Rechtsextremismus in Serbien

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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R e c h t s e x t r e m is m u s in Serbien

- w o r k s h o p -

19. April, Berlin

# 03. april f r e e F M Ulm

Volkszählung von 2002 (1991)

65,05 (56,79) % Serben 14,28 (16,86) % Ungarn 2,79 (3,16) % Slowaken 2,78 (3,71) % Kroaten 2,45 (8,65) % Jugoslawen 1,75 (2,23) % Montenegrinern 1,50 (1,93) % Rumänen

Restliche Bevölkerung (4,4) %: Bulgaren, Bunjewatzen, Goranen, slawische Mazedonier, Russen, Russinen (2,3) %, Sinti und Roma, Deutsche, Slowenen, Tschechen, Ukrainer und andere Nationalitäten.

68,97 % Orthodoxe Christen 19,11 % Katholiken 3,55 % Protestanten

PAT 2 0 0 8

R e c h t s e x t r e m is m u s in Serbien

P o lit is c h e


PAT 2 0 0 8

R e c h t s e x t r e m is m u s in Serbien

- w o r k s h o p -

19. April, Berlin

# N e o - N a z is . Szene

* nacionalni stroj

* nazi skins: blood&honour, white power

* obraz

* 64 vármegye ifjúsági mozgalom

PAT 2 0 0 8

R e c h t s e x t r e m is m u s in Serbien

- w o r k s h o p -

19. April, Berlin

* nacionalni stroj

* neo-nazi skinheads:

blood&honour, white power

* obraz

* 64 Vármegye Ifjúsági Mozgalom

We're gonna kill Djindjic!

Serbia to the Serbs, Ax to the Romas

Put the Hungarians in cold storage plants

Novi Sad, Catholic Graveyard, 29th September 2003

We're gonna kill Tadic

Novi Sad, 25th October 2005

graffiti wording: (Do not) wait for uprising, come to your senses,

Serbian children, we slaughter Hungarians