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试卷代号:2157 中央广播电视大学2002-2003学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语专业英语阅读(3)试题 2003年1月 一、将你的准考证号、学生证号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在 答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和 答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细读懂题 目的说明,并按题 目要求和答题示例答题 。答案一 定要写在答题纸的指定位置上 ,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三 、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题 ,使用铅笔答题无效。
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Part j

Questions 1一10 are based on Passage' 1.

Passage 1

China's Models

1 Zhen Jun had great looks and lots of ambition. What she needed was a break. It

came last year when she was eating with friends in a Beijing restaurant. At a nearby table

were Cheng Jing,who runs a modeling agency, and one of his top girls, Huan Lulu.

Cheng was so struck by the woman across the room that he asked Huan to go over and in-

troduce herself. "She was very lucky,”says Huan. "Before dinner was over, she was

talking with us.”And before Zhen had left the restaurant,she had decided to join Cheng

and about 40 of his models.

2 Although the designer fashion industry is spreading across China, it cannot be com-

pared with the Western fashion industry. Because of various circumstances, China has

few local fashion labels. Secondly, there are few photographers in China,so there is little

chance just yet for designers to become known, or for China's models to do anything

more than model a new sytle at a fashion show.

3 Zhen and Huan won't reveal how much they earn but there is no limit to their ambi-

tion. Zhen,19 years old and 1. 8 meters tall, has the lush pouting lips that Westerns ad-

mire but Chinese dislike. It's a typical model's face一 memorable, but not necessarily

beautiful. Huan is closer to a standard Chinese definition of pretty, with thin, curving

eyebrows that contribute to her haughty air. She is two years younger than Zhen, also

1. 8 meters tall.

4 Both chat with confidence about their futures in the business,but are still unsure.

Huan is taking a work-study program at a major Beijing hotel. With the classroom phase

completed, she says she is completing her training by working一 without pay一 in the

food and beverage department. Zhen is studying management at Beijing Industrial


5 For most Chinese girls, the path to the catwalk begins in a modeling competition.

"The industry is new,”says Cheng. "Competitions increase interest. It's our equivalent


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of the beauty pageants held abroad.”As he speaks Cheng works the phones in his office-

cum-apartment on Beijing's Third Ring Road. He is dressed in foreign sportswear and

glitters with jewelry; a pinkie ring, a gold watch and a gold neck chain. Photos of models

are tacked and taped to his walls.

g The 34-year-old army veteran got the idea for his Cheng Jing Modeling Center when

he attended the 1994 Beijing International Auto Exhibition, A frustrated Japanese car-

maker asked why Beijing didn't supply models for publicity work. Then a Japanese friend

asked Cheng to line up some women for a promotion, and he just developed his company

from there.

} The Shanghai International Fashion Model Competition is a favourite with Chinese

girls,mainly because it gives them a chance to measure themselves against their Western

counterparts. "To be honest, the Chinese models can't yet compare to Western ones,”

says Cheng. Still, they are a big hit in Hong Kong, where they model in fashion shows.

Lam, who helps organize fashion shows for the local Trade Development Council claims,

"Many mainland girls一especially those from the north一are of a high standard. They

have lots of training, they're young, they're tall and they have good skin. They make

good models.”

s Zhang Xiaoging,standing 1. 8 meters tall-"exactly,”as she likes to point out,is de-

termined to make a success of her career just like Zhen and Huan. The 19-year-old girl is

not breathtakingly beautiful, but her face lingers after she has gone. As a student at the

Beijing Textile College,she is up at seven in the morning, then in class from eight until

midday, five days a week. Evenings are spent working on design projects or hanging out

with her roommates. Zhang shares a three-by-five square meter dormitory with six oth-

ers-hardly the lifestyle of women in training for one of the most style-conscious jobs in

the world. She doesn't mind. "Being a student's cool,”she says. "And I'm learning de-

sign as well as modeling.”

9 Zhang won a modeling competition in Dalian last year. Now she has her sights set on

a breakthrough in Beijing. After that,who knows? But entering a competition is tough


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without a manager or sponsor. "You need photos,”she says.“It's just not possible for

me to find photographers and do everything else all by myself.”That might put an end to

her ambition to compete in this year's Shanghai competition along with hundreds of other

hopefuls. "What we need is a modeling association or union,”she says. "It would protect

everyone. It would regulate the business.”

10 It might also help raise the profile of Chinese models internationally. "Foreign com-

panies use Chinese models because they're inexpensive,”Says Linda Hsich, whose work

in assisting promising models to study English abroad has given her an inside look at the


11 For Zhang, it's reality. As she makes her way to the bus stop from college,people

turn for a second and third look. She ignores them. At the bus stop,the photos adver-

tising most products are still of foreign women and men. One day, if she's lucky, that

will be her face on those billoards.

Read Passage 1 and identify which paragraphs contain the following ideas. The first one is done

for you as an example. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Example:Paragraph 1 Zhen Jun was very lucky to meet Cheng Jing,the manager of a model-

mg agency.

1. A model's future in China depends on a modeling competition.

2 models like the Shanghai International Fashion Model Competition.

3 company developed out of the need for Chinese models.




industry in China cannot be compared to the West.

of Huan and Zhen.







Huan a

The fas





Thereare few labels,few photographers and few opportunities for Chinese



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Dart j[

Questions 11-20 are based on Passage 2,

Passage 2

Searching for Utopia

1 While most of the world seems to be motivated by more money, better televisions,

more powerful cars, the highest-tech computers,bigger houses,there are some inde-

pendent souls who are tired of "the rat-race",that is,the stressful pressures of working

hard to get ahead. Since around 1990,there has been a slow but steady rise in "intention-

al communities" in the U. S. An intentional community is a group of people who have

chosen to live together with a common purpose. Although quite diverse in philosophy and

lifestyle,each of these groups places a high priority on a sense of community, in other

words, the feeling of belonging and mutual support. There were 300 intentional commu-

nities listed in the 1990 edition of the Intentional Communities Directory; by 1995,this

had grown to 600,and it is estimated that there are now several thousand, listed and un-

listed,in operation. These communities vary in size, but in the 600 listed communities in

1995,total population,including children, was estimated at 24,000.

2 At first glance, the intentional community movement appears quite diverse. It is

multi-generational,i. e. with ages ranging from children to seniors. They may choose to

live together on a piece of rural land,in a suburban centre, or in an urban neighbour-

hood. In some communities, individuals own their own land and house; in others,these

things are shared. There is a wide variety of choices regarding standard of living-some

embrace voluntary simplicity while others have full access to the products and services of

today's society. Even the purposes vary widely. For example, communities have been

formed to create great family neighbourhoods, to live ecologically sustainable lifestyles,

or simply to live with others who share their values. Some are secular while others are

committed to a common religious belief.

3 What unites the intentional community movement is its members proud rejection of

mainstream consumer values. Nearly all communities encourage sharing items members


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don't need to own privately, for example, washing machines, trucks, swimming pools.

Many communities serve as model environmental or teaching centtrs for sustainable agri-

culture. For example, "The Farm",a large cooperative community in rural Tennesssee

does not reject competitive business practices but rather, commits to a vision of environ-

mentally friendly business. Members of "The Farm" work in several small-scale indus-

tries including solar electronics, solar car research,and a publishing company for alterna-

tive books.

An example of an intentional community committed to voluntary simplicity is Vashon

Co-Housing Community. Its members choose to live in small unpainted wood houses,

shingled with cedar. "Uncle Martin" decided to leave New York in 1989 and move his

family to the Vashon Co-Housing. He and his family live on little money, don't own a

computer, and forbid anything with the Disney label on it. Rather than playing Myst on

the computer, the family spends their evening playing old-fashioned card games, or read-

ing. Residents live in separate dwellings but homes are connected by dirt roads, there are

13 acres of communal land, all residents attend bimonthly meetings,and every month

there is a work party in which everybody pitches in with outdoor chores.

These communities are the newest expression of the 300-year-old American desire to

build a non-hierarchical,or equal, community with values uncorrupted by the larger soci-

ety. It was this desire to form a new, ideal community which brought the Pilgrims to the

U. S. in the early 17th certury. 300 years later, it is still impossible to find a community

that has achieved perfection. The problems we see "out there" in the mainstream-greed,

dishonesty, egoism, competition, factionalism-all manage to find their way into alterna-

tive cultures too. However, intentional communities have a much lower crime rate than

their mainstream neighbours, and claim a more caring and satisfying lifesfyle. They are

committed to ideals of ecology, cooperation, and family, even though they may often fail

to reach those ideals perfectly. Their utopian vision provides a challenge to the pace and

purpose of modern American society.


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Read Passage 2 and find the definitions for each of the following in the passage. Write your an-

savers on your answer sheet.

11. the rat-race

an intentional community:

sense of community;







14, mufti-generational:

15. "The Farm":

Read Passage 2 again and find which the underlined words) in each of the following sentences

refer to,

16,,。.by 1995,this had grown to 600,and it is estimated that there are now several

thousand,二 (paragraph 1)

17,⋯ in others,these things are shared. (paragraph 2)

18,少members choose to live in small unpainted wood houses.. . (paragraph 4)

19, He and his family live on little money,⋯ (paragraph 4)

20拭They are committed to ideals of ecology, cooperation,and family. : . (paragraph 5)

Part jJj

Questions 21一30 are based on Passage 3,

Passage 3

Chinese Opera Introduced in America



About 400 years ago,the great Chinese playwright Tang Xianzu (1550-1616) created

the beautiful dream opera "Peony Pavilion.”Today, 400 years later, Chen Shizheng,a

New York-based Chinese director and the Shanghai Kunju Opera Troupe, are giving A-

mericans a chance to experience Tang Xianzu's dream.

This 55-act traditional Chinese opera lasts 20 hours. It will be spread over six

nights,during which the viewers will live through a young woman's dream of meeting

her perfect match, a young man's dream of finding his lover at the Peony Pavilion, the

young woman's death,the young man's pursuit of her ghost, the woman's resurrection,

and finally, their reunion after battles with the Judge of Hell.


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3 In this production of the opera set in the Song Dynasty (960-1279),22 actors and ac-

tresses will play 106 roles. "The opera is an epic spectacle that rolls out like a giant Chr-

nese scroll painting,”said Chen. With a total investment of US$500,000,Chen hopes

to bring the audience back to the ancient Chinese theater at the time of Tang Xianzu-a

contemporary of,and of equal importance as Shakespeare.

4 Unlike the stage of traditional Western drama,the stage of "Peony Pavilion" will be

open to create a relaxed atmosphere. There are no backdrops on the stage, the accompan-

ying orchestra sits in full view of the audience,and the actors and actresses make up and

change costumes on stage. Bird cages with real birds will hang on each side of the stage,

and the performers will fish in a real fish pond in front of the stage. Actors and actresses

who have finished their parts are free to mix and chat with the audience,and at any time

during the performance, the audience can go to the lobby to get something to eat or


5 Chen believes this new kind of drama will offer the audience a relaxed enjoyment in

which they can get to know the performers,as well as converse with their friends, just as

in a traditional village performance in China.

6 There is no record of the precise year when Tang wrote "Peony Pavilion.”He lived

at a time when the dominant philosophy in China was Neo-Confucianism(Li Xue),a

school of philosophy which believed people should regulate their behavior according to

feudal rules. Tang,however, saw the need for people to feel free in expressing their e-

motions. He tried to celebrate love in "Peony Pavilion",as a counter reaction to the strict

moral codes at that time.

7 The two main characters in the play become lovers. This love is so deep that the liv-

ing will die from it,and the dead come back to life. "tang's "Peony Pavilion" represents a

ground breaking effort in the expression of the broad humanistic ideas of life and society,

heaven and hell. In this sense, "Peony Pavilion" gives the audience a chance to reflect on

the beauty and sorrow of life,death, love, society and folk customs, says Chen. "These

are enduring themes of both Oriental and Occidental theater that will continue to inspire

playwrights and stage directors into the next century,”Chen said.


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g Dreams are a main theme in Tang's works. His four representative plays- "Peony

Pavilion,”"The Tale of Handan,”"The Tale of the Purple Hairpin"-are all related to

dreams, and he called them“the four dreams of Yumingtang"(the name he gave his


g Kunju Opera is one of China's classical opera forms,which originated in the Kunshan

region of Jiangsu Province about 500 years ago. Through centuries of development,Kun-

ju Opera has established a complete system of acting as well as its own distinctive music.

Both the music and acting of Kunju Opera have had a significant influence on

other traditional Chinese opera forms,including Yueju Opera and Peking Opera.

10 "Peony Pavilion" has remained an important opera in the repertoire of the Shanghai

Kunju Opera Troupe. The troupe 'has staged excerpts from the opera three times, in the

1950s, 1980s and 1990s. Each lasted about two or three hours. "The opera was written

about 400 years ago, but there is no record in history of a complete performance of the

whole opera,”said Cai Zhengren, president o# the Shanghai Kunju Opera Troupe.

11 "Chinese people often say Tang is as great as his contemporary Shakespeare, but

we have never shown his greatness to the world,”said Chen. Perhaps now people out-

side China will begin to discover the art of this great Eastern dramatist whose dreams

are the stuff that plays are made of.

Read Passage 3 and then choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Write your

知aswers on your answer sheet,

21._ wrote Peony Pavilion.

A. Chen ShiZheng

B. Cai Zhengren

C. Tang Xianzu

22. "Peony Pavilion was set_ .

A. between 1550 and 1616

B, between 960 and 1279

C. in the 1950s


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.There are altogether acts in "Peony Pavilion".23

A. 20

B. 6

C. 55

24. Which of the following is true about Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare according to the


A. Tang lived in the time earlier than Shakespeare.

B. Tang is considered as important as Shakespeare.

C. They had similar ideas about theatre.

25. The stage production of Chinese opera is_ western opera.

A. different from

B, better than

C. the same as

26. Which of the following is true about the time when Pavilion was written

A. Nobody knows exactly in which year "Peony Pavilion" was written.

B. People can find in a record book the year in which "Peony Pavilion" was written.

C. "Peony Pavilion" was written in the 1700s.

27. Which of the following is NOT among the enduring themes of both eastern and

western theatre?

A. Death.

B. Health.

C. Love.

28. is a main theme in Tang's works.

A. Beauty

B. Dream

C. Sorrow


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29. Which of the following is true about Kunju opera?

A. Kunju opera has had a great influence on the other Chinese opera forms.



.Kunju opera is a modern opera'form.

.Kunju opera's music is similar to that of Yueju opera.

30. The Shanghai Kunju Opera troupe has puton stage some acts of "Peony pavilion"

A. twice

B. three times

C. four times


Questions 31-40 are based on Passage 4

Passage 4

The first person to use the sun's energy on a large scale was the Greek,Archimedes. He

used it to set fire to an attacking Roman fleet at Syracuse in 212 B, C, . He did this

pf a burning glass composed of small square mirrors made to move in all directions

m eans



葬轴)。In the early twentieth century, solar energy was used to power water distillation

plants in Chile and irrigation pumps in Egypt.

Today over ninety-eight per cent of our energy comes from fossil fuels:coal, oil and

natural gas. But coal and oil are not only fuels. They are also important raw materials for

cur chemical industries, People now think we should limit their use as fuel,otherwise the

rorld's supply will soon run out. Consequently much research is being done into the practi-

:al use of the sun for heating (and cooling) buildings. "the less fossil fuel we use now,the

扣re we will have for the future.

polar energy is transmitted from the sun一 through space一 to earth, by electromag-

tetic radiation. It must be converted to heat before it can be used. Various types of solar en-

,rgy collectors (also called absorbers or absorber plates) are used to convert the sun's radia-

ion to heat, The solar-heated system, based on waterheating, works like this. Each of its

ollectors,placed on the roof, consists of a shallow fibreglass tray that holds a number of 1051

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copper tubes under a special glass cover. The tubes are,in turn, fixed to a blackened metal

surface which absorbs energy from the sun. The sun's rays, passing through the glass, heat

the water in the tubes.

Since the energy is available only during the day and only then when there is not a great

deal of cloud cover, the heat must be stored. This can be done in water, or in rock or pebble

beds. The energy is stored in the hot water in the pipes.

Read Passage 4 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True

and F for False on your answer sheet.

31. The first person to use the sun's energy on a large scale was a Greek man.

32. A Roman ship attacked Syracuse in the year 212.

33. In the early twentieth century,solar energy was used in Chile and Argentina.

34. Nowadays, over ninety per cent of energy comes from coal and oil.

35. Coal and oil can also be used as raw materials for chemical industries.

36. Nothing much has been done on the use of the sun for heating buildings.

37. Solar energy can be used immediately when it's transmitted from the sun.

38. Solar energy collectors are also called absorbers or absorber plates.

39. The solar heated system is based on waterheating.

40. Solar energy can be available all day.

Part V

Questions 41-45 are based on Passage 5.

passage 5

When TV news programmes report wars or disasters,the editors rarely use the most

horrifying pictures of dead or wounded victims because they don't want to upset their view

ers. Even so,viewers are usually warned in advance that they "may find some of these

scenes disturbing" so they can look away if they choose. But the men and women whose jot

it is to record those scenes -the TV cameramen- have no such choice. It is their duty t2

witness the horrors of the world and record them, no matter how gruesome(可怕的)and un}

pleasant they may be. Consequently, it is one of the most dangerous, exposed and emotiorf

ally lazing(艰难的)jobs the world has to offer. 1052

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Today,the demand for their work is rising. The explosion of satellite broadcasting and

24-hour news in recent years has created an almost insatiable(贪得无厌的)demand for TV

information. But major broadcasters and the TV news agencies-such as Reuters and

WTN-have never had enough staff to meet the worldwide demand for up-to-date pictures,

so increasingly they turn to "freelance" TV cameramen.

I hese freelance cameramen are independent operators tied to no particular organization.

They will work for any company which hires them,be it for just a few hours or for several

weeks in a war zone. But if the freelance cameraman is injured in the course of the job,the

TV company is not responsible for him. The freelancer must survive on his own.

"TV will always need hard,vivid moving pictures which are fresh,but these companies

feel uncomfortable with large numbers of employees on their books,”explains Nik Gowing,

once foreign editor for Britain's Channel 4 News and now a BBC news presenter.

"By hiring freelancers,they can buy in the skills they need only when they need them.

It also enables them to contract out the risk,”he says.

Read Passage 5 and answer the following questions. Make your answers as short and clear as

possible. Write your answers on your answer sheet,

41. Why do the editors try to avoid using the most horrifying pictures of dead or woun-

ded victims?

42. What are the men and women called if their job is to record the scenes?

43. What do the major broadcasters do if they don't have enough staff to meet the

worldwide demand for up-to-date pictures

44. Whatare "freelance cameramen"?

45. What is Nik Gowing now?


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试卷代号:2157 座位号口口




题 号 I II 1I[ N V 总 分

分 数

得 分 评卷人Part j.(20 points, 2 points each.)


得 分 评卷人Partn.(20 points, 2 points each.)








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2003年 1月

Part 1 (20 points, 2 points each)

1. Paragraph 5

2. Paragraph 7

3. Paragraph 6

4. Paragraph 4

5. Paragraph 2

6. Paragraph 3

7. Paragraph 6

8. Paragraph 7

9. Paragraph 4

10. Paragraph 2

Part II (20 points, 2 points each)

11. the stressful pressures of working hard to get ahead.

12. a group of people who have chosen to live together with a common purpose

13. the feeling of belonging and mutual support

14. with ages ranging from children to seniors

15. a large cooperative community in rural Tennessee


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16. intentional communities

17. land and house

18. Vashon Co-Housing Community's

19. Uncle Martin

20. intentional communities

Part III (20 points, 2 points each)












23. C

28. B











Part N (20 points, 2 points each)







33. F

38. T

34. F

39. T










Part V (20 points, 4 points each)

Because they don't want to upset their viewers.

TV cameramen-



turn to "freelance" TV cameramen.

are independent operators tied to no particular organization.











45. He is a BBC news presenter.












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得 分 标 准

4分 回答问题全面,正确(不一定与参考答案完全一致,表达正确,拼写及标点符号全部正确)

3-2分 回答比较全面,有个别语法错误

2-1分 回答不够全面,有少量的语法错误

1分 回答不全面,有较多的语法错误

0分 回答完全错误,与问题毫无关系



