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Bibliographie 1970-1996

Generalia Euripidea

Morel, W., Berichte über die Literatur zu Euripides aus den Jahren 1930-1933. Burian Jahresber. 259 (1938), pp. 35-66.

Lesky, A., Der Forschungsbericht. Griechische Tragodie, 4. Euripides. AAHG 2 (1949), pp. 34-45., 3 (1950), pp. 212-216., 5 (1952), pp. 148-152., 7 (1954), pp. 147-152., 12 (1959), pp. 17-22., 14 (1961), pp. 21-26., 16 (1963), pp. 150-156., 21 (1968), pp. 1-30.

Miller, H.W., A Survey of recent Euripidean Scholarship, 1950-54. CW 49 (1955-6), pp. 81-92.

Mette, H.J., Literatur zu Euripides. Gymnasium 66 (1959), pp. 151-158.

Miller, H.W., Euripidean Drama 1955-65. CW 60 (1966-7), pp. 218-20. Strohm, H., Der Forschungsbericht. Griechische Tragodie, 4. Euripides.

AAHG 24 (1971), pp. 129-162., 26 (1973), pp. 5-32., 27 (1974), pp. 33-54., 30 (1977), pp. 144-166.

Donlan, W., (ed.), Classical World Bibliographies: Greek Drama and Pœtry. New York and London 1978.

Collard, Euripides. Greece and Rome New Surveys in Classics 14. Oxford 1981.

Said, S., Travaux récents sur la tragédie grecque (1960-1980): un essai de mise au point. Information littéraire 33.2 (1981), pp. 69-77.

Looy, H. van, Tragica 4. AC 53 (1984), pp. 306-332. Said, S., Bibliographie tragique, 1900-1988. Quelques orientations.

Metis 3, 1-2 (1988), pp. 409-512.

1. Approche psychologique 1970

S. Muritelli, Riflessi di teorie mediche nelle Baccanti di Euripide. Dioniso 42 (1968), pp. 93-114.

G. Devereux, The Psychotherapy Scene in Euripides'Bacchae. JHS 90 (1970), pp. 35-48.



Sale, W., The Psychoanalysis of Pentheus in the Bacchae of Euripides. YClSt 22 (1972), pp. 63-82.

Seidensticker, B., Pentheus. Pœtica 5 (1972), pp. 35-63.


Ferrini, F., Tragedia e patologia. Lessico ippocratico in Euripide. QUCC 29 (1978), pp. 49-62.

Gourevitsch, D., La recherche de l'inconscient dans la littérature antique. in : The unconsciousness. Nature, functions, methods of study. Metsnieresa, Tbilisi 1978. II, pp. 655-662.

Segal, Ch., Pentheus on the Coach and on the Grid. Psychological and Structuralist Readings ofGreek Tragedy. CW 72 (1978), pp. 129-148.


Glenn, J., Pentheus and the Psychologists. Some Recent Vièws of the Bacchae. RSC 27 (1979), pp. 5-10.


Auger, D., Le jeu de Dionysos. Déguisement et métamorphose dans les Bacchantes d'Euripide. in : Dionysos, le même et l'autre. Textes réunis par M. Bourlet. Nouvelle revue d'ethnopsychiatrie, 1 (1983), pp. 57-80. (Grenoble, La Pensée sauvage)


Gregory, J.W., Some Aspects of Seeing in Euripides'Bacchae. G&R 32 (1985), pp. 23-3l.

Vernant, J.P., Le Dionysos masqué des Bacchantes d'Euripide. L'Homme 25 (1985), pp. 31-58.


Th.A. Szlezak, Mania und Aidos : Bemerkungen zur Ethik und Anthro­pologie des Euripides. Antike und Abendland 32 (1986), pp. 46-59.


Segal, Ch., Euripides' Bakchen. Die Sprache des Selbst und die Sprache der Mysterien. in : Die wilde Seele. Zur Ethnopsychoanalyse von Georges Devereux. hrsg. von Hans Peter Duerr. Frankfurt 1987, pp. 140-162.



Alford, C.F.t The Psychoanalytic Theory of Greek Tragedy. New Haven and London, Yale University Press 1992. X + 218 p.


Henrichst A.t Der rasende Gott : Zur Psychologie des Dionysos und des Dionysischen Mythos und Literatur. AA 40 (1994), pp. 31-58.

2. Histoire et critique du texte, conjectures


Heinrichst A.t Die Erdmutter Demeter. (p. Derveni und Euripides Bacchae 275f.). ZPE 3 (1968), pp. 111-112.

Manfredi t M. t l papiri e gli studi su Euripide negli ultimi decenni. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Papyrology. (Milano 2-8 settembre 1965) Milano 1966.

Tuiliert A.t Recherches critiques sur la tradition du texte d'Euripide. Etudes & Commentaires 68, Paris 1968.


Kœnent L.t Euripides'Bacchae 756f. ZPE 6 (1970) p. 38. Kœnent L. t Euripides'Bacchae 606. ZPE 6 (1970) p. 84. Kœnent L.t Euripides'Bacchae 650-656. ZPE 6 (1970), pp. 150-151.


Tuilier, A, Etude comparée du texte et des scholies d'Euripide; premiers compléments aux Recherches critiques sur la tradition du texte d'Euripide. Etudes et commentaires 27. Paris (Klinckrieck) 1972.


Colaclidist P., Acts 17, 28A and Bacchae 506. VChris 27 (1973), pp.161-164.

Levy, B.L., Euripides, Bacchae 1167. Mnemosyne 26 (1973), pp. 282-284.


Brashear, W., Euripides'Bacchae 17-26. ZPE 19 (1975), pp. 300-301.



Kassel, R., Euripides Bakchen 23. ZPE 21 (1976), pp. 34-35. Lacroix, M., Euripide, Les Bacchantes. Paris 1976. (comm.)


Dawe, R.D., A note on Euripides' Bacchae 896. RhM 123 (1980), pp. 223-224.


Dihle, A., Der Prolog der Bakchen und die antike Überlieferungsphase des Euripides-Textes. SHAW 1981,2 Heidelberg (Winter) 115 p.

Giudice Rizzo, 1., Euripide, Baccanti 406 e 568-575. SyGymn 34 (1981), pp. 5-28.


Segal, Ch., Etymologies and Double Meanings m Euripides'Bacchae. Glotta 60 (1982), pp. 81-93.


Tammaro, V., Note alle Baccanti di Euripide (vv. 39-40, 210-211). Mer 18 (1983), pp. 37-41.


Leiniaks, V., Euripides' Bacchae 877-89 = 879-91. JHS 104 (1984), pp. 178-179.


Ferrari, F., In margine alle Baccanti. seo 35 (1985), pp. 37-56. Ferrini, M.F., Il prologo delle Baccanti. La critica e le interpolazioni.

AFLM 18 (1985), pp. 117-143. Zuntz, G., Zum Prolog von Euripides Bakchen. Hermes 113 (1985),

pp. 119-121.


Neuberg, M., Two Remarks on the Text of Euripides'Bacchae. AJPh 107 (1986), pp. 248-252.


Barigazzi, A., De Euripidis Bacchae 769 sqq. Prometheus 13 (1987), p.264.

Cavallini, E., Euripides Bacchae 416ss. GFF 10 (1987), pp. 3-4.


Giudice Rizzo, 1., Euripides'Bacchae 877-891 = 897-901. SCO 37 (1987), pp.155-164.

Neuberg, M., Hunter and Hunted at Euripides' Bacchae 1020. LCM 12 (1987), pp. 159-160.

Neuberg, M., Whose Laughter dœs Pentheus Fear ? (Euripides'Bacchae 842). CQ 37 (1987), pp. 227-230.

Schmoll, E.A., The Wig of Pentheus. Euripides, Bacchae 831. LCM 12 (1987), pp. 70-72.


Casali, C., Le Baccanti e l'esempio di Elena. Lexis 1989, pp. 37-41. Pavanetto, C., Quaestio religiosa in Euripidis Bacchis. Latinitas 37

(1989), pp. 9-31. Vega, J.G. de la, Notas criticas a Euripides, Bacantes. CFL 22 (1989),

pp. 239-241.


Halleran, M.R., Kpovtoaa ZSlJa·: Euripides Bacchae 95. RhM 133 (1990), pp. 411-412.


Kovacs, D., Notes on the Bacchae. CQ 41 (1991), pp. 340-345. Rijksbaron, A., Grammatical Observations on Euripides'Bacchae.

Amsterdam Studies in Greek Philology N° 1, Amsterdam 1991. X & 217 p.


Handley, E.D., The Lord of the Dance: Euripides'Bacchae 204-209. in: Philanthropia kai eusebeia : Festsehrift fur A. Dihle zum 70. Geburstag. hrsg. von W. Most Glenn, H. Petersmann, A. Ritter. Gottingen 1993., pp. 169-173.

Paterlini, M., Nota ad Euripides Bacchae 3. QUCC 45 (1993), pp. 83-85.


Irigoin, J., Les Bacchantes. Paris, Collection des Universités de France 1995.

Meagher, R.E., Euripides : Bakkhai. Translation and eommentary. Waueonda, IL, Bolchazy-Carducei Publishers, Ine. 1995. VI + 97 p.



Seaford, R., Euripides : Bacchae. Edition with introduction, translation and commentary. Cl as sic al Texts. Warminster, Aris and Phillips 1996. XI + 270 p.

3. Interprétations


Anpetkova-Sarova, G.G., La figure de Penthée dans les Bacchantes d'Euripide. VLUist 1969, N° 4, pp. 110-117.

Romilly,, Il pensiero di Euripide sulla tirannia. Dioniso 43 (1969) pp. 175-187.

Segal, Ch., Euripides. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prantice-Hall1968.


Burnett, A.P., Pentheus and Dionysus. Host and Guest. CPh 65 (1970), pp. 15-29.

Kirby, E.T., Dionysus. A Study of the Bacchae and the Origins of Drama. Diss. Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh 1970. 262 p. (summ. in DA 33 /1972/ 2549A)

Kirk, G.S., The Bacchae by Euripides. A Translation withCommentary. Prantice-Hall Greek Drama Series, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prantice Hall 1970.

Massenzio, M., Cultura e crisi permanente : la "xenia" dionysiaca. Rome 1970, pp. 48-51.

Mattes, J., Der Wahnsinn im griechischen Mythos und in der Dichtung bis zum Drama des fünftes Jahrhunderts. Heidelberg 1970.

Roux, J., Les Bacchantes. Tome 1. Introduction, texte et traduction. Bibl. de la Fac. des Lett. de Lyon 21. Paris 1970,222 p.


Benedetto, V. di, Euripide: teatro e societa. Torino 1971. Cantarella, R., Il Dioniso delle Baccanti e la teoria aristotelica sulle

origini del dramma. Studi deI Falco, Napoli Libr. Scient. Ed. 1971., pp.121-133.

Gilula, D., Sur Euripide et sur les Bacchantes. Bamah. Educational Theatre Review, Summer 1971, pp. 58-67.

Trendall, A.D.-Webster, T.B.L., Illustrations of Greek Drama. London 1971.



Arthur, M.B., The Choral Odes of the Bacchae of Euripides. YCS 22 (1972), pp. 145-179.

Conacher, D.J., Some Questions of Probability and Relevance in Euripidean Drama. Maia 24 (1972), pp. 199-207.

Levy, H.L., Euripides Bacchae 326f. Another Interpretation. Hermes 100 (1972), pp. 487-489.

Luschnig, C.E., The logos-ergon Conflict. A Study of Euripidean Trage­dy. Diss. Univ. of Cincinnatti 1972.

Meremans, G., Les femmes, le destin, le siècle dans le théâtre d'Euripide. Bruxelles 1972.

Ozeata, M.A., Las nuevas Bacantes. Eclas 16 (1972) 293-297. Roux, J., Les Bacchantes. Tome II. Commentaire. Bibl. de la Fac. des

Lettres de Lyon 21, Paris (Les Belles Lettres) 1972, pp. 223-662. Seidensticker, B., Pentheus. Pœtica 5 (1972), pp. 35-63.


Arnott, W.G., Euripides and the Unexpected. G&R 20 (1973), pp. 49-64. Carrière, J., La tragédie grecque, auxiliaire de la justice et de la

politique. StudClass 15 (1973), pp. 13-21. Vickers, B., Towards Greek Tragedy. London 1973.


Brown, S.G., Metrical Innovations in Euripides' Later Plays. AJPh 95 (1974), pp. 207-234.

Hamilton, R., Bacchae 47-52. Dionysus'Plan. TAPhA 104 (1974), pp. 139-149.

Kolkey, D.M., Dionysus and Women's Emancipation. CB 50 (1973-1974), pp. 1-5.

Podlecki, A.J., Individual and Group in Euripides' Bacchae. AC 43 (1974), pp. 143-165.

Soyinka, W., The Bacchae of Euripides, A Communion Rite. New York (Norton) 1974. XXIII&97p.

Whitman, C.H., Euripides and the Full Circle of the My th. (Lœb Classical Monographs) Cambridge, Massachusetts Harvard Univ. Press 1974.


CoUard, C., Formal Debates in Euripidean Drama. G&R 22 (1975), pp. 58-71.

Levy, H.L., Euripides'Bacchae 204-209. Hermes 103 (1975), pp. 378-379.

Nadolay, J., Die Bakchantinnen des Euripides auf armenischen Bühne im 1. Jahrhundert v. u. Z. Altertum 21 (1975), pp. 99-102.


Rivier, A., Essai sur le tragique d'Euripide. (2me éd. entièrement rev. !) Paris 1975, XIV & 218 p. (pp.75-85.)

Scott, W.S., Two Suns Over Thebes. Imagery and Stage Effects in the Bacchae. TAPhA 105 (1975), pp. 333-346.

Vellacott, P., Ironic Drama. A Study of Euripides'Method and Meaning. London (Cambridge University Press) 1975, X & 266 p.


Bremer, J.M., De Interpretatie van Euripides' Bacchen. Lampas 9 (1976), pp. 2-7.

Castellani, V., That Troubled House of Pentheus in Euripides'Bacchae. TAPhA 106 (1976), pp. 61-83.

Lacroix, M., Les Bacchantes d'Euripide. Paris (Les Belles Lettres) 1976. Pieters, J.Th.M.F., Motieven en patronen in de koorliederen de Bacchae.

Lampas 9 (1976), pp. 78-94. Rijksbaron, A., How Dœs a Messenger Begin His Speech ? Some

Observations on the Opening Lines of Euripidean Messenger Speeches. in : Mise. trag. in honorem Kamerbeek. ed. by J.M. Bremer, S.L. Radt, C. Rujigh. Amsterdam 1976, pp. 293-309.

Versnel, H.S., Pentheus en Dionysos. Religieuze achtergrunden en perspectieven. Lampas 9 (1976), pp. 8-41.


Giudice Rizzo, 1., Sul Christus Patiens e le Baccanti di Euripide. SieGymn 30 (1977), pp. 1-63.

Gold, B.K., EVKoO'f.Ua in Euripides'Bacchae. AJPh 98 (1977), pp. 3-15. Gregory, J.W., Madness in Heracles, Orestes and Bacchae. A Study in

Euripidean drama. Diss. Harvard 1977. /résumé in HSCPh 81 (1977), pp. 300-302./

J aekel, S., Wahrheit und Trug in den Dramen des Euripides. Aretos 11 (1977), pp. 15-40.

Segal, Ch., Euripides'Bacchae. Conflict and Mediation. Ramus 6 (1977), pp.103-120.

Tschiedel, H.J., Natur und Mensch in den Bakchen des Euripides. AA 23 (1977), pp. 64-76.


Fowler, B.H., Lyric Structures in Three Euripidean Plays. Dioniso 49 (1978), pp. 15-51.

Frenkel, B., fanhqi tauros. Un elemento arcaico nel Dioniso delle Baccanti. Acme 31 (1978), pp. 93-105.

Hamilton, R., Prologue Prophecy and Plot in Four Plays of Euripides. AJPh 99 (1978), pp. 277-302.

Hendrichs, A., Greek Maenadism {rom Olympias to Messalina. HSCPh 82 (1978), pp. 121-160.


Ippolito, G. d', Le Baccanti di Euripide 0 sulla necessita di una rivolu­zione culturale. Aproposito della edizione de Jeanne Roux .. Dioniso 49 (1978), pp. 243-251.

McGinty, P., Dionysus'Revenge and the Validation of the HelZenic Worldview. HThR 71 (1978), pp. 77-94.

Sansone, S., The Bacchae as Sa tyr-Play ? !CS 3 (1978), pp. 40-46. Segal, Ch., The Menace of Dionysus. Sex RoZes and Reversals in

Euripides'Bacchae. Arethusa 11 (1978), pp. 185-202. Seidensticker, B., Comic Elements in Euripides'Bacchae. AJPh 99

(1978), pp. 303-320. Simon, B., Mind and Madness in Ancient Greece. Ithaca, N.Y.-London



Ferrari, F., La parodo delle Baccanti. Moduli e composizione. QUCC 1979 N° 32, pp. 69-79.

Gallistl, B., Teiresias in den Bakchen des Euripides. Diss. Zürich (Rosenheim Schury) 1979.

Oranje, H., De Bacchae van Euripides. Het stuk en de tœschonwers. Amsterdam (Acad. Pres.) 1979. 285p.

Seidensticker, B., Sacrificial Ritual in the Bacchae. in : Arktouros. Hellenic Studies Presented to Bernard M.W. Knox on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. ed. by G. Bowersock, W. Burkert, C.J. Putnam. Berlin (de Gruyter) 1979, pp.181-190.

Thomson, G., The Problem of the Bacchae. EEThess 18 (1979), pp. 424-446.


Coche de la Ferte, E., Penthée et Dionysos. Nouvel essai d'interprétation des Bacchantes d'Euripide. Recherches sur les religions de l'antiquité classique. publ. par R. Bloch. Centre de Recherches d'histoire et de philologie de la IVe Section de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 3e Série Hautes Etudes du monde gréco-romain. X Genève (Droz) & Paris (Champion) 1980, pp. 105-257.

Foley, H.P, The Masque of Dionysus. TAPhA 110 (1980), pp. 107-133. Kubota, T., On the Relation Between the Sceens on Cithaeron and the

Stage Actions in Euripides'Bacchae. (jap. rés. angl.) ClassStud ? (1980), pp. 23-40.

Verdenius, T.J., Notes on the Prologue of Euripides'Bacchae. Mnemo­syne 33 (1980), pp. 1-16.


Cropp, M., Tl TO CToifJOv BICS 28 (1981), pp. 39-42. Duclos, G.S., Aeschylus'Eumenides and Euripides'Bacchae in the Context

of 5th Century Athens. CO 59 (1981), pp. 100-102.


Nottet, P., Girard, Euripide et Dionysos. AC 50 (1981), pp. 607-620. Seaford, R., Dionysiac Drama and Dionysiac Mysteries. CQ 31 (1981),

pp. 252-275. Tange, K., To 1]€ÀÀ€Vl1COV avo rD f3apf3apllcov. On Cyclops, Orestes

and Bacchae. (en jap. rés. ang.) JCS 29 (1981), pp. 29-40. Verdenius, N.J., Notes on the parodos of Euripides'Bacchae. Mnemosyne

34 (1981), pp. 300-315.


Dufresne, N., Bacchanalia and fête panique. My th, Play and Sacrifice in Euripides and Arrabal. BR 26,2 (1982), pp. 84-96.

Kopff, E.C., (ed.), Bacchae. Bibl. Script. Graec.&Rom. Teubneriana Leipzig (BSB Teubner) 1982, XXI & 79 p.

Savaria de Grossi, M.I., Estudio deI exodo en las Bacantes de Euripides. La Plata Univ. Nacional de la Plata Fac. de Humanidades 1982.

Segal, Ch., Dionysiac Pœtics and Euripides'Bacchae. Princeton, N.J. (princeton Univ. Press) 1982, XIV & 364 p.


Aélion, R., Euripide, héritier d'Eschyle. Tomes I-Il. Paris (Les Belles Lettres) 1983. (I. : p.358 sqq, II : p. 440 sqq.)

Aélion, R., La technique dramatique d'Euripide et sa conception de la destinée humaine. in : Visages du destin dans les mythologies. Mélan­ges Jacqueline Duchemin. Centre de Recherches mythologiques de l'Université de Paris X. Trav.& Mém. Actes du Colloque de Chantilly 1-2 mai 1980, publ. par F. Jouan. Paris (Les Belles Lettres) 1983, pp. 69-85.

Carrière, J., Quelques mots encore sur les Bacchantes d'Euripide. in : Mélanges Edouard Delebecque. Aix-en-Provence Univ. de Provence & Marseille Jean Lafitte 1983, pp. 89-99.

Meillier, C., Une étude sur la poésie dionysiaque. REG 96 (1983), pp. 282-285 (à propos du livre de Segal).

Schlesier, R., Daimon und Daimones bei Euripides. Saeculum 34 (1983), pp. 267-279.

Vernant, J.P., Etude comparée des religions antiques (Dionysos dans les Bacchantes). (résumés des cours de ces années) ACF 79 (1978-1979), pp. 373-394 ; 80 (1979-1980), pp. 453-466 81 (1980-1981), pp. 391-406 ; 82 (1981-1982), pp. 407-422 ; 83 (1982-1983), pp. 443-458 ; 84 (1983-1984), pp. 475-500.


Orban, M., Les Bacchantes. Euripide fidèle à lui-même. LEC 52 (1984), pp. 217-232.

Nancy, C., Euripide et le parti des femmes. Quaderni Urbinati 46 (1984), pp. 111-136.


Pavanetto, C., De Euripideae fabulae quae Bacchae inscribitur indole ac natura. Salesianum 46 (1984), pp. 289-292.

Roth, P., Teiresias as Mantis and lntellectual in Euripides'Bacchae. TAPhA 114 (1984), pp. 59-69.

Tzitzis, S., La punition de l'homme impie, sans loi et injuste dans les Bacchantes d'Euripide. (grec rés. ang.) in : Mal'lIJ.'l1 rEffipyWU A. IIo'tpo1touÀou 1897-1964. ed. by A. Biscardi, J. Mélèze-Modnejewski, P.D. Dimakis 1-11. Athènes 1984. II., pp. 395-407.


Baconicola-Gheorgopoulou, C., L'absurde dans le théâtre d'Euripide. IL 37 (1985), pp. 211-214. (résumé d'une thèse de doctorat à la Sorbonne)

Burian, P., (ed.), Directions in Euripidean Criticism. A Collection of Essays. Durham, N.C. (Duke Univ. Pr.) 1985.

Ferrari, F., In margine alle Baccanti. SCO 35 (1985), pp. 37-56. Foley, H.P., Ritual Irony. Pœtry and Sacrifice in Euripides. Ithaca

(Cornell Univ. Pr.) 1985. Gregory, J.W., Some Aspects of Seeing in Euripides'Bacchae. GR 32

(1985), pp. 23-3l. Halleran, R., Stagecraft in Euripides. London 1985. Hamilton, R., Euripidean Priests. HSPh 89 (1985), pp. 53-73. Kalke, C.M., The Making of a Thyrsus. The Transformation of Pentheus

in Euripides'Bacchae. AJPh 106 (1985), pp. 409-426. Nishimura, Y.T., Euripides'Dramatic Technique in the First Episode of

the Bacchae. (jap. rés. ang.) JCS 33 (1985), pp. 9-18. Schlesier, R., Der Stachel der Gotter. Zur Problem des Wahnsinns in der

euripideischenTragodie. Pœtica 17 (1985), pp. 1-45. Segal, Ch., The Bacchae as Metatragedy. in : Directions in Euripidean

Criticism. ed. by P. Burian Durham 1985., pp. 156-173. Vernant, J.P., Le Dionysos masqué des Bacchantes d'Euripide. L'Homme

25,1 (1985), pp. 31-58.


Barlow, S.A., The lmagery of Euripides. A Study in the Dramatic Use of Pictorial Language. (2nd ed.) Bristol (Class. Press) 1986.

Chalkia, 1., Lieux et espace dans la tragédie d'Euripide. Essai d'analyse socio-culturelle. EEThess Suppl. 64. Thessalonique 1986.

Romilly,, La modernité d'Euripide. (Coll. Ecrivains) Paris (PUF) 1986. (p. 237 sqq.)

Vernant, J.P., Le Dionysos masqué des Bacchantes d'Euripide. In : Mythe et Tragédie. II. Paris 1986, pp. 237-270.

Whitehorne, J.E.G., The Dead as Spectacle in Euripides'Bacchae and Supplices. Hermes 114 (1986), pp. 59-72.



Easterling, P.E., Women in Tragic Space. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (London) 34 (1987), pp. 15-26.

Lefkowitz, M.R., Was Euripides an Atheist ? SIFC 3a ser. V (1987), pp. 149-166.

Levine, D., Lysistrata and Bacchae. Structure, Genre and "Women on the Top". Helios 51,1 (1987), pp. 29-38.

O'Connor-Visser, E.A.M.E., Aspects of Human Sacrifice in the Trage­dies ofEuripides. Amsterdam 1987.

Neumann, Ch., Le Christus patiens à la lumière des Bacchantes d'Euri­pide. CounHell 1987 N° 31, pp. 63-65.

Seaford, R., Pentheusl1ision. Bacchae 918-22. CQ 37 (1987), pp. 76-78.


Goldhill, S., Doubling and Recognition in the Bacchae. Métis 3 (1988), pp. 137-156.

Polacco, L., In Macedonia, sulle trace di Euripide. Dioniso 56 (1986) /1988/, pp. 17-30.

Verdenius, N.J., Cadmus, Tiresias, Pentheus. Notes on Euripides' Bacchae 170-369. Mnemosyne 41 (1988), pp. 241-268.


Buxton, R.G.A., The Messenger and the Maenads : a Speech {rom Euripides'Bacchae. AAntHung 32 (1989), pp. 225-234.

Gavrilov, A.K., La naissance de Dionysos et l'apologie rationaliste (Euri­pide Bacchantes 286-297). (en russe) in : Langue et style ... , pp. 18-31.

Lefkowitz, M.R., "Impiety" and ''Atheism'' in Euripides'Dramas. CQ 39 (1989), pp. 70-82.

Petridis, S.P., Les Bacchantes d'Euripide. in : Und International Meet­ing of Ancient Greek Drama. Delphi 15-20 June 1986. introd. by N. Pericles. Delphi 1989, pp. 108-117.

Longo, V.L., L' "enigma" delle Baccanti di Euripide e il pensiero sofistico. AALig 46 (1989), pp. 264-271.

March, J.R., Euripides'BAKCHAI : A Reconsideration in the Light of Vase-Paintings. BICS 36 (1989), pp. 33-65.

McDonald, M., Vengeance is Mine, ll. 877-891. Philia Gone Away in the Chorus ofEuripides'Bacchae. in : International Meeting Delphi 1987-1988., pp. 41-50. (III and IV International Meeting of Ancient Greek Drama. Delphi 24-28 June 1987, and 7-12 July 1988. Ed. and introd. by N. Pericles, Athens European Cultural Center of Delphi 1989.)

Schmidt, J., Der Triumph des Dionysos. Aufklarung und neureligiOser Irrationalismus in der Bakchen des Euripides. in : Aufklarung & Gege­naufklarung in der europaischen Literatur, Philosophie und Politik


von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. hrsg. von J. Schmidt. Darmstadt (Wiss. Buchgess.) 1989, pp. 56-71.

Thomadiki, M., 0 Âoyoa Kat ra napaÂoyo aro Bsarpo rou EUpl7rlOU. Parnassos 31 (1989), pp. 281-290.


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Gyorgy KARSAI Université de Pees