Logosworld.com ©2005 Angeli/Grice logosworld.com Building the SOA City.

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Building the SOA CityBuilding the SOA City

Logosworld.com ©2005 Angeli/Grice logosworld.com

Das große unzerstörbare Das große unzerstörbare Wunder ist der Glaube der Wunder ist der Glaube der

Menschen an Wunder.Menschen an Wunder.

The huge indestructible wonder is the believe of mankind in wonders.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust I

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Nothing endures but change. Nothing endures but change. Panta rhei (HeraklitPanta rhei (Heraklit))

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one that proves itself the most

responsive to change."Charles Darwin

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"Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits." - Mark Twain

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Before you ever begin ….Before you ever begin ….

Sign the Agile Manifesto

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Sign the Agile ManifestoSign the Agile Manifesto

Manifesto for Agile Software Development Individuals and interactions over processes and

tools Working software over comprehensive

documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan

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The Nightmare of The Nightmare of Outsourced ITOutsourced IT

Burning money to increase shareholder’s value

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The Pyrrhus victory of outsourcingThe Pyrrhus victory of outsourcing

The applications are hijacked by the outsourcer Your business needs the software But you need to ask for every minor change

Business lives from Change Non-agile IT means burning money

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Risk Management

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Plans can describe the past, not foresee the Plans can describe the past, not foresee the futurefuture

For a plan to work, you might need to know all prerquesites

Complex envirionments are based on uncertainties Epistomological uncertainty Aleatoric uncertainty

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IT likes to focus on security This is a quest for a perfect world Security is an economic decision

• Balance the potential financial risks and the costs to establish the security

• Bear in mind: the best way to prevent shoplifting is to lock the shop!

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Risk Management

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What can you win?

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Reusing ComponentsReusing Components

Saving money develop once, use often

• See it, love it, steel i

Enhance quality Many installations, broadened tests

• Banana tester: let ripe at the customers’

Reduce development cycles Develop only new components, improve the

present• Invent racing cars, not wheels!

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SOA Wins from First day onSOA Wins from First day on

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Is there a road map to SOA?

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The Nonsense of WaterfallThe Nonsense of Waterfall

Waterfall plans linear projects Linear projects are trivial Trivial projects do not need planning Ergo: Waterfall is useless

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Example: The 3-body TheoremExample: The 3-body Theorem

2-body Theorem A satellite revolves in an exact elliptical path

around it gravitational center point.

3-body Theorem There is no elementary mathematical formula to

calculate the paths of three body that interact with each other

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Start with the right technologyStart with the right technology

Understand that SOA is based on asynchronous communication This means: queues, queues, queues

Then you need handy tools Easy mapping tools

• Don’t discuss about mapping: Do it!• EDIFACT to SAP IDoc: 30 minutes!!

Make applications speak XMLRPC and CGI

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Enterprise Service BusEnterprise Service Bus

This is not one single product That can be a collection of middleware SAP XI, IBM Websphere ESB, ActiveBPEL,

Seeburger …. Alltogether

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Components for the ESBComponents for the ESB

Central and local (“offline”) message queues

Rock solid adapter engine (separate!) Mapping tools

Hierarchy editing Hierarchy building from template

Persistent state workflow engine Web interfaces


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SOA implies changes SOA is neither bottom-up nor top-down but

a healthy blend of both. SOA is a grass root movement. Like

democracy SOA cannot be ordered from the top but lives and dies with the participation and non-participation of the community members.

SOA technology is not restricted to web services, but allows web services and more to be used efficiently

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Finding the Good PeopleFinding the Good People

A personal feud Big agencies that position themselves as

Shareholder’s companies are simply ridiculous Skill Search is an Art!

• Only great individual can do thsi

Temp skills need a clear mandate• And a central market place

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Active IngredientsActive Ingredients

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Easy Graphical Map Designer Mail Client (POP, IMAP, SMTP) Very Simple Message Queue

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PDF Conversion

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Football is “Ding, Dang, Football is “Ding, Dang, DongDong!!””

… not only “Ding”(Giovanni Trappatoni, Italian champion football coach after his last game for Bayern München)

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The secret of SOA is the ability to do a full end to end processing.