SAINT CLAIR CEMIN - · PDF fileedition 1/3. SHE, 2011 ... Clair Cemin é,...

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Saint-Cla ir Cemin - Skulpturen

Es gibt Künst ler, für welche die Welt und ihre Mythen scheinbar nicht gross genug sind. Auch wenn nicht von der Hand zu weisen ist , dass die k le ine Landgemeinde Cr uz Alta – Stadt der brasi l ianischen Gauchos (*) – diesem Bi ldhauer von Gebur t an eine enor me Ausgegl ichenheit und Ruhe geschenkt hat, sol l te man sich davon nicht täuschen lassen. Saint-Cla ir Cemin besitzt die Gabe der Al lgegenwar t und einen unbändigen Appet i t . Auf der Flucht vor den Zwängen der Mi l i tärdiktatur waren die Pariser Schulen für bi ldende Künste nur ein Zwischenstopp für ihn, ehe er schl iessl ich New Yor k er reichte. Er beher r scht fünf Sprachen und unterhält Atel ier s in den USA, Peking (China) und der Bourgogne (Frankreich). Dar über hinaus hat dieser of fenbar rast lose Künst ler auch nicht gezöger t, s ich in Ägypten niederzulassen, als er das Bedürfnis danach ver spür te, und man kann ihn jedes Jahr in Gr iechenland tref fen, wo es ihm zweife l los gefäl l t , in Erzählungen zu alten Legenden einzutauchen.

Diese Wiss- und Ler nbegierde sowie diese grosszügige und neugier ige Sichtweise spiegeln s ich selbstver ständl ich in seinem gesamten, atypischen Wer k wider, dessen Ironie immer nur einen Schri t t weit entfer nt ist . Die einzige Konstante besteht dar in, dass Saint-Cla ir Cemin unbestreitbar ein grosser Bi ldhauer ist . Nach der Verführ ung durch den Sur real ismus und dem Schock der Entdeckung des Wer ks von Joseph Beuys wählte er den grossen r umänischen Bi ldhauer Constant in Brancusi a ls Mentor. Ebenso wie Letzterer ist Saint-Cla ir Cemin ein wahrer Plast iker! Für ihn s ind Skulpturen (und das Leben) etwas, das man for mt. Es ist e ine direkte Methode der bi ldenden Kunst. Er zöger t jedoch niemals, a l le ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mitte l zu nutzen, und schreckt auch nicht vor neuen Erfahr ungen zur ück, indem er selbst mit den edelsten Wer kstof fen (Mar mor, Bronze, Holz usw.) spiel t – ohne al lerdings recycelte und neuar t ige Mater ia l ien ausser Acht zu lassen.

Dieses Nebeneinander der Mater ia l ien geht Hand in Hand mit dem «Kannibal ismus», mit dem er der Kunstgeschichte und insbesondere der Bi ldhauerei begegnet. Tradit ionen aus al ler Welt scheinen in seinem Wer k eine Metamorphose zu durchlaufen und mischen sich oftmals mit Verweisen auf ant ike Mythen. Er ver steht es, weltweit Sprachelemente zu f inden, die für al le ver ständl ich s ind – welchem Kultur kreis s ie auch angehören mögen. Er er inner t ger ne daran, dass Sprache das Leben nicht zu fassen ver mag. Deshalb gefäl l t es ihm, seine bi ldhauerischen Vis ionen sichtbar zu machen. Er weiss nicht, was der Begri f f «nor mal» bedeutet. Seine überbordende Fantasie arbeitet a lso mit a l len mögl ichen Real i täten.

Diese Ausstel lung bietet ein Kunstpanorama mit zahlreichen Originalskulpturen von 1995 bis 2012 sowie einigen Zeichnungen, die dem Publ ikum die Gelegenheit bieten, mit diesem grenzenlosen Künst ler auf Reisen zu gehen.

Marc Pott ier, Kurator

(*) «Gauchos» nennt man die südamerikanischen Cowboys und die Einwohner des brasi l ianischen Bundes--staates Rio Grande do Sul .

HE, 2011 135 x 118 x 78 cm

lackered red carbon-f iber on stainless steel table

edit ion 1/3

SHE, 2011127 x 110 x 77 cm

lackered red carbon f iber on stainless steel table

edit ion 2/3

BEAVER, 2011146 x 35 x 117 cm

tradit ional chinese lacquer carbon f iber, stainless steel

edit ion 1/3 (3 + AP)

Saint Cla ir Cemin – Esculturas

Há ar t istas para quem o mundo e seus mitos parecem muito estreitos. Se a pequena cidade r ural de Cr uz Alta, de gaúchos brasi le iros (*) tem, desde o seu nascimento, inegavelmente, dado ao ar t ista um for midável equi l íbr io e uma calma inter na, ele não deve ser invocado. Saint Cla ir Cemin tem o dom da ubiquidade e um apet i te feroz. Fugindo das restr ições da ditadura mi l i tar, as Belas Ar tes em Paris foram apenas um palco para ele, antes de ganhar Nova Iorque. Pol ig lota, seus atel ier s se div idem entre os Estados Unidos, Pequim na China e a Borgonha na França. Mas este ar t ista, quem parece não apreciar o repouso, não hesitou em se instalar no Egito, quando houve necessidade e também pode ser encontrado, a cada ano, na Grécia, onde ele sem dúvidas gosta de mergulhar nas nar rat ivas de ant igas lendas.

Encontramos c laramente, essa sede de conhecimento e vontade de aprender, esse olhar generoso e cur ioso, em toda sua obra at íp ica, onde a ironia nunca está distante. Uma única constante é que Saint Cla ir Cemin é, inegavelmente, um grande escultor. Após a sedução do movimento sur real ista e o choque da descober ta das obras de Joseph Beuys, seu mentor é o grande escultor romano Constant in Brancusi . Como este últ imo, Saint Cla ir Cemin lapida! Para ele a escultura (e a v ida) se lapida. É uma lapidação direta. Porém ele jamais hesita em ut i l izar todos os elementos a ele oferecidos e não recua diante de nenhuma nova experiência, br incando com os mater ia is mais nobres (már more, bronze, madeira. . .) sem negl igenciar elementos recic láveis e os novos mater ia is.

Estas justaposições caminham lado a lado com o “canibal ismo” que ele opera sobre a histór ia da ar te e da escultura em par t icular. Em seu trabalho, as tradições do mundo todo aparecem metamorfose-ando muitas vezes misturadas com referências de mitos da ant iguidade. Ele sabe encontrar, pelo mundo, elementos de l inguagem que falam a todos, independentemente de sua cultura. Não capturamos a v ida coma l inguagem, ele gosta de lembrar. É por isso que ele gosta da aparência de v isões esculturais. Ele desconhece o conceito de “nor mal idade”. Assim sua imaginação transbordante trabalha sobre todas as real idades possíveis.

Esta exposição oferece um panorama de obras, de esculturas únicas e múlt ip las, de 1995 a 2012, assim como, alguns desenhos, que per mit irão ao públ ico v ia jar com este ar t ista sem l imites.

Marc Pott ier, Curador

(*) São os cowboys da América do Sul e no Brasi l são chamados todos os habitantes do estado do Rio

Grande do Sul .

MYSTERY DOG (PHILOSOPHY), 2012170 x 230 x 110 cm

carbon f iber, stainless steel , wood polychrome


UNIVERSAL ANGEL, 2007 85 x 85 x 85 cm

bronzeedit ion 1/3

LILA (DANCE), 2007120 x 120 x 120 cm

bronzeedit ion 1/3

SURFACE, 200750 x 120 x 110 cm

bronzeedit ion 1/3

AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE (HOMAGE TO THE ELENIKI), 2009 160 x 65 x 63 cm

nickel faced bronzeedit ion 1/3

MEMORY, 200237 x 72 x 28 cm

bronzeedit ion 2/3

ONE CENTURY SMITES ANOTHER, 199986 x 41 x 23 cm

bronzeedit ion 4/5

EU, 2006120 x 50 cm

bronzeedit ion a/p

Saint-Cla ir Cemin. Sculptures

I l est des ar t istes pour lequel le Monde et ses mythes semblent trop étroits. Si la pet i te v i l le r urale de Cr uz Alta des gaucho brési l iens (*) a, dès sa naissance, indéniablement donné à l ’ar t iste un for mi -dable équi l ibre et le calme dont i l est habité, i l ne faut pas s’y f ier. Saint-Cla ir Cemin a un don d’ubiquité et un appét i t féroce. Fuyant les contraintes de la dictature mi l i ta ire, les Beaux-Ar ts de Paris ne furent qu’une étape pour lu i avant qu’ i l ne gagne New-Yor k. For t des c inq langues qu’ i l par le, ses atel ier s sont entre les Etats-Unis, Bei j ing en Chine et en Bourgogne en France. Mais cet ar t iste qui parait ne pas aimer le repos n’a aussi pas hésité à s’ instal ler en Egypte quand ce besoin s’est fa i t sent ir et on peut le rencon-trer chaque année en Grèce où i l a ime sans doute plonger dans les récits des légendes anciennes.

On retrouve bien entendu, cette soi f de connaitre et d’apprendre, ce regard généreux et cur ieux dans toute son œuvre atypique dont l ’ i ronie n’est jamais bien lo in. Un seule constante est que Saint-Cla ir Cemin est indéniablement un grand sculpteur. Après la séduct ion du mouvement sur réal iste et le choc d’avoir découver t l ’œuvre de Joseph Beuys, son mentor est le grand sculpteur roumain Constant in Brancu-si . Comme ce der nier, Saint-Cla ir Cemin tai l le ! Pour lu i la sculpture (et la v ie) se tai l le. C’est une tai l le di -recte. Mais i l n’hésite jamais à ut i l iser aussi tous les éléments qui s’of fre à lu i et ne recule devant aucune nouvel le expérience jouant avec les mat ières les plus nobles (marbre, bronze, bois…) sans négl iger les éléments de récupérat ion et les nouveaux matér iaux.

Ces juxtaposit ions de matières vont de pair avec le ‘cannibal isme’ qu’ i l opère sur l ’h istoire de l ’ar t et la sculpture en par t icul ier. Dans son œuvre, les tradit ions du monde ent ier apparaissent métamorpho-sées souvent mêlées à des références de mythes l iés à l ’ant iquité. I l sait trouver à traver s le monde des éléments de langage qui par lent à toutes et tous quel le que soit leur culture. On ne capture pas la v ie avec le langage, aime-t- i l à rappeler. C’est pourquoi i l a ime à donner à voir ses v is ions sculpturales. I l ne sait pas ce qu’est la not ion de ‘nor mal’ . Son imaginat ion débordante travai l le ainsi sur toutes les réal i tés possibles.

Cette exposit ion of fre un panorama d’œuvres, sculptures or iginales et mult ip les al lant de 1995 à 2012 ainsi que quelques dessins qui per mettront au publ ic de voyager avec cet ar t iste sans l imite.

Marc Pott ier, Curador

(*) ce sont les cowboys du sud de l´Amérique du sud et au Brési l est le nom de tous les habitants de l´Etat du Rio Grande do Sul .

THE SPIRIT, 2006120 X 50 X 50 cm

hammered stainless steeledit ion 2/3

PROPPELER, 2006257 X 52 X 33 cm

stainless steeledit ion 1/3

SMONUMENT TO THEORY, 2006 240 x 110 x 65 cm

hammered stainless steel edit ion 1/3

VIOLONCEGO, 2006160 x 80 x70 cm

Pol ichrome wood, Bronze, steel base


Saint Cla ir Cemin – Sculptures

There are ar t ists for whom the wor ld and i ts myths seem nar row. I f the smal l r ural town of Cr uz Alta of Brazi l ians gaúchos (*) has, s ince i ts bir th, undeniably given, the ar t ist a great balance and calm, which is inhabited, i t should not be rel ied upon. Saint Cla ir Cemin has the gi f t of ubiquity and a ferocious appet i te. Fleeing the constraints of the mi l i tar y dictator ship, the Beaux Ar ts in Paris were only a stage for him, before taking over New Yor k. Polyglot, h is studios are in the United States, Bei j ing in China and Burgundy in France. But this ar t ist who seems not to l ike the rest, a lso did not hesitate to move to Egypt when this need has been fel t and he also can be found, each year in Greece, where he probably l ikes di -v ing into ancient legends.

We f ind, of cour se, that thir st of knowledge and lear n, his generous and cur ious look, in al l h is atypical wor k, in which irony is never far away. One only constant, is that Saint Cla ir Cemin is undeniably a great sculptor. After the seduct ion of the Sur real ist movement and the shock of discovering the Joseph Beuys’s ar t wor k, his mentor is the great Romanian sculptor Constant in Brancusi . L ike him, Saint Cla ir Cemin facets! In his sculpture (and l i fe) he facets. I t is a direct cut. However he never hesitates to use al l the elements that await him and never draws back from new experiences, playing with the best mater ia ls (marble, bronze, wood . . .) without neglect ing the elements of recover y and new mater ia ls .

These juxtaposit ions of mater ia ls go hand in hand with the ‘cannibal ism’ that he operates on the histor y of ar t and sculpture in par t icular. In his wor k, the tradit ions from around the wor ld appear meta-morphosed often mixed with references to ancient myths. He knows how to f ind wor ldwide language ele-ments that speak to ever yone regardless of their culture. We do not capture l i fe with language, he l ikes to recal l . That’s why he l ikes sculptural v is ions. He does not know the concept of ‘nor mal i ty’ . His imaginat ion wor ks on al l possible real i t ies.

This exhibi t ion of fer s a panorama of wor ks, or iginal and mult ip le sculptures from 1995 to 2012 as wel l as some drawings that wi l l a l low the publ ic to travel with this l imit less ar t ist .

Marc Pott ier, Curator

(*) Are the cowboys for m South America and in Brazi l are cal led al l of those bor n in Rio Grande do Sul

ONE AND TWO, 199540 1/2 x 50 x 22 in. / 102.9 x 127 x 55.9 cm


ONDINE, 2009 77 x 57 cm

Penci l on paperunique






3BODEGA, 2009

77 x 57 cmPenci l on paper


MOTHER, 2009 77 x 57 cm

Penci l on paperunique

CRAB NATIVITY, 2009 77 x 57 cm

Penci l on paperunique




66 x 50 cmpenci l on paper


THE VOICE, 2009 66 x 50 cm

penci l on paperunique

4 5


EXPELLED, 2009 66 x 50 cm

penci l on paperunique




77 x 57 cmPenci l on paper


CACTUS, 2009 77 x 57 cm

Penci l on paperunique

7 8


Saint Cla ir Cemin

(Nascido em 1951, Cr uz Alta, Brasi l . Mora em Nova Iorque, tr abalha no Brooklyn e em Pequim)

Do natural ista ao sur real abstrato, o amplo vocabulár io escultór ico, de Saint Cla ir Cemin, apresenta uma panópl ia ousada de trabalho, tanto impressionante, quanto imediato. Canibal izando a histór ia da própria escultura, bem como os seus diver sos est i los e técnicas, as for mas invent ivas de Cemin abrangem a vasta extensão do univer so v isual .

Expôs amplamente em todo os Estados Unidos e no exter ior.O trabalho de Cemin também está inc luído nas coleções do Museu Whitney de Ar te Americana, Nova Ior-que; Fundo Nacional de Ar te Contemporânea, Paris, França; Coleção Emily Fisher Landau, Long Is land, NY; Rooseum, Estocolmo, Suécia; Fundação El i Broad Family, Los Angeles, CA; Museu de Ar te Contemporânea, Los Angeles, CA; e Inhot im, Minas Gerais, Brasi l , entre muitos outros.

Saint C la ir Cemin

(Né 1951, Cr uz Alta, Brési l . Vi t à New Yor k, tr avai l le à Brooklyn et Pékin)

Du natural iste à l ’abstrait sur réal iste, i l large vocabulaire sculptural , de Saint Cla ir Cemin, présente une panopl ie audacieuse de travai l , à la fois fr appant et immédiat. Cannibal iser l ’h istoire de la sculpture el le --même, ainsi que ses nombreux sty les et techniques, les for mes invent ives de Cemin couvrent la vaste étendue de l ’univer s v isuel .

Exposée largement à traver s les Etats-Unis et à l ’étranger, le travai l de Cemin est également inc lus dans les col lect ions du Whitney Museum of American Ar t , New Yor k; Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain, Par is, France; Emi ly Fisher Landau Col lect ion, Long Is land City, NY; Rooseum, Stockholm, Suède; Fondat ion de la fami l le Broad El i , Los Angeles, CA; et le Musée d’Ar t Contemporain, Los Angeles, CA; et Inhot im, Minas Gerais, au Brési l , par mi beaucoup d’autres.

Saint C la ir Cemin

(b. 1951, Cr uz Alta, Brazi l . L ives in New Yor k, wor ks in Brooklyn and Bei j ing)

From the natural ist ic to the abstract sur real , Saint Cla ir Cemin’s broad sculptural vocabular y presents a bold panoply of wor k both str ik ing and immediate. Cannibal iz ing the histor y of sculpture i tsel f, as wel l as i ts many sty les and techniques, Cemin’s invent ive for ms span the vast expanse of the v isual univer se.

Exhibited widely throughout the United States and abroad, Cemin’s wor k is also inc luded in the col lect ions of the Whitney Museum of American Ar t , New Yor k; Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain, Par is, France; Emi -ly Fisher Landau Col lect ion, Long Is land City, NY; Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden; El i Broad Family Founda-t ion, Los Angeles, CA; and the Museum of Contemporar y Ar t , Los Angeles, CA; and Inhot im, Minas Gerais, Brazi l , among many other s.

Saint C la ir Cemin

(geboren 1951 in Cr uz Alta, Brasi l ien. Lebt in New Yor k, arbeitet in Brooklyn und Peking)

Vom Natural ist ischen zum abstrakt Sur realen, Saint Cla ir Cemins breites skulpturales Vokabular präsen-t ier t e ine kühne Palette des Schaf fens von auf fa l lend bis unmittelbar. Cemins erf inderische For men mit den ver schiedenen St i len und Techniken er strecken sich über die Weite des v isuel len Univer sums und kanniba-l is ieren die Geschichte der Skulptur selbst.

Ausgestel l t hat er an v ie len Or ten sowohl in den Vereinigten Staaten als auch im Ausland. Cemins Wer k ist unter v ie len anderen in den folgednen Sammlungen enthalten:Whitney Museum of American Ar t - New Yor k; Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain - Par is, Frankreich; Emi ly Fisher Landau Sammlung - Long Is land City, New Yor k; Rooseum - Stockholm, Schweden; El i Broad Family Foundat ion - Los Angeles, Kal i for nien; Museum of Contemporar y Ar t , Los Angeles, Kal i for nien; Inhot im - Minas Gerais, Brasi l ien.

Geboren in Brasi l ien, 1951Lebt und arbeitet in New Yor k

AUSBILDUNGÉcole Nat ionale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Par is 1975 - 78

EINZEL AUSSTELLUNGEN2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain“SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k2011 “Tr iumfo da Razão Natural ,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre“Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris2009 Retrospect ive, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k.2007 “The Bei j ing Ser ies,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris.GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Brazi l .GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Mi lan2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris.2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k.2003 “Bienal Mercosul ,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to AlegreBOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Brazi l2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor kMUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, ChicagoCASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico2000 “Saint Cla ir Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GAL-LERY, New Yor k, curated byRichard Mar shal lGALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Brazi l1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, ChicagoGALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico CityCHEIM & READ, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, curated by RichardMi lazzo1998 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Go-lem,” GALLERI LARSBOHMAN, Stockholm“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Chimera,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C .“Per spect ives, Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham,Alabama1997 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Brazi l“Saint Cla ir Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultural L ight“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GAL-LERY, New Yor k1995 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPO-RANEA, Mi lan, I ta lyGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k1994 “Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CON-TEMPORANEO, Monter rey,Mexico“Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, MiamiGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lGALERIE LARS BOHMAN, StockholmROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris1993 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: About Mater ia ls,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenGALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid“The Human Condit ion,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands“Direct ions - Saint Cla ir Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN,Smithsonian Inst i tute, Washington, D.C . , curated by Frank Gett ings“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C .“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kSPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, France1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, I ta lyMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kDANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los AngelesRHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lTHE RED BAR, New Yor k1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi lGALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi l1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt , Belgium1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lGALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi l

AUSZEICHNUNGEN1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open Air Museum, Japan1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize

ÖFFENTLICHE SAMMLUNGENMusee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Par isThe Bel levue Hospital , New Yor kS.M.A.K. , Stedel i j ik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Brandeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massa-chusettsSydney and Walda Besthof f Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leansEl i Broad Family Foundat ion, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.Emi ly Fisher Landau Col lect ion, Long Is land City.Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k.Whitney Museum of American Ar t , New Yor k.Grounds for Sculpture, Hamil ton, New Jer sey.Motorola, Inc. , Schaumburg, I l l inois.Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia.Museum of Contemporar y Ar t , Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.FNAC (Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain), Par is, France.Museo de Ar te Contemporaneo, Monter rey, Mexico.Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden.Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan.Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway.Bastads Kommun, Sweden.MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Con-temporaneo, Badajoz, Spain

BIOGRAFIE BIOGRAFIANascido no Brasi l , 1951Atualmente reside e trabalha em Nova Iorque

FORMAÇÃOÉcole Nat ionale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Par is 1975 - 78

EXPOSIÇÕES2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain“SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k2011 “Tr iumfo da Razão Natural ,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre“Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris2009 Retrospect ive, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k.2007 “The Bei j ing Ser ies,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris.GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Brazi l .GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Mi lan2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris.2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k.2003 “Bienal Mercosul ,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to AlegreBOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Brazi l2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor kMUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, ChicagoCASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico2000 “Saint Cla ir Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GAL-LERY, New Yor k, curated byRichard Mar shal lGALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Brazi l1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, ChicagoGALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico CityCHEIM & READ, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, curated by RichardMi lazzo1998 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Go-lem,” GALLERI LARSBOHMAN, Stockholm“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Chimera,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C .“Per spect ives, Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham,Alabama1997 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Brazi l“Saint Cla ir Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultural L ight“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GAL-LERY, New Yor k1995 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPO-RANEA, Mi lan, I ta lyGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k1994 “Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CON-TEMPORANEO, Monter rey,Mexico“Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, MiamiGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lGALERIE LARS BOHMAN, StockholmROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris1993 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: About Mater ia ls,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenGALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid“The Human Condit ion,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands“Direct ions - Saint Cla ir Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN,Smithsonian Inst i tute, Washington, D.C . , curated by Frank Gett ings“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C .“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kSPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, France1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, I ta lyMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kDANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los AngelesRHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lTHE RED BAR, New Yor k1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi lGALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi l1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt , Belgium1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lGALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi l

PREMIAÇÕES1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open--Air Museum, Japan1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize

COLEÇÕES PÚBLICASMusee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Par isThe Bel levue Hospital , New Yor kS.M.A.K. , Stedel i j ik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Brandeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massa-chusettsSydney and Walda Besthof f Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leansEl i Broad Family Foundat ion, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.Emi ly Fisher Landau Col lect ion, Long Is land City.Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k.Whitney Museum of American Ar t , New Yor k.Grounds for Sculpture, Hamil ton, New Jer sey.Motorola, Inc. , Schaumburg, I l l inois.Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia.Museum of Contemporar y Ar t , Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.FNAC (Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain), Par is, France.Museo de Ar te Contemporaneo, Monter rey, Mexico.Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden.Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan.Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway.Bastads Kommun, Sweden.MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Con-temporaneo, Badajoz, Spain

BIOGRAPHYBor n in Brazi l , 1951Cur rent ly l i ves and wor ks in New Yor k

EDUCATIONÉcole Nat ionale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Par is 1975 - 78

SOLO EXHIBITIONS2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain“SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k2011 “Tr iumfo da Razão Natural ,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre“Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris2009 Retrospect ive, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k.2007 “The Bei j ing Ser ies,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris.GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Brazi l .GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Mi lan2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris.2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k.2003 “Bienal Mercosul ,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to AlegreBOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Brazi l2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor kMUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, ChicagoCASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico2000 “Saint Cla ir Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GAL-LERY, New Yor k, curated byRichard Mar shal lGALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Brazi l1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, ChicagoGALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico CityCHEIM & READ, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, curated by RichardMi lazzo1998 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Go-lem,” GALLERI LARSBOHMAN, Stockholm“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Chimera,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C .“Per spect ives, Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham,Alabama1997 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Brazi l“Saint Cla ir Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultural L ight“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GAL-LERY, New Yor k1995 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPO-RANEA, Mi lan, I ta lyGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k1994 “Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CON-TEMPORANEO, Monter rey,Mexico“Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, MiamiGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lGALERIE LARS BOHMAN, StockholmROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris1993 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: About Mater ia ls,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenGALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid“The Human Condit ion,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands“Direct ions - Saint Cla ir Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN,Smithsonian Inst i tute, Washington, D.C . , curated by Frank Gett ings“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C .“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kSPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, France1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, I ta lyMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kDANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los AngelesRHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lTHE RED BAR, New Yor k1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi lGALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi l1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt , Belgium1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lGALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi l

SELECTED AWARDS1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open--Air Museum, Japan1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize

PUBLIC COLLECTIONSMusee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Par isThe Bel levue Hospital , New Yor kS.M.A.K. , Stedel i j ik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Brandeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massa-chusettsSydney and Walda Besthof f Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leansEl i Broad Family Foundat ion, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.Emi ly Fisher Landau Col lect ion, Long Is land City.Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k.Whitney Museum of American Ar t , New Yor k.Grounds for Sculpture, Hamil ton, New Jer sey.Motorola, Inc. , Schaumburg, I l l inois.Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia.Museum of Contemporar y Ar t , Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.FNAC (Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain), Par is, France.Museo de Ar te Contemporaneo, Monter rey, Mexico.Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden.Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan.Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway.Bastads Kommun, Sweden.MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Con-temporaneo, Badajoz, Spain

BIOGRAPHIENé au Brési l , 1951Vit et tr avai l le à New Yor k

ÉDUCATIONÉcole Nat ionale Supérieure des Beaux-Ar ts, Par is 1975 - 78

EXPOSITIONS2014 “Myth and Math,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k2012 “Espejo Bor roco,” CENTRO ATLÁNTICO DE ARTE MODERNO, Canaria, Spain“SIX,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin on Broadway,” New Yor k2011 “Tr iumfo da Razão Natural ,” LUCIANA BRITO GALERIA, São Paulo2010 “Pensamentos,” BOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre“Splendeur et Misere,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris2009 Retrospect ive, INSTITUTO TOMIE OHTAKE, São Paulo2008 “Witness,” SIKKEMA JENKINS & CO., New Yor k.2007 “The Bei j ing Ser ies,” GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris.GALERIE ALAIN NOIRHOMME, Br ussels2006 GALERIA BRITO CIMINO, São Paulo, Brazi l .GALLERIA PAOLO CURTI/ANNAMARIA GAMBUZZI & CO., Mi lan2005 GALERI BAUDOIN LEBON, Paris.2004 “Gods of the People,” BRENT SIKKEMA, New Yor k.2003 “Bienal Mercosul ,” HOMAGE ARTIST, Por to AlegreBOLSA DE ARTE, Por to Alegre, Brazi l2002 CHEIM & READ, New Yor kMUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO, Mexico2001 THE CARRIE SECRIST GALLERY, ChicagoCASA ITESO-CLAVIGERO, Mexico2000 “Saint Cla ir Cemin Sculpture,” LEVER HOUSE LOBBY GAL-LERY, New Yor k, curated byRichard Mar shal lGALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, Sao Paulo, Brazi l1999 THE ARTS CLUB OF CHICAGO, ChicagoGALERIA ENRIQUE GUERERRO, Mexico CityCHEIM & READ, New Yor k“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Bronzes,” VELGE & NOIRHOMME, Br ussels, curated by RichardMi lazzo1998 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Man Woman Tree Boat House Car Go-lem,” GALLERI LARSBOHMAN, Stockholm“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Chimera,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, INC., Washington D.C .“Per spect ives, Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM OF ART, Bir mingham,Alabama1997 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” GALERIA CAMARGO VILAÇA, São Paulo, Brazi l“Saint Cla ir Cemin, Sculpture,” Centro Cultural L ight“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Four New Sculptures,” ROBERT MILLER GAL-LERY, New Yor k1995 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: Sculptures,” GIAN FERRARI CONTEMPO-RANEA, Mi lan, I ta lyGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor k1994 “Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” MUSEO DE ARTE CON-TEMPORANEO, Monter rey,Mexico“Escultura de Saint Cla ir Cemin,” CENTER FOR THE FINE ARTS, MiamiGALERIA CAMARGO VILACA, Sao Paulo, Brazi lGALERIE LARS BOHMAN, StockholmROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON, Paris1993 “Saint Cla ir Cemin: About Mater ia ls,” THE GREENBERG GALLERY, St. Louis“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenGALERIE BARBARA FARBER, Amsterdam, The Nether lands1992 “New Sculpture,” ROBERT MILLER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIA SOLEDAD LORENZO, Madrid“The Human Condit ion,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New Yor k

1991 “Saint Cla ir Cemin,” WITTE DE WITH, Rotterdam, The Nether lands“Direct ions - Saint Cla ir Cemin,” HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN,Smithsonian Inst i tute, Washington, D.C . , curated by Frank Gett ings“Saint Cla ir Cemin,” BAUMGARTNER GALLERIES, Washington D.C .“Saint Cla ir Cemin: Recent Sculpture,” DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Santa Monica1990 ANDERS TORNBERG GALLERY, Lund, SwedenMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kSPERONE WESTWATER GALLERY, New Yor kGALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, France1989 GIAN ENZO SPERONE GALLERY, Rome, I ta lyMASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor kDANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los Angeles1988 DANIEL WEINBERG GALLERY, Los AngelesRHONA HOFFMAN GALLERY, Chicago1987 MASSIMO AUDIELLO GALLERY, New Yor k1986 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1985 DANIEL NEWBURG GALLERY, New Yor k1984 BEULAH LAND, New Yor k1982 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lTHE RED BAR, New Yor k1981 GALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi lGALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi l1980 THE WHITE ROOM, Hasselt , Belgium1979 GALERIA PROJECTA, São Paulo, Brazi lGALERIA GUINARD, Por to Alegre, Brazi l

PRIX1995 The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo and the Hakone Open--Air Museum, Japan1995 Biennial Award and Purchase Prize

COLLECTIONS PUBLIQUESMusee de la Chasse et de la Nature, Par isThe Bel levue Hospital , New Yor kS.M.A.K. , Stedel i j ik Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent The Rose Ar t Museum, Brandeis Unver sity, Waltham, Massa-chusettsSydney and Walda Besthof f Sculpture Garden at NOMA, New Or leansEl i Broad Family Foundat ion, Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.Emi ly Fisher Landau Col lect ion, Long Is land City.Chase Manhattan Bank, New Yor k.Whitney Museum of American Ar t , New Yor k.Grounds for Sculpture, Hamil ton, New Jer sey.Motorola, Inc. , Schaumburg, I l l inois.Reston Town Center, Reston, Virginia.Museum of Contemporar y Ar t , Los Angeles, Cal i for nia.FNAC (Fonds Nat ional d’Ar t Contemporain), Par is, France.Museo de Ar te Contemporaneo, Monter rey, Mexico.Rooseum, Stockholm, Sweden.Hakone Open-Air Museum, Japan.Telenor AS, Bergen, Norway.Bastads Kommun, Sweden.MEIAC - Museo Extremeno e Iberoamericano de Ar te Con-temporaneo, Badajoz, Spain

Herausgeber / Editor / Éditeur / Editor

St i f tung Brasi lea / Fundação Brasi lea / Fondat ion Brasi lea / Foundat ion Brasi lea Westquaistrasse 39, Drei landereck, CH - 4019 Basel+41 61 262 39 39info@brasi lea.comwww.brasi

Diese Publ ikat ion er scheint zur Ausstel lung / Esta publ icação está disponível para a exposição / Cette publ icat ion est disponible pour l ’exposit ion / This publ icat ion is avai lable on the exhibit ion Saint Cla ir Skulpturen 15.6.2016 - 18.6.2016Saint Cla ir esculturas 15.6.2016 - 18.6.2016Saint Cla ir sculpture 15.6.2016 - 18.6.2016Saint Cla ir sculpture 6.15.2016 - 6.18.2016

Koordinat ion / Coordenação / Coordinat ion / Coordinat ion Cassia Bomeny e Daniel Faust

Konzept ion / Concepção / Concept ion / Concept ion Um Galer ia

Kurator / Curador / Commissaire déxposit ion / Curator Marc Pott ier

Gestaltung / Projeto gráf ico / Concept ion graphique / Graphic project Rafaela Mourão

Text / Texto / Texte / Text *Marc Pott ier

Die St i f tung Brasi lea dankt dem Verein Freunde der St i f tung Brasi lea für die geziel te f inanziel le Unter stützung und ihren Fir men-Freunden: A Fundação Brasi lea agradece a Associação dos Amigos da Fundação Brasi lea pelo apoio f inanceiro e as f i r mas amigas: La Fondation Brasilea remercie l’Association des Amis de la Fondation Brasilea pour soutien et entreprises par tenaires financiers:The Brasi lea Foundat ion is grateful to the associat ion Fr iends of the Brasi lea Foundat ion for the f inancial suppor t and to i t ’s company fr iends:

Albrecht Cater ing, Dr. Ett l in - Hir s landen Kl in ik Bir shof, Mietzelte Huber AG, Basler Per sonenschi f f fahr t AG, Landmetzgerei Senn, Morisset + Par tner GmbH, RM Miklos Reinigung, Eventcater ing Marcel Br ie l lmann, Sur pr ise Cater ing, Rhytaxi Basel , Eventtrend GmbH, Forward Media, Eventser vice Heidmann, al l tech Instal lat ionen AG, Hotel Stücki Basel

Né à Di jon, v i t et tr avai l le entre Rio de Janeiro et Paris. Après une for mation de commissaire-pr iseur, Marc Pott ier a été responsable de la col lect ion d’ar t contemporain Sawada (Nagoya, Tokyo, Paris et New-Yor k). I l a passé ensuite s ix années à New Yor k comme commissaire d’exposit ion indépendant, puis huit années au Ministère des Af fa ires Etrangères françaises comme Attaché Culturel à Rio de Janeiro, puis à Lisbonne. Depuis 2007, Marc Pott ier est à nouveau commissaire d’exposit ion indépendant, spécial iste de l ’ar t contemporain et de l ’ar t dans l ’espace publ ic . Après avoir été basé à Paris et avoir organisé des projets au Moyen Orient, i l v i t désor mais à Rio de Janeiro depuis 2012. Ces der nières années, i l a été entre autres responsable des exposit ions “Pulso Ir aniano” (OiFuturo RJ, BH et SESC Vi la Mariana São Paulo 2011-12), “El les@Pompidou” (au CCBB RJ, CCBB BH). I l est auteur du l i vre « Made by… Feito por Brasi le iros » (Enrico Navar ra Publ isher). En 2014, i l a été commissaire invi té de la 3a Bienal da Bahia, et commissaire de l ’ invasion créat ive “Made by… Feito por Brasi le iros” na Cidade Matarazzo em São Paulo. I l anime aujourd’hui une émission hebdomadaire de télévis ion sur Ar te1, “Olhar Estrangeiro, Rio de Janeiro”.

Bor n in Di jon, l i ves and wor ks in between Rio de Janeiro and Paris. After becoming an auct ioneer, Marc Pott ier was responsible for the Sawada contemporar y ar t col lect ion (Nagoya, Tokyo, Paris and New Yor k). L ived in New Yor k for s ix year s, wor king as an ar t curator, after that, wor ked for eight year s, in the French Foreign Af fa ir s Ministr y as Cultural Attaché in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Since 2007, Marc Pott ier, retur-ned to curator ship, special iz ing in contemporar y ar t and ar t in publ ic places. After l i v ing in Paris and with projects in the Middle East, today he l i ves in Rio de Janeiro, s ince 2012.In the past few year s, among other act iv i t ies, was responsible by the “Pulso Ir aniano” exhibit ion (Oi Fu-turo RJ, BH e SESC Vi la Mariana, São Paulo 2011-12) “El les @ Pompidou” ( in CCBB RJ and CCBB BH). He is the author of the book “Made by… Feito por Brasi le iros” (Publ isher Enrico Navar ra). In 2014, he was the guest curator of the 3rd. Bienal da Bahia and curator of the creat ive occupat ion “Made by… Feito por Brasi le iros” in Cidade Matarazzo in São Paulo. Today, he presents the “Olhar Estrangeiro, Rio de Janeiro” weekly show, at Ar te1 TV channel.


Geboren in Di jon, lebt und arbeitet zwischen Rio de Janeiro und Paris. Nachdem er Aukt ionator wurde, war Marc Pott ier für die Sawada Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst veran-twor t l ich (Nagoya, Tokio, Par is und New Yor k). Er lebte sechs Jahre in New Yor k und arbeitete als una-bhängiger Kurator, danach arbeitete er acht Jahre lang im Französischen Aussenminister ium als Kulturat -taché zuer st in Rio de Janeiro und im Anschluss in Lissabon. 2007 kehr te Marc Pott ier als Kurator zur ück und spezial is ier te s ich in Paris auf zeitgenössische Kunst und Kunst im öf fent l ichen Raum. Es folgten Projekte im Nahen Osten, bis er 2012 seinen Lebensmittelpunkt wieder nach Rio de Janeiro ver legte. In den letzten Jahren war er unter anderem für die Akt iv i täten der “Pulso Ir aniano” Ausstel lung (Oi Futuro Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte und SESC Vi la Mariana, São Paulo 2011-12) und der “El les @ Pompidou” Ausstel lung ( in CCBB Rio de Janeiro und CCBB Belo Horizonte) verantwor t l ich. Er ist der Autor des Buches “Made by . . . Feito por Brasi le iros” (Ver lag Enrico Navar ra). Im Jahr 2014 war er als Gastkurator an der dr i t ten Bienale in Bahia und als Kurator des kreat iven Ber ufes “Made by . . . Feito por Brasi le iros” in der Stadt Matarazzo im Staat São Paulo tät ig. Heute präsent ier t er die wöchent l iche TV Show bei Ar te1 “Olhar Estrangeiro, Rio de Janeiro”.

Nascido em Di jon, v ive e trabalha entre Rio de Janeiro e Paris.Após uma for mação como le i loeiro, Marc Pott ier fo i responsável pela coleção de ar te contemporânea Sawada (Nagoia, Tóquio, Par is e Nova Iorque).Em seguida ele v iveu seis anos em Nova Iorque trabalhan-do como curador, depois oito anos para o Ministér io das Relações Exter iores fr ancês como Adido Cultural no Rio de Janeiro e em Lisboa. Desde 2007, Marc Pott ier, voltou à curadoria, especial izando-se em ar te contemporânea e ar te nos espaços públ icos. Depois de baseado em Paris e tendo fei to projetos no Orien-te Médio, hoje reside no Rio de Janeiro, desde 2012.Nestes últ imos anos, entre outras at iv idades, fo i responsável pelas exposições “Pulso Ir aniano” (Oi Futuro RJ, BH e SESC Vi la Mariana, São Paulo 2011-12) “El les @ Pompidou” (no CCBB RJ e CCBB BH). Ele é autor do l i vro “Made by. . . Feito por Brasi le iros” (Editor Enrico Navar ra). Em 2014 foi curador convidado da 3a. Bienal da Bahia e curador da da ocupa-ção cr iat iva “Made by. . . Feito por Brasi le iros” na Cidade Matarazzo em São Paulo. Hoje, e le apresenta 0 programa de televisão, semanal, “Olhar Estrangeiro, Rio de Janeiro”, no canal Ar te1.

Galer ia Mais UmRua Garcia D’Avi la - 196 Ipanema - 22 421 010 Rio de Janeiro - Brasi l ienP: + 55 21 3085 3000 www.maisumgaler contato@maisumgaler

St i f tung Brasi leaWestquaistrasse 39 , Drei ländereck

CH-4019 Basel +41 61 262 39 39info@brasi lea.comwww. brasi