16. Juni 2015, 08:30-17:00 - Camptocamp · OpenStack Jose Castro Leon, CERN 14:40 Talk 9 The future...

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16. Juni 2015, 08:30-17:00

an der Universität Bern UniS, Hörsaal A003, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3011 Bern


Cloud Computing gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung und Gewicht. Damit die gesamten Mög-lichkeiten ausgeschöpft werden können, sollten Clouds nach den Prinzipen der Open Cloud Initiative aufgebaut werden. Das Ziel des Anlasses ist es, offene Clouds zu fördern und die Interoperabilität von Clouds zu verbessern. Speziell werden die Anforderungen der öffentli-chen Verwaltung sowie von KMUs berücksichtigt. In speziellen Vorträgen wird der Bereich GovCloud vertieft. Der Anlass legt Gewicht auf konkrete, praxisnahe Beispiele.






Mehr Informationen zum Anlass unter http://www.ch-open.ch/events/aktuelle-events/160615-open-cloud-day-2015/

Time Main Track Workshop / Talk Workshop

max participants 200 40 40

8:30 Opening and Registration

9:00 Keynote (ZHAW and Equinix)

9:25 Talk 1 Automation and Open Source, how to tame the cloud. Mathieu Bornoz & François Deppierraz, Camp2Camp

9:55 Talk 2 Anatomy of SWITCHengines - a cloud for Swiss Aca-demia. Jens-Christian Fischer, SWITCH

10:25 Break 25 mins Booth and Demos

10:50 Talk 3Cyclops: The ultimate billing framework for cloud services. Dr. Piyush Harsh, ZHAW

Talk 14Best of breed in the Cloud Sandro Köchli Adfinis sygroup

11:20 Talk 4A swiss cloud customer success story: running Slip-stream SaaS on top ofExoscale IaaS Antoine Coetsier, ExoscaleMarc Elian Begin, Sixsq

Talk 15Microservices in Cloud Foundry with Spring Cloud Alain Sahli Mimacom AG

11:50 Talk 5Path to an Open Hybrid Cloud and Developer Agility Sacha Dubois, Red Hat

Talk 16Hybrid Cloud Cost Management & Cloud Service Brokerage Pierre Vacherand, Apalia

12:20 Talk 6The Swiss Configuration Management System with Provisioning Support: cdist Nico Schottelius, Ungleich GmbH

Talk 17Deployinga service into the cloudMichael Eichenberger, stepping stone GmbH

12:50 Lunch 50 mins Booth and Demos

13:40 Talk 7OpenSource IaaS Einführung ins Unternehmen Thore Bahr, SUSESandro Köchli, Adfinis-SyGroup

WS-2 OpenShift Tech LabDaniel Tschan, Anselm Strauss, Puzzle ITC GmbH

WS-1a Build Your Own Cloud - IaaS (60 mins)

14:10 Talk 8Platformas a Service with Swisscom Roland Ringgenberg, Swisscom

OpenStackJose Castro Leon, CERN

14:40 Talk 9The future of IaaS software in a Docker worldDr. Sebastien Goasguen, Citrix

WS-1b Build Your Own Cloud - IaaS (60 mins)

15:10 Talk 10 The Evolution of the ServerViktor Petersson, CloudSigma AG

OpenNebulaNico Schottelius, Ungleich GmbH

15:40 Break 25 mins Booth and Demos

16:05 Talk 11LibreOffice Online Michael Meeks,Collabora Productivity

WS-3: How to build a private Cloud mit ownCloudWalter Demichiel,DW-Net Demichiel

WS-1c Build Your Own Cloud - IaaS (60 mins)

16:35 Talk 12The Open Cloud Alliance - Trust and Choice for the Cloud Peter Ganten, Univention

CloudStack Dr. Sebas-tien Goasguen, Citrix

17:05 Talk 13The Makings of a Modern Application Architecture NIcolas Regez, Cloud Foundry Foundation

Panel Discussion (25 mins)

17:30 End of Event - Apéro Riche

Keynote Prof. Dr.Thomas Michael Bohnert, ZHAW Cloud Computing has been around for about 10 years, and now since the hype is almost over, we are at a position to talk about its current status. The evolution of cloud computing in these years has been tremendous in the form of technology options as well as industrial and commercial offers. The new ones are emerging, adopting and evolving on the go. This talk will look back at the emergence and the current status of Cloud Com-puting, with particular focus to Switzerland. It will recap important initiatives in Switzerland, will look closely in the technologies, both emerging and available and finally will also highlight the pros and cons of Cloud Computing as discussed in the industry.

Thomas Michael Bohnert (http://tmb.nginet.de) is Professor at Zurich University of Ap-plied Sciences where he heads the Research Area Service Engineering, that compris-es the InIT Cloud Computing Laboratory (ICCLab, www.cloudcomp.ch) and the Service Prototyping Lab (SPLab).His interests are focused on enabling ICT infrastructures and service platforms, coarsely ranging across mobile, cloud, and web computing.Prior to being appointed by ZHAW he was with SAP Research, SIEMENS Corporate Tech-nology, and ran his own ICT consultancy. He was a visiting scholar at NEC Network Re-search Labs, Tampere University of Technology, VTT Technical Research Centre, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications during his PhD studies at the University of Coimbra.

Automation and Open Source, how to tame the cloudMathieu Bornoz, François Deppierraz, CamptocampHarnessing the full value of a private cloud is only possible by adopting a con-figuration management system, allowing predictable and reproducible setups as well as the use of development best practices such as automated testing, code ver-sioning or peer-review. This talk will cover tools and techniques used to manage and operate our private cloud as well as deploy actual workload on it. How appli-cation deployment could be automated and its its performances visualized. State of knowledge at Camptocamp, using and contributing to Puppet since 2007 and managing its own private IaaS cloud since 2013.

Mathieu Bornoz a Linux and Open Source enthusiast/evangelist for many years. After completing his engineering studies, he worked several years as a traditional developer before switching to distributed computing and configuration management system. He is currently leading the Infrastructure Department at Camptocamp and is working on many projects mainly based on Open Source technologies.

François is an infrastructure specialist with a strong bias towards free and open-source solutions. He likes to architect, design and build reliable and automated systems. He works at Nimag Networks in Switzerland providing consulting services.

Anatomy of SWITCHengines - a cloud for Swiss AcademiaJens-Christian Fischer, Product Owner SWITCHengines, SWITCHSure, you can download OpenStack and install it on a few machines, but that doesn’t quite give you a cloud. We describe the anatomy of SWITCHengines, the cloud for Swiss Academia and what parts outside of pure OpenStack make it work. Installation, Configuration, Change Management & Monitoring are important pieces of being able to run a cloud. We will also provide a view on some of the in-ternals and what it takes to run an open source production cloud and being able to deploy changes to it every day.

Jens-Christian ist the product owner of SWITCHengines, the SWITCH cloud offering. As the technical project manager for the SWITCHengines product, he has been able to draw on his experience with Software Development and Agile Project Management to build a cloud. In his spare time, he plays guitar and sings.

Cyclops: The ultimate billing framework for cloud servicesPiyush Harsh, ZHAWCyclops billing framework was first introduced to the public at Open Cloud Day 2014. It is exactly 1 year since then. In this talk the audience will experience the unveiling of the full featured, open source and fully operational prototype of the billing platform for clouds, which not only supports rating, charging and billing of multiple services in a unified way, but allows dynamic rating - a first in the open source ecosystem. The micro-services architecture of cyclops along with multiple business use cases will also be presented

Dr. Piyush Harsh has extensive academic and applied research experience in distributed systems and cloud computing. In the past he has worked at reputed institutions includ-ing University of Florida - USA, and INRIA - France. His current research interests are in distributed computing frameworks, cloud economics, privacy & security in a networked environment. He is a researcher in ICCLab, InIT - ZHAW and leads the initiatives on rat-ing-charging-billing & distributed computing in the cloud, and is involved in 2 large European research projects: MCN and T-Nova.

A swiss cloud customer success story: running Slipstream SaaS on top of Exoscale IaaSAntoine Coetsier, CEO, Exoscale, with guestMarc Elian Begin, CEO, SixsqWhat is cloud used for? Both swiss companies active in cloud computing business, Exoscale will showcase Sixsq usage of the famous Swiss IaaS. Sixsq has been devel-oping software solutions for application deployment and has recently launched a SaaS version of its software. This talk will cover a brief explanation of Exoscale product offering and then detail how an open source software like Sliptream was deployed in self service marketplace.

With more than 12 years experience in the service provider business, Antoine acts since 2011 as CEO of Exoscale and oversees all aspects of the cloud platform. IT engineer by formation, Antoine is also focused on industrialization and security, in order to stream-line operations as much as possible.

Marc-Elian Bégin is co-founder of SixSq, a cloud computing company based in Geneva, which specialises in process automation and agile development. With over 20 years of experience in the software industry, he has worked with the Canadian and European Space Agencies, as well as CERN, on distributed software systems, grid and cloud com-puting projects. His current focus is on SlipStream, an open source multi-cloud PaaS solution. He is also involved in the Helix Nebula - The Science Cloud - project, where he holds the position of co-chair of the Technology and Architecture Group. He is passion-ate about democratising cloud in order to open its advantages to companies big and small.

Path to an Open Hybrid Cloud and Developer AgilitySacha Dubois, Solution Architect, Red Hat (Switzerland)Gegenwärtig findet in den Unternehmen ein grosser Umbruch statt, weg von klas-sischen Virtualisierung-Lösungen hin zu Infrastruktur as a Service (IaaS) und das Managen von Cloud Diensten. Dazu kommen neue Technologien wie Software de-fined Network (SDN) und Software define Storage (SDS) sowie die Container Tech-nology die diese Entwicklung noch beschleunigen. Red Hat gibt Ihnen einen Ein-blick in das Rechenzentrum von morgen und zeigt Ihnen Trends und Technologien mit denen Sie das Ziel eines vollständig automatisierten IT Umgebung realisieren können.

Sacha Dubois, Solution Architect bei der Red Hat (Schweiz) zuständig für den Bereich Infrastruktur (RHEL) sowie für Themen wie Cloud Management und Infrastructur as a Service (IaaS). Sacha Dubois hat mehr als 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der ITC und war davon 10 Jahre in der Software Entwicklung tätig. Ab 1996 arbeitete er bei Sun Microsystems als Techincal Consultand im Bereich Professional Services und gründetet 2001 seine ei-gene Software Firma die Core Software GmbH und entwickelte die Dokumentation und Diagnose Software SysDIAG.

The Swiss Configuration Management System with Provisioning Support: cdistNico Schottelius, President, Ungleich GmbHWhile configuration management is a hot topic among people in the DevOps movement, most configuration management systems only configure already run-ning systems. As provisioning systems also contain configurations, using two or more separate systems has resulted in decentralised configurations that are hard maintain together. The Swiss made configuration management system “cdist” now contains experimental support for system installation. In this talk Nico Schottelius from ungleich GmbH will give a Bird’s-eye view on how to use cdist for provision-ing. He will further explain how IT departments benefit from the integration of provisioning functionality into configuration management systems.

Nico Schottelius is the president of ungleich GmbH with headquarter in the “Swiss Sili-con Valley” in Glarus.He has been invited to give talks world wide about configuration management since 2011. He is the author of the c*-software series to which cdist, ctt and ccollect belong to.When he is not involved into improving and creating Open Source software or design-ing Linux infrastructures for customers, he teaches Concurrent C Programming at ZHAW Zurich.

OpenSource IaaS Einführung ins UnternehmenThore Bahr, Systems Engineer, SUSESandro Köchli, Sales Management, Adfinis-SyGroupDie Nutzung von Cloud Diensten verspricht den kostengünstigen, einfachen und agilen Betrieb von Software. Die Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) wird dabei als Weiterentwick-lung der Virtualisierung betrachtet. Demnach reicht es, die IaaS zu installieren und sofort können als Vorteile der “Cloud” genutzt werden? Leider nein, die Ansätze hinter IaaS un-terscheiden sich in einigen wichtigen Eigenschaften von der klassischen Virtualisierung. Diese müssen bei einer erfolgreichen Einführung einer IaaS Lösung als Private Cloud beachtet werden. In diesem Vortrag werden anhand von Beispielszenarien aus der Praxis die Unterschiede dargestellt und Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Einführung genannt. SUSE bietet mit ihrer OpenStack Distribution eine Grundlage für den Betrieb in Unternehmen-sumfeld an, die mit der Erfahrung des OpenSource Partners Adfinis-SyGroup zu einer er-folgreichen Cloud Implementierung genutzt werden kann.

Thore Bahr arbeitet seit über 15 Jahren im Unix/Linux Umfeld als Pre-Sales Engineer. Bei der Fir-ma SUSE Linux kümmert er sich seit der Veröffentlichung von SUSE Cloud 1.0 im Jahr 2012 um das Thema OpenStack im Enterprise Umfeld und kann auf viele Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich zurückblicken.

Sandro Köchli ist langjähriger Linux User, Open Source Spezialist und Unternehmer. Er ist Mitin-haber von Adfinis SyGroup AG, einer der führenden Linux Engineering Firmen der Schweiz und pEp Security, einem global agierenden Open Source Startup mit Sitz in Luxemburg und Zürich.In seiner Funktion als Solution Architect berät er grosse Unternehmen und Organisation zum Thema Cloud und die Zukunft der Informatik.

Platform as a Service with SwisscomRoland Ringgenberg, Cloud Advocate, SwisscomLearn more about the Swisscom Application Cloud - PaaS Offering and with whatkind of OpenSource Standards Swisscom is working on the new cloud product for Developers as well as the Beta-Program of Swisscom.

Since the late 90s Roland developed Rich Internet Applications and OpenSource software for many industries all over Europe. As an Engineer, Architect or Product Owner Roland gives everything to deliver a great product, while pushing the envelop as far as possible. In his current role as a Swiss-com Cloud Advocate he’s job is to build strong bridges between Swisscom’s 360° Cloud offerings and the awesome Swiss based Developer Community!

The future of IaaS software in a Docker worldDr. Sebastien Goasguen, Open Source Architect, CitrixOver the last year, it seems that Docker has taken over the IT world. With a great user experience and terrific simplicity in managing linux containers, Docker prom-ises to become the go-to platform to build distributed applications. This new trend is putting pressure on the the open source IaaS software that have been taking most of the attention in the Cloud era. How will Docker affect Openstack, Cloud-Stack, Opennebula and a few others? How should these systems integrate Docker? Does Docker mean the end of hardware virtualization? In this talk we will cover these key technologies, attempt to put things in perspective and present a few integration scenarios where we could get the best of both worlds. Docker and IaaS a marriage made in Heaven!

Sebastien Goasguen built his first compute cluster in the late 90’s when they were still called Beowulf clusters while working on his PhD; he has been working on making com-puting a utility since then. He has done research in grid computing and high perfor-mance computing and with the advent of virtualization moved to cloud computing in the mid 2000s.He is currently a Senior Open Source Solutions Architect at Citrix, where he works primarily on the Apache CloudStack project, helping develop the CloudStack ecosystem. Sebastien is the Vice President of the Apache CloudStack project and a member of the project management committee (PMC) of Apache libcloud. He focuses on the cloud ecosystem and has contributed to many open source project. He is current-ly writing the O’Reilly Docker cookbook in his spare time.

The Evolution of the ServerViktor Petersson, VP Business Development, CloudSigma AGThis talk will cover the evolution of servers from a user’s perspective. We will talk about the development of IaaS/PaaS/SaaS, as well as how this fits into the various hardware levels. The talk will also cover everything from virtualization technolo-gies, to containers and orchestration tools for these technologies.

While still in college Viktor Petersson co-founded the software company WireLoad, Inc. Since then, Viktor has grown WireLoad into a successful business. Later on he founded Screenly, the most popular digital signage solution for the Raspberry Pi. Viktor started working with Linux in the late 90s, long before it was a trendy buzzword in the main-stream media, and has been working with Unix and Linux in one way or another ever since. In 2013, Viktor joined CloudSigma to head partnerships and business develop-ment.

LibreOffice OnlineMichael Meeks, General Manager, Collabora ProductivityLibreOffice Online is the latest in-development technology from The Document Foundation. It targets a FLOSS equivalent of Office 365 built on top of excellent support for the Open Document Format (ODF) - bringing the privacy, security and feature-set of LibreOffice to the Cloud Office market. Come see some demos of the work so far, some architectural overview, and how this dovetails with LibreOf-fice-from-Collabora.

Michael Meeks is General Manager and Co-Founder of Collabora Productivity - Collab-ora’s dedicated business unit for LibreOffice services. A core member from its founding, he is a member of the Document Foundation’s Board of directors, and its Engineering Steering Committee. His contributions to OpenOffice.org began with Sun Microsystems, where he worked on integration with the Linux Desktop. In the past Michael has driven development of LibreOffice and OpenOffice.Org before it at Ximian, Novell and SUSE, contributing code to many key suite components. In other roles, he has contributed to MeeGo, GNOME, CORBA, Nautilus, Evolution and Open Source accessibility,amongst others.

The Open Cloud Alliance - Trust and Choice for the CloudPeter Ganten, CEO, UniventionBecause software used to provide major cloud services is generally unavailable, customers are stuck with huge vendor lock-in. The Open Cloud Alliance (OCA) pro-vides an alternative to vendor lock-in by creating and using a standardized open cloud platform that integrates a rapidly growing number enterprise applications (60 as of January 2015 and growing) into an easy-to-use identity and application management system. A standardized runtime environment is used atop Open-Stack and Docker, and enables cloud service providers to use the stack to provide a rich integrated set of SaaS offerings. In addition, by integrating with just one platform, software vendors have instant access to an expanding channel of cloud service providers. This way, customers always have the choice among providers without the need to change the application.

Peter Ganten, CEO of Univention, founded the company in 2002. Under Peter’s leader-ship Univention has become a leading European provider of Open Source software for corporate IT environments and for managing the identities using it. In 2011 Peter co-founded and is Chairman of the Open Source Business Alliance, the largest Open Source business network in the German-speaking countries. in 2014 helped to initiate the Open Cloud Alliance. Peter lives in Bremen, Germany and has four children.

The Makings of a Modern Application ArchitectureNicolas Regez, Cloud Foundry FoundationIt wasn’t too long ago that artisans, bathed in the glow of molten metal, forged parts that would go on to make up bigger, more powerful machines. Today, we call those artisans developers. Instead of metal, they use bits and bytes in the cloud to forge a modern application architecture.It’s an architecture that supports public, private and hybrid application deploy-ment. One that enables users and developers to move their applications wherever they need to go. And it’s built on a growing, vibrant ecosystem.In this talk, I’ll give you a look at the technologies driving this new level of efficien-cy for application developers. And I’ll explain why many prominent members of the Fortune 500 are building their futures on this modern application architecture.

Nicolas Regez works for Swisscom, one of the founding members of the Cloud Foundry Foundation, as Java Architect and Systems Engineer. He has a total of 15+ years of devel-oper/engineering experience and owns a master’s degree in theoretical physics.

Best of breed in the CloudSandro Köchli, Head of Sales, Adfinis sygroupAs Intel x86 became a standard in the past years, most of its alternative architec-tures slowly disappeared. Some of the remaining competitors such as IBM’s Pow-er or Oracle’s SPARC were often seen as too complex or cost-intensive and were therefore only used for top-notch servers and mainframes. Recently, IBM has opened the Power architecture and established the open power foundation to have a foot in the Open Source door. Now, Power8 is expected to be-come such a commodity as x86 and is therefore worth a consideration, especially for different workloads in your cloud platform. If finding the right hardware man-ufacturer is a critical process, the architecture must definitely not be neglected.Keep in mind that most cases will even allow multiple architectures in your cloud environment.Best of breed is magic term and people need to rethink their choices while build-ing a cloud environment.

Sandro Köchli ist langjähriger Linux User, Open Source Spezialist und Unternehmer. Er ist Mitinhaber von Adfinis SyGroup AG, einer der führenden Linux Engineering Firmen der Schweiz und pEp Security, einem global agierenden Open Source Startup mit Sitz in Luxemburg und Zürich.In seiner Funktion als Solution Architect berät er grosse Unternehmen und Organisation zum Thema Cloud und die Zukunft der Informatik.

Microservices in Cloud Foundry with Spring CloudAlain Sahli, Lead Software Developer, Mimacom AGCloud Foundry allows developers to deploy easily and often their applications. This is a great thing but it is only a part of the whole picture. In order to smoothly scale an application some patterns and basic architecture concepts must be taken into consideration. With Spring Boot, applications can be split into smaller parts called Microservices, which can be scaled in a more fine-grained manner. In addi-tion Spring Cloud provides tools to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers). Based on a presentation and demo, in this talk you will learn how to build resilient applications with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Alain Sahli ist Lead Software Developer bei der mimacom ag. Seine Kernkompetenz liegt in der Entwicklung von Enterprise Web Applikationen. Er hat mehrjährige Erfahrung mit der Spring IO Plattform und ist Committer im Spring Cloud AWS Projekt. Er ist überzeu-gt, dass die Zukunft in verteilten Architekturen sowie Cloud Infrastrukturen liegt.Alain Sahli is lead software developer at mimacom ag. His core competence is the de-velopment of enterprise web applications. He has several years of experience with the Spring IO platform and is a core committer in the Spring Cloud AWS project. He is con-vinced that distributed architectures and cloud infrastructures are the future.

Hybrid Cloud Cost Management & Cloud Service BrokeragePierre Vacherand, CTO, ApaliaThis session will provide experience feedback about Cost Management in an En-terprise Hybrid Cloud context. It will cover typical use cases and challenges related to IaaS, PaaS and SaaS Cost Management.It will also show the path for Enterprise IT and Procurement Departments to evolve towards the one-stop shop ““IT-as-a-Service Broker” position by offering to their internal users the best of breed Cloud services sourced from selected Cloud Ser-vice Providers and internal Private Cloud.

Pierre Vacherand is the CTO of Apalia, a System integrator specialized in Open Cloud solutions and services. Pierre is a Cloud IaaS specialist and has designed numerous Pub-lic and Private Clouds. He led the design of Amysta, a Cloud Management Platform run-ning with CloudStack, OpenStack and Public Cloud IaaS. He is also an active member of the Cloud Security Alliance. Pierre has been speaking at “Build a Cloud Days”, CloudStack meetups, CloudStack Collaboration Conference Europe and USA and Open Cloud Day Bern in 2014.

Deploying a service into the cloudMichael Eichenberger, CEO, stepping stone GmbHWhen is a service ready for the cloud? Or how to avoid common pitfalls while de-ploying a service into the cloud. This talk provides you with theoretical knowledge and real world examples on how to bring your service successfully into the cloud.

Michael Eichenberger has in-depth knowledge in the conception, design and imple-mentation of complex hard- and software systems. He has designed and implemented large infrastructures built upon Open Source Software. In 2004 he founded the compa-ny stepping stone GmbH, which specialises in the the operation of individual solutions, assembled from modular, standardised components.

Workshop 1b: Build your own Cloud – IaaS OpenNebulaNico Schottelius, Ungleich GmbHWhile OpenStack has found its way into the datacenters of many operators, a lot of people struggle with its complexity. Opennebula is an easy-to-use, but still power-ful alternative to OpenStack. It supports many real world use-cases out of the box and can make use of distributed filesytems like Ceph or GlusterFS. In this work-shop Nico Schottelius from ungleich GmbH will show how to setup and run Open-nebula. Participants are requested to bring a notebook with either CentOS/Redhat or Debian/Ubuntu installed (other Linux distributions are likely to work, but may exceed the time available in the workshop).

Nico Schottelius is the president of ungleich GmbH with headquarter in the “Swiss Sili-con Valley” in Glarus.He has been invited to give talks world wide about configuration management since 2011. He is the author of the c*-software series to which cdist, ctt and ccollect belong to.When he is not involved into improving and creating Open Source software or design-ing Linux infrastructures for customers, he teaches Concurrent C Programming at ZHAW Zurich.

Workshop 1a: Build your own Cloud – IaaS OpenStackJose Castro Leon, Cloud Architect, CERNOpenStack is an open source initiative for managing large pools of compute, stor-age and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed through a dash-board or via OpenStack API. OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.

Jose is an enthusiastic software engineer focused on management of large-scale cross-platform computing resources using standard open source tools.He is the respon-sible of the integration of the Cloud Service into the CERN environment and manages the Identity and Dashboard services for the CERN Cloud.Jose is also an OpenStack Active Technical Contributor on the Identity Service (Keystone) and Dashboard Service (Hori-zon), where his participationbrought to the community the support for Active Directory, external authentication using different mechanisms and Web single-sign on. He holds a M.Sc degree of Computer Science from Oviedo University.

Workshop 1c: Build your own Cloud – IaaS CloudStackDr. Sebastien Goasguen, Open Source Architect, CitrixCloudStack is the leading IaaS software at the Apache Software Foundation. It is used successfully by over 400 users to build public and private clouds around the world.With a strong ecosystem, a solid plugin mechanism and active community of users it is a drop in solution to manage your data center architecture and focus on your applications.

Sebastien Goasguen built his first compute cluster in the late 90’s when they were still called Beowulf clusters while working on his PhD; he has been working on making com-puting a utility since then. He has done research in grid computing and high perfor-mance computing and with the advent of virtualization moved to cloud computing in the mid 2000s.He is currently a Senior Open Source Solutions Architect at Citrix, where he works primarily on the Apache CloudStack project, helping develop the CloudStack ecosystem. Sebastien is the Vice President of the Apache CloudStack project and a member of the project management committee (PMC) of Apache libcloud. He focuses on the cloud ecosystem and has contributed to many open source project. He is current-ly writing the O’Reilly Docker cookbook in his spare time.

Workshop 2: OpenShift Tech LabDaniel Tschan, Chief Technical OfficerAnselm Strauss, Senior System Engineer & Member of the Technical Board, Puzzle ITC GmbHAm OpenShift Tech Lab haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Open Source PaaS von Red Hat näher kennenzulernen. Sie können dabei das Produkt vor Ort Live auf Ihrem Rechner testen und mehrere Anwendungsfälle durchspielen:ü Applikationen erstellen und löschenü Änderungen deployenü Namespaces/Domainsü mehrere Server/Brokerü Port forwardingü Binary deploymentü Jenkins Workflow usw.Die Spezialisten von Puzzle stehen Ihnen dabei zur Seite und beantworten Ihre Fragen.Daniel Tschan ist ein Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung und seit 2001 bei Puzzle. Er bes-chäftigt sich intensiv mit Themen wie Continuous Delivery und - Deployment und ist eine Kompetenz für OpenShift. So hat er unter anderem zum OpenShift Enterprise Ver-sion 3 Beta Programm contributed.

Anselm Strauss arbeitet seit 2009 bei Puzzle ITC als Linux System-Ingenieur. Er befasst sich seit Ende 2012 im Rahmen des Aufbaus einer PaaS-Lösung bei Puzzle mit OpenShift.

Workshop 3: How to build a private CloudWalter Demichiel, Geschäftsleiter, DW-Net Demichiel Aufbau einer privaten Cloud für Kleinbetriebe und Privatpersonen auf Basis von ownCloud Synchronisation und Sharing von Daten, Kontakte und Kalender mit Berechtigungssteuerung

Walter Demichiel, 37 Jahre alt, beschäftigt sich seit ca. 15 Jahre mit Linux und freier Soft-ware.Er ist überzeugt von dessen Nachhaltigkeit und stellt seinen Kunden SAAS und IAAS Plattformen auf open Source Basis zur Verfügung.

OrganisationDr. phil.nat. Matthias Günter, GnostX GmbH

Matthias Günter studierte Informatik an der Universität Bern. Bis Ende 2012 war er der CIO des Eidgenössischen Instituts für Geistiges Eigentum. Inzwischen arbeitet er als selbstän-diger Informatiker mit der Firma GnostX GmbH. Daneben ist er im Vorstand von /ch/open, des WWF Bern und im Verwaltungsrat verschiedener Firmen aktiv. Mit Open Source und offenen Standards beschäftigt er sich seit etwa zehn Jahren.

Prof. Dr.Thomas Michael Bohnert, ZHAW

Thomas Michael Bohnert (http://tmb.nginet.de) is Professor at Zurich University of Ap-plied Sciences where he heads the Research Area Service Engineering, that comprises the InIT Cloud Computing Laboratory (ICCLab, www.cloudcomp.ch) and the Service Prototyp-ing Lab (SPLab).His interests are focused on enabling ICT infrastructures and service platforms, coarsely ranging across mobile, cloud, and web computing.Prior to being appointed by ZHAW he was with SAP Research, SIEMENS Corporate Technol-ogy, and ran his own ICT consultancy. He was a visiting scholar at NEC Network Research Labs, Tampere University of Technology, VTT Technical Research Centre, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications during his PhD studies at the University of Coimbra

Amrita Prasad, ZHAW

Amrita Prasad is the new business development and community manager at ICCLab. Before joining ICCLab she was the fundraiser volunteer at ROKPA International in Zu-rich, working for the education of poor children in Zimbabwe. She started her career in India as Coordinator-Market Linkage at one of the largest Agribusiness NGO in India (ISAP) and was responsible for organising several business meetups, conferences and seminars. Thereafter, she studied Masters in International Business from the University of Birmingham, UK. After her Masters, she also worked for a little while for the Univer-sity of Birmingham India office, looking after their administration and liaisons work in India, organising road-shows, British Council exhibitions and educational counselling. She brings with herself experiences that she gained while living in UK, USA, France and now in Switzerland.

Sergio Maffioletti

Sergio Maffioletti (sergio.maffioletti@gc3.uzh.ch) is the project director of the Grid Com-puting Competence Center at the University of Zurich. He is also the Swiss Academic Compute Cloud (SwissACC) project leader. Since 2004 he has been involved in several grid and cloud related projects with both national (SwissBioGrid, ISS) and international (WLCG, EGEE, EGI) scope. Currently, he also serves on the Executive Board of the Swiss National Grid Association (SwiNG).

ModerationStéphanie von Erlach, Lic.phil.hist/AHL

Kommunikationsexpertin und Pädagogin; Geschäftsführerin von Stéphanie von Er-lach Inputs! Bern, Kommuniikations-Beratung und Projektleitungen (www.vonerlach.net); Coaching von Führungskräften; Referentin von skribent - schreiben écrire scriv-ere: Netzwerk für schriftliche Kommunikation (www.skribent.ch): Expertin für BM-Prü-fungen; breite Erfahrung als Vizestadtschreiberin von Bern, Geschäftsführerin von SBB Historic, Prorektorin und Dozentin einer Wirtschaftsmittelschule.

6th Cloud Foundry Meetup DACH at 18:00 @ Open Cloud Day


In the cloud era, the application platform will be delivered as a service, often described as Plat-form as a Service (PaaS). PaaS makes it much easier to deploy, run and scale applications. Some PaaS offerings have limited language and framework support, do not deliver key application ser-vices, or restrict deployment to a single cloud. Cloud Foundry is the industry’s Open PaaS and provides a choice of clouds, frameworks and application services. As an open source project, governed by the Cloud Foundry Foundation, there is a broad community both contributing and supporting Cloud Foundry.The Cloud Foundry User Group DACH is dedicated to bring together developers, providers and users of Cloud Foundry in the DACH region. Come and join us if you want to learn more about CloudFoundry or share ideas about PaaS, cloud-native applications, continuous delivery, micro-services, open source and many more related topics.

Please find more information about the talks and room location on the meetup page.