Bildung durch Forschung?€¦ ·  · 2017-01-24undertaken to focus Biacore's business and improve...

Post on 01-May-2018

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Bildung durch


Forschung an Fachhochschulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen -

Motor gesellschaftlicher Innovationen und Voraussetzung guter Lehre

Bürgenstock-Konferenz 2017

Gerd Folkers ETH Zürich


Forschung zu betreiben heisst, über eine subjektive Erfahrung

wissenschaftliches Wissen herzustellen, oder:

a) Warum-Fragen zu stellen;

b) systematisch geordnete Antworten zu suchen;

c) methodisch geordnet vorzugehen;

d) Aussagen durch Gründe und Evidenzen in ihrer Geltung zu


e) Würgegriffe von Ideologie und falscher Autorität

zurückzulassen. (Abel 2009)

Lehre zu betreiben heisst, obiges zusammen mit Studierenden und

Doktorierenden zu tun und die subjektive Erfahrung mit ihnen zu teilen.

Research is fundamentally a state of mind involving

continual re-examination of doctrines and axioms upon

which current thought and action are based. It is

therefore, critical of existing practices.

( Theobald Smith, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 178, 740 (1929))

Forschung bildet die


• …zu Lernen, wie Wissen erworben wird,

• …Scheitern zu können,

• …Grenzen zu ziehen,

• …zu kommunizieren

Gilt noch das Humboldt’sche


• „entrepreneural universities“ (IP; Patente;


• Labor-Automatisierung ( robotische Erzeugung von


• Artificial Intelligence ( selbsttätige/selbständige

Forschungsalgorithmen, z.B. Watson )

• A Hong Kong VC fund has just appointed an algorithm to its board. Deep

Knowledge Ventures, a firm that focuses on age-related disease drugs and

regenerative medicine projects, says the program, called VITAL, can make

investment recommendations about life sciences firms by poring over large

amounts of data.







A.Cressy Morrison

Man in a Chemical World

Charles Scribner‘s Sons,



• Hypothesen-getriebene, erklärende Forschung (

Erkenntnis und Theorienbildung)

• beschreibende Forschung

• explorative Forschung

• Versuch und Irrtum - Forschung („trial and error“,

„generate and test“; „guess and check“) …. ist einer

der beiden grundlegenden Wege ein Problem zu

lösen. ( ….guided empiricism). Demgegenüber

steht Erkenntnis und Theorienbildung.

Forschung lässt sich nicht verorten (1)

• erzeugt Silo-Mentalität

(D: MPIs/Fraunhofer/Leibnitz/Helmholtz/UH/FH/KuMH/PH/theoHS/VerwFH/…)

(F: U/Grand Ecoles/CNRS/INSERM/INRA/…)


• reduziert Kreativität und Innovation

• generiert hohe Aufwände für neue Strukturen


Forschung lässt sich nicht verorten (2)

• „Amateur“-wissenschaft ( Citizen Science)

Forschung lässt sich nicht verorten (3)

• was ist „Spitzenforschung“ ?

was in „führenden“ Journalen publiziert wird?


was in „führenden“ Journalen abgelehnt wird?


was zu einer völlig unerwarteten Perspektive führt?

(Dante, Einstein, Freud, Kepler, Marx)

was zu einer revolutionären, gesellschafts-

verändernden Technologie führt? (Transistor/LASER)

Forschung lässt sich nicht verorten (4)


R.W. Wood,Philos. Mag., 1902,4, 396–402.

1984 Know-how and expertise from the former

Pharmacia, the Linköping Institute of Technology, and

the Swedish National Defense Research Institute

(FOA), were brought together to create Pharmacia

Biosensor AB - the company, which was later to

become Biacore AB in 1996. Approximately MSEK

550 was invested in the early stage development of

Biacore® systems and the technology on which it is


1989 The initial research phase was

concluded with the development of the fundamentals

of Biacore's Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)-

based technology, comprising surface chemistry, flow

systems and optical detection methods. Development

of the first commercial product began immediately,

producing BIAcore®, the world's first SPR-based

analytical instrument for studying biomolecular

interactions. BIAcore® was launched in the fall of


1992 A significant restructuring was

undertaken to focus Biacore's business and improve

its market orientation. This was achieved by

concentrating commercial and product development

activities on basic and applied life science research.

© GE

Lord Rayleigh,Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A,

1907,79, 399.

U. Fano,J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1941,31, 213–222.

A. Otto,Z. Phys., 1968,216, 398–410

E. Kretschmann and H. Reather,Z.

Naturforsch., Teil A, 1968,23, 2135–2136.

B. Liedberg, C. Nylander and I. Lundstrom,

Sens. Actuators, 1983,4,299–304.


• Es richtet sich an Forschende

in der Schweiz, die mit ihren

ausgefallenen Fragestellungen

und Lösungsansätzen in den


Förderprogrammen kaum


• anonymisiert, keine CVs, keine


• 2 FH / 3 Kliniken / 8 UH

• Erkenntnis gewinnen.

• Wissen bewahren,vermitteln und transferieren.

• Kritik und dauerndes Hinterfragen, um Erkenntnis und Wissen

zu stabilisieren:

• ein grosser Kommunikationsprozess, der die gesamte

Gesellschaft umfasst und fundmental zur Wertschöpfung


• denn er dient der Bildung und Ausbildung

nachkommender Generationen

• und er befähigt den mündigen Bürger zu politischem


Aufgaben einer Hochschule

Kuratoren des

Wissens? Wer macht das sonst?

Kompetenz =„skills“?

• Im UPS air hub „Worldport",

Louisville Kentucky:

• „Sortation used to require a more

complex application of human

thought, but in the development

of the UPS air hub the intellectual

role of the workers „out in the

sort“ underwent a process of „de-


• …a UPS manager explained to

me. “Label-side up. That’s pretty

much the extent of training for

these folks“

Farrar, Straus, Giroux 2006

towards utilitarism

not new, by the way…. pro’s & con’s

Vorsicht: Satire!

The Academy of Projectors at Lagado “... Every one knew how laborious the usual method is of attaining to arts and

sciences; whereas, by his contrivance, the most ignorant person, at a reasonable

charge, and with a little bod ily labour, might write books in philosophy, poetry,

politics, laws, mathematics, and theology, without the least assistance from genius or

study.” He then led me to the frame, about the sides, whereof all his pupils stood in

ranks. It was twenty feet square, p laced in the midd le of the room. The superfices was

composed of several bits of wood , about the bigness of a d ie, but some larger than

others. They were all linked together by slender wires. These bits of wood were

covered , on every square, with paper pasted on them; and on these papers were

written all the words of their language, in their several moods, tenses, and

declensions; but without any order. The professor then desired me “to observe; for he

was going to set his engine at work.” The pupils, at his command, took each of them

hold of an iron handle, whereof there were forty fixed round the edges of the frame;

and giving them a sudden turn, the whole d isposition of the words was entirely

changed . He then commanded six-and-thirty of the lads, to read the several lines

softly, as they appeared upon the frame; and where they found three or four words

together that might make part of a sentence, they d ictated to the four remaining boys,

who were scribes. This work was repeated three or four times, and at every turn, the

engine was so contrived , that the words shifted into new places, as the square bits of

wood moved upside down."

© The Folio Society 18

„Saving Science“ (Sarewitz

2016) „Science has been important for

technological development, of

course. Scientists have discovered

and probed phenomena that turned

out to have enormously broad

technological applications. But the

miracles of modernity in the above

list came not from “the free play of

free intellects,” but from the

leashing of scientific creativity to

the technological needs of the U.S.

Department of Defense (DOD).“

Utilitarismus: „moving the food“

• Trends in der Wertzuweisung der Disziplinen

• Evaluation

• „scopus“ (Elsevier) Mentalität

• neues Management

• legitimiertes Ranking

–Andrew Abbott, Wissen zwischen Elitismus und Demokratie. In:

Hagner:Wissenschaft und Demokratie 2006, S. 142

„Die moderne Wissenswelt wird dermassen von

Eliten gesteuert, dass sogar die Bücher, die

zeigen sollen, dass diese These nicht zutrifft,

die Wahrheit dieser These voraussetzen.“

„Bildung durch Forschung“ braucht

einen Perspektivenwechsel

• Assessment fördern (andere Kostenperspektive)

• Änderung des Publikationsverhaltens (andere

Ranking Perspektive)

• Schnittstellen bauen (andere Elitenperspektive)

• Sprachkompetenz fördern (andere


• Respekt fördern (andere disziplinäre Perspektive)