ACM Broschuere 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013


    Master of Engineering

    Applied Computational



  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013


    Schnelle Information per Webinar

    In unseren kostenlosen Info-Webinaren informieren

    wir Sie in einer Stunde zu den Inhalten des Studiums

    und allen organisatorischen Belangen. Die kompakten

    Veranstaltung werden online ber das ganze Jahr an-


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    Treffen Sie uns beim Infoabend

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    Teilnehmern und klren Ihre Fragen direkt mit den Stu-

    diengangleitern und den Organisatoren.

    Die nchsten Termine

    Freitag, 25. Januar 2013

    an der Hochschule Landshut

    Freitag, 19. April 2013

    an der Hochschule Ingolstadt

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    3/16 01

    Wissen und Kompetenz sind die Basis Ihres Erfolgs. Le-

    benslanges Lernen hilft Ihnen, neue Technologien und

    Methoden zu erschlieen und anzuwenden. Ihr Innova-

    tionsvermgen bleibt im Einklang mit dem hohen Tem-

    po in der Produktentwicklung. Unser Studiengang legt

    den Schwerpunkt auf Computer Aided Engineering und

    vermittelt Ihnen wichtige Grundlagen verbunden mit

    aktuellem Fachwissen. Alle Inhalte sind stark praxisbe-

    zogen ausgerichtet und werden berufsbegleitend ange-

    boten. Damit knnen Sie von Anfang an das Gelernte in

    Ihrem Berufsalltag umsetzen. Ihre erweiterte und ver-

    besserte Methodenkompetenz ermglicht es Ihnen un-

    mittelbar, ein breites Spektrum von Problemstellungen

    in krzerer Zeit zu bearbeiten.

    Knowledge and competence are the essentials of your

    success. Lifelong learning enables you to access andapply new technologies and methods. It keeps your per-

    sonal innovative potential in par with the rapid pace of

    modern product development.

    Our master program puts a

    strong focus on Computer Aid-

    ed Engineering and imparts

    relevant basics as well as up-

    to-date expert knowledge. Its

    content is strongly related to

    practice and aims at working

    professionals. You can apply

    your acquired know-how to your

    working routine right from the

    beginning. Thus, an extended

    and enhanced method competence enables you imme-

    diately to tackle a wide variety of problems in a short-

    er time.

    Technologien des Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

    tragen heute in vielen Branchen entscheidend zu Ver-

    krzung und Optimierung von Produktentwicklungs-prozessen bei. Berechnungen am Computer ermgli-

    chen es Unternehmen, das Verhalten von Bauteilen,

    Produkten oder Prozessen unter dem Einfluss verschie-

    dener physikalischer Effekte am Bildschirm zu unter-

    suchen. Dadurch werden nicht nur eine Vielzahl an

    zeitintensiven und teuren Versuchsreihen ohne Quali-

    ttsverlust umgangen, sondern auch neue Innovations-

    potenziale genutzt.

    Today, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) technolo-

    gy contributes decisively to shortening and optimizingproduct development cycles in many fields of industry

    and research. Computer aided analysis and simulation

    enables companies to assess and test the behavior of

    future components, products and processes by sub-

    jecting them to a range of computer simulated physical

    conditions. This leads to savings in both the time and

    money which would have been spent on cost-intensive

    test runs, without any loss in quality. Consequently, itopens up new possibilities for innovation.

    In Bewegung bleiben Stay in motion

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    4/16 02

    Das Masterstudium wird von zwei Hochschulen getra-

    gen und ber eine Public-Private-Partnership von eso-

    caet organisiert. Die Hochschule fr angewandte Wis-

    senschaften Ingolstadt befindet sich in der Heimatstadt

    von AUDI, die Hochschule fr angewandte Wissen-

    schaften Landshut in unmittelbarer Nhe zu BMW. Bei-

    de Hochschulen bieten beste Studienbedingungen und

    legen einen starken Fokus auf wissenschaftlich basier-

    te Anwendung.

    Angesiedelt in einer Region mit groer Wirtschaftskraft

    und starkem Bezug zur Automobil- und IT-Branche, ko-

    operieren beide Hochschulen eng mit der Industrie und

    ermglichen ihren Studierenden Zugang zu moderns-

    tem Wissen und Technologien. Beide Stdte sowie die

    Nhe zu Mnchen erffnen darber hinaus interessan-

    te Mglichkeiten der Freizeitgestaltung.

    The master program is offered by two universities and

    organized by esocaet in a public private partnership.

    Ingolstadt University of Applied

    Sciences is situated in the home-

    town of AUDI; Landshut Univer-

    sity of Applied Sciences is closely

    located to BMW. Both universi-

    ties provide excellent study con-

    ditions and put a strong focus on

    scientifically based application.

    Situated in a region with a large

    economic potential and with a

    strong relation to automotive

    and IT industries, the universi-

    ties cooperate intensively with industry and thus give

    their students direct access to modern know-how and

    technologies. In addition, both cities and nearby Mu-

    nich present interesting leisure activities.

    In Verbindung Connected

    esocaetsteht fr European School of Computer Aided

    Engineering Technology. Dies ist ein junger Unterneh-

    mensbereich von CADFEM, der sich auf die CAE-Weiter-

    bildung unabhngig von Software-Herstellern kon-


    Die Entwicklung des Masterstudiengangs wurde durch

    die Europische Union gefrdert.

    esocaetstands for European School of Computer Aided

    Technology, a young CADFEM division that offers life-

    long learning in the field of CAE independently from

    software manufacturers.

    The development of the masters degree course wasfunded by the European Union.

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    5/16 03

    Im Masterstudiengang Applied Computational Mecha-

    nics erwerben und vertiefen Sie praxisorientiertes Wis-

    sen in allen CAE-Disziplinen. Ingenieurorientierte Ma-

    nagementthemen runden das zweijhrige Studium ab.

    Der berufsbegleitende Studiengang richtet sich aus-

    drcklich an Berufsttige, zum Beispiel an Simulations-

    ingenieure, die ihr theoretisches Wissen vertiefen oder

    an Konstrukteure und Versuchsingenieure, die sich

    fachlich weiterqualifizieren wollen. Sie profitieren da-

    bei von komprimierten Prsenzblcken und knnen so

    Beruf und Studium miteinander verbinden. Auerdem

    haben Sie, im Gegensatz zu reinen Fernstudiengngen,

    direkten Kontakt zu Mitstudierenden und Dozenten. Sie

    knnen eigene Problemstellungen aus Ihrem Berufsall-

    tag in das Studium einbringen und mit Experten disku-

    tieren. Unsere Dozenten sind renommierte CAE-Exper-

    ten aus Hochschulen und der Industrie.

    The master program Applied Computational Mechan-

    ics provides you with practice-

    oriented know-how in all CAE

    disciplines and expands your

    already existing knowledge.

    Management topics focused on

    engineering complete the two-

    year course. We offer a study

    program exclusively for work-

    ing professionals such as sim-

    ulation engineers who want to

    enlarge their theoretical knowl-

    edge, or for design and test en-

    gineers who want to further their professional devel-

    opment. You receive the benefits of blocked times of

    presence and are able to combine both working and

    studying. Contrary to courses taught entirely by long

    distance, with our program you are in direct contact to

    your peers and lecturers. We encourage our students to

    discuss problems from their working routine with our

    teaching experts. Our lecturers are renowned CAE ex-

    perts from both academia and industry.

    Erfahrung gewinnen Get experience

    Das englischsprachige Lehrangebot zieht Ingenieu-

    re aus Europa, Asien und Amerika an. Als Absolvent

    des Studiengangs erhalten Sie den international an-

    erkannten, akademischen Titel Master of Engineering

    (M.Eng.). Der Abschluss wird von den Hochschulen fr

    angewandte Wissenschaften Landshut und Ingolstadt

    verliehen und erffnet den Zugang zu einer Promotion.

    Die offizielle Akkreditierung der deutschen Fachakkre-

    ditierungsagentur fr Studiengnge der Ingenieurwis-

    senschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften

    und der Mathematik ASIIN garantiert Ihnen beste Stu-

    dienbedingungen. berwacht wird der Masterstudien-

    gang zudem von einem Advisory Board, das mit renom-mierten CAE-Experten besetzt ist.

    Due to the course being taught in English, the program

    attracts engineers from Europe, Asia and the US. Our

    graduates receive the internationally acknowledged ac-

    ademic title Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) The degree

    is jointly awarded by Ingolstadt and Landshut Univer-

    sities of Applied Sciences and allows you to pursue a

    PhD. An official accreditation by the German accredi-

    tation agency ASIIN ensures excellent study conditions.

    Additionally, the master program is supervised by anAdvisory Board formed of renowned CAE experts.

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    6/16 04

    Unsere Studenten profitieren von einer intensiven Lern-

    atmosphre, die durch kleine Studiengruppen sicherge-

    stellt wird. Whrend des Studiums absolvieren Sie vier

    Semester, in denen Sie zehn Module belegen sowie Ihre

    Masterarbeit schreiben. Sie erwerben bis zu Ihrem Ab-

    schluss 90 Credit Points nach dem Europischen Leis-

    tungspunktesystem (ECTS). Das Studium wird privat-

    rechtlich angeboten und ist gebhrenfinanziert.

    Our students profit from an intensive learning atmos-

    phere in small study groups. Your studies take four se-

    mesters, during which you will attend ten modules and

    write your master thesis. Until graduation you will ac-

    quire 90 credit points of the European Credit Point Sys-

    tem (ECTS). The program is offered under private law

    and subject to tuition fees.

    Vorsprung wahren Take a lead

    Viele Arbeitgeber unserer Studierenden bernehmen

    einen Teil der Studiengebhren suchen Sie dazu das

    Gesprch mit Ihrem Unternehmen. In vielen Lndern

    knnen Weiterbildungskosten zudem von der Steuer

    abgesetzt werden. Dies gilt nicht nur fr die tatschli-

    chen Studiengebhren, sondern auch fr andere Kos-

    ten, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Studium entste-


    Many of our students employers pay for a part of their

    employees tuition please talk to your company to

    learn more about its educational funding. Furthermore,

    in some countries further education costs are tax de-

    ductible. This covers not only tuition fees but also trav-

    elling cost, accommodation, and costs for teaching ma-terials.

    Fr Bachelorabsolventen, die erste Berufserfahrungen

    gesammelt haben, bietet der Studiengang eine exzel-

    lente Mglichkeit, ihr Wissen und ihre Karriere weiter-


    Our master program offers excellent opportunities for

    graduates of Bachelor programs who want to furthertheir knowledge and their career.

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013


  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    8/16 06

    Durchstarten Get started

    Fr den Besuch des Studiengangs mssen Sie

    folgende Voraussetzungen erfllen:

    bDiplomabschluss oder Bachelor mit 210 ECTS im

    Bereich der Ingenieur- oder Naturwissenschaften

    mit der Gesamtnote gut oder besser*

    beinschlgige Berufserfahrung von mindestens

    einem Jahr nach Abschluss des Hochschulstudiums

    bNachweis englischer Sprachkenntnisse ent-

    sprechend dem Sprachniveau B2 des Europischen


    Attendance of the master program requires the

    following qualifications:

    bBachelor degree with 210 ECTS in engineering or

    natural sciences with an overall grade of good

    or better*

    bAt least one year of appropriate professionalexperience following an academic degree

    bProficiency in English according to level B2 of the

    Common European Reference Frame

    Die Bewerbungsphase endet am 15. Juni. Nachdem wir

    Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen erhalten haben, werden

    Ihre Qualifikationsvoraussetzungen an der Hochschu-

    le Landshut geprft. Nach der Zulassung erhalten Sie

    eine Einladung zu einem Interview. Die Teilnahme ist

    freiwillig, bietet Ihnen aber die Mglichkeit, Ihren ak-

    tuellen Wissensstand besser einzuschtzen und Wis-

    senslcken bis zum Studienbeginn aufzuarbeiten. Das

    Interviewfindet an einer der beiden Hochschulen statt.

    Application deadline is June 15th. After receiving your

    application documents, the University of Applied Sci-

    ences Landshut will confirm your qualification require-

    ments. Subject to admission, you will be invited to at-

    tend an interview during which we will assess your

    level of knowledge. Attendance to the interview is op-

    tional but you will get the chance to learn to know how

    you can prepare yourself for the course. The interview

    may take place either at Landshut or Ingolstadt Univer-sity of Applied Sciences. For students applying from

    outside Europe an alternative may be offered.

    Das Studium beginnt im September. Sie lernen in ge-

    blockten Prsenzphasen an den beiden Hochschulen.

    Auerdem ist zustzliches Selbststudium erforderlich.

    Das letzte Semester ist der Master Thesis gewidmet, die

    viele Teilnehmer in ihrem Unternehmen bearbeiten.

    Ein Thema aus den Forschungsgebieten der Hochschu-

    len ist ebenfalls mglich.

    Studies start in September. You are attending universi-

    ty during blocked times of presence. Further self study

    is necessary. The last term is dedicated to the master

    thesis. For this, many participants choose a topic from

    their everyday work life. Additionally, the universities

    provide further topics.

    *Ausnahmen siehe / exceptions at

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    9/16 07

    Aprilr l

    1414 2121 22

    1 8 15 22 2 2 22 9 16 23 302 1 23 33 10 17 243 1 17 24

    4 11 1 2525 12 1912 1 2626

    6 13 20 276 13 2 2


    Monday 2 9 30o a 316 2323Tuesday 3 10T e day 3 1 1717 2424Wednesday 4 11edne da 4 11 181 2525Thursday 5 12r a 2 19 26Friday 6 13Fr da 13 202 272

    Saturday 7 14 21 28Sa ur ay 7 14 21 28Sunday 1 8 15 22 29a 2

    OctoberO ber

    14 21 284 21 8 15 22 21 1 2 22 9 16 23 302 16 23 3

    33 10 17 24 317 314 11 254 11 21815 12 265 1 21916 13 20 2713 2 2

    NovemberN vember

    4 11 18 254 2 5 12 19 261 1 2 6 13 20 276 13 2 2 14 21 22 277

    11 15 21 28 2222 2 16 302 16 309 232 3 1 17 243 24

    Decembere e ber

    2 1 23 32 33 1 173 1 1 2424 3131

    4 11 1811 1 2525 5 12 11 22 6 20 276 2 71313 7 21 28 1 281414 1 15 22 2 2 2

    2013 an der Hochschule Landshut / at Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    OctoberO tober

    Monday 6 13 20 27o da 1 2 2Tuesday 7 14 21 28T e day 7 14 21 2

    ednesday 1 8 15 22 2Thursday 2 9 16 23 30h r da 2 1 3FridayFrida 33 1 24 311 24 31171

    atur ay 4 11 25 18Sunday 5 12 19 26da 1 1 2

    NovemberNo e ber

    3 10 17 243 1 1 24 4 11 18 254 11 1 2 5 12 1 26

    13 2713 72014 214 27 2121

    1 15 28 222 16 23 302 1 23 3


    11 15 22 21 22 2 2 9 16 23 30 1 2 3 3 1 17 24 31 4 11 14 11 1 252 5 111212 2626

    2 27137 14 21 2814 21


    Mondayo da 66 13 20 2713 2 2

    Tuesday 7 14 21 28ay 4 2Wednesdayedne da 11 8 15 22 21 22 2

    Thursday 2 9 16 30Th r da 2 16 32323Friday 3 17 31r a 3 310 24

    Saturday 4 18a rday 4 11111 252Sunday 5 12 19 26S nda 12 1 26

    Februarybr a

    3 1 243 1 24171

    4 11 251 185 12 2612 2191

    6 13 2713 27202 7 14 2 212

    1 151 1 2222 9 16 232 16 23

    Marchar h

    3 17 24 313 17 24 3111

    4 1 254 2115 19 26 1 2121

    6 20 276 2 21313 7 21 27 214

    1 22 21 22 2151 2 9 16 23 302 1 2 3


    5 12 19 265 12 1 2

    6 13 20 2713 2 2 7 14 21 27 14 21 2

    11 8 1515 2222 22 2 1 32 3233 3 1 17 313 1 1 312424 4 11 1 254 11 1 2

    2014 an der Hochschule Ingolstadt / at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    2014 an der Hochschule Landshut / at Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    anuarya ar

    Monday 5 12 19 26o 2TuesdayT e day 6 13 20 2713 2 2

    Wednesday 7 14 21 28edne da 7 14 21 2Thursday 1 15 2 22Friday 2 16 30Frida 2 16 39 233

    Saturday 3 17 31Sa urday 3 1 31101 2424

    Sunday 4 11 18 25 2

    FebruaryFebr ar

    2 1 2323 17 243 1 2411

    4 1 254 1 251111 5 1 2 212

    6 20 27 2 271313 7 21 2 21 21414

    1 8 15 22

    Marchar h

    2 1 23 3 23 3 3 17 24 313 17 24 3111 4 1 254 1 251111 5 1 212

    6 20 276 2 21313 7 21 27 21 21414

    1 8 15 22 2 22 2


    13 20 273 27 14 21 214 21 2

    1 15 22 21 15 222 1 23 3 23 333 10 171 17 24

    4 11 14 11 1 2525

    5 12 1 22

    May - Octoberay - ob r

    aster Thesisr

    2015 an der Hochschule Landshut / at Landshut University of Applied Sciences


    Monday 2o da 2 9 16 23 3016 2 30Tuesday 3 10 17 24ay 3 24

    Wednesday 4 11 18 25edne da 4 11 1 2hursday 5 12 1 2

    Friday 6 13 20 27r da 1 2 2

    Saturday 7 14 21 28Sa urday 7 14 21 2Sunday 1 8 15 22 2


    14 2814 282111 15 2 22

    2 9 16 302 16 323233 1 17 31 24

    4 11 184 11 1 252

    5 12 1912 1 262 13 20 27


    4 11 18 254 11 18 5 5 12 1 26

    6 13 20 276 13 2 2 7 14 21 28

    11 151 22 222 2

    2 9 16 23 30 1 2 3 3 1 17 24 31

    nderungen im Ablaufplan sind mglich. Schedule is subject to modifications.

    Septemberb r

    11 8 298 21515 22222 32 316 233

    3 13 1 171 24244 11 18 255 121 11 262

    6 13 20 276 13 2 277 14 21 2

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    10/16 08

    Den Erfolg planen Plan your success

    Der Masterstudiengang richtet sich an ausgebildete In-

    genieure und Wissenschaftler, die Verantwortung in

    der angewandten Forschung, in der Entwicklung und

    im Management bernehmen mchten. Mit einer star-

    ken Anwendungsorientierung stattet das Studienpro-

    gramm Sie mit der erforderlichen methodenorientierten

    Kompetenz im Bereich der Rechner gesttzten Simula-

    tionstechniken aus. Im Studienverlauf wenden Sie nu-

    merische und experimentelle Simulationswerkzeuge

    im Kontext der Produktentwicklung und des Herstel-

    lungsprozesses an. Managementthemen und weitere

    Komplementrkompetenzen ergnzen das Curriculum.

    Damit sind Sie als Absolventen des Studiengangs her-

    vorragend dafr qualifiziert, in nationalen oder inter-

    nationalen Unternehmen leitende Positionen als Ent-

    wickler oder Ingenieur zu bernehmen.

    The master program addresses qualified engineers or

    scientists wanting to take over responsibility in ap-

    plied research, development and management. With a

    strong focus on application, the master program pro-

    vides its participants with the required method-orient-

    ed knowledge in the area of computer based simulation

    techniques. During the course of study, numerical and

    experimental simulation tools are applied in an envi-

    ronment of product development and manufacturing

    processes. Management issues and soft skills complete

    the curriculum. Consequently, graduates are well quali-

    fied to fill positions as senior specialists or leading engi-

    neers in national and international enterprises.

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    11/16 09

    The curriculum is organized into ten modules plus

    master thesis and colloquium. Each module consists

    of one, two, or three courses. The courses are com-

    pulsory with the exeption of the module Advanced

    Simulation Techniques, which is basically compul-

    sory, but offers a variety of elective courses.

    We have designed each module to train you in inter-

    disciplinary thinking. Theoretical content will be

    supplemented as much as possible by labs, case stud-

    ies, and by exercises based on commercial software.

    MathematicsA thorough grasp of advanced engineering mathemat-

    ics is essential when applying simulation tools success-

    fully. This module gives you the required foundation for

    any other study content. Furthermore, you will learn

    to select and apply adequate optimization methods toproblems like design optimization.

    bTensor analysis

    bPartial differential equations

    bFourier analysis

    bProbability analysis

    bMathematical optimization

    bNumerical stability and convergence

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans von Koch,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Schittkowski,University of Bayreuth

    Fatigue and Fracture MechanicsFailure of construction parts may result in major dam-

    age think of collapsing bridges or train accidents

    caused by fractured wheels. Failure avoidance or rec-

    ognition and the appraisal of possible impact are more

    important than ever to engineers. The module deals ex-

    tensively with this topic by investigating and discuss-

    ing complex and interdisciplinary problems in the field

    of fatigue and fracture mechanics.

    bCreep damage

    bCyclic behavior of materials

    bEffects on fatigue life

    bLife time estimation

    bCrack propagation

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Kr,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Vormwald,

    Darmstadt University of Technology

    Numerical Methods in EngineeringThe master course aims at an advanced understanding

    of the most important numerical methods in engineer-

    ing applications, such as Finite Difference Method, Fi-

    nite Volume Method, Boundary Element Method, and

    Finite Element Method. You get to know their typical

    fields of application, their performance and their lim-

    its, and we take a close look at the Finite Element Meth-

    od (FEM). Further topics may be added at participants


    bVariational principles and weighted

    residual method

    bDiscretization methods

    bSolving of ordinary differential equations

    bNumerical integration

    bStress analysis with FEM

    bIdealization, modeling, solving, and post- processing

    bSelected Topics: Submodeling, mesh-refinement,

    convergence, grid free methods, stress

    concentrations, superelements

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Dallner,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlev Maurer,

    Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    Solid Mechanics and Heat TransferComplementary to the concepts of numerical methods,

    this module provides you with the theoretical basics of

    solid mechanics and heat transfer. You are taught how

    to reduce complex technical problems to simplified

    models with enough validity for the early phase of the

    design process, and how to review FEM results. We will

    work with you to improve your creativity through the

    application of heat transfer principles and help you to

    formulate and solve complex heat transfer problems.

    bConstitutive equations (Linear elasticity, isotropic

    anisotropic, thermoelasticity)

    bStress differential equations

    bDisplacement differential equations

    bEnergy principles

    bConduction, convection and heat radiation

    bStationary and transient heat transfer

    bCoupled thermo-mechanical problems

    Dr. Ziemowit Ostrowski,

    Technical University of Silesia

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Huber,

    Landshut University of Applied Sciences

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    12/16 10

    Computational DynamicsIn addition to static strain, construction parts are always

    subjected to dynamic strain. When exceeding a negligi-

    ble dimension, this has to be taken into consideration

    in a numerical analysis. Additionally, in many cases an

    in-depth consideration of multi body systems is neces-

    sary. The module teaches you how to master theoretical

    and practical aspects of structural dynamics and multi

    body systems. We will make you familiar with different

    experimental techniques and computational methods.

    bKinematics and dynamics of rigid and

    deformable bodies

    bModal synthesis

    bTime integration algorithms

    bModal, harmonic response and transient analysis


    bAnalysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systemsbValidation with experiment

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Sitzmann,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Stelzmann,


    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuela Waltz,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Dr.-Ing. Jixang Li,


    Nonlinear Computational MechanicsStructural mechanic nonlinearity appears in almost all

    simulation models caused for instance by nonlinear

    material behavior, large distortion, or nonlinear con-

    tacts. Engineers cant always disregard these influenc-

    es, and usually they demand a more complex knowl-

    edge of methodological basics. The module teaches you

    how to formulate the necessary equations for a materi-

    al description. You will be able to recognize the reasons

    for convergence problems and identify possible ways to

    overcome them.

    bMaterials and Material Models


    bLarge deformations

    bLarge strains

    bTheory of stability

    bContact analysis

    bNumerical solution procedures

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Fritsch,

    Munich University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Rust, University of AppliedSciences and Arts in Hannover

    Management of Product Developmentand Manufacturing ProcessesIn this module you acquire a firm comprehension of

    processes in modern development and manufacturing

    processes. You are taught how to execute CAE methodseffectively and target-oriented. We will give you insight

    into networked thinking, organization, and team lead-

    ership. Additionally, we will introduce you to customer

    relations and train you in explaining technical issues to

    third parties. You will understand quality requirements

    for numerical analysis applications.

    bCollaborative and simultaneous


    bProduct Data Management

    bCorporate strategy

    bNew product development process

    b Innovation managementbQM for CAE processes: Planning, processing,

    validation, documentation

    bQM in case of collaborative engineering

    Dipl.-Ing. Heiko Schler,


    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlev Maurer,

    Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Jattke,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Knig,Lausitz University of Applied Sciences


    Einzelne Module knnen auch von nicht einge-

    schriebenen Studenten gebucht werden, die damit

    ihr Fachwissen in einzelnen Gebieten vertiefen oder

    sich auf den Besuch des Masterstudiums vorbereiten

    wollen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns fr weitere Infor-


    Various modules can be booked as standalone units

    by guest students who want to either improve their

    knowledge in certain subjects or prepare for a future

    attendance of the master program. Please contact us

    for further information.

  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013

    13/16 10 1109

    Basics in Multiphysics (CFD/Mechatronics)This module provides you with a solid comprehension

    of fluid flow phenomena and helps you to apply CFD to

    engineering problems. Additionally, you will have am-ple practical exercise in a wind tunnel. The modules

    second part deals with the description and simulation

    of mechatronic systems and their components. You will

    be mastering the modeling of related coupled systems

    as well as the simulation of mechatronic systems dy-

    namic operation.

    bConservation equations in fluid dynamics

    bMultigrid and parallel methods

    bSolution techniques for turbulent flows

    bFundamentals of electromagnetic field theory

    bElectrostatic and magnetic analysis

    bMain components of mechatronic systemsbActuators and control aspects

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Bschorer,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Dr.-Ing. Holger Grotjans,

    ANSYS Germany GmbH

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Prnbacher,

    Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hanke,


    Management Skills and ProcessesEngineers involved in development processes impera-

    tively need project management skills. With this mod-

    ule you will get a solid comprehension of project man-

    agement fundamentals, including project planning,

    implementation, controlling, time, and resource man-

    agement. During project work you get a grasp of team

    processes and conflict management and will be trained

    to carry out effective team work.

    bProject organization

    bProject environment

    bTeam design

    bProject phases

    bSuccess factors

    bCommunication and conflict management

    bApplication of adequate methods

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlev Maurer,

    Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Scholz,

    Landshut University of Applied Sciences

    Advanced Simulation TechniquesThe large potential of computer aided simulation will

    ensure a further growth in its importance. This module

    enhances your ability to follow future developments by

    using a systematic and thorough research. You learn

    how to scientifically prepare information and subse-

    quently present and discuss your results. An interest-

    ing variety of elective courses offers you the possibility

    to further explore hot topics in simulation. We are con-

    stantly revising our course catalogue with a view on re-

    cent developments.

    b Acoustics

    b Composites

    bCrashworthiness & Occupant Safety

    bControl Engineering

    bModelling Techniques

    bOptimizationbMetal Forming Simulation

    Dr.-Ing. Marold Moosrainer,


    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jrg Wellnitz,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Dipl.-Ing. Paul Du Bois, Consultant

    Prof. Dr.-Ing./M.Sc. Wolfgang Krmer,

    Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hanke,

    CADFEM GmbH Prof. Dr. techn. habil. Christian Bucher,

    Vienna University of Technology

    Dr.-Ing. Johannes Will,

    Dynardo GmbH

    Master Thesis and ColloquiumWith your master thesis you prove that you are able to

    analyze and solve a complex problem from either ap-

    plied sciences or engineering practice on a scientific ba-

    sis. You will be guided by two of our lecturers who have

    to be chosen according to your thesis subject. Your

    company is welcome to become involved by providing

    a project to be developed within the thesis. After a six

    month writing phase you are required to present your

    results concisely and defend them during a colloquium

    in a scientific context.

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    *Ausnahmen siehe / exceptions at

    Auf einen Blick At a Glance

    Name /Name Applied Computational Mechanics

    Abschluss / Title Master of Engineering

    Studienform / Program structure berufsbegleitend / for working professionals

    Zielgruppe / Target group Berechnungsingenieure, Konstrukteure, Versuchsingenieure /

    Specialized simulation engineers, designers, test engineers

    Ausrichtung / Focus anwendungsorientiert / industry oriented

    Kosten / Tuition fees 20.000 Euro, Ratenzahlung / 20,000 Euro, payment by installments

    Credits (ECTS) /Dauer / Duration 90 /3 Semester + 6 Monate Masterarbeit / 3 semester + 6 months master thesis

    Studienorte / Places of study Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

    Start des Programms / Program start September

    jhrlich zugelassene Studierende maximal 20

    Students admitted per year maximum 20

    Letzter Anmeldetag / Application deadline 15. Juni / June 15th

    Hochschulabschluss erforderlich ja (Diplom, Bachelor mit 210 ECTS, BA), Prdikat gut oder besser*

    Degree required yes (Diploma, Bachelor, University of Cooperative Education), overall grade good or better*

    Minimale Berufserfahrung 1 Jahr Vollzeit nach dem ersten Hochschulabschluss

    Required professional experience 1 year fulltime following an academic degree

    Englischnachweis / Proficiency in English Niveau B2 des Europischen Referenzrahmens

    Level B2 of the Common European Reference Frame

    Unterrichtssprache / Teaching language Englisch / English

    Struktur / Structure 11 Module / 11 modules

    Dozenten aus unterschiedlichen Hochschulen und der Industrie

    Lecturers from various universities and industry

    Erforderliches Selbststudium rund 10 Stunden pro Woche

    Required self-study approximately 10 hours per week

    Abschlussarbeit / Final paper Master Thesis with Colloquium

    Akkreditiert / Accrediation ja (ASIIN) / yes (ASIIN)

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  • 8/13/2019 ACM Broschuere 2013


    Kontakt - Contact



    Marktplatz 2

    85576 Grafing b. Mnchen

    Dipl.-Ing. Anja Vogel

    Tel +49 - (0) 80 92 - 70 05 - 52

    Fax +49 - (0) 80 92 - 70 05 - 5 70
