Youth media: Brazil

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Between media and childhood: A relationship


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Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn | Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft

Seminar WS 2011|12 – Youth Media – G3 Modul

Dozentin Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm

Studierende Vivian Martins Nogueira Napoles mithilfe Laurisa Alves

A short look at the country

Internet: a) worlds internet penetration, b) numbers of internet users and costs; c) social networks (SN) and blogs in Brazil; d) SN and youth in Brazil; e) two studies and E-Learning example

Mobile Phone

Youth and Smartphones

Media investments

Communications conglomerates


Radio frequencies

Public and Privat Television (TV) Channels

TV and Youth

Youth|Media in Brazil Table of Contents

Youth|Media in Brazil

A Short Look

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base

Population (2011) BR: 203,429,773

Country Area: 8,514,877 km² (5,7% of the world)

The Federative Republic of Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world (5,7%) - after Russia 11,5%;

Canada 6,7%; USA 6,5%; China 6,4% -, the fifth most populous - after China, India, USA and Indonesia - and the fourth country in Internet usage - after China, EUA and Japan (numbers in accord with 2011).

Forests cover 65% of its territory and includes the world's largest tropical rain forest in the Amazon River basin. The Amazon River is the world's largest. Brazil is south of the equator and has mostly a tropical climate. It is very large and makes up half of South America.

Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the landing of Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500 until 1815, when it was elevated to the rank of kingdom and the United Kingdom of Portugal. Independence was achieved in 1822 with the formation of the Empire of Brazil, a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system. The country became a presidential republic in 1889.

Brazil is today a federal republic consisting of twenty-six states, and one federal district (Brasilia, the

capital). Each state is technically autonomous, with a legislative body and an elected governor. Voting is universal and compulsory for ages eighteen to seventy. The presidential term is four years. Portuguese is the official language. ||

Youth|Media in Brazil Some facts about the country

Youth|Media in Brazil Internet 2011_05_01_archive

Brazil: 37.4% Internet (Mar| 2011) 26/10/2011 -

Youth|Media in Brazil Worlds Internet Penetration

Youth|Media in Brazil Internet Users|Costs

- Brazil’s fixed and mobile broadband internet are the world's most expensive, with costs above the practiced in emerging countries and less developed economies, reveals study of United Nations Conference on trade and development, United Nations, published by Internet Management Committee. The cost of mbps mobile was at $ 51, while in Kenya is at $ 4 and in Turkey, $ 3. For fixed broadband in Brazil, the cost of the megabit was estimated at $ 61

- The search considers access 3 G modems via fixed and mobile access. It can represent more than one user, as in homes in which the whole family uses the same fixed access. Doesn´t consider the access via smartphone (reaching 3 million). Research conducted with 3 thousand users of the mobile browser Opera Mini in Brazil shows that 45% of those surveyed are unique users of mobile internet, not having access to fixed networks.

203,429,773 population BR (2011) = 75,982,000 Internet users (Mar/11) 37.4% penetration 26/10/2011 -

Reach and Usage by Country / Apr 2010 (Home

& Work)

Social Networking / Blog Sites

Country % Reach of

Active Users Time per Person


Brazil 86% 5:03:37

Italy 78% 6:28:41

Spain 77% 5:11:44

Japan 75% 2:50:50

United States 74% 6:35:02

United Kingdom 74% 5:52:38

France 73% 4:10:27

Australia 72% 7:19:13

Germany 63% 4:13:05

Switzerland 59% 3:43:58

Source: The Nielsen Company

Youth|Media in Brazil Social Networks (SN)|Blogs

- There are estimated to be about 5 million bloggers, placing Brazil among the 3 most active countries in the world. - "Belong to a group is a central value in digital Brazil", says Alexandre Barbosa, Executive Coordinator of the research ICT Households 2010, held by the Steering Committee of the Internet (CGI). For Barbosa, this explains the fact that 82% of young people between 16 and 24 years who use the internet going to sites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn, regardless of social class and educational attainment. Among Brazilians between the ages of 25 and 34 years, the rate of use of social networks falls to 70%; above 65 to 45%. - The survey examined 23,107 households throughout the Brazilian territory, confirming known inequality. In the Northeast, the index of web users of all ages who are on social networks is 75%, compared to 70% in the South and Midwest, 68% in the North and 67% in the Southeast.

The world average age at which children enter on social networks is 12 years, actually

curious because Facebook, one of the websites cited in the survey, stipulates the minimum age of 13 years for the creation of a profile.

While in Brazil children begin to use these sites at about 9 years, in India it occurs in an age next to 14 years, already as a teenager. Japanese kids are also less likely to visit social networking sites – only 12% of the Japanese parents surveyed reported their kids have an account with social networking sites, compared to 63% of parents in Brazil.

9 out of 10 parents Brazilians claimed to be "friends" of their children on social networks. The practice facilitates supervision of children on the internet: 38% of them showed daily the kids profiles, the highest level of frequency between the seven countries surveyed. Then is Australia (32%), USA (31%), United Kingdom (28%) and France (24%). In the last positions among the "least concerned" with the daily monitoring are India (17%) and Japan (9%).

Youth|Media in Brazil Youth|SN

Internet Safety for Kids & Families (Trend Micro)| Sept. 26, 2011

203,429,773 population BR (2011) | 75,982,000 Internet users (Mar/11) 37.4% penetration

Youth|Media in Brazil Youths Penetration in SN

Internet Safety for Kids & Families (Trend Micro)

Sept. 26, 2011

Parents whose children use social networks

Average age of children who use social networks

26/10/2011 -

Sept. 26, 2011

Facebook has notified 35,158,740 users on Dec 31/2011 in Brazil. That means 17.3%

penetration at the country Internet users. Facebook is slowing gaining users around the world (almost 700 millions) establishing

its leadership in 119 out of 134 countries. Europe has now became the largest continent on Facebook with 205 million users (Facebook Ads Platform). Probably Netherlands and Brazil will be the next countries to surrender.

Orkut phenomenon (also in India) – Communities; Profile design; Google; Publicity.

Youth|Media in Brazil SN|General Datas


Kids age 5-9 (Internet and Mobile phone) – Brazilian Internet Steering Committee

Sondagem Njovem Redes Sociais

Teens age 15-24 (Internet)

Editora Abril

Youth|Media in Brazil Two Studies

Telecurso 2000 (Music) (English)

Telecurso Básico: (Administration and

structure of soccer)

eLearning? (in english)

TV Rede Globo Monday-Friday 05h10 – 05h40

3 level from Telecurso (about 10 min each)

Youth|Media in Brazil e-Learning

202,944,033 Mobile Phone subscribers as of Dec/10 =

99.8% penetration

Brazil closes with record of mobile phones activation in 2011. Twenty-six units of the Federation have more than one service access per inhabitant.

The Brazilian continues paying for one of the most expensive mobile phone services on the world. The alert is the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) which pointed out that, while the world saw an average reduction of 22% in the cost of mobile phone in the past two years, in Brazil this fall was only a third of the value, about 7%.

In 2009, a Brazilian spent an average of 5.66% of the average income of a citizen to use the mobile phone service. The rate is more than five times that carriers charge in Europe and only 40 countries out of a total of 161 economies analyzed has mobile phone more expensive than Brazil, almost all the world's poorest economies. In Myanmar, for example, the cost of mobile reaches 70% of the average income of a citizen.

Youth|Media in Brazil Mobile Phone|Costs

# Activation

Year Acitvation growth (%)

2000 8.155.473 54,25%

2001 5.557.598 23,97%

2002 6.135.195 21,34%

2003 11.492.302 32,95%

2004 19.232.311 41,47%

2005 20.604.759 31,41%

2006 13.708.285 15,90%

2007 21.061.482 21,08%

2008 29.661.300 24,52%

2009 23.317.965 15,48%

2010 28.984.665 16,66%

2011 39.287.470 19,36% Fonte: ANATEL/ABTDA/TELECO

26/10/2011 -

Globally, about 17% of parents have purchased a smartphone (as opposed to a standard

mobile phone) for their kids. The average age of a child receiving a smartphone was 13 years old. The average age of children when they started using smartphones was 12 years for the Brazilians. The highest was the age of Japanese children (18 years).

For research, were interviewed 1,419 parents resident in Brazil, Australia, France, India, Japan, United Kingdom and United States.

Despite the low adoption in all countries in the survey, the largest index of parents who bought smartphones for the children was of Brazil (27%), followed by United Kingdom (21%) and USA (19%) (lowest in Japan at 5%).

In addition, nine in ten parents in Brazil claimed to have driven the child about safe and responsible use of the smartphone.

Youth|Media in Brazil Youth|Smartphones

Internet Safety for Kids & Families (Trend Micro)| Sept. 26, 2011

Youth|Media in Brazil Media Investments in the Country

MEDIA 2011 1st semester Descriptive: Source-2011-Monitor Evolution-38 markets (Tv) Media = Tv 9, magazine, newspaper, radio, Outdoor, Tv, Cinema, Internet Subscription and street furniture-used: June/11 ME11069MEIOS. 2010-Monitor Evolution-37 markets (Tv)-media: Tv, magazine, newspaper, radio, Outdoor, Subscription Tv, Cinema and Internet. Database used: ME10061T37NET June/10. Data in $ (000). Basic values in the table of prices of vehicles. * Entered in coverage in Sep/10 with retroactive to jan/2010 data. Information pertaining to the period: January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 publication date: July 22, 2011 update period: 1 SEMESTER


TVA Jornal Revista Radcom Total

Globo 105 76 11 52 4 9 2 1 2 17 33 27 1 340

SBT 58 70 1 39 2 1 10 1 12 1 195

Band 39 48 5 44 3 13 1 2 11 166

Record 46 51 2 31 3 9 142

EBC 18 32 10 27 7 1 95

Youth|Media in Brazil Communication Comglomerates

Vehicles of the five Largest TV Networks and their Affiliated Groups in Brazil:

copyleft Project Media Owners

9,477 is the number of communication vehicles in Brazil

Jan/05 Jan/06 Jan/07 Jan/08 Jan/09 Jan/10 Jan/11


e visits 4.238 5.274 6.941 10.343 12.782 15.633 18.421

Youth|Media in Brazil Newspaper

Age % readers % penetration in the

readers group

10-14 5 25

15-24 23 45

25-34 20 51

35-44 21 50

45-54 15 48

55-64 8 44

65 e + 8 42

Age of Newspaper Readers (2010):

Reading Online Newspapers:

The numbers correspond to unique visits per month in thousands (000) Fonte: IBOPE Nielsen On Line

Year #Subscribers

2010 202.900

2009 173.859

2008 150.641

2007 120.980

2006 99.918

2005 86.210

Newspaper Mobile Signatures:


Fonte: IPOS - Estudo Marplan/EGM 2010 - 9 cities surveyed

203,429,773 population BR (2011)

At the international level, the administration and coordination of radio frequencies are

within the competence of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the oldest international governmental organization. Was established in 1865 and is the largest global organization of telecommunications. Since 1947, the UIT is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN).

Because they are limited and shared by all Nations, radio frequencies require a centralized and rigorous administration. This works not only in each country. There is a world body, which runs the international coordination of radio frequencies, as regards the distribution and use, allowing the orderly and peaceful use by users.

Until 2007, the ITU was composed of 189 States and more than 600 entities with interests in the telecommunications sector, since operators to manufacturers, as members of the sectors. The ITU's official languages are Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, English and Russian.

Youth|Media in Brazil Radio Frequencies

In Brazil, the national coordination and administration is, since the end of 1997, in chareg of

the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), the regulatory agency which replaced the Ministry of Communications in international forums and which also manages the operation of services of telecommunications in the country. Anatel develops, administers and maintains the Basic Plans of distribution Channels (radio frequencies) as provided for in the General Law on Telecommunications (LGT), 9,472 Law of July 17, 1997.

However, broadcasting services remained under the administration of the Executive, represented by the Ministry of communications and under the auspices of the Brazilian Telecommunications Code (CBT).

The grants for the provision of broadcasting services in commercial character is conferred – whatever type TV, MW (medium wave), OT (tropical waves), OC (shortwave) – and FM (frequency modulated), educational (TV, FM and OM) or community, in which case the station's coverage area must meet, only the particular community of a neighborhood and/or village.

The awarding is conferred by a period of 15 (fifteen) years in the case of TV and 10 (ten) years, if broadcasting – radio. These time limits may be extended for equal periods, as often as of interest of entities granted since that met certain legal determinations.

Youth|Media in Brazil Radio Frequencies



Polarization Frequency Channel

1 H 1430 Globo (Nacional)

2 V 1415 SBT (Nacional)

3 H 1400 TV Brasil

4 H 1380 TV Escola

5 V 1370 RedeTV! (Nacional)

6 H 1360 Terra Viva

7 H 1340 Band (Nacional)

8 H 1320 E-Paraná

9 H 1300 Polishop TV

10 V 1295 Record (Nacional)

11 H 1280 Canal do Boi

12 H 1260 Rede Vida

13 H 1240 Rede 21 + TV Igreja Mundial

14 H 1220 Via Embratel

15 H 1140 MTV Brasil

16 V 1140 RIT

17 H 1120 TV Aparecida

18 V 1120 NBR

19 H 1100 Novo Canal

20 V 1084 Canção Nova

21 H 1060 TV Câmara

22 V 1060 Futura

23 H 1040 Rede Gazeta

24 V 1040 Shoptime

25 H 1020 TV Senado

26 V 1020 TV Cultura

27 H 1000 TV Século 21

28 V 1000 Record News

29 H 980 Canal Rural

30 V 980 TV Esporte Interativo

31 V 960 Agro Canal

In Brazil there are more than 30 million satellite dishes. Currently are 31 channels available on the Athena dish, with a wide variety of channels, since education popular, a cost-effective option for those who can't afford to pay the high fees of subscription Tv.

Today, the price of a satellite dish varies between $ 250 and $ 300 being „Century” and “Cromus” the most popular brands.

Public TV Channels in Brazil:

% 2007 2008 2009 2010

Radio 88,1 88,9 87,9 81,4%

TV 94,5 95,1 95,7 95,0%

Households 55.770 57.557 58.557 57.324

Brazilian households (%) with radio and TV:


Daily 86% of Brazilian children (from 1 to 10 years) consume, on average, 3.7 hours of

his free time watching some television program. Waiver of “Sophia Mind”, research firm and market intelligence from the “Group Bolsa de Mulher”, interviewed 1,164 mothers with children from 1 to 10 years (most are married and between 26 to 40 years old), during the month of February (2011), to seek to understand the habit of children in relation to children's television programming.

A decisive factor when choosing a channel is advertising. Mothers give preference to channels with less propaganda and 24% responded that the ads that pass during children's programmes negatively influence children. The toys are singled out by 90% of mothers as the products that children ask for parents to buy when they see ads on TV, followed by electronic games (77%) and cookies and yoghurts (51%).

When asked how TV consumption occurs by its children, most mothers (51%) answered that there are programs that children assist ever. The survey showed that 21% of children have autonomy in the definition of programming that will assist and connect the TV when they want to. Other 22% responded that their children ask to watch some specific program.

Youth|Media in Brazil Youth|Television

Favourite Programmes: the Discovery Kids is

quoted in the survey as the preferred channel for 57% of children. In the second block of child preference appears the Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, Globo and SBT. Then comes TV Culture (“Ra Tim Bum” Program), Nickelodeon, Disney HD and TV Record.

The justification for the choice of channels are that they have more interesting programs (41%), with better content (39%) and more intelligent (35%).

Preferred designs and programs for children are: Cocoricó, Ra Tim Bum Castle, Home of Mickey Mouse, Angelina Ballerina, Backyardigans, Ben 10, Scooby Doo and Pica Pau.

Youth|Media in Brazil Youth|Television

The survey questioned if there is any program that they prohibit their children to

watch and 46% answered those containing scenes of sex and violence, as reality shows and soap operas. Still, 19% of them stated that children are not prohibited to watch any program on television.

The DVDs appear as the most-watched by children, cited by 59% of mothers. According to them, the DVD calms and helps children to sleep.

The cable TV comes in second, cited by 51% of mothers, followed by open TV with 44%.

The game also appears in focus and 27% of the mothers said that children play every week, however, they realize that the children got much agitated.

And about the Internet, they believe that has the power to interact with other children.

Youth|Media in Brazil Youth|Audiovisual

Castelo Rá Tim Bum (TV Cultura, TV Brasil) (2011) Turma da Monica: (Pscina) (O corpo fala) (Cebolinha) Turma da Xuxa: (since 1986) (Paquitas + Criancas 1990) Rede Globo (Programs|Time) (TV Globinho: 10h40-12h) SBT (Bom dia e Companhia) ttp:// (Carrossel Animado) (Dança do macaco brincalhao)

Youth|Media in Brazil Youth|Television

Thank You very much

Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft

Seminar WS 2011|12 – Youth Media – G3 Modul

Dozentin Prof. Dr. Caja Thimm

Studierende Vivian Martins Nogueira Napoles mithilfe Laurisa Alves