاااااي وج اااااْل ااااارو، و نتآل ن ْط لَ.

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For Metropolitan PAUL, Archbishop

    JOHN, and for their quick release from captivity

    and safe return, let us pray to the Lord.

    كاك الك: ْيروب ن اص لا نله و نمطار يَ ْ اجاا نم م مك سكن م ْ ُنى نرآلب ن ْط لَ.وا ك اْسر ه مك ت ا و ْ د

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ (In the U.S.) Priest: For the President of the

    United States and all civil authorities and for our

    Armed Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord.

    ك ااااكل ه اااا نب ااااد الكاااا: )فاااار كار اااا: َل ااااْ ا ْجااااا م ْم اي نلا م ا صكن ُنى نرآلب ن ْط لَ. ت ا َ َ س ومل

    (In Canada) Priest: For Her Majesty, the Queen,

    for the Prime Minister of Canada, and all civil

    authorities and for our Armed Forces everywhere,

    let us pray to the Lord.

    َئاايه الكاا: )فاار دااا ا ااْ ا ْجااا جالن ااة نم ك ااة و م ر يآلة ُنااى ْقااك ن يآلااة وقل ت اااك نل اا لطكت اك نم د ك ااد وسل َ ن وس

    نرآلب ن ْط لَ.Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ

  • 9


    Chanter: God is the Lord and hath appeared unto us.

    Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord.

    (Repeat after verses)

    بلد تلكد ) .ب نرآل م بكسْ تي بكَ هللا مل نكك ا ر نربُّ إل :المرت ( إلسييخ نكت

    1. O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon His

    holy Name. عوا ب ر ل ل فوار ت ع إ - 1 م ه واد الُق وس. ب:س

    Priest: For this city, and for every city and land,

    and for the faithful, who dwell therein; let us pray

    to the Lord.

    يا نملادل و ن لارى الك: م يك اة و ج ه نم د ْ ا ْجا ه م كك ك ا اك ُ نى نرآلب ن ْط لَ. ك نق م َْ و نمل

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For healthful seasons, for abundance of the

    fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us

    pray to the Lord.

    َ ث ماااكَ الكااا: ْصااا ي اااة و خ اااْ ا ْجاااا ْ ي اااد ل أل ْه م يآلة ُ نى نرآلب ن ْط لَ الم . أل َْض و ا ْوقكت س

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For travelers by sea, by land, and by air; for

    the sick and the suffering; for captives and their

    salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

    اار و نب ار الكا: َْ اْ ا ْجااا نملقاكا ر ي ا اي نب اا م و نج ْم ُ ناى نارآلب اا و نم ْرضى و نملي ن م و أل ْسارى و خ الص

    ن ْط لَ.Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: For our deliverance from all tribulation,

    wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the


    َ الكاااا: اااا اااا ق و غ ض ااااا ض ااااْ نل ااااْ ا ْجاااا ن جكت كااااك م م ، ُ نى نرآلب ن ْط لَ. دآل ط ر و و خ

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and

    keep us, O God, by Thy grace. ْد و خ ْ الك: .الْ ضل ْم و َف ْركك يك إل ل ك ْلم ي ك َ و َْ

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. م. الجوقة َ َْ يك َ بُّ Priest: Calling to remembrance our all-holy,

    immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady

    Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with all the

    Saints, let us commend ourselves and each other,

    and all our life unto Christ our God.

    ااااة الكاااا: ااااة نط ااااكه ر ، نفكئ نااااك نكل يآلااااة ن د س ْنر ب ْلااااد ذ ااة نب يل ن يآلااة نااي ند ئ م ، إل ت كك و ن ااد اا د كااكت نم ج ااد، س نب ر

    اااا ن كلاااا ْ يق ياااا ن د م اااا ج ااااْري م م ااااكك م ب ْلضل ااااكك و ْع ا ْنفلق د ني. ي إل يكت كك ن ْ م ق َ نلاآل ب ْلضًك و

    Choir: To Thee, O Lord. الجوقة . ن ك يك َ ب Priest: For unto Thee are due all glory, honor, and

    worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

    Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

    ااجل د الكاا: سل اااُّ ت ْمج ااد و إ ْكاار ل و ااي ن ااك نل َ أل نآلاايل ي ْكب ااآل ا و و إ ناى نل وال ن لادل، و ْل ل و نارُّ ا يُّاك بل و

    ْهر ند ه ر ي . د Choir: Amen. آم . الجوقة

  • 10

    2. All nations compassed me about, but in the

    Name of the Lord will I destroy them. ُتُهم.ر ه ق ب الر م وب:س بر كح:طوا م اأُلا د -2

    3. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our

    eyes. ب ا ق ب ا - 3 :ن لر يب ر و ه ذ ت د ُيا ا : ف ر ة ع ج .ك ع


    Thy sound hath gone forth into all the earth, which

    hath received thy word. Thereby thou hast divinely

    taught the Faith; thou hast made manifest the nature of

    all things that be; thou hast adorned the ways of man.

    O namesake of the royal priesthood, our righteous

    Father Basil, intercede with Christ God that our souls

    be saved.

    . ن كل ة اْق ن ك ا ض اآل ألَْ نى نل ُ ْ تلك َ ص يُّاك ألبُّ نبكَُّ ذ ه ْدت ن ي بي دآل ديدً ي قل بكهلل د نل كئ َ َْ ككت ة نككئ بيل ص ْ كْ وا ت

    فآل ْ ،. بكس ي ن نمل ك ت ا نك ذ يكر ت الق نب خْ ا ث آلْفص و ا ي ت اي خالص نف سكك. ُنى نمقي إلني


    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy


    Thy sound hath gone forth into all the earth, which

    hath received thy word. Thereby thou hast divinely

    taught the Faith; thou hast made manifest the nature of

    all things that be; thou hast adorned the ways of man.

    O namesake of the royal priesthood, our righteous

    Father Basil, intercede with Christ God that our souls

    be saved.

    . نمجدل نالب و إلل و نروا ن دل، اااُ . ض اآل ألَْ ناااى نل اااْ تلك َ ص ن كل اااة اْق ن اااك ايُّااااك ألبُّ نباااكَُّ ذ ه ااا

    ْدت ن ي بي دآل ديدً ي قل بكهلل د نل كئ َ َْ ككت ة نككئ بيل ص ْ كْ وا ت ااالق نب ْخااا ث آلْفااص و اافآل ْ ،. بكساا ي اا ن نمل كاا ت ا نك ذ يااكر ت ا ي ت

    نف سكك. اي خالص ُنى نمقي إلني


    (**While Gabriel was saying**)

    Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Our human form hast Thou taken on Thyself without

    change, * O greatly-compassionate Master, though

    being God by nature; * fulfilling the Law, Thou

    willingly * receivest circumcision in the flesh, * that

    Thou mightest end the shadow and roll away * the veil

    of our sinful passions. * Glory be to Thy goodness

    unto us. * Glory be to Thy compassion. * Glory, O

    Word, to Thine inexpressible condescension.

    .هري آم وناآل او وإنى دهر ندزيال بُّ نا يُّاك نرآل َ ج اَ ُ نك وانص ُ ني ب كُّ ني َ نج ا د ق ا ر ه ْ ق ْ ت تآلخ

    ااصاا َ ً، ب ااريل ة ص نْماام تْ إْذ اة. و ْسااي َكن دو يآلًة ل اار ت يااكَ هللا ي بكخْ ْ ااص ب ق تآليكنااًك اار ي كخ اال نرُّساا ل نر يآلااة ن ب ت ااْي ت ْكقل دل ْجااكنم اه ئ كااك. ا يااا ق كااكع وتلز ك

    ااان ك الص ااا ل ككسلن اااك ي دل ن ْجااا نم ككن اااك َ دل ن ْجااا نم َ ايُّااااك نااا ي ي ص نك مة.


    Priest: Again and again, in peace, let us pray to the


    Choir: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and keep

    us, O God by thy grace.

    Choir: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Calling to remembrance our all-holy,

    immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady

    Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints,

    let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our

    الل ُنى نرآلب ن ْط لَ. الك: : اْيضًك واْيضًك ب ق ْم.الجوق َ َبُّ َْ : يك ْد و خ ْ الك: . : الْ ضل ي ك ْم و َف ْركك يك إل ل ك ْلم َ و َْْم.الجوق َ َبُّ َْ : يك ْنر نك نكل الك: ككت ر نفكئ ة نب كه ر ، نط ة د س ة ن يآل : بلد ذ

    ت كك و ن د ، س ج د نم مي ج م ة م ْري م يآل ي ن ند ئ م ة نب ، إلني د يق ن كل ن ْع انْ ْ د كك وب د كك ب لْ فلق َ ضكً لْ ضل اآل نل قي إلني. م ْ يكت كك ن و

  • 11

    life unto Christ our God.

    Choir: To Thee, O Lord.

    Priest: For Thine is the majesty, and Thine is the

    kingdom, and the power and the glory: of the Father,

    and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; now and ever,

    and unto ages of ages.

    Choir: Amen.

    .بُّ : نك يك َ الجوق ل اك بل و إللْ د ايُّ جْ و نم ، آل و ن ل ك نملْ ك ون ، زآل ك نل أل آل ن الك:

    ري .ه ر ندهْ دل،ل وناآل او وإنى د وال ن ل و نر : آم .الجوق


    First Kathisma

    Let us extol Basil; for he is a royal adornment to the

    Church of Christ, an inexhaustible treasury of

    doctrines, through whom we were instructed to

    worship the Holy Trinity, united in Essence and

    divisible in Persons.

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy


    Wise Basil, standing now in the Trinity’s presence,

    entreat Him warmly that in the dread Day of Judgment

    all we who now praise thee and gladly honor thy

    memory might obtain His mercy, grace, and pardon of

    failings, that with mouth and heart, we all may glorify

    Christ God, the only Lover of mankind.

    Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    The Maker of all and the Lord of the world Who is in

    the highest with the Father and the Spirit is

    circumcised on earth as an eight-day-old Child.

    Verily, divine and wonderful are Thy works; for Thou

    wast circumcised for our sakes, O Lord, since Thou art

    the Perfection of the law.

    كااك بكساا ، ْا ج د ْمااك ن ااك ة ن يآلاا ن ة مل سيك اا يل مااك انآلااب ميلل قااي ة نم كيق . ألنآل كئد يلقْ ل ْ ز ن كْ ون كك ا ْ يل َْ َ دو، بلد نثكن ث ن ل لْ ن آلم د ن

    ز اي ألقكنيم. م ي و نمل ر ه ْ اي نجل .دل نالب و ل و نروا ن لدل، جْ نم

    اااْ دى نثاااكن ث يمااك انااص مكث ااا ن اا اارآلْع م يااك بكساا ،ل نَكاايمل ت ض َيااااك وملك ر مااااي ت ااااْ ككَ هللا كن بااااًك اْ ن كااااكل ا ْج كاااك اااا ل مكد َْ اااااي ي اااا ل ن

    َ اد باكنف م و ن ا ْف ً ْ ذلن ب كك َي ى نلم ج م ًة و َْ ًة وَ ندْيك ن ة ن ْلم ر. بآلة نب ت َ نم قي إلني نملي ف ر د ب م

    . وناآل او وإنى دهر ند هري آم اا نكلااُ آل صااكن اا اااي نلل نكااكئ م د نلااكن ا وس ب و نااروا ااى م

    ااي اااى ألَْ َ كل. ة ايآلاااي ااامكن ْفاااا ذي ث ط ض ن خل ااابكن ك مكن اااا ْ ُ آل ة يي اة يآلاة وإنا ج ب األنآلا دل ايُّااك نقآل ي ْكاص م ماكلل ك ن ماك انآلاب كاك جْ ا ْ ك خل

    ة.ريل نتآل Second Kathisma

    Thou didst pour out the mystic richness, the richness

    of the ineffable wisdom, in thy divine visions; thou

    didst store for all the waters of Orthodoxy, gladdening

    in a divine manner the hearts of believers, and

    drowning rightly the doctrines of the infidels.

    Wherefore, in both cases thou didst appear in the

    power of true worship, contending, undefeated, for the

    Trinity. Therefore, O Bishop Basil, intercede with

    Christ God to grant forgiveness of sins to those who

    eagerly celebrate thy holy memory.

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

    Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages.


    O Lord, since Thou art the Deep of love to mankind,

    thou didst put on the likeness of a servant, and wast

    circumcised in the flesh, granting all mankind Thy

    اااك َْ اااْيااا ت نم َ ص م ااا ن َ ك اااغ ي ر كاااى نق اااكْ ى ن ااا نفكئ ة م ْصاااة ن ااْيااص نج و َْ ا ة يآلااا ، إلن د تااكه بكنمل اا ي نااراْ يااكه م ْ مياا م ااف نمل يم ن َ ة ر َمك د س اْ ًك ا ي ُنا . ا َ دي ب َ ْ د نمل ْقص كئ ر غْ وا ، نم اق اككض ْ ص

    َل ْ ب اااا ْ ي يااااك نَااااكن ْ اااااي ن ة قااااكن ب نثااااكن ث ل يااااك ،. بااااكد ن ْقاااار ق ر ْفا غل ك ْماي ا ْ قاي إلناي فآلْ ُنى نم ت ت ة ك ا نك ئيهل بكس ،ل َ

    ،.دآل ككَ هللا نمل ْ ي ن ق ْ ت دي ب ل مل ْ ن ت نز وناآل او وإنى دهر .دل نالب و ل و نروا ن لدل، جْ نم

    . ند هري آم ااك نل مااك انآلااب قااي ل ايُّاااك نم اا نب ة بآلااَ ةل نم جآل د ْباا، نل ْقااص صاا َ ب ن ة يآل ر ت

  • 12

    Great Mercy. مى.رْ ك نلل ي م َْ َ ر ت مي نب ًَك ج مكن د ق ْكص بكنج ي وخل Third Kathisma

    Thou didst refute by divine sayings the obscure

    heresies, drowning all the folly of Arius and preaching

    to mankind the Divinity of the Spirit; and by the

    lifting of thy hands thou didst kill thine enemies,

    exiling the worship of Sabellius wholly, and didst

    annul all the opinions of Nestorius. Wherefore, O

    Bishop Basil, intercede with Christ God to grant

    forgiveness of sins to those who eagerly celebrate thy


    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy


    The grace of thy divine words and the mystic height of

    thy teachings hath been a ladder leading upward for

    us. For thou, O father, having obtained a spiritual

    trumpet, have proclaimed the divine doctrines on it.

    Therefore, O holy monk, thou hast gone to dwell in

    verdant pastures, having received the rewards of thy

    struggles. O Bishop Basil, intercede with Christ our

    God for those who keep feast with love in thy holy

    memory, that they may receive remission of their sins.

    Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Verily, the Lord of all and our Creator, having taken

    flesh from thy holy womb, didst reveal thee, O Lady

    innocent of all blame, as a helper of mankind.

    Wherefore, in thee do we seek refuge, petitioning

    forgiveness of sins, and that we may escape

    everlasting punishment and all the harm of the wicked

    one, the prince of this world. Wherefore, do we cry

    unto thee, intercede with thy Son and God to grant

    forgiveness of sins to those who worship in faith thine

    All-holy Child.

    ع نمل ْضص نب َ د بكس ، ن دْ ة ك ا نك ئيه يك َ آل، ل ة ب م رْ د َ مل ة يآل ا ل إلن ألقْ َي ، مكق َ ر قًك م ي اكب ة آ ر ت ب ْ سً ن ونكَ جل

    ، بكد ضًك ع نكق د صآل أل ْ م ك ا يْ د ْا ي ر نروا. وب يآلة ن ه ب ل اْ ا ي كلْ ه. ا ر سْ ي ، ب ط َ قْ ن يك يًك لغْ ص ومل ْ ميل اكصكبكن ، ج

    م ب يلكْ ْ ا إلني قي ُنى نم ق ْ ت دي ب ل ى نمل ، نزآل ت ر ف َْ م ل دآل،. ككَ هللا نمل ْ ي ن

    .دل نالب و ل و نروا ن لدل، جْ نم َ ن كة يآل ر د ت ك نق ي آل مللْ مل وسل ة يآل ا ن ك إلن قْ ة ا م لْ ُ آل ن ك سل آلمًك صك

    َت ك ُنى إ. ألنآل ي ثكبة م ْكص ب نل نبكَُّ ك ايُّاك ألبُّ نإل َ َو لل ق س بكنيآللكنيم إلنا ْض ة. ن ن ك ق ط ْكص اي م يآل كر َ ، ر كك خل ْ ص و ص

    . تْ ب ا ى ث َئيه نك لكب ك قي فآلْ ُنى نم ت ت ة بكس ، ك ا يك م ب ْ ا إلني ككَ هللا ْ ي ْ ًق ن ت دي ب ل ى نمل ، نز ت ر ف َْ م يلْكل

    دآل،. نمل . وناآل او وإنى دهر ند هري آم

    دً م خ ج تآل د ق ا خكن ق نكل د ُ آل نقآل ر ا ْ تكهللا أل َ ْ ق ئل ُنْيك ايآليلاك نق ت ب ْ يلًة ن ا ر هللا وا ْ ةل نككم ،ل د ر. ن ن ك ن ْ ي ج

    ْ وم ي د كب ألل نل و نكجك، م ت ر نز فْ ب غل كن نكآلز هة ا ي ُنى ي : ُلْ هكتف ُنيك م نلكن ة ه م ْ ط ل ب ث ضكب روَ نخ ل ك ك لْ َ غلفر نز ي ا ْ ك وإنا هللا م دي بإيمك ن ج قك ْ ن ت ا ن د


    + From my youth up many passions have warred against me. But do Thou help and save me, O my

    Savior. (REPEAT)

    + Ye who hate Zion shall be put to confusion of the

    Lord; like grass in the fire shall ye be withered up.


    + Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

    Holy Spirit.

    Through the Holy Spirit is every soul quickened

    and exalted in purity, and made resplendent by the

    Triune Unity in mystic holiness.

    + Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    ْدني بلكي نك ْ انص يك ملخ صي الْ ضل َ + ملْك ل بكلي آ ل نث ر، تلَك )مرت ( ْصكي. وخ

    ْا ْ خْ َ ضي ص ْ تلجكه نرآل ز + يك ملْب ي ص رو س كلمْ ب ألنآل و م َ نيكب جكا ْت )مرت ( ه بكنككَ. نكنلل +. نمجدل نالب و ل و نروا ن لدل،

    يك نل دل بكنروا ن ل َْ ًة بكنثكن ث فْ اُّ ن ، ت ل ًة و م ه وت ي ك ى ملْرت ف ل َ ي نطكه ر.ف د نخ ن

    . وناآل او وإنى دهر ند هري آم +

  • 13

    Through the Holy Spirit the channels and streams

    of grace overflow showering all creation with

    invigorating Life.

    و ي نب ر يك ، دل بكنروا ن ل َياك ا يلر ت يضل س قي نك ْلم ة وم جكَْ ية. يك، نمل َ ب ْسر هك بكن


    My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditation of

    my heart shall be of understanding. (TWICE)

    Stichos: Hear this, all ye nations; give ear, all ye that

    inhabit the world.

    My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditation of

    my heart shall be of understanding.

    ْكم ة وق ا مي َ (مرت )بي ي ال ُّ بكنف ْام. ْ ي ي ك آلمل بكنَض ُْسم ل ه ايُّاك أللم مل اْصَ يك جمي ستيخ .اْها أل

    ْكم ة وق ا مي َ .بي ي ال ُّ بكنف ْام ْ ي ي ك آلمل بكن

    Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

    Choir: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: For Holy art Thou, O our God, who restest in

    the Holy Place, and unto Thee we ascribe glory: to the

    Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and

    ever, and unto ages of ages.

    َ. ل طْ ب ن ُنى نرآل الشم:س .مْ َ بُّ َْ يك َ المرت

    ري ل ي قْ وت رُّ ي قْ يق ت د كك واي ن ص يك ُنا و، انْ دُّ ك قل ألنآل الك: اااال نم ون اا اااو ناار ل و ْلااا بل ااااكد ايُّ ْجااك نلرس ااا ،دل وال ن ل اآل ونل

    ري .ه ر ندهْ نى د إاو و Chanter: Amen. Let everything that hath breath

    praise the Lord. (Twice) Praise ye God in His saints; praise Him in the firm

    foundation of His power.

    Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.

    م ة ت ر المُ اااااُّ ن ق ب نرآل آم . نل ْ يلق . )مرت (ا بآلت ه ب حوهُ فر ف ل ك ُقو ، س يسيه ب حوا هللا فر ق .س

    ب نرآل ْ يلق م ة بآل ا اااااُّ ن ق .نل


    Deacon: And that we may be accounted worthy to

    hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord God.

    Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice)

    Deacon: Wisdom! Attend! Let us hear the Holy


    Priest: Peace be to all.

    Choir: And to thy spirit.

    Priest: The Reading from the Holy Gospel according

    to Saint John (10:1-9).

    Choir: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee. Deacon: Let us attend!

    َ ك ملقْ ن ا ا ْ اجْ ْ : م الشم:س ، دآل ج ا نمل مكع إلنْ ق ن ي كك ن ُنى نرآل َ. ل طْ ب ُنا )ثالثًك( مْ َ بُّ َْ : يك َ المرت

    َ الشم:س ْ ك قي ْم وْنك ْقم إلنْ م كْ : ن دآل،ج ا نمل ةل ا م. ج اللل ن : نقآل الك: كل ميل .: ون المرت اااااك َ روك ك يه د ، ن تكَ ب ْ ريف م ا ْص ا :الك: ت ر نب ي ج إلنْ يَ

    (.9-10:1و ني م نط كه ر ) نم ْجدل ن ك. نم ْجدل ن ك يك َ بُّ المرت

    ! الشم:س كلْصغ ن **TO BE READ FROM THE BEAUTIFUL GATE**

    Priest: The Lord said to the Jews who came unto Him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter

    the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another

    way: that man is a thief and a robber; but he who

    enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him

    the gatekeeper opens; the sheep hear his voice, and he

    ي ات ُنيي م قكل نرآل الك: قآل »ا د: ن بُّ ن َ قآل ْن َ ا قل لل ْنر ف ل ْا ي ْط م ْ ن كلْم: ُ آل ر ر ، ْنخ َ ال م ْنب كب ُ ن ى ل م ْ ي ْدخل

    ر ا ال م ْنب كب ا ال ال م ْ ض آخ . و ا مآلك نآل ي ي ْدخل ن كَ ق و س . ر ف ي ْنخ ْ ت ي نبكب آل بل ي ْفي ل ْنب يل ن َ ر فل ت ْقم ل ص . و ْنخ

  • 14

    calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

    When he has brought out all his own, he goes before

    them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his

    voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will

    flee from him, for they do not know the voice of

    strangers.” This figure Jesus used with them, but they

    did not understand what He was saying to them. So

    Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I

    am the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are

    thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not heed them. I

    am the door; if any one enters by me, he will be saved,

    and will go in and out and find pasture.”

    Choir: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee.

    ر ا يل ب ْسم ك م ي ى ا ْخر هكا ْد ل خ ك. و ا يلْخر جل ر ا يل و َل ج خ ي ْ ه ْ ت يل. و ا مآلك ك ت ْلر فل ص ر فل ت ْيب لليل أل نآلا ك و ْنخ َل ا ال ا م كم ا َ ر ي ْن

    كْ نك كآلاكت ْيب لليل ب ك ت ْارلبل م َلر ْ ت ْن ك ت ْلر فل ص ه «. يل أل نآلا ْم ي قل عل ث ال ق كن يل ن ال ْم ب ي . هلْم ا ْم ي ْفا مل م ك و ا مآلك .ْنم ك يلك ملال نآل ي ن

    ْم ي قل عل ا ْيًضك: قآل ا قل لل ن كلمْ »ا كل ن ال َ قآل ْن َ ر ف ْن : ُ ن ي ا ن ك ب كبل ْنخ ر ف ن ْم ج و نك آل ْنخ نلصل ص و رآل ق و ي ا ت ْ ق ْب ي هلْم سل م ي ل نآل

    ا ل ي خ . ُ ْ د ْم. ا ن ك هل ْنب كبل ْ ن ال د ا ت ْقم ي ْخرلجل َ ي ْدخلال و ي ْخ ل ل و دل م ْرً ى. ي ج و

    نم ْجدل ن ك. : نم ْجدل ن ك يك َ بُّ المرت **NO VENERATION OF GOSPEL BOOK**

    PSALM 50 (Plain Reading)

    Reader: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy

    Great Mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy

    compassions blot out my transgression. Wash me

    thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from

    my sin. For I know mine iniquity, and my sin is ever

    before me. Against Thee only have I sinned and done

    this evil before Thee, that Thou mightest be justified

    in Thy words, and prevail when Thou art judged. For

    behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and in sins did

    my mother bear me. For behold, Thou hast loved

    truth; the hidden and secret things of Thy wisdom hast

    Thou made manifest unto me. Thou shalt sprinkle me

    with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Thou shalt

    wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Thou

    shalt make me to hear joy and gladness; the bones that

    be humbled, they shall rejoice. Turn Thy face away

    from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create

    in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit

    within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and

    take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the

    joy of Thy salvation, and with Thy governing Spirit

    establish me. I shall teach transgressors Thy ways, and

    the ungodly shall turn back unto Thee. Deliver me

    from blood-guiltiness, O God, Thou God of my

    salvation; my tongue shall rejoice in Thy

    righteousness. O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips, and

    my mouth shall declare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst

    desired sacrifice, I had given it; with whole-burnt

    offerings Thou shalt not be pleased. A sacrifice unto

    God is a broken spirit; a heart that is broken and

    humbled God will not despise. Do good, O Lord, in

    Thy good pleasure unto Zion, and let the walls of

    Jerusalem be built up. Then shalt Thou be pleased

    with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and

    َااي ك ْم ل َْ الق:: ْثر ، ْثا ن م ي ك ون م َْ ْمكي يك إل نلريم َ َْرني* مآث مي ْ ُْثمي وم ْ خ ط سيي ا ث رً م ْ كي ن ألن ي انك * ُْغق

    ط س يي امكمي اي نا َ هللا * كَ ف بإْثمي وخ د ُنيك َوَ اخط تل و نترآل َْ ك ْلصل نك ي ت ْصدلق اي اق ن ك وت قلد م ك ص

    ي ك ْتكي * اي ملَكك م ن د طكيك و ب ا لي وبكنخ َل هك ن بك ثكل ي ك *الم ي ْكم َ ص ني غ م ض َْ ب ْبص نَقآل واْوض َْ ْد ا ألن ك ق

    َ ت اك ْقي ق لكي ا ْلي ضُّ * وم َْ رل ت كي بكنزواى ا ْ ال َل اكث ر ت ْكض ركمي ن آلن ة* م نثآلْ ج جل ي ْبي ا ًَ ا ًة وسرو كي ل ْاج لل * تلْقم

    اآل مآث مي طكيكي و ْم ل نل ْ خ ك ْ بًك ن ي ي ًك * ُْصر ْف وْجا ق تكئي َْ ْد اي ا د ْقي ييمًك ج ًك مل ََو * ْخ لاْق ا يآل يك إل و

    جْ ْ امكل و كي م َْ ك ت ْطر َل ا َو و،ل ت ْكز ْ يل مك يو * ك ن لدُّْدني ي ْ ضل َئكس ك وب روا ة خالص كي ل ْاج َْ ا ل مل * ُْمك

    ل ر ،ل ُنْيك ي ْرج ق ك و نك ف ة لرل مك يك * أل ث م اْن ْ ني م ند ْدنا ك ج ن قكني ب ل الصي ا ْبي ا ي يآل * إل ُناي خ ف َبُّ ْاي ْ يك

    ي ك َ ب ر ا مي ل ي ْقب يلخ ة ن كلْكصل * َ ألنك نْ آث ْرت ن آلليقكت ر َْ رُّ بكنمل ق * الْ طي نك كآلك تلق َ ْكق َوا مل ةل ف َ ن لي

    ي ض ل ي ْرذلنليل إل ي خت ل و نمل َل نمل ْ َبُّ * ن اْص ْ يك ْا ونْ ت ك ص رآل َ يمب م ق َل او ة ايلْب اْس َ رُّ ل لي َ كس تلق ر قكت َْ ْدل قلْربكنًك ومل ك نللج ل* نل َ ْ ب .َ كس يل ر ب ى م

  • 15

    whole-burnt offerings. Then shall they offer bullocks

    upon Thine altar.


    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

    Spirit. Through the intercessions of the Bishop Basil,

    O Thou Who art merciful, blot out the multitude of

    our transgressions.

    ك ة فك ة ت ب .، دل دل نالب و إلل و نروا ن ل جْ نم َئيه نك ا ت كك.طكيكنك وس ، خ ر ثْ ل ن َ ل مْ ايُّاك إلنيل نرآل بكت ي ْ و بكس ،

    Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Thou

    Who art merciful, blot out the multitude of our


    إلني ، د ة و ن فك ت ب .ر ند هري آم هْ وناآل او وإنى د ت كك. طكيكنك وس ، خ ر ثْ ل ن َ ل مْ نرآل اك إلنيل ايُّ بكت اك و

    Idiomelon for St. Basil in Tone Six

    Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy

    lovingkindness; according to the multitude of Thy

    tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Grace is

    poured upon thy lips, O righteous father Basil, and

    thou didst become a shepherd for the Church of Christ,

    teaching the sheep endowed with speech to believe in

    the consubstantial Trinity of the one Godhead.

    َ َ مْكي يك إل ن َيمل يك َ ل َ َ ن م َْ ريم َ ق ك وب َ ر ثْ ي ك مْ ا ، ل اكت ميم ْوت ايُّاك ألبل نبكَُّ ْيك ي ف ةل ى م لْ ب ص نك ك ق ْد نْ ن .آث وغ د

    ثكن ث ل َم ْ تل ا ة ككل نكك ألغْ ملل مكً قي ة نم كيق ك يًك ن َ ع َ ل اله ت ر ه ْ نج ايقكو ي مل د.و


    Deacon: O God, save Thy people, and bless Thine

    inheritance. Visit Thy world with mercy and

    compassions. Exalt the horn of Orthodox Christians,

    and send down upon us Thy rich mercies. Through the

    intercessions of our all-immaculate Lady Theotokos

    and ever-virgin Mary; by the might of the precious

    and life-giving Cross; by the protection of the

    honorable bodiless Powers of heaven; at the

    supplication of the honorable, glorious prophet,

    forerunner and Baptist John; of the holy, glorious, all-

    laudable apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the holy

    apostles; of our fathers among the saints, great

    hierarchs and ecumenical teachers Basil the Great—

    whose memory we now celebrate—Gregory the

    Theologian and John Chrysostom; Athanasius, Cyril

    and John the Merciful, patriarchs of Alexandria;

    Nicholas of Myra, Spyridon of Trimythous and

    Nektarios of Pentapolis the Wonderworkers; of our

    fathers among the saints Tikhon, patriarch of Moscow

    and Raphael, bishop of Brooklyn; of the holy,

    glorious, great-martyrs, George the Trophy-bearer,

    Demetrios the Myrrh-streamer, Theodore the Soldier,

    Theodore the General, and Menas the Wonderworker;

    of the hieromartyrs Ignatius the God-bearer of

    Antioch, Charalampos and Eleutherios; of the holy,

    glorious great women martyrs, Thekla, Barbara,

    Anastasia, Katherine, Kyriaki, Photeini, Marina,

    Paraskeva and Irene; of the holy, glorious, right-

    خ ْ يك إل ب ك وبكَ هللْا م ر ث ك و اي ْد كن م ك الشم:س َث ذلْكق وا ْسب ْغ ا ْ ْ نمقيَ أل بكنرآلَمة و نرااكت و َْ

    ، إل ت كك و ن اد فك كت س د ك يآلة ب ت َ م ك ن َ ني نكل يآلة نطآلاكَ ، كك مر َْ ي؛ و ند ئ م ة نب ي ن يآلة م ْري م َ نك ريم نمل ْ بكت ؛ وب ل آل، نص وب ط

    ؛ و نكآلبي نك ريم نقكل ق ألْجقكد م ة يآلة نملك رآلم ة نلكد مكو ن ل ت نقآل

    ْ نملت يق ك ك نم ْلم د ؛ و ن د بلْطرل، رآلا ْ نرآلس ن ْ نم ج د يَ ا م دي ؛ ديري ب كل رآلا نج ا نملت وآبكئ كك وب نله وسكئ ر نرُّسل

    ك ة نملل رآلم َؤسك نك ا يق ملل مي نم ْقك ن ة بكس ، ن د َي ، ناله تي -ْ ل ن ي نلييمل ت ْ ككَ هل ن - نكب ر ك كوغريَ َ وي

    كك نرآلَيم َ يق ا ث ككس ، ون رنُّه وي ن ه ب ي نف م؛ وآبكئ كك ن د يآلة وال كك ن د َ ْكد ة إلْسك ئيه اسكق ف ة م ر ب طكَ ن يه ني و، َ

    َي ، الْس ل نملدل ن يكية و ْسب ريدو الْس ل ْتريم ث ، ون ْكيكْمه نل جكئ ب يه تيخ ب ْطر ي ْرهللا م سك نخ وابكنك ن د

    َ اكئ ا الْس ل لرون ؛ و ن يه د د و ن د ا يق نمج دي نتَُّج ، نالب ه نرفر وديم يري ، نمل يض نللر مك جكوْيش وم كك، َ، قكئ د نج َ، ني روني وث دو َ وث دو نط

    ُْغكك ، نملي بكهلل نصكن نل جكئ َ؛ و د ا يق نتُّ ن د ا د ت نل ريمكت ت ْ ال ل ْربكَ ، ر ن ْمب ، وإن ْفث ري ،؛ و نتآل خ

  • 16

    victorious martyrs; of our venerable and God-bearing

    fathers who shone in the ascetic life; of Saint N., the

    patron and protector of this holy community; of the

    holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and

    Anna; of the new-martyr Peter of the Peloponnesos,

    whose memory we celebrate today, and of all Thy

    Saints: we beseech Thee, O most merciful Lord,

    hearken unto the petitions of us sinners who make our

    supplications unto Thee, and have mercy upon us.

    يك نكْتريكك ن ريككي َ سكيفك وآيري ؛ ان ْقطكس َيكك بك ا ت كي مك؛ د نملي ن بكنر ف ر ا يق نم ج دي نتُّ َ و ن د وآبكئ كك ألْلر

    َ بكهلل؛ ة نملي س ه نك كيقة نمل دآل يه )الال ( ي ه و ن د ْي نم قي إلني دآل كآلة ج ي ْ ي كيم َو ْ نصد يق كآلة و ن د ؛ي كيم َو

    ديدل يهل د ن و ا دل نج هل ككَ ْ ت ييمل نل ن ي زي ب ب ن ن ،ل رل طْ بل نت مةَْ زيال نرآل بُّ نج عل ُنيك ايُّاك نرآل رآل ض ي ن :يقيكد مي ق وج ل ن َْ ن ي كسْ ا َْمكك. نطكن ، ط كك نَ ل نخ ج ب ُنيك و َْ

    Chanter: Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord,

    have mercy. (Repeat 4 times) َبُّ المرت َ َ بُّ َْ يك َ مْ َ َْ يك مر ت( 4م. ) َ بُّ َْ م يك

    Priest: Through the mercies and compassions and love for mankind of Thine Only-begotten Son, with Whom Thou art blessed, together with Thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

    Choir: Amen.

    اا َْ ر ل الكاا: ي ن بآل َ َ ااد وم ك ااك ن لْ اااكت ا ة وَ م ناا ي ر ت اب اْ اا ي ااَ انص مل يل وم هللا م بك ك نكل ل َ يل نصآلا دْ قل ي ا َو ايَْ و نمل كن سلا

    اآل او وإنى د ري .ه ر ندهْ ونل .آم المرت


    Thou didst appear as an unshaken pillar of the Church,

    distributing to all mankind inviolate authority, and

    sealing them with thy doctrines, O righteous Basil,

    who revealeth heavenly things.

    ْد د ا ن َ س ْرت قك طكن ك سل ْ ْ ْ ص م ل وج ة كيق ك ْ ًة ن خ ً، مْ وث ر ت مي نب ج الذً ن م َُّ اك نبايُّ لكنيم ك ي ل بآليآلال بكس ، كمكويآلة.ض ألسْ مل َ نقآل ر

    The mingling-bowl of chastity, the mouth of wisdom,

    the foundation of doctrines, Basil the Great spiritually

    flasheth like lightning upon all. Come ye therefore, let

    us stand in the house of God, fervently fixing our gaze

    on his wonders with delight. And flashing with their

    light as with a beacon, let us warm ourselves with the

    purifying spirit of his life, imitating his faith, his

    fervor, his humility, whereby he was shown to be

    indeed a house of God; and unto him we cry out in

    praise: O righteous Basil, who revealeth heavenly


    َ فكف وا ، نل ْ ن ريم ُ آل بكس ، نل ْك ة م كْ م ن وَل ص إ ْ ل اي ل كك ُذً ن مآل ل ل ا ًك. ا ي ْ مي ك رل نج يل د كئ نل ْق ُنى َ ونل نآلمك اك ن ك رل ل ي قْ ج . وإْذ ن ا ي بْ مل لك جكئ ب ي بإمْ د َ رْ ن بكا ْص م ب ضل ن بكإليمك ن يل ملَكك ة ي ي روا نيآلكْ يك، ل َ

    َ َ، و نيآل ضل و ن فكت نيي ل ر ر م اك نص َ قْ ا ًكك يييي ًك ف. ك َُّ اك نبايُّ َ : ك ْاي ُنيي مكد ْ ن ك ا ن ض مل ،بكس ك

    مكويآلة. َ نقآل ألسر THE SYNAXARION (Plain Reading)

    On January 1 in the Holy Orthodox Church, we celebrate the Circumcision in the Flesh of our Lord, God and

    Savior Jesus Christ; it being the eighth day after His birth, we commemorate also the giving of the Name of Jesus.


    Christ being circumcised, the Law is cut off; and the Law being cut off, Grace is brought in.

    He that in six days made the earth and heavens, now upon the eighth taketh the name of Savior.

    The Divine Child was presented in the Temple and circumcised according to the Law existing in Israel since the

    time of Abraham. The Old Testament circumcision was the proto-type of the New Testament baptism. The

    circumcision of our Lord shows that He received upon Himself the true body of man and not just seemingly, as

    was later taught of Him by heretics. Our Lord was also circumcised because He wanted to fulfill the entire Law

    which He Himself gave through the prophets and forefathers. Thus, the Apostle Paul declares: “For neither does

    circumcision mean anything, nor does uncircumcision, but only a new creation” (Gal. 6:15).

  • 17

    On this day we also commemorate our Father among the Saints Basil the Great, archbishop of Caesarea in



    Though he hath died, Basil in the Lord yet liveth; and he liveth with us, speaking from his writings.

    On January first thou didst die, O Basil.

    Basil was baptized in the River Jordan and was Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia for almost ten years. He was a

    great defender of Orthodoxy, a great light of moral purity, a great theological mind, a great builder and pillar of the

    Church of God. Basil fully deserved the title “Great” and is referred to as the “bee of the Church of Christ which

    brings honey to the faithful and with its stinger pricks the heretics.” Numerous works of this Father of the Church

    are preserved; they include theological, ascetical and canonical writings as well as the Holy and Divine Liturgy

    named after him, which we will celebrate today. Basil reposed peacefully in 379 A.D.

    On this day, we also commemorate the new-martyr Peter of the Peloponnesos. By the intercessions of Thy

    Saints, O God, have mercy upon us. Amen.


    **The first canon is chanted in hard chromatic; the second canon in soft chromatic.**

    Ode 1 (1). The Lord, mighty in wars, uncovered the

    foundations of the deep, and He led His own through

    dry land, but covered their adversaries in the deep; for

    He is glorified.

    Ode 1 (2). Israel walketh the sea’s unsettled surging,

    which is again shown to be dry land and solid. But the

    Egyptian captains are hid completely in the lightless

    deep, in a grave of spreading waters, by the mighty

    strength of the right hand of the Master.

    َل َ د ك ن بآل نرآل ُ آل . 1) 1األودية ر لْ ق ت ن دْ ق روب اي ن ي ضكد نمل ر م غ ي وب ه ب ى ن ي ب ص ي خْ نمل ب ي و جْ ة ج ن ُّ د.جآل م ت دْ ق يل ألنآل

    اا جااكس دْ ق اا ر ئ ا ُْساا ُ آل . 2) 1 األوديااة اا نب كص ُذْ ج كئ نماا ر َْ مْ فكهل خْ ا مْ ال ر لل َ ةل ث آل ث نمل ري ْص ك نم قًك. ام ب ضًك ي ايْ يل ن ر ا ر ا كد ااا ااا ةً ااامْ جل ق ْمااا نلل دل س اااب ياااكه بكنم روش ْفااام ه مْ ر ن ااا مااا ي ، َ دْ ل د نقآل زيز،. نل

    Ode 3 (1). The Lord, Who granteth strength unto our

    kings and exalteth the horn of His anointed, is born of a

    Virgin and cometh unto baptism. Wherefore, let us cry

    out, O ye faithful: There is none holy as our God, and

    there is none righteous save Thee, O Lord.

    Ode 3 (2). All that are rescued out of the ancient meshes

    of the devouring lions, whose teeth are broken: Let us

    rejoice now, opening our mouths in gladness, weaving

    of words a melody for the Word Whose delight it is to

    bestow gifts upon us.

    ْر ق ااااا ا اااااو نر كاااااك ن مل ن ،ً آل قلااااا نماااااكن بآل نااااارآل ُ آل . 1) 3األودياااااة اااامل اااا د ن ااااول دْ ق اااا ي َكئ ق ن ااااة. لم ديآلااااُنااااى نم آت وهاااا ياااا ل نب م ل كد ه يْ ون ككُنا ا ثْ م و، د قل ه يْ ن :ك َم اك نمل ايُّ هل َْ ن ْ ي اْ ك ا ْ .بُّ َ يك هللا س

    ا ن ر هللا ْ ا أل م ي ْ ال ن ي ر ت لْ يك م . 2) 3األودية ماك ب ة ديم َ دْ ق ااا يل نآلاااا ااا ااار ي فْ نمل سااا د ألل ياااكبل انْ ْص سل ااا ْ نل و جْ ا ي ْباااك ْ ة ا س كاااكم ا ْ س

    اا ك ْ ن م نااك اامْ نم ي ب اا ه ااى م قااكلي ني اقاا ل ة م َ يل نآلااإا كااكن ة ك ك. ن ل رُّ ق يل

    Ode 4 (1). He whom Thou didst call the voice of one

    crying in the wilderness, O Lord, heard Thy voice, when

    Thou didst thunder upon many waters, bearing witness

    to Thy Son. And being wholly filled with the Spirit Who

    was present there, he cried: Thou art Christ, the Wisdom

    and Power of God.

    Ode 4 (2). Cleansed with the torch-light and fire of

    mystic vision, the Prophet singeth hymns of mortals’

    renewal. His voice he raiseth, which is moved by the

    Spirit, showing the unutterable Word’s Incarnation,

    اااا يل نآلااااُ يل ْكاااا ص ْ اااا ناااا ي قل ُ آل بُّ اااااك ناااارآل ايُّ . 1) 4األوديااااة تل ْ ص اا ق اادْ ة يآلاار خ اااي نب صااكَ اا م س اامك اَْ د ْكاا ك ت ْ ص يااكه ااى نم ت دْ

    َ اااا ي ي اااا مْ جل سااااًك ب ي مْ مل صااااكَ . وإذْ ك ك اااادً لْ ااااكه ، زياااار ن ضاااا َ َل ْ م .يل تل آل وقل ةل إ م كْ َ قي ل نم ص انْ :الً قكئ ي ه وا نر

    اااا باااايآل نكآل ُ آل . 2) 4األوديااااة ااااك ك ت نم اااا ، د تااااكه نمل كااااكَ ى ل ة يآل ر نق اامل ُ ااكد ب ق اا نب ديااد جْ ت ، ًَك ااد صااكَ ر ت ااخًك ب اامل راايم ت ْ ص هللا رآل َ

    اج ت ل ص ن ي يل د قُّ ج رً نيآل ا رْ مل بكنروا ا نك د قُّ ي نا ي ب ا ة م

  • 18

    Who hath wholly crushed the dominion of the mighty. ْد َي وي قْ ذ زُّ ق َ ق ن. Ode 5 (1). Jesus, the Author of Life, cometh to loose the

    condemnation of Adam the first-fashioned; and though

    as God He needeth no cleansing, for the sake of him that

    fell He is cleansed in the Jordan: wherein having slain

    the enmity, He bestoweth the peace that passeth all


    Ode 5 (2). Washed with the cleansing and laver of the

    Spirit from all the poison of the mired and murky

    foeman, we have been set on a path new and unerring,

    leading to inaccessible joy and gladness found by them

    alone with whom God is reconciled.

    َ ع د ْباامل قاا ع ي ُ آل . 1) 5األوديااة ااي ياا اي ن يااك، ن ااْ ط ة اآل َل ل آد س ط قكق ْ ن ل ك مْ ي ني ُ يل نآل امك ب ا ر طْ ُنى ت يكج َْ نمل ر ْ غ و ة بْ نج ل اوآل ا ياي ب ادل يل وإذْ دل ااي ألَْ ا ر طْ نيآل ا ل ك ي ْما ، د و نل ة نفكئ اة الم نقآل

    ا .ا ْ ى نلاي غْ ن ي ل َْ كك ن ُنآل . 2) 5األودية ا وا نار طا ار ي كك ل ْ ق ا ْ م م سل

    ا ر ْ ااغ دياد ج ك ْقاكك ااى م اْ ر اْ ا دْ ق ا ،ْمااَ بكنْ ه نآل د نملا م ن اكت و دل نل ا ُ ي ُنْيا ر ب ي ا ْ مل غ ر روَ ُنى سل د َ مل ا ض مل مل ال َ صاكن نا ي م

    .إOde 6 (1). The voice of the Word, the lamp of the Light,

    the Morning Star, the Forerunner of the Sun, crieth in

    the wilderness unto all the peoples: Repent ye and be

    cleansed while there is yet time, for behold, Christ is

    come to deliver the
